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Everything posted by EngIceDave

  1. I have done more travel than my wife post-covid, but we have done two cruises since. This just feels like going to the dark side of the moon or something. I think I am more nervous than she is, because she knows I plan it all to make is as comfy as possible for her and I.
  2. Hello.....we (me) booked all of our excursions through Carnival EXCEPT our "Unique Tahiti Full Day Tour" through Unique Tahiti. Good reviews and you pay after the tour. I wanted to make sure we saw the entire island, including the big wave surf mecca Teahupoo...even if surf is off, be cool to have seen it. Have a relation. BTW - Strongly recommend the app Tripit You take all your email reservations and simply forward them to your account and it automatically indexes it for you, online and on-phone, and shows you conflicts and even keeps Covid travel stuff up to date. I use the pro version, that's me. But it will help you keep track of all the reservations and more in one place. Basically like this All your flights, hotel, restaurant.... Not an ad, have nothing to do with them, just a user and for this trip a lot of help
  3. It's all pre-portioned line work They don't even have a photo of half plates to match it to.
  4. No one does They're of a decent size.
  5. Oh man....Plan very smartly and plan WAY AHEAD. Miami and Miami Beach is OUT OF CONTROL right now.... Saw a TikTok of a dude gettin' shot at the Beach (Miami Beach)... That festival is massive chaos
  6. Bear in mind, especially at Cucina, the portions are not "Cheesecake Factory sized."
  7. For a 7 day cruise, what's your bankroll? How much time do you play per day? Play every day? What do you play? What's average wager? That's the secret sauce.
  8. Exactly. How I thought they dealt with Heald without losing him entirely.
  9. But didn't Heald used to be a CD then became King CD, then Brand Ambassador?
  10. Hello.....How can you book something like this on such short notice? LOL Just FYI all, I plan to write a trip report on this cruise, I encourage all of you to join and participate with your thoughts and opinions. The information on Luminosa is very limited, so this may help a few out in the future
  11. Well, we're two weeks out....we have a week in Perth prior to the cruise. I have to admit, I am a bit nervous, and we have done a lot of travel, domestic and Europe. But this is a long way away and gone for a long time. We've never done a trip this long, much less a 22 day cruise.
  12. Jetstar seems like a Pacific version of EasyJet. :( Easyjet's business plan is to be wildly super strict on bag size and weight....that's how they get you. Another thing, don't be late, not one second. These super cheap overseas airlines' computer systems shut down the flight to the second of the end of check in time. No grace, no leeway. Have to rebook. Not trying to panic anyone, but I had never heard of Jetstar so I went and looked at their reviews and polices and it reminded me of EasyJet. Be careful to not be late at all and not exceed any of the baggage stuff.
  13. I agree with this, but I also like what Warren Buffett has said over the years, paraphrasing, "Invest in products and companies you use and enjoy." Avoid waves....but just like cruising, you can't avoid them so you just power through. Stay in your lane....Don't invest in things you don't know about or confuse you, like Bitcoin, bacon futures or tech.
  14. Thank you and from my research, seems like the only cool/cold places will be onboard the ship.
  15. I know. It's more profitable, but we are slowly destroying these places
  16. Which is my point, it's not the end of the world. Just clean it up and keep quiet about it to keep it out of the news. Want to explain red tide? They usually keep that kind of quiet nationally, keep it more a local story
  17. It's nice. Huge high ceiling, newer games, brighter. Harrah's felt dark, games were old. I know it has a Gordon Ramsey steak or something now.
  18. As a Floridian, the state/counties/cities all should shush the heck up, sack up, clean it up and toss it in the dump as fast as it comes ashore.. Talking about it drives people away, causes concern, as this thread alone proves. This is a self inflicted would to the tourism industry. Just clean it up all night, every night (it's not turtle season) and just be quiet about it.
  19. We have to start thinking about these small ports of call being overwhelmed and trampled to death by too many people. Check out the documentary. We should be thinking about smaller ships, not larger.
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