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Everything posted by clo

  1. Right. That's a change when I worked for an intl carrier.
  2. You can get short rubber boots for not much money.
  3. I'm 76 and earned every one of these but still.... I definitely "repackage" face moisturizer.
  4. I have about TEN pairs of Rothys and now my feet have gotten wider so I got a pair of these, aimed to people with wider feet. (My doctor told me that as we age the arch in our foot starts to flatten and make your foot wider. Dagnabit) I love the new ones. https://www.vivaia.com/
  5. Someone above mentioned Santorini and the crowds! Since your kids are school age you may want to avoid Greece over Easter. It's a huge holiday and crowded of course. Have fun.
  6. **************************THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our local country library branch offers help with homework. I know - off topic. Sorry.
  7. I have a puffer jacket but it needs something over it in the rain. I got a cheapie, almost rubbery, knee length with a hood and pockets so no umbrella most of the time.
  8. I worked in a library and supported them. There are still people, esp. children, who don't have access to computers. Amazing, I know. But as far as a cruise ship I just find them a quiet place to go.
  9. As well as everything else! But don't miss the hotdogs 😉
  10. When I travel I use my own conditioner. I have pretty fine (that's not a good word) hair.
  11. clo


    Thanks. I never knew this. Makes a world of sense. Probably part of the reason they insist on Saigon and not HCMC.
  12. I may have gotten off track. I was talking about Buenos Aires when I wrote BA )
  13. Plugs? What would an upgrade consist of in that case?
  14. clo


    That should be the kiss of death for restaurants. There's The French Laundry in NorCal and many others. I'm guessing the chef's presence is rare.
  15. I hope you adore BA. We've been there twice and would love to return.
  16. clo


    I can't remember if our guide said that one or two died from scooter accidents per day. We saw one body 😞
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