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Everything posted by VMax1700

  1. There is also a holiday in Ireland on 6th May (first Monday), but as you are in Newhaven/Edinburgh that day, you will still experience additional crowds as it is a holiday in Scotland too!. Certainly mid to late May would be perfect weather wise, but early May can be good too. I would have no problems with the weather at this time. As @fruitmachine says "4 seasons in one day!" We certainly experience the seasons during our August cruise!
  2. X99 is from South Queensferry and not Newhaven. You can pre purchase the Dart/bus day pass and have it mailed directly to your home address. Saves lots of time as you can go straight to the train while all the others are flaffing around at ticket machine or kiosk.
  3. Hey girl, your suitcase will be suffering from travel exhaustion if you keep this up! Have a great cruise and remember to pack your thong and do the necessary research for the other thread! 😂
  4. Presuming this is the May 4th Nieuw Statendam 14 day Wild British Isles with Belfast evening stay, then I would say that Douglas IOM and Dun Laoghaire can be long tender journeys. At Dun Laoghaire the tender does arrive just next to the local train station and you can get the local train (DART) directly into central Dublin. In Douglas you arrive to the Ferry port which can be quite busy at times. We did a similar cruise on Nieuw Statendam in August of this year and here is a link to my 'Live from' thread. You may find some information in it. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2956221-memo-from-the-british-isles-14-days-almost-live-from-nieuw-statendam/#comment-65883213
  5. If you have a choice of departure dates and there are alternative ports in Ireland, then look for one porting in Cobh, rather than Ringaskiddy (for Cork). Ringaskiddy is an industrial/commercial port and there is nothing close by. Cobh is a much more attractive area, with plenty to see and enjoy in the immediate locality.
  6. It could be related to this week's cruise being shortened because of the weekend weather event.
  7. SBP and HIA do not cover room service drinks. It's clearly mentioned in the t&c.
  8. It has not been done on our last two B.I. cruises 2023/2022. It was a very slow process. Both times we ported in South Queensferry for Edinburgh and used the large land based tenders.
  9. ah ok I understand now. If you are 'nudging' or quoting someone then you should use the @ sign and select the poster from the drop down menu @BetsyS. I didn't realise that you were quoting someone.
  10. successful auto update on S21FE Android 14
  11. Whilst spitting at someone may be interpreted as assault, I would think that spitting in their food is not assault, but food tampering or criminal damage. After all, your person was not assaulted, it was the food that was 'assaulted'.
  12. The latest 'upgrade' seems to have removed the facility to recall 'favorite' cruises. You can still mark them as favorite, but there does not seem to be a way to recall them. Also it seems that the 'Recently viewed cruises' section has been removed from the home page.
  13. I have looked on the app for our upcoming April Nieuw Statendam cruise and it does not mention any $5 additional charge.
  14. Working fine for me over in Europe (different server??) including being able to book shore ex.
  15. You would be shocked to be in Southern Spain (Andalucia) during the summer months and find the vino tinto served to you directly from the chiller! It is an acquired taste, but I am happy to report that after sufficient practice it can be acquired!
  16. I do feel twinges of jealousy reading your posts and drooling over your pics. Navigator is telling me that it is 130 days 4 hours and 16 minutes until our journey commences 😭 Can you report on who is responsible for the direction taken by this bubble of awesome? Master, HM, etc? Thanks
  17. Many places in Europe are now tap and go on your card. Scandanavian countries are even more so. Indeed, the Irish Govenment is currently considering legislation to force businesses to accept cash! However to answer your question, yes you can purchase currencies at the 'usury department' oops sorry, front desk! You will pay!
  18. $49.95 x 28 days = 1398.60 +18% gratuity = $1650.35 However if you do the calculation as $49.95 +18% grat = $58.94 x 28 days = $1650.32. HIA price is inclusive of gratuity.
  19. @cruisemom42 I think you need to ask admin to change the thread title to Nieuw Statendam?
  20. I have checked various official websites and it does appear that we Europeans can view this wonderful "Bubble of Awesome" in which you travel, without the necessitity to apply for any additional visas, either real or virtual. Really looking forward to the results of your research, specially if it is in 12 point! 😉(Elite and not pica!). Have a great cruise!
  21. There is now a 'Log in' icon on the home page, top margin RHS and..... surprise, surprise, It works!
  22. I have just checked the price in the euro zone and it has gone from €45 per day to €65 per day. That is one heck of an increase! 45% 🤔
  23. Currently, that is the only one that seems to be available 🤔
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