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Everything posted by RFerrington

  1. Can you imaging the GenPop “outrage” if a public venue was transformed for the entitled elite ?! Yikes ! 😵😵
  2. Those codes are strictly an internal shell game with how they discount the cruise fare. We do not play slots either and there is always a “slots” deduction in the pricing to bring the fare cost down to -0-. I don’t think anyone outside of the bean counters know what those codes mean. I suspect it is a way of “charging” the appropriate casino code for the discounts. I quit trying to figure it out years ago.
  3. My experience is that BOGO has always been a better choice ($$-wise) than Chops+1. We pay ~$75 PP (including gratuity) for Chops, making the meals ~$38 PP/ per meal. Chops+1 is running about $85 PP (before gratuity), making each meal ~$52 PP/per meal. I have never done Chops+1 so I don’t know if you can eat both of your meals at Chops or if you have to choose a less expensive option for night #2…but if you have to choose a less expensive option, that would cause the value to be even lower than my example above b/c a Chops meal is more expensive than, say, Giovanni’s. We just boarded Adventure and were able to book Chops tonite (night 1) and night 4. We will both pay full price tonite and then get a $-0- bill on night 4. We had a similar experience last week on Freedom. No problem paying on night 1 and then eating “for free” later in the week. On Wonder, a few weeks ago, we had a similar experience to @firefly333, where we were required to use both of our BOGO on nights #1 and #2. Much less enjoyable but we made it work.
  4. I have found that it’s best not to ask for permission. We just book and pay full price the first night and book our second freebie night whenever we want it. Every time I’ve “asked” I’ve gotten a “no” but when I just do it….it works out fine.
  5. Just of Freedom today. We booked Chops on day 1 and both paid full price. Then, we ate at Giovanni’s on night 4 for $-0-. Worked great.
  6. We made lunch reservations right at the kiosk at the Club and had no problem whatsoever getting a noon-ish reservation.
  7. ^^This^^ Why would someone who just wanted a DJ, a pool and a cold drink pay for it when they can already get it for free ?
  8. On our last cruise (Grandeur, 9-2) they had made a reservation for us on night #2 for Giovanni's. This is the first time I can remember where they actually made a reservation for us. We went ahead and kept it but we could have changed it if we had wanted something different.
  9. My recent experience is that they are not making you sign for your voucher drinks. Not once, on Wonder or Grandeur did they provide us with a receipt.
  10. We are not particular fans of the CLS due to the stairs and smallish balcony. I agree with @torpeedo and prefer the OS to the CLS. I do, however, like being on the 17th floor, in general. Trade-off, to be sure !
  11. As long as your set sail pass shows "suite" on it, you will be able to board with the suites regardless of when your arrival time is. Be sure and get in the right line ! They are pretty close together. Unfortunately, there is no priority disembarkation for JS.
  12. There still was a few weeks ago when we were on EX. It is forward and is, I think, where the library is located. It was very nice and quiet. I used it often.
  13. We boarded Grandeur last Saturday with a 3 night package. They actually did have us scheduled for Giovanni's on night #2. We ended up keeping that one but we could have changed it to some other option if we had chosen to do that.
  14. Nope. No carry-over from 1 ship to another. BUT you could use your free D+ for 2 days and then use your 30% (Prime discount) for the remaining days. I didn’t price that out for this cruise but in general, the pre-purchase discount is usually the best price for 7 days or longer. Not sure how long your Grandeur cruise is… For the first time in a VERY long time, I have given up on the casino for the rest of this cruise. I’ve never had a run of bad luck like this. I just could NOT win. I’m done for the rest of this cruise. Will start over on Freedom on 9-18. Really enjoyed Bimini. First time here. Beautiful beaches ! Our excursion was a bust. The boat we left in (snorkeling excursion) went tits up and had to be towed back to the dock. Lol. We decided to just get off and get a refund rather than wait for another boat to take us out. I would come back here though.
  15. We’re on Grandeur now and it is, without a doubt, the worst internet I’ve ever experienced. Completely and totally useless. We are on deck 8. Horrible. Yesterday the thing went completely down for about 2 hours. They said the satellite was the issue. Whatever. As @orville99 said, you’re better off burning your money. At least you could roast a marshmallow.
  16. On Grandeur now and our TTE was at 5:00 PM on day 2. Never had one in the evenings before. We didn't attend...but we rarely do anyway.
  17. Yippee ! Congratulations ! Nice to have a big suite for 18 days !
  18. On Wonder, 2 weeks ago, we were required to use all of our BOGO on days 1 and 2. This week, on Grandeur, we were able to pay for our BOGO on day 1 and use the second half of each of our BOGO later in the week. It's really just a coin toss.
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