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Everything posted by Stumblefoot

  1. It’s incredible. Especially when made with fresh caught tuna. Just saying the word, Poke, makes me hungry. You know, like when JP and Dr. Ron post their food pics.
  2. Ocean is where we embarked in 2019 on the Shadow. Of course, it wasn't a part of the WC then.
  3. He took @Randyk47's suite. SS made a cool extra $4K in the matter of day.
  4. It's that new fangled math they've been teachin' all the kids these days.
  5. If I didn't know better, I'd say you're a pretty good damn attorney.
  6. Just imagine if the queen was 61, which is what Diana would be. Wouldn’t even be a “senior” yet.
  7. I imagine SS would happily oblige since you’re transferring from a holiday voyage booking made many months ago to a standard period voyage. Much better margin to SS that way and they gain a berth back to resell for a much more expensive holiday voyage.
  8. Glad to read that you made it to Japan and are back on SS. Have you seen any cherry blossoms yet, or is it too late already? Maybe in the far north?
  9. Oo, those sound good. Will definitely have to try them the next time I sail. You know how I feel about the hamburger. By far, the worst I’ve had anywhere in the world. Awful. Absolutely awful. I do love your fish sandwich idea though!
  10. No, they have massive docks there due to the crab fishery.
  11. I was thinking the same thing! As a fan of “Deadliest Catch”, I’d be ticked. I wonder how much the excuses given were to hide the fact the captain didn’t want to ride the swells into the harbor?
  12. You’ll have to get yourself one of those new fangled digital video recorders. They are fantastic as they allow you to fast forward through all of the commercials and singing (my God, I thought we sang entirely too many songs in church, but whew, the Brits take it to a whole other level) and just enjoy the action shots. I think Silver Queen boiled down 5-hours of television coverage into a nice 1/2-hour show for me. I will say though, it was quite interesting how many times they played “My Country, 'Tis of Thee“. 😉
  13. Yikes! How in the world could they mess up such easy cuisine? Even I, a lowly Stumble, can make good Mexican food. Now you’ve got me hungry here on Cinco de Mayo. @QueSeraSera, mix up a pitcher of margaritas!
  14. What does this mean?
  15. My goodness! I could not fathom such a scene. The best strategy I've found is to stay overnight in Oia, just like Venice, to avoid the crowds. The last time I visited in June with Silver Princess, it was glorious. The crowds start to thin by mid-afternoon and by late afternoon, it's a totally different vibe as if you have the place to yourself.
  16. Où est JP le francophile?
  17. I think it's called the "Dusk Bar" on Silver Nova. Probably a similar concept to the one you remember.
  18. Good workout! Used to drive my dog nuts when I did this in the pool.
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