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Everything posted by memoak

  1. They don’t have a ship small enough to sail to Amazon Due to river pollution only very small ships are allowed. We cruised the Amazon on the old Pacific before things got too bad
  2. You do know that in the MDR and IC there are many people touching good. You have to trust to a degree
  3. Hard to eat sandwich’s, hot dogs, hamburgers, cookies, doughnuts etc without eating with your hands. Being careful is one thing cutting a cookie in pieces is something else
  4. The only Princess ships that can fit through the old locks are the Coral and Island the grand class ships like the Emerald go through the new locks. It is size not cost
  5. I find it interest that of all the Panama Canal cruise available to book right now none of them are on Royal or Sphere ships
  6. That is why I always take screenshots of travel summary, Elite status, Spa appointments and excursions
  7. You are probably around more sick people in the MDR than anywhere else. Tables are close together and you are interacting with staff all the time. We are back and forth from deck 5 to deck 14 all the time I am more likely to trip and fall than get ill from an elevator. Disease like cold, flu , noro etc have always been present on cruise ships and in hospitals and always will
  8. even though I no longer live in California my credit card is through Patelco. Wasn’t really a big deal as my card never stopped working and I was not charged a late fee
  9. Yes happening all the time. My credit union got hit with a random ware attack a couple of weeks ago. Took out all online banking services for a week
  10. We got our medallions a few days ago for our July 31 cruise and lo and behold this morning I got an email telling me that they are being shipped now Ha Ha
  11. Unless you sit in the last row it is impossible to keep people from sitting behind you. Again one more reason to avoid the buffet when you can. On our 16 day cruise a few months ago we only went to the buffet 3 times I believe and that was only to get some cheese and bread
  12. For those of us who take the plus package this does not do very much since you can only drink when the casino is open
  13. I think you are referring to an alcohol only plan as opposed to the package. People only take the drink only plan if their cabin mate does not want to buy the package. Both plus and premier packages include room service. The drink only plan does not
  14. Never ever. We.cruised in April no charge with plus packsge
  15. So why when I log in shy do I only see my own data ?
  16. I am on my account now all I see is my cruises. If there is an issue it is the browsers not Princess I am on safari. Don’t blame Princess for a browser issue
  17. I would not panic. 2 weeks ago my credit union was hit by a random wear attack. Fixed in one week I was still able to use my credit card and all is now well
  18. I think our friend Bruce should be in Crooners but who knows. Who do you know at Vines we spend some afternoon time there on sea days
  19. We will be on the Grand
  20. If they can go through the canal that is pretty quick. Lauderdale to SF is about 16 days and 4 more to Seattle.
  21. Typo on my part I meant to say old locks Mea Culpa
  22. We never book till on board and never have an issue but then we never eat before 7:30 or 8:00
  23. I’m not the one asking the question
  24. Responding to the poster who was wondering how the Star would reposition to the West Coast through the canal
  25. Well it sure can’t fit through the new ones
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