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Everything posted by neverbeenhere

  1. What about the shows and piazza musical groups? as one gentleman said; “The Pizzazz” (and he thought he had it correct)
  2. We bring a large stack of Cleveland's and hand at least one to every person we see, including fellow passengers. The bills seem to make people happy for some reason. Other than that, do whatever you want to do. Enjoy your cruise.
  3. At LA Harbor, there are lanes, but they just don't matter. Greens to the left, Blues to the right, stuck in the middle with you.
  4. TA, I can interpret just fine. I also know what TnA is.
  5. I've never seen these ruins, but I did try getting wrecked at the Krazy Lobster, once.
  6. Those Towel Animals are nice. Aren't they the Famous Piccolo Pete?
  7. Asked for lowest sodium possible. Head waiter had me order the day in advance. “He was going to personally make my meal” First day he brings a salad with no dressing , but with plenty of cheese and olives. I laughed. Next course, he brought salmon with sauce and a baked potato rolled in salt. I cried. To say the least, we didn’t make it back to the MDR that cruise. Now, I police my own foods.
  8. I take a Chromebook, if someone wants to steal it, go ahead, I’ve got more.
  9. Been using this meteorologist for years, it beats the TV weather guy at 68%
  10. That's what I was writing about. It would be a repetitively loud room under my definition. But that's what the thread was about as far as I read.
  11. I didn't read this thread, but please don't wear loud shorts in the dinning room.
  12. A side note about Santa and the Easter Bunny, they are ***** ********** **** ******. Our 6 year old niece walked into the room.
  13. That would be a You Tube camera. BTW I’ve seen the videos and you need to brush up on your technique.
  14. Sorry maybe 75 iff TV so passengers are loaded on.
  15. Around 4,000 passengers with about 3,400 getting off. Priority for a lot of tenders for ship’s tours. The boats line up at the ship but the ship can only debark folks so fast through two exits. Also most of of the boats don’t carry 50 folks.
  16. The tram is free for all. Unless something serious has changed. I have never gone in the ocean on Labadee.
  17. Cruise ship staterooms have televisions? Interesting, I thought that thing was a one-way mirror.
  18. 11:15 - You will need a tender ticket. (You need to be on a tender at 10:30ish)
  19. I tip $1,000 USD every time we get room service.
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