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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. There are many different definitions of wealth. Certainly if you were on the Forbes list you likely will travel on your own aircraft and on your own yacht or lease something similar. Others with more moderate wealth which total many millions who cruise select the line they most enjoy and that doesn't have to be a luxury line. A couple we know well in the last town we live in who can easily take a top suite on any luxury line prefer Royal Caribbean. For them it works. Like all things this comes down to personal preference and how they want to spend their disposable income or for that matter for some they might take a cruse of a lifetime. The good new is there is lots of choice out there and how much choice an individual has depends on various factors and one if how much they want to spend. Same goes for who one sails with. Some have no go-to line and will sail a wide range of lines for various reasons whether that is for itinerary or even to change things up and sail a range of lines and/or vessels. Others sail one line or evolve to one line. And back to value. Value is in the eyes of the beholder. In our case I believe we get a lot of value from cruising over a land based vacation and for us the Crystal product provides us with the value we consider important. I know some who would say there is on way they will take a cruise and be in the same room with their spouse for that length of time saying they will go stir crazy and this would lead to too many fights. Choice is good although once in a while can be overwhelming if one is looking for a product on Amazon.Com and is faced with 100's of choices. 🤣 Keith
  2. 15+ years ago on our first visit to Sydney, Australia. I remember the day as if it was yesterday. Keith
  3. For the original posters benefit. On the Crystal website it says nearly one crew member per guest. As have said the precise ratio will vary per cruise. Keith.
  4. when we got off Serenity in 2018 someone was in a similar boat as you as they were debarking the ship in Lisbon wearing slippers. I suppose there have been instances where someone got off in a bathrobe. Keith
  5. Well full disclosure. When I hurt my ankle in August playing Paddle Tennis for three days during the daytime I wore Crystal Slippers a few times around the ship when the pain was too tough to take with sports shoes or regular shoes on. But.........Not at night. 🤣 But it was sure tempting. Txcotn I wear a size 12 and just thought that was average but I decide to google it and evidently 10.5 is the average men's shoes size. If not for this discussion including learning about Dwight's shoe size I would never have learned something new. For those of you who remember basketball star Bob Lanier back in our day that was the largest size of any basketball player at the time. He wore a 22. That means one foot is larger than two feet combined for the average person. Keith
  6. Crystal has said close to 1 to 1. On some cruises it won't be quite that high, on other cruise that hight and on several cruises this year the ratio has been more than one crew member per guest. Keith
  7. Then there is the totally relaxed look going without shoes. And yes I saw this once but only in the Crystal Cove and it wasn't on a formal night. 🤣
  8. Should you want to view e-brochure and forgot to uncheck the box I mentioned in the post above Crystal does have a place on their website where you can unsubscribe. It is one of the items on towards the bottom of their home page. This link will take you were you can unsubscribe. https://www.crystalcruises.com/mail-unsubscribe Keith
  9. This is the second time the past few months when wearing sports shoes has come up. I don't spend a lot of time looking to see how others dress. What I can say though is that whether or not wearing sports shoes in formal attire is a trend I didn't not this on the formal evenings on board our two Crystal cruises this year. On occasion have I seen someone on a formal night on past cruises in sports shoes? Absolutely. Was it because they liked the look, wanted the attention they would get from that, or had a foot issue? I have no idea. Keith
  10. Cost is one of many factors that people factor into their cruising decisions not only who they cruise with, but the itinerary (flights have costs too) length of cruise, accommodations, etc., etc. ,etc. It is easy to figure out what the cost of a trip will be. As to who provides the overall value that is in the eyes of the beholder and that is because while one lines bottom line cost might be higher it comes down to how one values each product. No two products are created equally when it comes to cruising or for that matter most things. Keith
  11. A photo of Crystal Serenity 15+ years ago on our first visit to Auckland, New Zealand. Keith
  12. This is the point I was trying to make in my post. People don't aways see things in the same way. In the end, the only opinion that matters is your own one and opinions vary and sometimes things change.
  13. As I read the posts it reenforces my view that in the end the only opinion that matters is our very own. One can do a lot of research but only you can decide. For example, before we book a hotel, even one I've stayed at before, I read the reviews. Some might say the hotel was glowing and others didn't care for it. Even on the same cruise some people have a great time and others not as good. When I read the comment about Oceania food I think back to there couples we know personally; one from cruising and two who live in our community. One couple took their first Oceania cruise in June and disliked it and left before their second back to back cruise started and boarded Serenity. They didn't care for Oceania. And the two couples who live here who used to like Oceania said the crew was overworked, not like they used to be and the food which they say used to be great was not longer what it was and they were don't sailing Oceania. So in the end, one can ask for as much input as possible and try to make the most informed decision but until they see for themselves they just can't be sure. Even those who like a cruise line don't always agree on all aspects of it. In my case I just consider us to be fortunate to have sailed on several different cruise lines over the years and found one that truly works for us. At this stage of our lives we see no need to sail another one unless it was itinerary driven because for us Crystal is ideal. Keith
  14. A view of Crystal Symphony sixteen years ago while sailing New York City to Montreal. Keith
  15. First stop on the first World Cruise we took was Jamaica. We were surprised. Had been there one time on a Celebrity Cruise and we thought at the time one time too many. 😀 Keith
  16. We are all unique. A person can find a product better for them because of what they value in a product and what they like. It's really OK for something to be better. So when it comes to cruising some people find one or more lines to be better than others and for another person the reverse might be true. Is that really a surprise? And better can change for someone overtime. When I was 20 better for me might have been a mainstream line than a luxury line. Today, the reverse is true. Same goes for most things. As to how much time one spends on a line whereas for someone it might be boring for someone else it might be just the opposite. So it goes.
  17. The major difference is we are on a flight for x number of hours not days or even weeks. We don't have time on that flight to converse with everyone about what we paid. We do on a cruise. People talk on cruise lines and that is a problem is fare are significantly reduced. And yes agree that even old Crystal offered some incentives but not something that would take a cruise of 200 guests to a full ship. Crystal built all of this into their business plan and that was fully understanding that booking in 2023 and into 2024 would be low. So my vote is they continue with this strategy to ensure pricing integrity. As I have said from the beginning these are very smart people who have thought this through. And we are seeing that is working as more and more people I know have been adding more and more cruises. As for time will tell which is a phrase I have used on this board for several years and always enjoy when others day the same, the next Crystal Serenity cruise is pretty much full. The Serenity Holiday Cruise is in the same boat. I am seeing other cruises we are booked on with increasing numbers as I see several categories wait listed. And the same is true for a number of other cruises. In the end Crystal will figure out what makes sense. If they need to adjust pricing they will but glad to see they have not panicked. There is no need to.
  18. Pricing integrity. How would you feel it you booked early and learn that someone else came on for a far less price. Customer loyalty is important. Keith
  19. Welcome home. I am glad to hear how much you enjoyed the cruise. You are so right. All of this was built into the business plan. They knew that many people had other cruises booked by the time they put out the itineraries for not only 2023 but for 2024. Keith
  20. I would be careful on this one. I believe your cruise ended in Dubai and the cruise that the original poster asked about ends in Mumbai. I am not saying it will be a problem but just so there are no surprises I think it is important for the original poster to have their TA verify this with Crystal. Even if it was the same port I would say yes to verify it because rules could change. Keith
  21. What I do know is that on the next Serenity sailing it is close to sold out. Only one category of room is not waitlisted. Keith
  22. Sixty days before your cruise you can go to "My Account (your account) and you will see the pricing for each shore excursion. Thankfully, Crystal does not include excursions in the cruise fare. I hope this continues. Keith
  23. Sailing the Pacific Ocean in late January of 2020. Keith
  24. As many times as we have transited the Panama Canal we always enjoy the day. Each time is unique in its own way. Even the weather makes a difference. Keith
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