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Everything posted by miched

  1. We were in a SS on the Equinox in Nov. Many nights we ordered from the MDR and maybe Blu as the food menu in Luminae didn’t appeal to us. It seemed as if every night there was duck, cod or lamb. They are ok but not my first choice. It seems as if they’re was always a pasta dish, chicken, and vegetarian. I am not a fan of pasta, don’t want to eat chicken every night Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  2. In the Spa Care for breakfast there used to be 3 different types of energy bars, cookies, and muffins. It looks as if they have been eliminated. The energy bars were fantastic. You mentioned that you received a call that you could use your OBC to book a future cruise. This must be some new as you couldn’t do it before. You had to charge it directly to a Credit Card. It would be nice if they now allow it. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  3. I was looking at MSC cruises after reading this and am considering trying them. They seem to be in line with X and may offer more perks and frills in the Yacht Club than the Retreat. There is the Escape to Sea price and one with the All In that includes the Easy Drink Package and Wi-Fi for an additional cost. It can be upgraded to The Premium Drink Package for and additional cost. What is the extra cost? Are the gratuities for the drinks included in the package? Escape to Sea Take advantage of these special cruise only reduced rates. Please note that these special rates are not eligible to receive extra perks and amenities. If you are in the Yacht Club what extra perks and amenities would you be excluded from? Free drinks and WiFI Go ALL-IN and get unlimited drinks plus free wi-fi on this cruise! The ALL-IN promotion includes the Easy Drink Package. Guests can upgrade from the Easy Drink Package to the Premium Plus Drink Package for an additional charge. How are the daily gratuities handled? Are they included in the Yacht Club or the All In package or are they an additional daily charge? The All In doesn’t list the gratuities. Thanks for using your time Happy cruising 🌊🚢🌅🇺🇸
  4. How did you get this offer???? 🙄 Look on Celebrity’s website. It has been going on for a long time You TA is fishing for business thru a marketing ploy from Celebrity. Do as was suggested in post #2. Be aware that there are 2 prices. One is for a refundable deposit and the other for non refundable. The non refundable charges a $100 service fee pp and the rest is given for a future cruise credit if the cruise is canceled. You have to weight the options as the refundable rate may cost up to $1000 more pp. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  5. Look at the difference between a veranda and AQ. The AQ comes with the 3 perks if you book it. The difference in cost is more than covered by those perks. If you do a move up you don’t get those perks unless you already paid for them. Ex. 7 day cruise cost difference is $600 pp and you get the perks, plus an upgrade depending on CC status. Move up bid is $400 pp. it is accepted. You don’t get the perks or the points and can’t choose the cabin. For $200 extra you would get the perks Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  6. Sad thing is we have done both because we had a lot of OBCN. Both were a bust for us. They were on different cruises and ships. Chefs market Place was in St Lucia. They took us to the market and walked us thru it showing us the different sections. We have been there before walking to the the town section. They didn’t do anything that we didn’t see on our own. We then went to the Pink house. That was the best part. Food was good and better than our dinner that night. The dinner at night was family style and most was over cooked and not that good. It didn’t help when the Sommelier asked if I wanted some wine. I said yes I have the premium package He poured some and said it is what they recommend, and asked if I liked it. I said it was fine. I asked again if it was within the package and he said yes it is $10. My glass would get within 1/4 of being empty and he was on the spot to refill it. Service was great. Didn’t need the last glass of wine. At the end of dinner he gave me and also the couple next to us a bill as they were also drinking the same wine. . Mine was for $48. 4 fills at $10 plus 20%. The wine wasn’t that great and not worth the extra cost Chef’s Table for us was a bust. It depends on the other guest dining with you. There were 11 of us seated at a table for 8. They weren’t the social type and all thought they were expert food critics complaining about everything. We just sat there without saying a thing trying to enjoy the dinner. The officer with us would talk about something and one couple would keep telling him that they weren’t interested in that. The chef or cook would just announce what they were serving. No detail or anything about how it was prepared. We would have been also been better off booking a dinner in that restaurant and be able to choose our entree instead of what they served and enjoyed a table by our selves Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  7. Some need it as a bridge to help them in between meals. We were walking thru the buffet from the aft bar around 5 pm going to our cabin to get ready for dinner. There was a couple with plates loaded to the brim. Another couple seen them and asked “we thought you were dining with us tonight, why are you eating now?” Answer. We are but that isn’t until 6. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  8. For the most part priorities are a joke and this doesn’t just apply to the cruise lines. With all of the rewards and status categories everyone has a priority. The priority is you are next in line Granted there are some that are legit but don’t think you are the only one that gets special treatment. Checking in has become a speedy process. No matter what if you get there at the assigned boarding time the ship won’t sail without you. If you get there earlier you may have to wait or you could get lucky and they let you board. I would opt for the later but don’t complain about having to wait Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  9. If you get the multiplier are you charged with the extra amount? Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  10. With all of the cut backs and the poor excuse of supply issues I can see the future. In the drink pack there will be a bottled water supply issue. We all know about the droughts in many areas of the world. I am thinking that bottled water is the next cut as Celebrity will claim supply issues and also going green. Celebrity will jump on this opportunity by issuing to those with drink packages refillable water bottles that can be refilled at the bars by the BT’S. Joke is that it is the same water that comes out of the tap in your stateroom. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  11. It is a sales pitch taking you thru the public areas. A waste of time. You can see it yourself on your own by exploring the ship Don’t enter any raffles. If you do you will be bombarded with mail. You also need to be present to win. Usually the item isn’t worth much or you have to spend some to get some. Enjoy your the cruise you paid for and not to be coned into wasting your time on informercials Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  12. De-ending on the price difference we will book a suite but also enjoy AQ. Onour last cruise in a SS we felt that Luminae menu was not that great. We ordered for the MDR or AQ menu. We were on a S class and could do that. Blu is nice and about the same as Luminae. A smaller dining area but can get rather noisy if you have large parties. We have sailed in a veranda and found that the breakfast in the MDR was just as good if not better. There were more options and they came around with the same juices and pastries. Our intent was to book a 6 or 7 night dining pack with the money saved over AQ or a suite. We didn’t do that as we found the MDR with select dining very nice and satisfied us. We also dined in the MDR for lunch on sea days. It didn’t feel any different than Luminae. We had great service and good food. Look at the prices and evaluate. I don’t agree with the once you book a suite you will never go back. We have done it many times and enjoyed the cruise with no regrets and don’t feel as if we missed out on anything. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸
  13. If you like Moscow Mules try a Kentucky (bourbon) Mule. It is made with bourbon instead of Vodka. If you want a drink similar to a mudslide ask for a Bushwacker. They have their version and I showed the BT mine. He made it according to my recipe i will also get it at Cafe al Bacio with the addition of a shot of espresso and not blended but over ice. The employees would call it the kitchen sink after the first time I ordered it. it is very smooth and goes down easy. We would get one coming back from a port to take back to the cabin. Problem was my drink would be empty when we got there. So I would take my wife’s card and go to a bar to order 2 old fashions. I needed 2. One was a traveler and the other would make it to the cabin 🍷🍸🥂🍺 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  14. Same here. We mostly sail in the Caribbean. Very seldom do we ever go there when it is a stop. There is nothing there for us. Lately we have been lucky that due to wave conditions we by pass it and have a sea day. A sea day means there are more activities on board, the restaurants are open for lunch, casino is open and so are more bars. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  15. Eliminate the production shows and replace with guest entertainers Return the Elite HH to one lounge and not be available at any other bars or give 2 drinks per day that can be used anytime. Eliminate the Art Auctions Replace the balcony furniture with comfortable reclining chairs and foot stools. More electrical outlets in the cabins and better lighting. Enforce the rules, regulations, and codes that they have. Provide what is promised and don’t use supply issue as an excuse. If it isn’t available then refund a portion of the cost Have a better selection of Bourbon and stock it. Get rid of Kelly as the designer. Bring back the welcome aboard Sparkling wine. That was the first impression of Celebrity that we had and was sold as it being the cruise line for us. Issue wrist bands with medallions to be used instead of cards. No lost cards and more convenient Just for fun. Weight the passengers as they board and then when they disembark. Charge them a surcharge per pound gained. If they lost weight give a refund. I would wear very heavy clothes plus weigth straps boarding and very light clothing leaving. 🤗 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  16. I don’t know of any reason why they would change it We have been sailing in AQ for ages. The configuration of Bu hasn’t changed. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  17. If you want to play you have to pay. Over the last 3 months our favorite restaurant has raised it’s prices 50% Sorry to say we won’t be going there as much if at all. It is our choice. Taking a cruise is a privilege and not a right. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  18. Please don’t say that you like it. It seems as if everything that passengers like is being eliminated.😩😢 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  19. The next cut will be smaller hamburgers with holes in them like White Castle, every little amount eliminated is profit. The bean counters are destroying the cruise experience like do for other businesses. They go for immediate profits but cause future bankruptcy by driving away the customers. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  20. Those that are there for the free drinks because they don’t have a drink pack, want to meet the senior officers, or have nothing else to do. It is a nice event and worth going to unless you are having a great time somewhere else at the time and that is usually our situation. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  21. You can cash in refundable credit any time. You don’t have to wait until the last day The NFC is what it is. There is no cash refund. The only way to utilize it is to use it. if you don’t use it you lose it. The best way to convert it to cash is trying your luck in the casino. Ask them in the casino and they will help you. A little grease helps and is appreciated. 😜 Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  22. If you look google the history of lobster it use to be a pauper’s dinner. It was served to prisoners and they protested. From Wikipedia Lobster continued to be eaten as a delicacy and a general staple food among coastal communities until the late 17th century. During this time, the influence of the Church and the government regulating and sometimes banning meat consumption during certain periods continued to encourage the popularity of seafood, especially shellfish, as a meat alternative among all classes. Throughout this period, lobster was eaten fresh, pickled, and salted. From the late 17th century onward, developments in fishing, transportation, and cooking technology allowed lobster to more easily make its way inland, and the variety of dishes involving lobster and cooking techniques used with the ingredient expanded.[70] However, these developments coincided with a decrease in the lobster population, and lobster increasingly became a delicacy food, valued among the rich as a status symbol and less likely to be found in the diet of the general population.[71] The American lobster was not originally popular among European colonists in North America. This was partially due to the European inlander's association of lobster with barely edible salted seafood and partially due to a cultural opinion that seafood was a lesser alternative to meat that did not provide the taste or nutrients desired. It was also due to the extreme abundance of lobster at the time of the colonists' arrival, which contributed to a general perception of lobster as an undesirable peasant food.[72] The American lobster did not achieve popularity until the mid-19th century when New Yorkers and Bostonians developed a taste for it, and commercial lobster fisheries only flourished after the development of the lobster smack,[73] a custom-made boat with open holding wells on the deck to keep the lobsters alive during transport.[74] Before this time, lobster was considered a poverty food or as a food for indentured servants or lower members of society in Maine, Massachusetts, and the Canadian Maritimes. Some servants specified in employment agreements that they would not eat lobster more than twice per week,[75]however there is limited evidence for this.[76][77] Lobster was also commonly served in prisons, much to the displeasure of inmates.[78] American lobster was initially deemed worthy only of being used as fertilizer or fish bait, and until well into the 20th century, it was not viewed as more than a low-priced canned staple food.[79] As a crustacean, lobster remains a taboo food in the dietary laws of Judaism and certain streams of Islam.[note 1][ To me lobster, and snails wouldn’t have any taste or flavor without the garlic butter, but that can apply to many other foods that need some kind of extra seasoning, gravy, or sauce. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  23. I think eggs may be next on what is eliminated. The price of eggs has doubled. They are now about $5/dozen for the cheapest eggs at our local large chain store. With that increase I am sure many items using eggs will also be eliminated or limited I don’t mind them not having Prime rib. I make it 2 times a year, Easter, and Christmas. I get it on sale for $7.99/lb and freeze one. If it wasn’t on sale I wouldn’t serve it. I would replace it with a slow cook brisket on a smoker. For what is is worth i think a hamburger or meat loaf is better than Prime rib but it does makes holiday dinner more special. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  24. If I am reading it correctly Celebrity should dock a little further out than 1/2 mile and not have that issue. It looks like an excuse to cut more into products that were paid for without producing. Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
  25. They should also close down all dining venues so the passengers have to dine there. When we have that place a port we rarely go anymore. I don’t like the long tender ride and there is nothing there If they ever do shut everything down on board I still won’t go there. It will be my protest. I will stock up on food and beverages Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅
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