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Everything posted by Ourusualbeach

  1. Pretty close to the same layout and there still is a dancing area
  2. Must be ship dependent. On Oasis it has been converted to a music hall and they had cover bands in there that changed every 2 weeks as well as the house band. On Symphony it is still Dazzles but they had a great house band playing in there nearly every night
  3. Those are gift certificates and not OBC. Too many potential issues with the gift certificates, easier to purchase the OBC directly
  4. Work related. It took forever for government agencies to drop Blackberry and switch to Android and having that meant I only had to carry one phone around instead of 2
  5. The confirmation I believe is normal whether it is applied immediately or not. There are many FCC's, like the one you have that are goodwill FCC's that have to be applied manually. I would give it 2 weeks before calling
  6. 3 out of 11 reservations moved over. Funny thing is on the same sailing one moved and one not. So far 3 for 3 in keeping the exact same room
  7. At least you still have it on your phone. Hopefully the solution above works
  8. I had that issue a couple of years ago when I had a blackberry. Unfortuanately at the time there were no workarounds. I had to install the app on the ipad and use that instead of my phone. Hopefully there is a workaround for your situation. Do you still have your old phone? you could swap sim cards for the cruise so you would have the app
  9. It is immediate once it is applied. Some FCC's are applied immediately when you submit while others have to be applied manually. Sounds like yours was one of the manual ones so a request for someone to actually apply it will be generated. It can take days to weeks to get it applied.
  10. I'm not familiar with the different excursions I just know that in the FAQ's for this cruise it stated that guests would be allowed to disembark and reboard the ship at a later port.
  11. They will get a FCC for the full value of the cruise less taxes and fees thst will be refunded.
  12. Click on your name (,initisls. Upper right corner), you get an optiono of order history. From there you can cancel.
  13. On board it has to be 48 hours prior to the excursions start time
  14. It's the box office. Just ask a crew on board as location sometimes changes. I've seen it set up in the promenade or down by the ice rink
  15. Nothing has been set that they are ending it. Like every policy related to Covid over the past 2 1/2 years Canada simply states " Will be in place until at least XXX" and then they extend it for another 3-6 months. I hope it ends as well but I don't see it happening. They just did a away with random testing because of issues at the airports then brought it back a month later.
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