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Would not book a balcony again until...


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[quote name='diamondgirl54']Doesn't everyone have the right to breathe clean air. Having to smell the smoke of a smoker out on the balcony is not only unpleasent...but it is unhealthly. Second hand smoke causes cancer among other things. Why should someone elses bad habit cause me to be uncomfortable. :([/quote]Sitting on a balcony and getting a whiff of second hand smoke every so often probably won't give everyone cancer. What did you do when smoking was allowed in bars and restaurants?
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Jeez, get grip! All the complaining by non and anti-smokers is what created this situation. When you give smokers less and less freedom of where they can smoke they will be concentrated into smaller and smaller spaces...and then y'all gripe and complain when you encounter one of these concentrated smoking areas. :rolleyes:

Whine, whine, whine, that's all I'm hearing.
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[quote name='babyher']AMEN

And enough with "OOOOOOH smoking around the children. Most of the kids today are as big as a house because they eat fast food and microwave crap three meals a day and the only excercise they get is working the controller on the Playstation. But oh God not a whiff of smoke[/QUOTE]

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[quote name='babyher']AMEN

And enough with "OOOOOOH smoking around the children. Most of the kids today are as big as a house because they eat fast food and microwave crap three meals a day and the only excercise they get is working the controller on the Playstation. But oh God not a whiff of smoke[/quote]

tell me about it. when i was younger, not that i am old now:D, we went outside to play, we weren't allowed to park our rear ends in front of the television all the time. and fast food...that was considered a treat.
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We have had balconies next to smokers. We could smell their noxious fumes when we were in port. At sea, the 20+ mph winds carried the smoke away.

As to the future, I believe we will see phase 2 of the evolution of the smoking rules on Carnival next year at this time. We will see balcony smoking banned. We will see even more interior areas included in the smoking ban. Even European lines are now restricting smoking more and more. It is the inevitable wave of the future.

In two years, we will see the final step of the smoking rule changes. That will be a total ban on smoking on the ships. It will happen. It will happen soon.

Ah, but they will lose the smokers to ......................................................................................................... nowhere. Almost every place prohibits smoking now. Most cruise lines right now are more restrictive than Carnival.

Smokers, you are second class citizens and I really do not have a whole lot of sympathy for you. I quit when cigarettes hit 60 cents a pack. You can quit, save lots of money, and be healthier too.

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[quote name='H82seaUgo']same claims when they launched the paradise. all the ships would be smoke free within a year.


[quote name='DocF']

In two years, we will see the final step of the smoking rule changes. That will be a total ban on smoking on the ships. It will happen. It will happen soon.

Smokers, you are second class citizens and I really do not have a whole lot of sympathy for you. I quit when cigarettes hit 60 cents a pack. You can quit, save lots of money, and be healthier too.


will never happen, but did you consider yourself a second class citizen while your smoked?
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[quote name='tnincy']tell me about it. when i was younger, not that i am old now:D, we went outside to play, we weren't allowed to park our rear ends in front of the television all the time. and fast food...that was considered a treat.[/quote]

I was right there with you in the good old days.

I'll never forget a friend of mine was working as a school nurse . At the beginning of the school year any student that needed some kind of medication during the day had to turn it in to the nurses office to be kept there and administered by the nurse .

By the end of the day she said her desk looked like Amy Winehouses medicine cabinet. Syringes, pens, inhalers, pills, you name it . A stack of doctors notes why they can't go outside, take gym, stay after school, go out in the rain, go to ther bathroom.

Its not a school , its a hospice.
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[quote name='H82seaUgo']will never happen, but did you consider yourself a second class citizen while your smoked?[/quote]

Nothing worse than a reformer :(

Guy I work with took a little 28 day vacation a few years ago, took the pledge and now has to save everyone from the demon rum. Can be quite nasty about it too.

10 years ago he would have followed you back into a burning building if you waved a bottle of Canadian Club in front of him.
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[quote name='babyher']Nothing worse than a reformer :(

Guy I work with took a little 28 day vacation a few years ago, took the pledge and now has to save everyone from the demon rum. Can be quite nasty about it too.

10 years ago he would have followed you back into a burning building if you waved a bottle of Canadian Club in front of him.[/quote]

that's me.

but as an ex for 20+ years, i always considered myself inelligible to preach about smoking.

most preachers are those that have "found the way".

i prefer to listen to those that have never been there.
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I don't smoke and never have. As one OP said change brings change and the end result is not always for the best. For the anti-smokers who want the smokers off the Ships you better think long and hard on this one!!! 20% smoke and with them travel non-smokers. The non-smoking areas are EMPTY as are the gaming tables and machines in the Casino. The precious Piano Bar everyone wanted smoke-free is now empty and has kids in it. The Sports Bar only had people in this last cruise on a Sea Day when the weather wasn't that great and those people were playing cards! Other than that....EMPTY! On the flip side....the smoking bar IS busy as is the smoking side of Lido as well as the machines and tables in the Casino!

This last cruise Carnival must have marketed a very undesirable class of passengers to fill the Ship and given them great deals to do so. The type of people who were the majority of this last cruise were actually down right scary! You want the smokers off and those that travel with them....this is what you will be left with! Be careful what you wish for!
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[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=blue]My wife and I have had a balcony on all four of our cruises and will have one again this October. There has only been one time that we had a problem with smokers, and then it wasn't with the smoke. It was the fact that if the guy heard you out on the balcony. He would lean out and look around and say hi everytime.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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[quote name='DocF'] Almost every place prohibits smoking now. Most cruise lines right now are more restrictive than Carnival.

Smokers, you are second class citizens and I really do not have a whole lot of sympathy for you. I quit when cigarettes hit 60 cents a pack. You can quit, save lots of money, and be healthier too.


you are wrong. every place has not banned smoking, the areas they allow it have just growm smaller. it also depends on where you vacation. cruiselines are one of the more restrictive places.
as for being a second class citizen, well i'll excuse your ignorance in thinking you and other non smokers are better. as a reformed smoker, i would think you had a little more understanding of people's habit. glad you graduated to a first class citizen and can now look down on everyone else. :p
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[quote name='golfb4cruzing'] Somewheres down the line they will be banned everywheres and then the price of liquor will double.[/QUOTE]It will never happen. Never. There is WAY too much money in tobacco.

[quote name='DocF']

In two years, we will see the final step of the smoking rule changes. That will be a total ban on smoking on the ships. It will happen. It will happen soon.

Ah, but they will lose the smokers to ......................................................................................................... nowhere. Almost every place prohibits smoking now. Most cruise lines right now are more restrictive than Carnival. [/QUOTE]They will lose the smokers to all sorts of places. Ever been to an AI in Mexico? Not only is the booze all you can drink :cool:, you can smoke pretty much everywhere.

I'd like to see some sources for your assertion that "most cruise lines right now are more restrictive than Carnival". HAL and Royal Caribbean still allow balcony smoking as well.
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[quote name='H82seaUgo']same claims when they launched the paradise. all the ships would be smoke free within a year.

The reason Carnival no longer has the nonsmoking ship any more is BECAUSE the ship was NOT SELLING OUT! They do not care about you whining nonsmokers they care about selling out their ships.:p
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[quote name='suzinva']Boy, those smokers were sure in a hurry, rushing everywhere and monitoring your every move so they knew when to "rush" out to smoke. You cannot, btw, know they were smoking in their cabin as the smoke from the vents could have been coming from anywhere, they are all interconnected after all. And, I wonder how they had the time and energy to be doing all that spying on you and rushing if they were hacking "constantly."

While I get your point, you are far more likely to be taken seriously if you quit using so many dramatic adjectives. When I read posts like this, all I really hear is "blah blah blah" by someone who has no life.[/quote]
Amen to that.
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[quote name='diamondgirl54']Doesn't everyone have the right to breathe clean air. Having to smell the smoke of a smoker out on the balcony is not only unpleasent...but it is unhealthly. Second hand smoke causes cancer among other things. Why should someone elses bad habit cause me to be uncomfortable. :([/quote]
I guess because the world does not sail around you!:eek:
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[quote name='StillPooh']It will never happen. Never. There is WAY too much money in tobacco.

They will lose the smokers to all sorts of places. Ever been to an AI in Mexico? Not only is the booze all you can drink :cool:, you can smoke pretty much everywhere. [quote]

bingo. think about how much money our government would lose if the tobacco industry shut down. all thoses taxes they make off of tobacco products will be gone, unemplyoment will go up.....

and you are right about mexico. you can smoke anywhere. the same was true for jamaica when we stayed at sandals.
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[quote name='iceleven']Well, cigarettes sell for $50-$60 a carton. Prices vary according to state taxes, of course. At one pack per day, that's $150+ a month. For a year, that works out to $1,800+. Double that if it is a couple. For a habit that is more difficult to break than heroin (clinical fact) I can see smokers resorting to balconies when their inside cabins are no longer their option. Perhaps they will take one less cruise a year, or even shorter, less expensive cruises, but they will move to balconies. Just IMHO, of course.

I haven't actually seen any people on the Carnival boards, who are smokers, admitting to switching from inside to balcony. I don't read all these threads so I can be wrong. I would like to hear their comments. Maybe a week cruise, or less would not make such a financial impact on anyone's vacation budget but longer cruises would. I know that there was a lot of resistance on the Holland America boards because many of those people take longer cruises. It would be an interesting topic.[/quote]

My first cruise was an inside, second was a balcony and my upcoming cruise is a balcony and it's not because I'm a smoker. I booked it to enjoy my morning coffee/breakfast, reading a book, etc. and to enjoy the beautiful ocean and peacefulness. My DM swears I got it because of the smoking policy and that's simply not true.
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[quote name='cawagner']Well, it sounded like it to me.[/quote]

Read it again I said smokers that only book inside cabins.;)

[quote name='momdaughterondestiny'][B]To the person who said smokers will not pay for a balcony [/B]I smoke I get a balcony for this reason. I do not smoke in the cabin ever so your wrong smokers do get balconies.

I usually try to catch my neighbors day one and ask them if my smoking will bother them when they are out if they say yes I either go up on deck to a smoking area or I wait until they go in simple as that.[/quote]

I don't think anyone said this:confused: We book a balcony and my dh smokes so I know smokers book balconies.....
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[quote name='babyher'][B]How about the ones that can smell cigarette smoke from the car a few cars away from them[/B] while sitting in traffic. A hundred cars running idle all around you, a couple of them tractor trailers or construction vehicles pouring out even more black goo. But *cough, cough cough " [B]I smell a Marlboro[/B].

I am a 9-1-1 dispatcher . You cannot imagine how many people jump on a band wagon as soon as something gets out in the media.

"Oh my God I found white powder " "Oh God there is a dead bird in my yard ,we are gonna die of Ebola" "Help I can smell Carbon Monoxide in my house "

You can't walk outside in the big bad world with sneezeing , wheezing, coughing and sputtering, maybe its time for a plastic bubble or assisted living[/quote]

I have experienced this many times......I guess because I don't live in a congested area with hundreds of cars running idle:confused: But I couldn't tell you WHAT kind of cig it is lol!
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[quote name='pjhootch'][B]The idea that smokers have all been huddling in inside cabins and can't afford a balcony because of their expensive habit is just flipping ridiculous[/B]. Many smokers have chosen Carnival balcony cabins for years, so they had a private place to smoke without getting the dirty looks, the coughing, arm waving and general hysteria that goes on when someone doesn't appreciate the smoke.

Some of us thought smoking on the balcony while the ship was moving was a very considerate way to keep the smoke away from folks that don't like it. How ironic, that now this is apparently the worst place you can smoke, when it is almost the last place you can smoke.

The lido area has been half smoking and half non-smoking for quite some time. Look around and see if you can tell which is which just by the numbers of people congregating on each side... I've never noticed that the smoking side was empty and the non-smoking side full.[/quote]

That is ridiculous.....I would assume that most book inside cabins because of their budget.......
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[quote name='IloveCatsandCruises']Oh. I see .. so your enjoying your balcony is more important because you are a smoker? I paid for my balcony too, but you are saying that I need to pay for a PREMIUM balcony to enjoy my balcony?

You are right - I don't like it. Against my better judgement we booked another balcony for our next cruise, but if I have the same experience, you can bet your bippy that I won't get one again. As you say, why should I have to go to an upper deck to watch the ocean and breathe the ocean air when I can step out on my balcony? Oh..wait..I guess I can't. whatever......:rolleyes:[/quote]
What I have seen on these boards is NON SMOKERS have a BIG attitude on not just smoking but what ever they can find to rip about.They seem really uptight.Maybe they need to smoke something!:D
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