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Barcelona thieves

kitty allen

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is pickpocket theft really as bad a problem as I have been reading on cruise critic? I have travelled pretty extensively and have never had a problem, but what I've read here and elsewhere is making me start to dread the visit. What about elsewhere in the mediterranean? An aquaitance was pick pocketed in Rome 20 years ago, but he was careless

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is pickpocket theft really as bad a problem as I have been reading on cruise critic? I have travelled pretty extensively and have never had a problem, but what I've read here and elsewhere is making me start to dread the visit. What about elsewhere in the mediterranean? An aquaitance was pick pocketed in Rome 20 years ago, but he was careless

I too was overly concerned to the point of paranoia about Barcelona (Las Ramblas) after reading posts on these boards...compared to the many other ports we have visited...Just take the normal precautions and awarness of your surroundings regardless of where your travels take you as you have always done and you will be fine...Enjoy


BTW: You can take the girl out of Kentucky but you can't take the Kentucky out of the girl...My original home state !!!.

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It is more prevalent in this city but certainly not the only city with similar problems. Just like any city around the world it happens and the key is to take precautions and to be street smart. Specifically, don't carry valuables, jewelry or lots of electronics with you and be sure to pay close attention to your surroundings. Barcelona is a wonderful city with so much to do and to enjoy.



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I too was overly concerned to the point of paranoia about Barcelona (Las Ramblas) after reading posts on these boards...compared to the many other ports we have visited...Just take the normal precautions and awarness of your surroundings regardless of where your travels take you as you have always done and you will be fine...Enjoy


I will second this. We just finished a cruise out of Barcelona and we were also very concerned before going due largely to the posts on this board.


I had my SLR camera with me (I use a cross body strap and kept one hand on the body) and my DH carried the camera bag that has the extra lenses (again, using a strap that goes across the body). We kept our maps, etc in this same bag. It has a velcro closure and also snaps shut so its not easy for someone to get into. DH kept his hand over the bag at all times. I did not carry a purse. These are the same precautions we take in all our travels and we didn't encounter any problems. We also used the Metro without any incidents. The HOHO buses were far more crowded then the Metro.


We did see several people who were making themselves easy targets (carrying large purses that aren't closed, wallet in back pocket, wearing a neck wallet outside the shirt, laying wallets and cameras on benches and tables, etc.).

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I agree with the others - take proper precautions anywhere and you should be fine. Avoid any gypsies offering you flowers or herbs and the children. Barcelona is a beautiful city with many wonderful things to see and do. I do know people who have been robbed - but as pointed out they were easy targets:eek: you don't need to be paranoid - just standard care that you would do anywhere IMO:D

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is pickpocket theft really as bad a problem as I have been reading on cruise critic? I have travelled pretty extensively and have never had a problem, but what I've read here and elsewhere is making me start to dread the visit. What about elsewhere in the mediterranean? An aquaitance was pick pocketed in Rome 20 years ago, but he was careless


Statistically, yes, Barcelona is one of the worst cities for pickpockets, but in reality I was there for a week and didn't find it really any worse than anywhere else I've traveled........There will be risky places (be careful if you stop on the street to watch a performer or get engrossed in shopping on the street) and there will be scammers (be careful of people who "accidentally" spill something on you or offer to sell you blessed herbs), but if you're conscious of your possessions and take standard precautions, it's really not that bad. I wore my camera bag (which included my wallet) across my body like a messenger bag and usually walked with my arm resting on the top zipper, and kept a few Euros in my pocket (with my transit ticket) for quick use so I didn't have to open my wallet all the time. I took out and used my SLR camera whenever I wanted, making sure to re-zip my bag each time I opened it.

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is pickpocket theft really as bad a problem as I have been reading on cruise critic? I have travelled pretty extensively and have never had a problem, but what I've read here and elsewhere is making me start to dread the visit. What about elsewhere in the mediterranean? An aquaitance was pick pocketed in Rome 20 years ago, but he was careless

We were there this August when it was pretty darn crowded. Stayed in hotel right by Las Ramblas. Did A LOT of walking, but also some subway and bus (both crowded). We took what I think of as reasonable but not paranoid-level precautions, and had no issues and didn't notice any close calls. I had a money belt on. Wife wore her purse across her body. I even had a small camcorder bag on my belt with a small camcorder in it (I figured this would be my most vulnerable spot), but never had issues. I wore cargo-type shorts, and put other misc items into the deep lower pockets these things always have. A pickpocket would have had to crawl on the ground to get to it!

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Same here. We were in Barcelona October 2012.

Some friends gave us heads up about pocket picketer in the area.

I was so afraid of going to the point of being paranoid too.

Just like most everyone has stated the area is very crowded every

where you go. We did not feel unsafe in the places we visited.

We used a lot of precaution and kept an eye on things, but did not

feel unsafe at all. Barcelona is very beautiful and there is so much to see and do. Had the best Paella ever.

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It is absolutely true. We watched two pickpockets in action last month in Madrid. We were told by our tour guide that part of the problem is the police will not lay any charges unless the theft exceeds 600 euros. There is no consequence for the theft and therefore no deterent. :confused: It seemed to us that they mainly were after people with backpacks. Lesson learned - never carry anything of value in one. Or turn it around to the front in high tourist areas.


That being said, as long as you use common sense, you'll be fine. I carried a handbag all the time. I shortened the strap to make it fit snuggly under my arm. Even so, I had read all the stories on this site and used a secure travel pouch for my passport, credit cards and the bulk of my cash for the times I couldn't use a hotel safe. If you're buying a body safe, make sure it has RDIF capabilities to ensure no one can scan the magnetic strip on your documents.

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IMO the pickpocket situation is pretty serious in Barcelona - groups of them work the metro system esp. the busy stations. One person blocks the door, either entering or exiting the train, then others go "fishing". I had my change purse plucked from inside my zippered bag that I thought I was carrying pretty tightly.


The next day we returned to the same station and sat down to watch - within 5 minutes we could see a group setting up - they stand at the end of the tunnel and watch for their targets to wait for the train. Then they move up behind and go to work, block the door, make a catch then run to an adjacent line. We started yelling "ladrones, ladrones" and they ran away. I'm sure they have a variety of approaches in other parts of the city as well.


They are professional so be very wary of any distraction or bump. I think the best advice is to not carry all your credit cards with you. Take a limited amount of cash and one card, just in case. I will return to Barcelona but I am extra careful there.

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You can run into pickpocket anywhere. You just need to pay attention to your surrounding, not let people invade your space, and not act like a tourist and don't wear a fanny pack. Look at how the natives carry their bags and carry yours the same way. Also only carry the money you need for that day. And you will be fine. Also realize that sometime pickpocket can also be dressed in nice suits and look like professionals, they are not always young adults.

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You can run into pickpocket anywhere. You just need to pay attention to your surrounding, not let people invade your space, and not act like a tourist and don't wear a fanny pack. Look at how the natives carry their bags and carry yours the same way. Also only carry the money you need for that day. And you will be fine. Also realize that sometime pickpocket can also be dressed in nice suits and look like professionals, they are not always young adults.


Or you won't be fine, but there was nothing you could have done anyway......I was thinking about this when I read suec12's post - sometimes it's just about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe she wasn't an "easy target", maybe she was just unlucky. I'm sure there are people who look like tourists who don't have problems, and some who follow all the "rules" and still get picked. I'm sure I looked like a tourist with my camera bag, wearing shorts, and shooting photos, yet I spent almost a week in the streets, markets, subways, and trains without a problem. Was it because I was aware of my surroundings and didn't look intimidated, or was I just lucky?


We'll never know. I think we just do the best we can reasonably do without infringing on our enjoyment of our vacations.

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Totally agree with you. As American we don't normally think about pickpocket since it doesn't happen here very often. But I know that it can occur anyplace and anytime. However with that said I think many people are lulled into a false sense of security. Look at how some women leave their purses unattended in the grocery cart(just asking for their wallet to be stolen.)

PICKPOCKETS ARE FOUND EVERYWHERE!!!! But I am not going to let the fear of maybe having my pocket picket spoil my vacation. Of course I don't walk around with my purse hanging from my shoulder wide open inviting trouble. If you take the steps before you leave home and put some thought into it, you should be fine. FYI I always safety pin my front pockets where I distribute the money that I am going to need that day. Also I never take money out of my pocket in crowd. USE SOME COMMON SENSE!!!!!


We spent a week in Madrid and Barcelona and absolutely loved both cities. We also road public transportation everywhere. Just take care of your things. Don't let anyone invade your space no matter how they try and offer their assistance.

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I agree that a little common sense goes a long way. We spent two weeks travelling all over Spain, visiting all the sights and using public transit. I never felt unsafe even in the subways of Madrid and Barcelona. Violent crime is very low. Pickpockets want your valuables, not to harm you. The travel pouch I used was one that hangs around your neck and goes inside your clothing. I lengthened the strap so that the pouch part was secured on the inside waistband of my pants. Unless we were between hotels, I only carried what I thought I'd need for the day. No sense tempting fate.

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Well I'm reassured. I'm a city gal, so I'm pretty confident in my ability to take care of myself, but I have been reading a lot of alarmist stuff. (Not just on CC). I'm so excited!


Then you should be just fine. I loved my trip and hope you do too. Have a great time!

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Don't make yourself a "target" and you will be fine. Don't look like a lost tourist with your map out, and your valuables visible and accessable. The pickpockets look for easy targets, and there are plenty of them in Barcelona, so they should leave you alone.


Another scam: If you are sitting on a park bench, someone may walk in front of you and drop their wallet or a container with fake drugs. Other people will be watching with a fake police badge. If you keep the item, they will say that you stole it. If you give it back, especially if you try to speak in English, then they will say that the man is selling drugs, and you were making a deal with him. They will ask for your passport and your wallet, then when you are distracted they will clean out your wallet.


This happened to a friend a few years ago. He showed them his passport, but when they asked to also see his credit card, he refused, and they didn't get anything from him.

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Another scam is to push the stop button on the escalators in the subway and then in the consternation relieve you of your possessions. There are really profesionals out there!!! ps 25 % of the Spanish people are unemployed and are desperate.

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It is a good idea to be frightened -- then you will take precautions. Barcelona is the #1 country in the world for pickpocketing. This is not a joke and is definitely not like the United States (the police in Barcelona really don't care and many do not speak English). Leave purses on the ship, nothing in pockets. Hold camera at all times.

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It is a good idea to be frightened -- then you will take precautions. Barcelona is the #1 country in the world for pickpocketing. This is not a joke and is definitely not like the United States (the police in Barcelona really don't care and many do not speak English). Leave purses on the ship, nothing in pockets. Hold camera at all times.


Barcelona is not a country :rolleyes:


Also, you must remember that although there are many pickpockets, there is very little violent crime. Just be careful and aware of your surroundings and you will be fine.


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It is a good idea to be frightened -- then you will take precautions. Barcelona is the #1 country in the world for pickpocketing. This is not a joke and is definitely not like the United States (the police in Barcelona really don't care and many do not speak English). Leave purses on the ship, nothing in pockets. Hold camera at all times.


One does not have to be frightened in order to take precautions. Barcelona is not a country, its a city. It's not surprising that many police in Barcelona don't speak English, since it's a city in Spain. Being frightened is a lousy way to spend your vacation - if you really are frightened about pickpockets, don't travel.

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One does not have to be frightened in order to take precautions. Barcelona is not a country, its a city. It's not surprising that many police in Barcelona don't speak English, since it's a city in Spain. Being frightened is a lousy way to spend your vacation - if you really are frightened about pickpockets, don't travel.


Agree, what then the police has to speak english is they are Spanish!! Barcelona is just like any other big city in the world

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One does not have to be frightened in order to take precautions. Barcelona is not a country, its a city. It's not surprising that many police in Barcelona don't speak English, since it's a city in Spain. Being frightened is a lousy way to spend your vacation - if you really are frightened about pickpockets, don't travel.


Who would not be frightened about pickpockets? Especially when leaving for a cruise and needing your credit card to board????


I grew up in and now live in NYC and have also travelled to many places worldwide. I can honestly say that I am considering not staying in Barcelona for the day before my cruise -- or at least just getting to my hotel one day before and not straying too far. I think it is the hype on this board that has me worried. I am not the worrying kind and believe me I know how to protect my belongings amongst pickpockets. I work across the street from the Empire State Building in NYC and take public transit every day.


In Rome and Florence , Istanbul and Izmir , Paris, Brussels, Ireland, England etc. I have seen pickpockets in action but never felt threatened. Never even gave them a second thought cause I know how to protect myself.


The posts on this particular board make it seem that the thieves in Barcelona are Houdini's and can do what no one else can do.


If that is true then I will not sightsee in Barcelona --if not true then please reassure me (us).


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It is true but the information should be used to take precautions and then enjoy yourself. I grew up in NY and never had a problem carrying my camera over my shoulder in Times Square. In Barcelona it was always around my neck with a slash proof strap. I never put it down on a table. I used a money belt.


We spent four days pre-cruise in Barcelona and had a great time. We tried to be conscious of our surroundings. Luckily we did not have a problem. There was one time when my DW thought that someone was getting a little too close and walked between us. The woman looked at her and said (in Spanish) "I am not going to rob you".


Go, be cautious and have a good time.

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Who would not be frightened about pickpockets? Especially when leaving for a cruise and needing your credit card to board????


I grew up in and now live in NYC and have also travelled to many places worldwide. I can honestly say that I am considering not staying in Barcelona for the day before my cruise -- or at least just getting to my hotel one day before and not straying too far. I think it is the hype on this board that has me worried. I am not the worrying kind and believe me I know how to protect my belongings amongst pickpockets. I work across the street from the Empire State Building in NYC and take public transit every day.


In Rome and Florence , Istanbul and Izmir , Paris, Brussels, Ireland, England etc. I have seen pickpockets in action but never felt threatened. Never even gave them a second thought cause I know how to protect myself.


The posts on this particular board make it seem that the thieves in Barcelona are Houdini's and can do what no one else can do.


If that is true then I will not sightsee in Barcelona --if not true then please reassure me (us).



I'm not frightened of pickpockets, and I can only imagine that I'm not the only one. There are too many people in this world for me to be the only one ;) I'm also not frightened that I'll drop my wallet on the subway or leave my bag in a cab - though as it happens, I did drop my hotel key card on Las Ramblas and it was immediately returned to me.


If you're not threatened by pickpockets elsewhere around the world, I don't know why you'd think pickpockets would be more threatening in Barcelona.

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