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Live from the Prinsendam as the wizard & witches cruise May 17 - June 17, 2013


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What a lovely memory you will have of the ride down the Kiel Canal. I do hope it was a nice day. It's such a pretty ride, and such fun to see the people waving as you sail by.

Was there a band playing on board? We had a German band, a beer-fest, and just a nice party all day.

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We had an Oompah band in Warnemunde but not on the Kiel Canal. It was wet and foggy all day but I really enjoyed it anyway. Spent most of the day outdoors on the Lido or indoors at a window. Got into Hamburg late - arrived at 9.30 pm





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I had read that the Elbe was very high, have you heard anything about that?


We have seen the panic reports on CNN and some of the passengers were concerned and asked if we would get in to Hambourg. The captain made an announcement to allay our fears. Being Dutch he understands these things and explained how flood containment works with main dykes and sleeper dykes and flood relief areas that are allowed to flood and then make rich pasture for the cattle. Although the crest had reached down to Hambourg it was not a 200 metre tsunami but a slight elevation of the water level which they are used to and can cope with. Higher up the Elbe in some of the villages it has been more of a problem.


We had no problem with Hambourg, once we got there, a beautiful city and the Minature Wunderland was incredible. Our problems started when we were late getting in to the Kiel Canal because a large tanker had decided to provision up stopping us getting in to the lock. Twice along the canal we had to pull in to the side to let a big ship past. We did pass the Azamara Quest at 1:00 p.m. as although we were now two hours behind schedule she was two hours ahead and so we passed at the right time but the wrong place. We had another delay at the lock getting out so we finally got to Hambourg three hours late which ruined the evening lake excursion that Ruth Ann had arranged. I think HAL must have upset the Kiel Canal operators in the past and they decided to make it as difficult as possible for us.

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We have seen the panic reports on CNN and some of the passengers were concerned and asked if we would get in to Hambourg. The captain made an announcement to allay our fears. Being Dutch he understands these things and explained how flood containment works with main dykes and sleeper dykes and flood relief areas that are allowed to flood and then make rich pasture for the cattle. Although the crest had reached down to Hambourg it was not a 200 metre tsunami but a slight elevation of the water level which they are used to and can cope with. Higher up the Elbe in some of the villages it has been more of a problem.


We had no problem with Hambourg, once we got there, a beautiful city and the Minature Wunderland was incredible. Our problems started when we were late getting in to the Kiel Canal because a large tanker had decided to provision up stopping us getting in to the lock. Twice along the canal we had to pull in to the side to let a big ship past. We did pass the Azamara Quest at 1:00 p.m. as although we were now two hours behind schedule she was two hours ahead and so we passed at the right time but the wrong place. We had another delay at the lock getting out so we finally got to Hambourg three hours late which ruined the evening lake excursion that Ruth Ann had arranged. I think HAL must have upset the Kiel Canal operators in the past and they decided to make it as difficult as possible for us.


Hello JG


Mr Tin Man I love it!!


Sorry getting in was so late, that tour that Ruth Ann had planed sounded so nice. I am so glad your liked the Miniature Wunderland as this is a must for me to see. I build dollhouses and the furniture. were you able to take pictures? I had mention to Jacqui it would be worth going to, she said she was on the fence so I am not sure she went.

Sounds like you all had a great trip!



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I build dollhouses and the furniture. were you able to take pictures?


Jacqui didn't go to Wunderland but several of us didf. It was a 10 minute walk from the ship if you are fit or a 15 minute wait for a taxi if you are not.


You are allowed to take pictures but you need a camera that will handle low light conditions. The models are so huge that flash illumination will be uneven. If you can change to a higher ISO setting that should handle it. They also cycle through night and day so you may have to wait for the lights to come back up. If you find the control room that is worth a look to see the nerds like little boys playing trains. Also behind there is a room where they build the models and there waqs a guy in there working away.

They are extending the displays to cover different parts of the world and different periods of history but what they currently have is well worth it. The airport was a must see for us, with planes taxing, taking off and landing, just like the real thing.


When you come in there is a lift that goes up to the 2nd floor where the entrance kiosk is. There are separate lifts to go up to the third and fourth floors or you can use the stairs. There is a cafeteria there too.

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It was amazing to have been on the cruise for the first 15 days - wishing all our CC friends who are disembarking tomorrow safe travels home or wherever their travels take them. Georgina and Gerry

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Many, many thanks to everyone for posting and especially Jaqui: we really appreciated being taken along and all the time, effort and money you spent --we remember how difficult it sometimes is to find internet and how those minutes seep away. Can't believe we won't hear much more about the Prinsendam and all those super people and their adventures.

THANKS so much you guys..it was a ball to be (somewhat) along with you. Sounds like a cruise you will all remember.

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It was amazing to have been on the cruise for the first 15 days - wishing all our CC friends who are disembarking tomorrow safe travels home or wherever their travels take them. Georgina and Gerry


My little cat Toby is sleeping by my side and she just said she is sure glad I didn't stay on for the 31 days!

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Kiel Canal day - WOW!!!


What can I say? those that like a Panama cruise - it is absolutely nothing compared to this.


We were so close to the shore sometimes it was incredible. No locks of course - but the scenery!!! OMG - I just can't describe it.


So beautiful, peaceful, incredible. We were all truly awe inspired. I can't tell you all how much you should do this.


Of course you have to be on the right cruise ship (LOL). The Prinsendam is one of the few that can do it. She had to bring down her masts to go under the bridges and OMG were they incredible.


We entered the Kiel at 4 am and for once, I did not get up early for it - but I was up early enough. We were supposed to exit at 2 am but much to the Captain's chagrin although this had been booked for over 2 years (apparently it takes a lot for permission to do this) there was some 'construction' (nothing we could see) that required a lower speed. And they had radar so he would be caught if he 'cheated'. So we actually didn't exit until 4 pm instead of 2 pm. I don't think anyone was complaining too hard with this absolutely incredible scenery.



It was just too incredible - a train crossing a bridge stopped so that the passengers could see the ship and we tooted (of course).


The Azamara Quest passed by us at the widest point (thank heavens). There was so little space between us it was absolutely incredible - we got our Canadian flag out and waved and people on the Azamara cheered and yelled Eh Canada!!!


People on the shore walking their dogs stopped to wave at us. People drove and waited for us to come. You could literally see what they were wearing and what kind of dogs that had. (yes, a moment of missing our own occurred).


I know I am using a lot of superlative adjectives and I apologize but this was just so fabulous that I can't find the words. So many beautiful homes, pastures, sheep, whatever. So many roll call members and other cruisers who have done the Panama have also commented on how much better it is.


So beautiful, you just have to drink it in.


Very few ships can do this and I am so happy that we are on one that gave us the experience.


This was as good as it can get. A port is usually a highlight but I honestly have to say this is a reason it take this cruise onto itself.


our senses filled with the experience, we arrived at Brunsbuttel at 4 pm instead of the scheduled 2pm.


kind of strange as they literally docked us for nearly 1/2 hour (not counting the time before and after). I never totally got it but perhaps this was the maintenance thing that the captain had talked about?


No one was really concerned as the sailing and scenery were so beautiful.......AndTHEN........


The Captain's announcement that despite booking early they got caught up in the maintenance garbage and we would be late for Hamburg.


I felt bad for Ruth Ann's group (ncgolferette) as she had planned a nice Alster Lake cruise by night. we Were originally scheduled to get in at 6 pm so the plans were not ambitious, but now it was looking impossible.


we had planned a nightlife tour of Hamburg and thought we would be fine as ours tour was not until 9:30 but the best laid plans don't always come together.


We needed up docking around 9:45pm ...so we decided we would try to meet the tour at the first stop....... Pouring rain.....no cabs.....never a good sign.... Asked for a cab and told in five minutes....after waiting three times that amount of time we both decided that this was not at good idea. so best laid plans went asunder. No worries we would have a fresh start for Hamburg in the morning (not much choice)


apologies as I cannot log on to cruise critic. I finally got semi free wifi and was so frustrated - I tied over and over to no avail.


So, if my post doesn't, work today, My good friend shrimpboat123 has agreed to post on my behalf (can you tell I am trying to cover my bases?)


I will try one more time. Aghh! Frustration and it has nothing to do with the ship

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For those who are interested in how she got on in the second competition - read on.


We had three cruise critics competitors, Mickie did tell me their names but I was rooting for Jeanette and can't recall them now. Apologies to the other two. I was a little disappointed that the dances were arranged set pieces rather than the traditional steps, although they did include some; but I have never watched the show it is based on, so maybe that is how it should be.


There were four dances involved; jive, cha-cha-cha, waltz and samba with the first two being done twice giving six competitors. Each cruiser was paired with a show dancer. All six competitors did their routines and were scored by the judges. Jeanette did well with the Waltz scoring a 10, 9, 9 from the judges but was overtaken by a very spirited jive which scored straight tens. However the final result did depend on the audience and the clap-ometer. When the judges scores were given for the jive a tremendous roar went up from what seemed to be a football crowd that he had supporting him and we knew then that Jeanette was destined to come second. Anyway we got to the audience measurement bit and all the cruise critic supporters yelled themselves hoarse when it was Jeanette's turn but all our efforts were swamped by the noise of the jivers.


There was not a lot in it from the judges scores but the audience scores were 5, 10 and 15 for the three loudest as measured by the meter, so that is what would settle it.


So to the final result. The second jiver was third and to everyones surprise the top jiver was second and Jeanette won her second gold star. After the event Michelle, Richard and I worked out what had happened. The jive supporters had nabbed all the best seats in the front of the auditorium. We cruise critics supporters being such busy little bees aboard with so many other things to do were left with the side seats, but these were just behind the judges with the sound meter. Sound intensity drops off with the square of the distance, so being twice as near we were relatively four times as loud. On top of that they shouted but several of us whistled and as the i-pad has a tiny microphone it probably has better response at the higher frequencies.


There was a lot of muttering going on from disapointed jive supporters and Jeanette must have felt mixed emotions, but she was placed first under HALs rules and methods so it was not her fault.


We did notice that the judges went off in a huddle afterwards to puzzle out what had happened and why the loudest noise didn't get the highest readings. If they read the cruise critic forums they can find out why. Perhaps Richard will have a word with Gene as he and Michelle are staying on for the Celtic leg with a few other Cruise Critic members,

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Thank you Jacqui and jgw for the stellar reports. What wonderful times you have had. I wish I could have stayed aboard for the Kiel Canal transit. It was a wonderful, wonderful time. I will miss hearing about your adventures. Thanks to everyone who made this roll call so special and the cruise so amazing.



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Thouroughly enjoyed each and every report. Thanks for taking the time and spending the money to keep us updated and "in the loop".


This area of our world has always been on my list of must-dos, but it has moved up a few notches. DS just needs to get a few years older, I think, for the P'dam.


So it is off to Scotland for us next summer after the Noordam in December to renew our vows.

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Hi Jacqui,


Good thing I read the whole thing. I almost gave it away, but your secret is safe.


Glad you and Jose are having a good time. Everything is fine back home. See you soon. Hope you are feeling better.



Thanks Glen - I knew you would keep the secret - I hope she likes it!


After the cold appeared to be getting better it took a turn for the worse, so I finally bit the bullet and hit the med centre. Painful but true.

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Hello Jacqui


I just read here that the Prinsendam was sold? Have you heard anything?





Janet, sorry for the delay answering you:o


That very question was asked at our question and answer period I attended.


We were told that the Prinsendam is NOT sold and that she WILL not be sold.


This is the most profitable ship in the entire fleet according to our newly retired Hotel Manager and it has the most dedicated following.


If it is sold, someone forgot to tell the Captain and those under him - LOL.


Apparently, they had considered selling it for one brief moment until they did the numbers. I can tell you that some of our roll call came from other cruise lines. This was their first HAL cruise. They chose it for the itinerary and the size of the ship (and some said the roll call - LOL). They would not get on a larger HAL ship as these are people who sail luxury, Oceania and Azamara so anything else is way too big for them. So, HAL could lose potential repeat cruisers who have joined the Elegant Explorer fan club.


Several of them already booked another cruise on the Elegant Explorer so she is still gaining fans.



Of course, like anything else, there are no guarantees. But it sounded like the intention is to keep the ship.


There is a rumour on board that either the Veendam/Volendam has been sold but I don't know if that rumour is true or not.

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For those who are interested in how she got on in the second competition - read on.


We had three cruise critics competitors, Mickie did tell me their names but I was rooting for Jeanette and can't recall them now. Apologies to the other two. I was a little disappointed that the dances were arranged set pieces rather than the traditional steps, although they did include some; but I have never watched the show it is based on, so maybe that is how it should be.


There were four dances involved; jive, cha-cha-cha, waltz and samba with the first two being done twice giving six competitors. Each cruiser was paired with a show dancer. All six competitors did their routines and were scored by the judges. Jeanette did well with the Waltz scoring a 10, 9, 9 from the judges but was overtaken by a very spirited jive which scored straight tens. However the final result did depend on the audience and the clap-ometer. When the judges scores were given for the jive a tremendous roar went up from what seemed to be a football crowd that he had supporting him and we knew then that Jeanette was destined to come second. Anyway we got to the audience measurement bit and all the cruise critic supporters yelled themselves hoarse when it was Jeanette's turn but all our efforts were swamped by the noise of the jivers.


There was not a lot in it from the judges scores but the audience scores were 5, 10 and 15 for the three loudest as measured by the meter, so that is what would settle it.


So to the final result. The second jiver was third and to everyones surprise the top jiver was second and Jeanette won her second gold star. After the event Michelle, Richard and I worked out what had happened. The jive supporters had nabbed all the best seats in the front of the auditorium. We cruise critics supporters being such busy little bees aboard with so many other things to do were left with the side seats, but these were just behind the judges with the sound meter. Sound intensity drops off with the square of the distance, so being twice as near we were relatively four times as loud. On top of that they shouted but several of us whistled and as the i-pad has a tiny microphone it probably has better response at the higher frequencies.


There was a lot of muttering going on from disapointed jive supporters and Jeanette must have felt mixed emotions, but she was placed first under HALs rules and methods so it was not her fault.


We did notice that the judges went off in a huddle afterwards to puzzle out what had happened and why the loudest noise didn't get the highest readings. If they read the cruise critic forums they can find out why. Perhaps Richard will have a word with Gene as he and Michelle are staying on for the Celtic leg with a few other Cruise Critic members,



Just to add to JG's story, last night was a sad night for Jeanette as well as she was booed by some of the competition's supporters when she won.


Jeanette is one of the kindest, sweetest people that I have had the pleasure to meet and I know her feelings had to be hurt.


Oh my heavens, she just wanted to do her favourite dance - the waltz - I don't think she expected to win. She was just beautiful in the gown she had saved and of course, deserved the win. It's just too bad that some in the audience had to take things so seriously and tarnish the night for her.

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Janet, sorry for the delay answering you:o


That very question was asked at our question and answer period I attended.


We were told that the Prinsendam is NOT sold and that she WILL not be sold.


This is the most profitable ship in the entire fleet according to our newly retired Hotel Manager and it has the most dedicated following.


If it is sold, someone forgot to tell the Captain and those under him - LOL.


Apparently, they had considered selling it for one brief moment until they did the numbers. I can tell you that some of our roll call came from other cruise lines. This was their first HAL cruise. They chose it for the itinerary and the size of the ship (and some said the roll call - LOL). They would not get on a larger HAL ship as these are people who sail luxury, Oceania and Azamara so anything else is way too big for them. So, HAL could lose potential repeat cruisers who have joined the Elegant Explorer fan club.


Several of them already booked another cruise on the Elegant Explorer so she is still gaining fans.



Of course, like anything else, there are no guarantees. But it sounded like the intention is to keep the ship.


There is a rumour on board that either the Veendam/Volendam has been sold but I don't know if that rumour is true or not.


Thank you, Thank You, Thank You!


And sorry your cruise is ending.



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I feel like I am there on the ship, great blog! I had read that the Elbe, hope I spelled it right? was very high, have you heard anything about that?

Were the sweaters very expensive (wool ones)?




Janet, my apologies for not answering this earlier - I did try but cruise critic kept bouncing me out.


Yes, the Elbe was very high. Fortunately, the day before our Hamburg arrival, the captain announced that these crestings of the river are not unusual and explained that the river widened as we approached Hamburg.


As he explained jokingly, the Dutch and Germans learned how to deal with this a long time ago and he anticipated no problem with us docking in Hamburg. Lots of relief throughout the room I have to say.


The sweaters in Tallin were not a bad price I thought. They are still hand made. The woollen ones were a bit too heavy for me but they were beautiful and looked to be well done. If memory serves me correctly, the prices ranged from around 45 euros to about 65 euros depending upon the intricacy of the design and the seller.


I did pick up a beautiful cotton one that I liked for 17 euros which I though was quite fair.

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