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LIVE from the Royal Princess - 30 days, Barcelona to Ft. Lauderdale - 9/27 - 10/27


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Good Morning. It‘s Wednesday October 16th and we‘re almost in Barcelona. We’ll be taking the port shuttle to the Ramblas to visit the usual Carrefours and La Boqueria markets. Princess is charging $10/pp for RT shuttle. I recall the port shuttle being far less expensive. Weather is supposed to be around 75 degrees, which is just about the same as it was when we boarded on September 27th. It seems like such a long time ago.


Last night we watched The Sessions. Interesting and very different movie. Liked it.


Nothing going on during the day other than games, but at 5:15 there will be a Flamenco folkloric show in the theater. These presentations are usually very entertaining.


Tonight is another Tribute to Frank Sinatra by piano player Ray Coussins. We didn’t “tribute” last time and we won’t this time either. Vista will be showing “The Heat” and the late movie in Princess Live will be “Salmon Fishing in Yemen.” Do you recall the Hot Latin Night that never happened on the last cruise? Well they will try again tonight. As long as the weather holds and there is no appreciable wind, I’m sure this will occur at the Fountain Pool.


1. This is no cruise from hell. One person's opinion and not a good one.

2. Person who is turning Elite; you will not have problems with caribbean cruise. This one is unique

3. Treadmill: husband will not hit the ceiling

4. Live: regular trivia not there; just other games and power point stuff. Not easy w/o tables

This is all I have to report for now. Bye.

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Good morning from Barcelona. It's 0926 local time and we will be here till 2000 ( all on board at 1930). This our fourth time in Barcelona so today we decided to remain on board. Right now we are docked next to the Aida Blue. Not sure how many other cruise ships are in port today. I don't think it will be as bad as it was in 2009 when there were 11 cruise ships in port at the same time:eek:


Not sure what's in store for today. I do plan to hit the gym later (after my Sabatini's breakfast settles) and I might also work on cataloging some of the pictures I've already taken. Other than that I'll probably play it by ear.


Internet is running smoothly this morning which is probably due to the fact many passengers are getting off the ship.


That's all for now. Hope all are well.....:):):)



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Found a little Indian-owned grocery store on Calle Parallel near the maritime Museum which sells bottled Pepsi.


Please say hi to Jules and Joanne for us. Wondering what Jules schedule will be with Princess in December? Gail (aka Mapu) and Ron

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Our few hours of fun in Barcelona

Wine? Check! Diet Pepsi? Check! Another wheelie? Check! What? Another wheelie? :eek:


We left the ship on route to the Ramblas shortly after breakfast. The line to get on the Princess shuttle (for $20/couple round trip) was humongous. Just to the left was the city bus line for $9.30/couple. Had 6 people in that line. My exchange rate was 1.33. Bus is 3.50 euros round trip.


Walked the Rambla until Mike found halvah. He’s been looking for it since the Kusadasi stop that never was. Found some in La Boqueria which made him happy as a “blank blank blank. “ When he needed to rest, I left him with coffee and donut at Dunkin’ and went on to the supermarket. Three weeks ago you may recall I bought a bottle of wine for one euro which he loved. So, decided to go back and get him some more. Not on sale this time; cost 1.50. I bought four. And this time they had Pepsi Light; bought four of those too. One body, two shoulders; figured I could handle it in two Princess bags. Got back OK to Dunkin’, had iced coffee and knew I would never make it back to the bus with the load. Went into a store, told the guy I needed something cheap with wheels and we settled on 15 euros (he started at 24). This saved my life, my back, my shoulders and probably the rest of me. Wheelie is cute too. ;)

Inside the port there are lots of shops which we did not see when boarding initially. Evidently we w checked in on another end. We looked at some of it and I found the wine I had just bought for 8 euros. Can you see me smiling? :D


It is now almost 3 PM and I’m literally exhausted. Sun was hot and seemed to always be where we were.

Here are a few more elevator carpet quotes.

1. To see yourself get out and see the world

2. Even the shortest journey expands the world

3. Measure a journey by the friends you discover

BTW, I heard we had a power failure during the night. Never knew it.

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Pia: A question for you. (And let me preface this by saying that I have re-phrased this 10 times and every time it comes off sounding critical or snarky, and I promise that I mean it to be neither.). With that...you have stated fairly frequently that "there is not much of interest going on today" or words to that effect. Are you finding that this cruise is offering fewer and/or less interesting activities than your typical cruises? Or do you think that the activities are on par with other cruises and perhaps your cruising frequency has caused you to "outgrow" the standard fare? The consistency of your opinion on the ship's activities suggests that the CD staff needs a wake-up call. Thoughts?

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Please say hi to Jules and Joanne for us. Wondering what Jules schedule will be with Princess in December? Gail (aka Mapu) and Ron


Hi Gail and Ron! Great to hear from you. Saw Jules at the maritime Museum this afternoon - Joanne decided to rest up on the ship. Will gladly pass on your greetings.

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Royal looking at P&O's Ventura.


Hi David,


Looks like Royal Princess has done 'something' to the camera since this morning? Much better than the 'overexposed' imagery we've been getting from the web cam over the last few days. About time. ;) Thanks Princess for fixing that!!! :D



Edited by dmwnc1959
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Hi Pia, Love all of your posts. This question may have been asked and answered if so sorry. I see you get wine at a lot of your ports. Have you ever run into problems bringing it onboard. I know when you board you are allowed 1 per passenger, does this continue for the cruise? Thanks and sorry again if this is a duplicate question and congrats on a good bargain

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Since I was recently on for the 12 day cruise, let me answer.

On days when it is port day and we return later, really nothing on board.

We did notice a couple of days with no show at night or a fill in type show'

with a singer normally in the Piazza. My husband remarked this was odd.

Now the cruise staff was really very entertaining during trivia, games , etc.

The day we missed Kusadasi, Sam, the cruise director stepped up right away and there was a full days worth of activities posted on new Patter and also announced by her.

We cruise very often but no where as much as Pia. We loved that the Royal had new shows and we attended all of them(singers and dancers Production shows)Pia did too. On past cruises with her , she didn't go to shows because they were old stuff.

Now that this is a transatlantic, it will be interesting to see what kind of entertainment and activities they have once the sea days begin

I am sure Pia will answer this question too.

For people going to sail on the Royal soon, you will enjoy the ship. I know we all have posted some of the negatives, but the positives really outweigh .

Edited by san diego sue
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Since I was recently on for the 12 day cruise, let me answer.

On days when it is port day and we return later, really nothing on board.

We did notice a couple of days with no show at night or a fill in type show'

with a singer normally in the Piazza. My husband remarked this was odd.

Now the cruise staff was really very entertaining during trivia, games , etc.

The day we missed Kusadasi, Sam, the cruise director stepped up right away and there was a full days worth of activities posted on new Patter and also announced by her.

We cruise very often but no where as much as Pia. We loved that the Royal had new shows and we attended all of them(singers and dancers Production shows)Pia did too. On past cruises with her , she didn't go to shows because they were old stuff.

Now that this is a transatlantic, it will be interesting to see what kind of entertainment and activities they have once the sea days begin

I am sure Pia will answer this question too.

For people going to sail on the Royal soon, you will enjoy the ship. I know we all have posted some of the negatives, but the positives really outweigh .


Thanks, we are sailing on Oct 29 and Nov 3, so all the negatives had us a bit concerned, but those of us Old sailors that have been on a few first days of a new ship understand that things can and will go wrong, not to say that if I was on board and had some of the issues posted like blood and hair in my room, that I would not be upset and mad

Just hope they have some of this worked out before you guys get to FL. Have a safe sailing across the sea



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Our few hours of fun in Barcelona

Wine? Check! Diet Pepsi? Check! Another wheelie? Check! What? Another wheelie? :eek:


We left the ship on route to the Ramblas shortly after breakfast. The line to get on the Princess shuttle (for $20/couple round trip) was humongous. Just to the left was the city bus line for $9.30/couple. Had 6 people in that line. My exchange rate was 1.33. Bus is 3.50 euros round trip.


Walked the Rambla until Mike found halvah. He’s been looking for it since the Kusadasi stop that never was. Found some in La Boqueria which made him happy as a “blank blank blank. “ When he needed to rest, I left him with coffee and donut at Dunkin’ and went on to the supermarket. Three weeks ago you may recall I bought a bottle of wine for one euro which he loved. So, decided to go back and get him some more. Not on sale this time; cost 1.50. I bought four. And this time they had Pepsi Light; bought four of those too. One body, two shoulders; figured I could handle it in two Princess bags. Got back OK to Dunkin’, had iced coffee and knew I would never make it back to the bus with the load. Went into a store, told the guy I needed something cheap with wheels and we settled on 15 euros (he started at 24). This saved my life, my back, my shoulders and probably the rest of me. Wheelie is cute too. ;)

Inside the port there are lots of shops which we did not see when boarding initially. Evidently we w checked in on another end. We looked at some of it and I found the wine I had just bought for 8 euros. Can you see me smiling? :D


It is now almost 3 PM and I’m literally exhausted. Sun was hot and seemed to always be where we were.

Here are a few more elevator carpet quotes.

1. To see yourself get out and see the world

2. Even the shortest journey expands the world

3. Measure a journey by the friends you discover

BTW, I heard we had a power failure during the night. Never knew it.


I guess you are in your cabin now with the' Don't Disturb ' on the door.What with the weight,wheelie'you deserve a good rest;);):D....Heather

Edited by kruisey
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Pia...loving your posts. So glad you found a 'wheelie!" It definitely woild have been too much to carry.

David still recuperating nicely and feeling much better, but packing to move is a bit much. We leave tomorrow for San Antonio.

Don't forget in Madeira to try and find Gatao Wine. It's delicious and I think you will love it. Well, knowing you, maybe not, but give it a try if you find it.

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Had a thoroughly lazy day yesterday. We were anchored off Cannes but I didn't feel like going ashore. I've been many times and needed a break from tours. Worked on my crocheting (I'm making a gorgeous shawl with fine lace yarn and the best part is that it doesn't look crocheted), read, napped, and read some more.


The food on the Royal Princess has been the best I've had on any other cruise ship on any line, including Princess, HAL, Royal Caribbean or Celebrity. For today's lunch, for instance, I had some sweet & sour chicken that was delicately flavored, not gloppy sweet, some Nasi Goreng (a chicken and rice dish), and some chicken vindaloo... just tablespoons of each for a taste, plus a salad. They had shredded chicken, ham, pork and cheese and lots of veggies to add to make a small chef's salad. Of course, there's always the usual buffet offerings. The Royal's buffet seems to go on and on. I'm not big on pastries so I don't have a clue what's offered but there's a whole "Pastry Shop" section.


Today was Barcelona. Off the ship by 9:30am and on to Montserrat. Another gorgeous day of perfect weather: sunny and clear. Probably low 70's in Montserrat, upper 70's in Barcelona. There were nine of us in a bus for 23 with comfortable leather seats. We arrived in Monserrat just before 11am, walked up to the Basilica and our guide told us of the various things we could do with our free time, such as have lunch, some shopping, go up the funicular to the top of the mountain, etc. Five of us chose to go up the funicular, arriving at about 11:50am. We spent some time looking around and taking pictures, then headed back down. The reason is that the boys' choir sings every day at 1pm and to get a seat, you should be in the basilica by 12:30pm. The guide was right; it was packed with people sitting in the aisles. The choir performed for fifteen minutes and then it was a stampede to the buses. Back to Barcelona and Parc Guell, designed by Gaudi. We walked around, enjoying the weather and the architecture. After about an hour there, on to La Sagrada Familia. I first saw it in 1960 and several times since. We didn't have time to go in but instead walked around it while our guide explained the history and the architecture. Back to the bus to visit La Pedrera and several other buildings designed by Gaudi. Then up to Montjuic/Olympic park and back to the ship by 5:30pm. What a great day.


Now, two sea days and the next port is Madeira where I have an all-day tour planned.

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Is the picture of Princess Diana from the original Royal Princess on the Royal princess that is now sailing.:)
It's been stolen. No one knows where it is. Probably in someone's private collection.


The general consensus of the people I have spoken with is that there are some positives, some negatives, and we'd cruise the Royal again for the itinerary rather than the ship itself.


Jimmy, this has been such a port-intensive start to the cruise that most people are dragging asses back on the ship with not a lot of energy to go to shows or stay up late. Most people have been off in port all day so not a not of activities planned. Yesterday in Cannes, probably more stayed on the ship due to it being a tender port.

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Pam, we had such a wonderful day at Montserrat, and you brought back some great memories. I'm glad you enjoyed it. You'll love Madeira too...gorgeous sea cliffs. Thanks to you, and everyone, for posting. I should be packing for the Royal Princess instead of reading CC. We just got our email telling us Crissy Reid is staying on for the Caribbean Inaugural, and I was thrilled to read that.

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Hi David,


Looks like Royal Princess has done 'something' to the camera since this morning? Much better than the 'overexposed' imagery we've been getting from the web cam over the last few days. About time. ;) Thanks Princess for fixing that!!! :D



Great to see some colour coming back into the cam:)


The next port is Funchal , and they have a great series of port cams




Again the timing from over here does not gel, so if you get some grabs, please go ahead and post.:):)

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Good evening from the Royal Princess (2303 local time)We sailed from Barcelona at about 1950 hours. It was dark so I didn't get a chance to get any good sail away pictures.

We didn't go ashore today. I spent the day being a little lazy with the exception of working out in the Fitness center. It was nice not having it crowded.


I wanted to bring something up that some may see as a contradiction to something I posted earlier. We dined in the HC tonight and it was truely terrible. The hot food was cold, like rubber, and just all around bad. The service was also not much better. The waiters actually tried to take Holli's plate away before she was finished. I was never asked if I wanted a second cup of coffee. The waiters also seemed more interested is socializing than taking care of their customers. One of the supervisors was stuffing his face in the corner instead of watching over the waiters. All in all an experience I wish I could soon forget.

The above experience is another nail in the coffin of enjoying this cruise. In general the overall service (with the exception of Gina our cabin attendant) has been way below what I've been use to on my previous six Princess cruises.

Bar service continues to be terrible. You almost have to beg a bar waiter to get you a drink.

Entertainment options for tonight were almost non existant. There was a piano player in the theater. There was no night movie because they had a Latin themed party on the pool deck.

I keep hoping that the new day will be better, but it just continues to be bad or gets worse. I feel like a wasted a great deal of money for a cruise that is turning out to be the worst of my 14 cruises.


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