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Need To Drop it Hard and Fast


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I am running out of time and would like to be down a dress size. It's too late for plastic surgery plus any work would be like putting a brand new chandelier in a haunted house. Any tips?


There is a Lose Before you Cruise thread under Cruise conversations, but I say low carb...have your carbs in the morning and none after 1-2pm. And drink lots of water.

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I agree with lo-carb. You don't say when you're sailing, but if the cruise is more than two weeks away, check out a copy of the original South Beach Diet book (by Dr. Arthur Agatston). If you go on Phase I -- and stick to it religiously for 2 weeks, you WILL lose weight. But, you have to stick to the handful of recipes in the book -- and no cheats (bread, sugar, or booze).

BTW, I feel your pain! I just went shopping for bathing suits -- for our upcoming b2b! :eek:

Good Luck!! :cool:

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I really want to rock this black dress for my 20th anniversary and turning 50th birthday. Work out is good, eating not bad, and wine:p. I am going to check out the low carb. I sail around Valentines Day. Any cleasnse that works?


I am up against this:


Edited by Blk_Amish
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You have five weeks to lose 10 pounds (generally 10 pounds equals a dress size.)


This shouldn't be a problem IF you are willing to put in the work.


NO alcohol. None. Not even a sip of wine.


Minimum one hour a day of exercise, preferably 90 minutes--60 of cardio and the other 30 should alternate strength/weight training and yoga/Pilates. Eat back all or most exercise calories.


Figure out your base metabolic rate and carve off 20%. This is your calorie intake for the day. Eat lean protein 40%, whole grains/veggies/small amounts of fruit 40%, good fats (olive oil/nuts/avocado/etc.) 20%


Weigh and measure everything! No cheating!


Drink at least 12 cups of water a day.


No soda, no diet soda, no juice, no empty calories. Everything you eat needs to have a purpose or it doesn't go into your mouth. Use small amounts of fresh fruit to satisfy cravings for sweets. Flavored seltzer is OK if you must as long as there are no sweeteners--artificial or otherwise added.


Use a program like myfitnesspal.com to track everything.


3500 calories equals one pound.


Good luck!




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I followed CNN's health and fitness expert Mark Macdonald before my last cruise by balancing my blood sugar by eating a balance of protein carbs and fat at every meal. Eating 5-6 times per day, lots of water and exercised 4 times a week. My cruise was last February and I started following his RVLution December 1st and I lost 25lbs by New Years and 60 lbs by my cruise!!!

Grab his book Body Confidence! And check out his CNN stuff on YouTube lots of great info!

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I followed CNN's health and fitness expert Mark Macdonald before my last cruise by balancing my blood sugar by eating a balance of protein carbs and fat at every meal. Eating 5-6 times per day, lots of water and exercised 4 times a week. My cruise was last February and I started following his RVLution December 1st and I lost 25lbs by New Years and 60 lbs by my cruise!!!

Grab his book Body Confidence! And check out his CNN stuff on YouTube lots of great info!



If you lose more than two pounds per week you are losing lean body mass along with the fat, and your body fat percentage will actually increase. If you are obese, the optimum loss is one to two pounds per week. If your are overweight, no more than one pound per week. Once you are into the "healthy" range, you should lose no more than half a pound a week. If you are morbidly obese you need to see a doctor and registered nutritionist/dietician to develop a weight loss plan.



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Do the 5/2 diet. 2 days a week-NOT consecutive days-you eat 500 calories only.Tthe other 5 days you eat regular. (to lose even faster I would not have "desserts" but fruit IMHO on the regular days) You are allowed another 500 calorie day also not consecutive with the other ones but NO MORE THAN 3 500 calorie days. Of course if you are diabetic this diet is a NO NO!:eek:





Just go and have a good time the way you are:)


I would google 5/2 diet before starting just to be safe.

Edited by boopsahoy
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I would look into the "Eat to Live" diet by Dr. Fuhrman. It emphasizes lots of veggies, fruits, some beans/legumes, max one serving of grains a day... no sugar, excess salt, or oil. I gave it a shot before Christmas for a week and I dropped 4 pounds (and I only weighed 132lbs to begin with) so I think you could follow that quite easily and have great results. Plus, it's super healthy and you don't have to worry about doing harm to your body, you're doing it a whole lot of good! The basics of the diet are really easy to find by googling Eat to Live or Dr. Fuhrman.

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I would look into the "Eat to Live" diet by Dr. Fuhrman. It emphasizes lots of veggies, fruits, some beans/legumes, max one serving of grains a day... no sugar, excess salt, or oil. I gave it a shot before Christmas for a week and I dropped 4 pounds (and I only weighed 132lbs to begin with) so I think you could follow that quite easily and have great results. Plus, it's super healthy and you don't have to worry about doing harm to your body, you're doing it a whole lot of good! The basics of the diet are really easy to find by googling Eat to Live or Dr. Fuhrman.



There isn't enough protein in that diet which will cause the loss of lean muscle mass along with fat.



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In my opinion:


Eating low carb causes a natural reaction in the liver: it burns the glycogen (fat and water, to oversimplify) it keeps as an emergency energy source. Glycogen is stored as about 4 parts water and 1 part fat. So, as the fat provides energy, you visit the bathroom frequently to remove the now-excess water. Many people p**s away a lot inches when they start lc.


Interestingly, although the liver is doing the work, where you will see inches drop is entirely up to your metabolism and genetics. Most people see those water weight inches vanish from their torso and especially from their tummy.


Most people find they burn through their glycogen (also called 'I lost water weight') in a week or two. After that, lc weight loss slows down - usually to a healthy 1 to 3 pounds/week. How much glycogen do you have stored? That takes us back to metabolism and genetics. It may be a little or it may be more than you want to lose.


Unless you are already a major exerciser, I would not encourage you to add a lot of exercise when you are doing lc to burn glycogen. Many bodies, especially the female body, tend to start holding onto what they got when exercise is first introduced (although, if you are young, that might not happen).


If you are interested in long term weight loss, lc or one of the intermittent fasting plans (5:2, JUDDD, Fast 5, and on and on) or lc combined with IF are all great ways to lose an average of 2 pounds a week, burn fat and protect muscle, and many see other health improvements.


Three fiats/warnings:

If you want to try lc, do not just start eating meat. Run an internet search on 'low carb forum' and read about how to do it right and healthy. (Hint: your liver is designed to convert protein to carbs...very counterproductive.)


If you are pre- or diabetic, either controlling your blood glucose with meds or diet, lc eating will change your bg levels and potentially cause hypos. The dosage of your meds will almost certainly need to be adjusted. Test bg a lot a lot a lot more frequently!


And - and this is a big and - many (not all) people find when they reintroduce carbs their liver immediately does what it is designed to do and starts storing glycogen again. Doesn't happen to me. But I know a lot of people who regain lost 'water weight' in a matter of days after they return to "normal" carby eating (love those sandwiches and desserts on cruise ships!)


No, I am not a doctor nor do I play one on TV. I lost 50 pounds in 2012 following a 500-calorie-fast-every-other-day eating plan. And kept it off through 2013. Recently, because I was eating sweets and carbs, past poor eating habits and genetics caught up with me and I was diagnosed as being at pre-diabetic levels. So, I am controlling that with lc. So far I have lost 6 pounds of water weight and - dang it - all my lovely size sixes are getting to too big!


Personally, if I was you, I would look into wraps as a fast way to squish fat down to a temporary smaller size. But, I do not would look into the health risks of wraps before I did that.....I might just decide to live with what I got and have a great cruise.

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You have five weeks to lose 10 pounds (generally 10 pounds equals a dress size.)


This shouldn't be a problem IF you are willing to put in the work.


NO alcohol. None. Not even a sip of wine.


Minimum one hour a day of exercise, preferably 90 minutes--60 of cardio and the other 30 should alternate strength/weight training and yoga/Pilates. Eat back all or most exercise calories.


Figure out your base metabolic rate and carve off 20%. This is your calorie intake for the day. Eat lean protein 40%, whole grains/veggies/small amounts of fruit 40%, good fats (olive oil/nuts/avocado/etc.) 20%


Weigh and measure everything! No cheating!


Drink at least 12 cups of water a day.


No soda, no diet soda, no juice, no empty calories. Everything you eat needs to have a purpose or it doesn't go into your mouth. Use small amounts of fresh fruit to satisfy cravings for sweets. Flavored seltzer is OK if you must as long as there are no sweeteners--artificial or otherwise added.


Use a program like myfitnesspal.com to track everything.


3500 calories equals one pound.


Good luck!




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This is a really great way to lose weight. I have been on Weight Watchers for a year, and other than the occasional beer or wine, this is how I eat and exercise. I lost 55 pounds last year and went from a size 18W to a 10. I am still overweight, but I am also still losing weight. Since your cruise is not until mid February you have time to lose a dress size in a safe and healthy manner.



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I recently lost about 40 pounds and did most of it by watching what I ate and doing Zumba for an hour 4 - 5 times a week. I found that sticking to a 1,500 daily calorie diet and doing an hour of fun cardio worked better than anything else and helped me lose weight the quickest (about 2 - 2.5 pounds a week). Plus, I've kept it off even after slacking on the exercise part. It all depends on our bodies, though. I know a PP said that approximately 10 pounds lost equals one dress size, but for me it took me 30 pounds to fully go down a size... guess it's the way I'm built.


If you're interested in trying Zumba, there are countless videos on YouTube that you can use to make a one-hour playlist. I went to class two days a week and did that on the other days. I have zero dance rhythm but it was fun and I didn't even realize I was burning calories!

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The dress is coming along or should I say the efforts. I have no problems working out and I do use a weighted hula hoop. I need to drink more water but need some kind of flavoring. I will give up wine, for now, more or less:p. Other than the effort to rock this dress, my size is Ok, less gravity. I am at that lovely age where things settle into places you completely disagree with:D

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The dress is coming along or should I say the efforts. I have no problems working out and I do use a weighted hula hoop. I need to drink more water but need some kind of flavoring. I will give up wine, for now, more or less:p. Other than the effort to rock this dress, my size is Ok, less gravity. I am at that lovely age where things settle into places you completely disagree with:D


I'm 52 and can tell you from experience that you'll have a lot more success if you CUT alcohol COMPLETELY. I love wine ... I'd have a bottle a day, but when I have zero booze the weight comes off a lot more easily.


How I put it to myself is like this ... is that glass of wine today worth the disappointment when I don't meet my goal?


If you want flavoured water, use Crystal Light or try Pellegrino or the flavoured La Croix.

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Wine is out, oucheeeeeeeeeee! I bought another dress to fit the body I currrently have, which is actaully the same size but different cut as the black dress which will cause me to do something my cardiologist couldn't, forsake wine.


Yesterday was an intersting day because I was away from home for 12 hours. I had mostly fruits with greek yogurt, water, and a Subway chicken sub loaded with veggies on wheat bread. I got home eat a banana with a small glass of wine. I also did the treadmill and hula hoop.

Edited by Blk_Amish
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Wine is out, oucheeeeeeeeeee! I bought another dress to fit the body I currrently have, which is actaully the same size but different cut as the black dress which will cause me to do something my cardiologist couldn't, forsake wine.


Yesterday was an intersting day because I was away from home for 12 hours. I had mostly fruits with greek yogurt, water, and a Subway chicken sub loaded with veggies on wheat bread. I got home eat a banana with a small glass of wine. I also did the treadmill and hula hoop.



You migt be interested to share your diet conversation on the Lose Before you Cruise Forum.


It is an active board.




Edited by sail7seas
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This is a really great way to lose weight. I have been on Weight Watchers for a year, and other than the occasional beer or wine, this is how I eat and exercise. I lost 55 pounds last year and went from a size 18W to a 10. I am still overweight, but I am also still losing weight. Since your cruise is not until mid February you have time to lose a dress size in a safe and healthy manner.





Yes, with determination and will power most women can lose a dress size in 6 weeks. For me, a dress size is about 12-14 pounds.


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Amount of pounds per size varies by size, as well. In the plus sizes, a size can be a difference of 30 pounds, whereas between 2 & 4, might only be 6lbs. That's in addition to the vagaries of our individual bodies:p I don't recall that OP ever told us her sizes, so ....hard to tell how much she actually wants/needs to lose.

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She usually has pictures in her signature. She's gorgeous and really doesn't need to lose weight. She just wants to fit into that specific dress.

Blk Amish - I'm glad you decided to go with a different dress that fits, and my oh my, you do not look like you're turning 50!

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