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After cburger100's post and announcement of a 3 week cancellation between 26 March - 16 April on the Crystal forum site, due to reported air-conditioning maintenance which presumably he received direct from Crystal (there being no other public communique or announcement).


Hum would like to make a few related points:

- our originally selected cabin on our recent voyage onboard Crystal Esprit was withdrawn on the grounds of air-conditioning issues


- the air-conditioning in our actual cabin was perfect throughout the voyage and we never heard anybody other's cabins having a problem either


- there was only one evening in the Main Dining Salon that it was really chilly when one couple actually complained to the Captain during our dinner with him (very rude of them). Unfortunately they were sitting in too close proximity to the discharging vent directly above them. There was space for them to move.


- 3 weeks to repair ! That's a massive repair ! Hum's guess, it was in the planning since the early weeks of sailing


- Sea Dream have had myriad problems with air-conditioning over the years and (cross fingers) it seems only recently they have become resolved (pray Hum is right). Sea Dream's attitude is to work on problem during sailings. Whenever they do a "dry dock" they usually use the cheapest and not the best


- the external temperatures around the Seychelles were phenomenal (high 90's most days); wouldn't most A/Cs have a problem ? Sea Dream's system would be in "melt down" at sustained low 80 temperatures. Sea Dream have adopted electric fans in all cabins a few years ago after one A/C breakdown when the crew lent the passengers their fans ! And no, nobody knew that at the time.


- Sea Dream never inform their guests. You have to learn about things on the "Marvin Gaye" ("grapevine") and forums on Cruise Critic and the like


- Crystal should be applauded for the action they have taken rectifying the situation not foreseen in the original conversion or is Hum being overly considerate (such a big "softie")


- Hum would add extra adulation if they do what Azamara do (and Sea Dream wouldn't dream or even contemplate doing) and that is publicly inform passengers and would be passengers of the situation on an online "News" page. So in these respects Hum (at least) has greater respect for Crystal's treatment of their valued guests.


Just sad cburger100 and others were so disappointed.

We wish you the best and thanks for reporting it.

PS The "Quote" button doesn't work on first post of page otherwise Hum would have quoted cburger100.

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In light of subsequent report of an A/C issue and an experts opinion on ship stability.

Hum has been deliberating on the original scoring into the wee small hours to reflect whether scores should be amended to reflect the subsequent information received.


The opinion of recently appointed Justice Hum is presented for the public to view.

- The A/C caused negligible dis-comfort and only to a few passengers during one dinner. They could have moved. Crew could have suggested it too.

- Hum is impressed by Crystal taking the bold action they have but as thy received very high original scores for their shoreside mqnagement operation an extra point would have given them too full a score

- the "motion" is more serious and yet it was refelcted in a lowish score in the Vessel section and as the itineraries appear reflected in the ship's (limited but just capable) ability to sail them then again no alterations to the original scoring are deemed appropriate.


Be up-rising.

Scoring still stands.

Judge adjourns

A ripple of applause is heard from attendees by this piercing wisdom.

"Silence in court"

The clerk to the court gently admonishes.

Offenders and clerk smile.

Each having fulfilled both a need and a duty.

Whilst Justice Hum managed both.

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Hum is "coming out" !

Hum loves GCMV !

Move over Frau GCMV !

Very, very funny.

You have proved one very important thing !

Germans have a sense of humour.


A wonderful sense of humour.

Great job, dearest friend.


Thanks a lot for the compliments - Frau gcmv enjoyed your "scientifically sound" report and my dump remarks as well ...:)


But Frau gcmv put Herr gcmv on enquiry:

- we love to eat outside, morning, noon and night as we do on SD: its not available here in the evening. A big black mark against CE for that !

Will Crytal Cruises change this in the future??? Gcmv hopes, that ho-hum put his remarks on the CE guest satisfaction survey.

When cruising on a ship (yacht) like this, gcmv will ALWAYS have the chance of dining outside, especially in the evening for dinner!:eek:

If they don't change this, gcmv will never try this nice yacht. :(

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Crystal Esprit. 5: Food & Wine


This post is dedicated to Herr GCMV & Frau GCMV

It is about both our loves to two dear friends Hum and Blondie love.


After a last minute protest from SD at the un-fairness of the competition (and whilst awaiting funds to be deposited into Hum's growing Swiss bank account), Hum has decided to jump to the "Food & Wine" section and include "Bars" into the "Crew" section which is proving the hardest to write about and will now be the last section of the review.

After the, sad to report issues, last time. It's time to get back into the fun part.

But will it all be "jolly japes" or just more depressing discoveries and conclusions ?

Let's find out !!




- Ho Hum, is to wining and dining, what Gordon Ramsey is to cooking except Gordon is more easy going !. Food and wine matter to Hum, big time. That's why it is being rated on equal highest number of points given (30) to that of the "Crew"


- well the first thing we loved was the friendliness and aporoachability of the chef on CE who "picking up" on our love of all things food showed us round the open kitchen on the same deck as the dining area with a view into the wonderfully equipped kitchen. How darn marvellous is that ! Yes he is a great chap: loved him from the off.


- later he served us a canape at evening cocktails, as he did every evening. Beautifully presented in a small individual dish and subtle. Yes you heard Hum right: one canapé !. On SD there would be quite a display and generally very good indeed. On CE the motto is quality, quality, quality and especially with wonderful presentation too, which you can observe when the chef is "plating up" watching him in the kitchen from a vantage point in the wonderful adjoining Main Dining Salon. Presentation is not the over-riding concern on SD sadly after a brilliant chef there recently left despite hails of protest from Hum and begging him to stay !


- now dinner is inside on CE; a shame but it had rained a lot on our trip and was humid, so a nicely air-conditioned interior space was welcome this time. Later on our trip, dining companions (and SD'ers) had arranged dinner on the outside deck: it was great-ish.


- dinner menu is economical on CE (restricted is another word you could use). On SD it is far too long and incorporates the ludicrous and simply mad "Raw Cuisine" which open toe, sandal wearing, octogenarian hippies eat along with emaciated young girls who shove the food dis-interestedly around their plates for hours on end. Still there is enough for Hum and Blondie to choose from and it takes much shorter time for Blondie to select (thank the Lord !).


- The bread on CE is very good indeed: much better than SD's dismal offerings. It has crunch, a gappy interior which suggests a combination of better ingredients and a higher temperature, fit for purpose oven. The bread is accompanied by two very high end French butters "doux" and "semi sel". Wonderful. Hum can cut his own bread on CE: the "Nanny attitude" on SD no longer allows it.


- The day to day wines at dinner on CE are very good though the wines you can upgrade to (by paying) are silly and extortionate (we don't all have Raggy's and GCMV's pockets). SDs wine list is far too long but the "mark ups" are restrained (hope SD skipped reading that part. They do you know. Hum would add another $500 to his bill for wine on SD and it's worth it every time. Oh and they have a dedicated sommelier who looks after Hum, a treat but his jokes are appalling).


- the standard of dress for dinner is smart casual, as it is on SD but no one "enforces" it on CE (unlike SD and undertaken so tactfully too) despite a few pointed looks from Hum to senior crew. One gentleman turned up in his swimming shorts ! And proceeded to do the same the next night which encouraged another man to dress in shorts. The areas were air-conditioned, there was no need. Hum complained to senior crew and was promised a word would be said: nothing happened, in fact it got worse. Wouldn't happen on SD even outside for dinner ! Earlier one man walked through the Main Lounge with his top exposed. Ghastly, simply ghastly. No ladies (and a few boys) he wasn't Brad Pitt, more like his very much older brother "Cess" ! What kinda class of people do they attract on CE ? Hum thought that dress standards would be better on CE with all the "big ship" black tie evenings. Sadly not. However as the week progressed, a number of ladies looked wonderful in very elegant outfits (Abenaki would be "purring" approval noises all evening). Our wonderful dining companions of two nights were both very elegant. But boy their were some right slobs. Hum was shocked and mildly disgusted. And yes Hum displayed all his medals from various SD campaigns, amongst which was the "Crossing of 2011" medal. Highest medal awarded to a civilian.


- Breakfast has an outside deck which you enter via a lage automatic glass door. Passengers navigate this at ease because we are older and less nimble. The waiter serving Hum was anxious for some reason. Hum probably scared the "Bejezus" out of him. Maybe it was because Hum exploded at him when told that they do not have English breakfast tea. What ! What kind of ship is this ? He was quickly told by the restauant manager that there was EBT onboard and he proceeded to rush off then rush back with said tea bag. It was then he walked into the door. Thankfully no injuries, Hum's tea bag was in tact you will be glad to hear. Hum spared the waiter from pouring the tea for two reasons. 1 it was far too early and had'nt brewed and 2 he could have suffered from concussion resulting in the tea being poured over Hum !


- yes, you clever clogs you, you noticed, most of the teas are in bags and are poor quality. There are 6 loose leaf teas of obscure mixes and not worth trying except for the Earl Grey. The loose leaf teas on SD are "tops". Hand mixed in England and really are exquisite and very expensive to buy. So Hum changed to American style of drinking and adopted the coffees. Out-standing, the best coffees Hum has ever had ! Never Saw that coming. SD coffee is not in same league but Hum is no expert. Aussie chums generally can't abide SD coffee (there are so many jokes Hum could make about Aussies but he will resist....this time. Terrible "sledgers" you know though recently out done by the Kiwis. Let 'em have a taste of their own medicine, Hum says).


- The breakfast selection on CE was good and wonderfully displayed for those that like to help themselves. SD's was better and more extensive though the self-service area is cramped and CE's is more navigable. The special was fine. SDs ain't much better.


- English mustard was requested for the sausage on Hum's full English Breakfast plate but after three valiant attempts of the manager suggesting Dijon mustard twice and French ground grain mustard once, Hum eleborated that England had very few internationally renowned foods but nothing could surpass English mustard for an Englsh man and his English pork sausage ! He looked incredulous. Sadly the sausage was awful, as it was the next day when another dismal offering was presented, representing the best (and at the same time, the worst) of what Germany had to offer. By the third attempt another sausage was presented, it was OK and they had discovered actual English mustard ! Hurrah !


- At 9.20am Hum was advised that breakfast was finishing and if he wanted any more food, he should "get a shifty on". What ? Outrageous. Again SD win, they officially finish at 10.30am but passengers late up from the night before at TOYB have been known to stagger in in their dressing gowns much later than that and still have breakfast. Absolutely disgraceful service on CE or non-service to be more accurate !


- the food quality is excellent flown in from the US and Europe as is SDs


- You know something ? Hum can't remember a single memorable lunch. Yes Hum made notes at the time but nope, cant recall a thing. Had an amazing sirloin steak baguette on the top outside deck cafe served by a very nice (but oh so shy) cook. Obviously Hum made him nervous. The steak was melt in the mouth. Last time Hum had steak this good it was with Gantt & Ted in one of their fancy Atlanta, restaurants......mmmmmm.......still remember it.....a small cut off the rib eye (spinalis).

- OK got that wrong, there were mostly great meals scoring just below 10 on average.

Day 2: Lunch - 9

Day 3: Lunch - 10

Day 4: Lunch - 10

Day 5: Lunch - 7 - pizza

Day 6: Lunch - 10** (2 star) - steak baguette

Day 7: Lunch - 9


- The chef is very approachable and passionate, not in a manic way. Hum asks him how he prepared the duck dish one day early on in trip. It was "drunken" duck. Marinated in sherry and soy sauce hence it was not served "pink". Outstanding ! And the kitchen can really cook fish and lobster; it comes out of the kitchen slightly translucent so that by the time it arrives at the table, it IS perfect sometimes even beloved SD get it wrong despite telling them over and over


- on SD if you expressed an interest in a dish, they would make it. Not so on CE; in fact hints are not even picked up. Hum suspects they were actually ignored. And yet one guy had his rib eye.


- Low fat Natural yoghurt had ran out on CE by day 2 !!! On SD they keep a secret supply for Blondie just to make sure she is kept happy; they are great like that. On CE it is more of a continual reminder.


- SD make Blondie's salad. A bespoke salad made just for her though by Day 3 many ladies are ordering her salad too


- Criticism of dishes on SD can occasionally be received chilly-illy (probably no such word)


- Great cheeses on CE. marvellous variety on CE. Better than SD


- Looky here, Hum's no expert on caviar and to be frank he aint that bothered with it. Blondie on the other hand is a gannet for the ruddy stuff and regularly helps herself to spoons of the black eggs on SD and loves it. The CE caviar was awful. OK to be polite. It was not to our taste or many others either by the amount left over. You can always buy your own onboard (premium grade stuff) on both ships. We had it once with an Aussie chum. It was great.


- Blondie asked for porridge one day on CE. The chef made it personally, it was delicious. Blondie's porridge on SD can only be mastered by one guy. Next day Blondie orders porridge. Waiter sheepishly tells her, it can't be done ! Blondie storms off in the direction of the kitchen. Porridge arrives ! CE chef was off that morning. Meaning no one in CE kitchen could or wanted to make porridge. Ye Gods ! The kitchen really let down their chef and he was so proud of 'em. So if this chef is off then you had better order in that night.


- Indian food on SD is Michelin star class ! Of course only Brits will ever appreciate that yet it's worth mentioning something SD are leaders at.


- whenever Belgians are onboard, chefs, Hotel Managers, maitre d's and waiters are very worried. They are the gourmands of the world. There is no other nation that have this feel for food. And so when two Belgians were onboard and one whom appeared to take eating very seriously, judging by his girth ! Then Hum sidled up to him and asked his opinion before ordering anything (he eat earlier to Hum, you see). Well he was generally satisfied and his advice was routinely taken except he loved the top side cafe Pizza Margarita whilst Hum did not: poor base you see. "It's all about the base, the base, no trouble" No ? The kids get it. Stay cool Daddio.




- the food and wine on CE are excellent and Hum always found a choice but many would probably wish for a slightly bigger range but not as much as SDs.

- The presentation too is amazing but many may again prefer a greater range like there is on SD (but where presentation is not great). The portions on both vessels are both perfect though.

- serving times on CE for breakfast and lunch are ridiculous (too short and end too early) that really must be changed. Blondie and Hum like long leisurely lunches "al fresco". Crystal do not have a clue. Designed for those "grabbing a bite" between inane activities thus having no time for companions and meeting new chums. On this one point. Hum will never be back unless Crystal comprehend that "small ship" types are not "big ship" types and vica versa and that they ruddy extend dining times. The food deserves it, dammit. Big deduction in points for this. If you are not a lover of this wonder of life's pleasure then ignore Hum henceforth (Philistine). 3 point deduction for this.

- oh by the way Hum critiqued every breakfast, lunch and dinner. Needs tidying up but will be pisted to chef on CE if he wants it.



- CE: 22/30

- SD: 26/30


Shoreside Management: CE: 13. SD: 8 Winner CE

Boarding & Disembarkation: CE: 9. SD: 7 Winner CE

Vessel: CE: 15. SD: 21 Winner SD

Food & Wine: CE: 22. SD: 26 Winner SD

Running Total (so far): CE: 59. SD: 62[/size][/font][/b]


Oh my !

SD have pulled it back and have actually gone in front !!

By 3 points !

The same amount they were deducted for their outrageous dining times !

What a mistake that was (for Hum maybe not for you, dear chum).


How amazing is this !


Still very close though (but not quite "neck and neck" .....ehh Keith ?)

Hum's getting excited.

Are you ?

Course you are.


What is next section Hum ?

Have'nt decided.....still writing ......

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Great reporting Mr. Hum!


We very much appreciate the details...ups and downs of the cruise boat included! And the big conclusion for us is...we don't care how nice CE is, if it's not stable on the water, doesn't sound too enjoyable.

Love the review!

Thanks Ho Hum! And editor Blondie! :):D

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Great reporting Mr. Hum!


We very much appreciate the details...ups and downs of the cruise boat included! And the big conclusion for us is...we don't care how nice CE is, if it's not stable on the water, doesn't sound too enjoyable.

Love the review!

Thanks Ho Hum! And editor Blondie! :):D


Oh Kathy,

Hum didn't mean to suggest we are all hanging on for dear old life, darling !!!

It's not Canadian naval convoys going across the North Atlantic !!

But it does move even in the most benign conditions but the itineraries do reflect the capability (or lack of) of the too top heavy, shallow bottomed vessel.

Capiche ?



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Look, seeing as how you boys and girls have been so good.

Why doesnt Hum give you a small treat ?


Truth is, Hum is off on more travels and doesnt know how he's gonna write and post but Uncle Ho will do his best.


Anything else Hum can get you ?


What's the treat ?


Looky at next post........coming up soon-ish.

Just gotta pop over to Keith at Crystal and tell all his chums over there first before Hum can give it to you.


Back soon.

Behave and don't pull Kathy's pig tails (cos she got a mean right hand...ouch !)

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Crystal Esprit. 5: Entertainment

Well surely this area of investigation and review wont be as contentious as the last two.

Steady waters at last or are they ?


Maybe old windbag is running out of wind.




- entertainmnt on the CE comprises mostly of a single piano player but boy he is brilliant, he sings and is a raconteur too. Tremendously likeable. Hum believes he is a main attraction (competing with a submarine ! Oh the indignity !) for a few months and then he will be gone back to the "big ships", no doubt to his many adoring regulars. Hum and Blondie loved him. We will stay in contact unless he doesn't like the review. Hmmmm...


- as extremely talented as the piano player and raconteur was, the piano player had quite the wrong crowd that week. If it were not for Blondie, the whole evening after dinner would be likened to a convention for Norwegian embalmists ! Blondie did her best, heck Hum did his best with a magnificent but very lewd display on maracas ! No this crowd were tucked up in bed by 9.30pm, air-conditioning way down, cups of cocoa on bedside tables as they read the next exciting chapter of "Mein Kampf" in German with all the hand and arm movement waiting for thunderous ovations between !! Not once did the Captain have to plead with Blondie to get down from any table ! It was awful. Captains have been close to losing an eye as she kicks back in her 6" heels, dancing the night away to the music ! Dreadful, dreadful, dreadful !


- Sadly the piano playing on SD is just awful and "cheesey" and when let loose on their over amplified "un-plugged" sessions then it is truly hell ! A case of the "lunatics taking over the asylum". Nobody in management seems accountable. Probably 'cos they don't just "man up". Sad because as acoustic players, they are brilliant. Whenever Hum dines privately (usually other guests are over-joyed) Hum always asks for some classy acoustic guitar and boy they are great. At least they seem to have dropped serenading around tables. Gawd Hum wants to die at those times. Oh Sir Hum do you have a request ? "Yes, step any more closer and this fork goes right in your eye sonny' No Sir Hum I dont know that one. Aaargghhh my eye !!!!! It was'nt a ruddy song name, stupid boy ! And please stop bleeding on my vol au vent.


- Cabin tvs are brilliant on CE but no news and fewer films than on SD oddly. News fan addicts will be going crazy. Trump lost Iowa 'cos Hump couldn't read the political landscape and advise his buddy.


- no iPod/iphone speakers on CE unlike SD though they are for the old models. No good to Hum who always have the latest models. Thank heavens Blondie does'nt think about Hum that way !!


- music around ship is good quality but slightly questionable selection. We advised Hotel Director and he agreed. Music on SD is erratic but has got a lot better when the bar guys are able to select it. Passengers have been known to put on their own music which is fun provided you like it though Hum's selection of abstruse nasal flute music isn't always their first choice, sadly


- love the entertainment on CE's exercise equipment: fantastic. Gawd Hum could stay on their for minutes !!


- SD have sporadic films and filmed concerts outside around the pool. Hum usually dives into the pool on the Adele concert finale. Those that get drenched, hate it, those watching on, love it ! No pleasing some people is there.



- CE: very high quality piano player. Would pay to see him. Hope we stay chums.


- SD simply have more but quality is poorer and are simply in-different to this aspect of ship life and so receive a deserving low score and light smack on the "botty wotty"


- CE cannot do any more and do they really need to ? SD should do a lot more. Improve quality throughout but they won't yet there is much more choice for the easily pleased (count Hum out on that score). SD should trounce CE on this one by the sheer variety but quality is appalling. Easily rectified but it's a shoreside management issue nothing to do with ship. Norwegians in charge of entertainments ! Worst ruddy nightmare imaginable. Like saying Italians in charge of national defence. Greeks in charge of finances. French in charge of roads. Trump in charge of diplomacy at the Vatican (pee off a Pope, now that takes bells....good for Mr.T and Hum was a Catholic......emphasis on "was". Please don't try that with Mo though !).



- CE: 13/15.

- SD: 10/15


Shoreside Management: CE: 13. SD: 8 Winner CE

Boarding & Disembarkation: CE: 9. SD: 7 Winner CE

Vessel: CE: 15. SD: 21 Winner SD

Food & Wine: CE: 22. SD: 26 Winner SD

Entertainment: CE: 13. SD: 10 Winner CE

Running Total (so far): CE: 72. SD: 72


Did not see that coming.

CE have taken the 3 points off SD and now both vessels are all square !!

All down to one man !!!

The remarkable piano man on CE.

See, individuals DO make a difference.

Well individuals with class, talent and dedication that is.

We are now over half way and as Keith would say "neck and neck" (and this time, he would be right).


Edited by ho-hum
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Shorter by pubic demand.

Well one miserable sids anyway.


Good heavens we have a "Keith" too !!!!


(Cruise Critic slang for "neck and neck")


By the way Hum was WRONG we are half-way through NOW !

Keep in there lads.....Hum sees land !

The end is nigh !

Thank the Keith

Thank the Keith


(Cruise Critic slang "Keith" can also be used to mean "Lord" too)

A right education for you this is, aint it !


Will 'ave you learnin' rhyming slang too !

Are you gettin' all the naughty words ?

Expressions ?

Edited by ho-hum
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Mark Farris IS the man! :D




Yes he is darling !

Will he still wish Hum to be his friend by the end of the review though ?


Hum will have to pkead with him to consider that he, single handedly, won that round for Crystal despite Sea Dream totally "out gunning" him (Naval expression) but they could'nt deliver on even moderate quality.


Hum is delighted for him.

Love him.

Adore him.

A wonderful man who makes people very, very happy.

Blessed to have met him.

As you feel the same.

So good to share the love Patty.


You must have been standing by the iPad !!!

No slouch are you Patty.

But what did Hum say ?

"No running in the corridors"

"Walk, young lady, walk"

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Casino & Spa


Blondie (yes Kathy, Editor in Chief) has hauled Hum into her office and demanded why the latest review section wasn't submitted to her for her prior approval.

Well, it was only about "Entertainment" Hum replied.

So where we you going to account for the Casino & Spa ?

Yikes !

She was right.


And so here are a few additional notes.


Simple, the casino on CE was closed. Much to the huge annoyance of a gentleman from Las Vegas. A professional gambler. CE has not heard the last of that !

SD have a lovely little Casino off the Piano Bar and is always open (when permitted to be open).

So SD wins. CE never showed.



CE spa is a cabin.

The very efficient, lovely and friendly lady was extremely nice.

The prices were astronomical and a further gratuity was suggested on top of added Service Charge.

The SD spa is a dedicated area and there are 4 Thai ladies who are very experienced and skilful practitioners. Hum frequents for general beauty treatments (you're right what a waste when no work is required). Hum has the same lady for years and so feels very relaxed. Yet it is expensive.


In light of the lack of comparison on CE, it is regarded that it cannot really be judged and therefore the original scores must stand.

This may be perceived an injustice to both ships but at least it is a balanced injustice.


Be up-rising.

Scoring still stands.

Judge adjourns

And yes the same thing occurred......

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Oh and love the breaking news.


The other day our CNN station had breaking news. That was who would stand at each podium at the debate.


When our children were young we would read to them the boy who cried wolf. Well, obviously those who are responsible for the news never had their parents read them the story. Everything is breaking news now. So what is new that is not breaking.



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When our children were young we would read to them the boy who cried wolf. Well, obviously those who are responsible for the news never had their parents read them the story. Everything is breaking news now.


That's because it is Wolf who is breaking the news now. Looked like he was going to cry at the last (hopefully the last) debate.

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Ho Hum is travelling all day.

Next review hopefully Monday morning.

Hope you're all having a nice weekend and taking things easy.


Monday????? You surely take lots of time off. I had to drag my buttocks to work today....Right, WORK! That 4 letter word. Well, safe travels and get your beauty sleep.:D

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Monday????? You surely take lots of time off. I had to drag my buttocks to work today....Right, WORK! That 4 letter word. Well, safe travels and get your beauty sleep.:D


So you had to "drag your buttocks" !


There may be ladies reading or people of a weak or un-hinged disposition ! (Plenty of those: un-hinged).

It also must have taken an awful lot of effort to drag them too.

The lobes of which you speak must weigh quite a bit !

Yes siree.


The cause of the "problem" is that you are receiving the FREE service.

90% of the "Daily Drivel Digest" receive updates twice a day.

This premium subscription service has many excellent features.

Too many to list unfortunately.

The "iron ore" level is the one you should consider.

At only $25 a month, it is our entry level issue but it does come without advertising.


And another thing, please do not use the 4 letter, "W" word again !

It's not smart and it's not nice.

However it may be permitted in some contexts, say:

"I am working through a crate of beer..."


But to be serious, apart from you, who claims to be working yet you posted on Saturday, early afternoon !

Aha !

It's you and T Rapper Z who are reading.

It is customary for people not to read CC tween Friday afternoon to Monday morning.


And Hum aint "gettin' outta bed" for less than 750 a day baby !


Go and take Lois out.

No not the ruddy gun club !!!!!

Hum gives up.............

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