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Tunisia aftermath


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Terrorists think the same and stay far far away. Besides, those M16s and CB90 Polaris class patrol boats are so cool to look at.


To each his own. I do not find it cool to look at heavily armed soldiers as a welcome to my vacation.

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How many cruisers are re-evaluating their trips? Terrorism knows no boundaries and if we are truly honest none of us is safe anywhere at the moment.


We've nothing booked at the moment apart from a holiday in Israel (probably safest place just now!) which we will still do and we hope to book a cruise towards the end of the year. I refuse to let these b.....ds win and will do all I can to carry on normally.


Hope most people feel the same. In the meantime my heart goes out to all those people caught up in the atrocity.


Like you we are planning trip to Israel and Paris a year from now. We have traveled to Israel by ship about 6 times in the past 30 years; on our own 20+ times. Security in Israel is always good so we don't have any concerns but we know not to use public transportation and we generally don't visit the typical tourist sites that are big attraction because we go to visit family and friends.


Booked on the the QM2 for Sept out of New York to Quebec City RT.


I think the fall out will be less ships going to areas at risk, for example, I would like to book a TA with a stop in Casablanca... not seeing many with Casablanca.


Folks who do go probably will get good rates.


We did several cruises to the eastern Mediterranean in the last few years, some times these were greatly discounted because of political unrest.

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To each his own. I do not find it cool to look at heavily armed soldiers as a welcome to my vacation.


Then you might as well stay home because there needs to be a high level security all over world these days. Countries who are getting on top of this are modeling their security systems after Israel. Just think about how things have changed traveling since 911.

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Yes, it works but some of us would prefer to not need to have armed soldiers surround our resort vacation swimming pool/hotel in order to be safe.


No one can guarantee what hotel might or might not be a target but there's far better odds a hotel in FLL might be safer than one in Lebanon, Jordan, or even Turkey.

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We have the trip of a lifetime booked for 2016...med for 12 nights....my husband already is concerned about turkey....I reminded him that on 9/11 our daughter was in her office in a boston skyscaper.....I insisted she come home to maine immediately....as I was urging her I see the first footage of the hijackers at the portland airport and was blown away by the feeling that nowhere ....not even our small,coastal town would ever be as safe again.....a number of the countries we are visiting have since been targets....at this point I am confident we will be going...after the news again today who knows what life will be by then.....

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Then you might as well stay home because there needs to be a high level security all over world these days. Countries who are getting on top of this are modeling their security systems after Israel. Just think about how things have changed traveling since 911.


I think you missed my point. I didn't say I won't travel. I did say I don't find it" cool" to look at

M16's. I find it sad.

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I don't think there is a 'right or wrong'. For those who say they will not be kept from traveling, I applaud you. For those who say, I don't want to risk the worry, fear, concern you are absolutely right.


We don't know anyone's story. The hale and hearty 40 something year old childless couple has one set of concerns and not others.


The young parents of six year old twins likely has all together different viewpoint.


How about the 60 something year old widow who traveled with her DH for over 40 years and now has to either travel alone or not go? Does she have concerns the young 'uns cannot understand?


Please don't be overbearing to those who say they will travel or to those who say they likely will not.




I will say that I am a 60 something who traveled with her DH for 30 years and now I have to either travel or not go. I choose to go. Everyone does have different "concerns" but if I always feel that, if people just use common sense, travel is fine. I refused to go near Florida for awhile, when it was the tourist murder capital of the world. I got over the Israeli soldiers carrying their guns everywhere, even seeing the occasional boyfriend/girlfriend walking hand-in-hand on the Promenade with their guns slung over their shoulders. But, then I can also walk into a bar in Texas and see open-carry… I just step out in faith that I will be OK (and use my common sense) - it hasn't let me down yet!

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I will say that I am a 60 something who traveled with her DH for 30 years and now I have to either travel or not go. I choose to go. Everyone does have different "concerns" but if I always feel that, if people just use common sense, travel is fine. I refused to go near Florida for awhile, when it was the tourist murder capital of the world. I got over the Israeli soldiers carrying their guns everywhere, even seeing the occasional boyfriend/girlfriend walking hand-in-hand on the Promenade with their guns slung over their shoulders. But, then I can also walk into a bar in Texas and see open-carry… I just step out in faith that I will be OK (and use my common sense) - it hasn't let me down yet!


Open carry is currently against the law in Texas.

Edited by Texas Tillie
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I think you missed my point. I didn't say I won't travel. I did say I don't find it" cool" to look at

M16's. I find it sad.


Go play with one next time you visit Vegas. May be you will discover the 'cool' factor in M16. A few posters here sited 9-11 terrorist attack but we should also remember USS Cole. It can easily happen to a cruise ship in a ME seaport, Israel notwithstanding. A rather scary thought.

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No one can guarantee what hotel might or might not be a target but there's far better odds a hotel in FLL might be safer than one in Lebanon, Jordan, or even Turkey.


Actually, I'm pretty sure that is not true. There are far more individual deaths via shootings (whether accidental or intended) that occur in US hotels than there are terrorist or or other violent deaths in hotels in the countries you mention. We just tend to discount the deaths that occur one or two at a time. However, they add up to a much, much higher number of people killed overall and a much higher risk to any individual.


Just a few months ago there was a gang-related shooting in my city with a hotel shooting in which not only was the intended victim killed but also (in the next room) an innocent sleeping toddler.


Even if you are strictly referring to a terrorist attack, I'm not sure you could present convincing evidence that the US (or anywhere else) is safer. If nut cases can get inside military bases in the US (such as the two separate attacks at Fort Hood last year) and kill a significant number of people before being stopped, why would you think a hotel is safe?

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How many cruisers are re-evaluating their trips? Terrorism knows no boundaries and if we are truly honest none of us is safe anywhere at the moment.


We've nothing booked at the moment apart from a holiday in Israel (probably safest place just now!) which we will still do and we hope to book a cruise towards the end of the year. I refuse to let these b.....ds win and will do all I can to carry on normally.


Hope most people feel the same. In the meantime my heart goes out to all those people caught up in the atrocity.


Why would you reevaluate? I feel safer at any cruise stop than I do in many US cities after dark.

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I feel safe in a lot of places a round the world in comparison to London...but maybe thats for other reasons.


My real fear is being on a plane but ah well...when I get over it and fly I am glad I did it then get fearful again.



Interestingly enough holidays to Tunisia have dropped a little in price for us here in the UK (Tunisia is a very very popular destination here and I have been twice myself) but even more interestingly they are still being booked daily by many.


Maybe it is because they are coastal town resort type holidays.


With its links to Syria I would have a concern about a Turkish holiday (despite being there in the past) but would stop there on a cruise no problem...I feel the same about Israel.

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Mexican resorts are actually quite safe. They have armed soldiers and navy patrol boats out in force to protect the cruise ship and surrounding port area. Just don't venture out of the tourist area on your own or against your better judgement.


:eek: You call that safe?

I call that an armed camp.

I won't speak for you but that is not my idea of relaxation and beach vacation to have to have soldiers guarding me in order to be safe...... AND actually pay good money for the privilege? No, thanks.



Sort of like airports . . . :rolleyes:

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I can remember after 911, it took me quite a while to be comfortable going to events or places in large crowds of people. I just couldn't do it. I had seen on t.v., most of it live as it was happening, the events unfold.


Others didn't have a problem going on with life the same as before. My mom was planning an excursion to a place in the city, to take my son to. I had to tell her I was too afraid for her to take him. She completely understood.


My brother and his wife flew, with their kids, right after 911. I wouldn't have been able to do that.


I've had thoughts over the recent years that cruise ships could be terrorist targets. Now with the latest events that have been happening, I'm a bit afraid to be on a cruise ship. Just a little afraid. But I'm pretty certain it won't stop me from going. I do have problems with anxiety in general.


I really would love to see so many places in the world. It's the $$$$'s that keeps me from traveling to far away places. I'm just not sure if I would feel too much stress traveling to some of these countries.

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We are supposed to leave in April on HAL to the Med out of Barcelona. Stop in Tunisia still scheduled, which I cannot believe. Am so torn right now whether to go at all, especially since CNN said this morning that it is unsafe for Americans to cruise the Med right now. The world we now live in is terrifying.:(

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Actually, I'm pretty sure that is not true. There are far more individual deaths via shootings (whether accidental or intended) that occur in US hotels than there are terrorist or or other violent deaths in hotels in the countries you mention. We just tend to discount the deaths that occur one or two at a time. However, they add up to a much, much higher number of people killed overall and a much higher risk to any individual.


Just a few months ago there was a gang-related shooting in my city with a hotel shooting in which not only was the intended victim killed but also (in the next room) an innocent sleeping toddler.


Even if you are strictly referring to a terrorist attack, I'm not sure you could present convincing evidence that the US (or anywhere else) is safer. If nut cases can get inside military bases in the US (such as the two separate attacks at Fort Hood last year) and kill a significant number of people before being stopped, why would you think a hotel is safe?


Very valid point. What is missing from the equation is the fear that many have that they will be thousands of miles away from loved ones if something should happen. There is a comfort level knowing you have them close if something should happen.

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Very valid point. What is missing from the equation is the fear that many have that they will be thousands of miles away from loved ones if something should happen. There is a comfort level knowing you have them close if something should happen.


I do understand that.


I was only trying to suggest that people should understand the difference between actual risk and perceived risk. (And not pass off the second one as a fact.)


I am a traveler by nature (in a family of travelers) and my philosophy is that there are far worse ways to go than while doing something I love. :) Anyone who knows me knows that is more than just bravado.

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Open carry is currently against the law in Texas.


Glad to hear it. I guess the guy I saw in the bar outside of Corpus was a "rebel" in a "rebel bar". We do have open carry in Utah.

By the way, looks like the Texas senate just approved the open carry bill a few days ago and is in the legislature now…


Re: references to 9-11: my brother and his family live out in the country near Shanksville. I couldn't get hold of them for hours. And, I have 2 friends who were working in the Pentagon that day. So, I do have my "links" to 9-11. I understand that people react to traumatic events they see on TV or have a personal link to in different ways.

Edited by slidergirl
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Even if you are strictly referring to a terrorist attack, I'm not sure you could present convincing evidence that the US (or anywhere else) is safer. If nut cases can get inside military bases in the US (such as the two separate attacks at Fort Hood last year) and kill a significant number of people before being stopped, why would you think a hotel is safe?



We haven't considered or discussed the cumulative effect of terrorist incident, one after another.

Some of us were touched by many of them and we get to a saturation point of how long will my luck hold?


My late DH and I were in Rome when the Red Brigade bombed the synagogue. It was a most frightening time for us.


We were stationed at Fort Hood when my DH was in the U.S. Army. That was 'home' to us for a period of time.


Boston Marathon bombings left deep wounds on most Bostonians. They are still raw.


We had just left Copenhagen when terrorists struck that beautiful city.



DH and I often walk the neighborhood abutting Port Everglades and admire the beautiful ships. We also have stood there and cringed in fear that cruise ship parking lot is so vulnerable to attack. We have sailed out of there dozens and dozens of times and I likely will again but not this week or next.


Some people become more accepting the world is a dangerous place and perhaps that hinges on many personal factors. Others do not have the same comfort zone. No one should ever be critical of their personal decision.


Maybe for some people cumulative means they have many factors that persuade them to put travel on hold and terrorism fears are the last straw. That is not worthy of criticism, IMO


The only thing to criticize about someone's choice whether to travel now or not is that someone would criticize anyone else's viewpoint and choice.


No one should belittle another person's choices about where and when to travel.

Walk a mile in their shoes before you (generally speaking) know of what you speak.



Sort of like airports . . . :rolleyes:




No, not really.


We pass through airports. We don't spend our vacation there.


Edited by sail7seas
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We haven't considered or discussed the cumulative effect of terrorist incident, one after another.

Some of us were touched by many of them and we get to a saturation point of how long will my luck hold?


My late DH and I were in Rome when the Red Brigade bombed the synagogue. It was a most frightening time for us.


We were stationed at Fort Hood when my DH was in the U.S. Army. That was 'home' to us for a period of time.


Boston Marathon bombings left deep wounds on most Bostonians. They are still raw.


We had just left Copenhagen when terrorists struck that beautiful city.



DH and I often walk the neighborhood abutting Port Everglades and admire the beautiful ships. We also have stood there and cringed in fear that cruise ship parking lot is so vulnerable to attack. We have sailed out of there dozens and dozens of times and I likely will again but not this week or next.


Some people become more accepting the world is a dangerous place and perhaps that hinges on many personal factors. Others do not have the same comfort zone. No one should ever be critical of their personal decision.


Maybe for some people cumulative means they have many factors that persuade them to put travel on hold and terrorism fears are the last straw. That is not worthy of criticism, IMO


The only thing to criticize about someone's choice whether to travel now or not is that someone would criticize anyone else's viewpoint and choice.


No one should belittle another person's choices about where and when to travel.

Walk a mile in their shoes before you (generally speaking) know of what you speak.




I have not belittled your choice at all. I merely wanted to correct the impression left on others by a statement you made.


It's very true that we do not know what shoes others have walked in. I found it very difficult to fly after 9/11 for reasons I prefer not to state here, but I had no choice as I had to travel for work (as the sole financial support of my family). For a while I had to virtually sedate myself, but I kept flying and eventually it got better. One of the things that helped me get over that fear was an understanding of what the real risks were and how to separate them from my fears which, while real to me, were relatively baseless.


I really haven't seen people being "so overbearing" about others' choices either, unless one is being hypersensitive. Most of the discussions on this topic on these boards have involved people sharing their own deeply held beliefs on the topic of travel. Opinions have been shared on both sides. What could be more appropriate to discuss on a travel-related board?


I have been to Tunisia three times in about as many years and I feel so bad for the victims of the shooting, for their families, but also for the majority of people in Tunisia who were horrified by this event. It has helped me deal with my own feelings to respond here.


If the topic bothers or disturbs you, you can always choose not to read it.

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Today on CNN, Bob Baer said he doesn't recommend travel anywhere in the Middle East or North Africa. He is no "Chicken Little" kind of guy.


I suppose the perceived risk also depends where you are. To us Europeans (esp Brits) Tunisia doesn't seem all that exotic or mysteriously dangerous compared to other parts of the world viewing it...even with the recent events there has been little news of 'Do not go to Tunisia' or even Morocco.


Until the 2011 fallout it was pretty much in the top cheap places to go for UK families and since most of us travel to the coastal towns and resorts instead of cities there are many that have not cancelled their holiday. Some might even say it is safer that before because of heightened security.


Tunisia is stunning. However people should do what they feel comfortable with on holiday.

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