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Purpose of a Meet and Greet


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I was recently on a Princess Cruise, 17 day, but I don't want to hurt any feelings so I am not saying ship or itinerary. I am hoping that I am not opening up a can of worms here, but this needs to be discussed.


We had a Meet and Greet in one of the lounges. The organizers were hoping that one of the ships officers might come. We did get somebody from the ships crew, a woman in white uniform who was part of customer service . After she was introduced, several people who had organized private tours started announcing that they had space on their tour. The crew member left, but on her way out spoke to the organizer of the Meet and Greet and said that there was to be no private tour sales at the function as that was in competition with Princess and not the purpose of a Meet and Greet.


The organizer of the Meet and Greet came back and announced what he had been told by the crew member. But it had no effect. The rest of the Meet and Greet was spent dealing with private tour announcements. We had really no time to meet anybody other than a couple that we already knew. They were as puzzled as we were by the devotion of the time to private tours.


Why would Princess allow Cruise Critic passengers to have a Meet and Greet if the purpose of the function is to directly compete with Princess Excursions. Why would the Captain or other high ranking officers bother to come to an event that appears to exist solely to promote private tours in competition with the ship tours? The day may not be far off where Princess says "NO" to Cruise Critic for Meet and Greets.


Tour organizers should set up their own time to get together with people on their tour. I have done this in the past and it is much easer to get everything organized in the small group. Picking a time to have breakfast or lunch in the MDR on a sea day is great for this. And the roll call forum is the perfect place to announce if one has space available and a time and place for interested people to come sign up.


Thanks for listening

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I agree. Thanks for opening a can of worms.:) It's about time for a hot topic other than gratuities and dining room dress. For myself, I seldom go to large meet and greets, largely for the issues you stated.

Edited by billco
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I was recently on a Princess Cruise, 17 day, but I don't want to hurt any feelings so I am not saying ship or itinerary. I am hoping that I am not opening up a can of worms here, but this needs to be discussed.


We had a Meet and Greet in one of the lounges. The organizers were hoping that one of the ships officers might come. We did get somebody from the ships crew, a woman in white uniform who was part of customer service . After she was introduced, several people who had organized private tours started announcing that they had space on their tour. The crew member left, but on her way out spoke to the organizer of the Meet and Greet and said that there was to be no private tour sales at the function as that was in competition with Princess and not the purpose of a Meet and Greet.


The organizer of the Meet and Greet came back and announced what he had been told by the crew member. But it had no effect. The rest of the Meet and Greet was spent dealing with private tour announcements. We had really no time to meet anybody other than a couple that we already knew. They were as puzzled as we were by the devotion of the time to private tours.


Why would Princess allow Cruise Critic passengers to have a Meet and Greet if the purpose of the function is to directly compete with Princess Excursions. Why would the Captain or other high ranking officers bother to come to an event that appears to exist solely to promote private tours in competition with the ship tours? The day may not be far off where Princess says "NO" to Cruise Critic for Meet and Greets.


Tour organizers should set up their own time to get together with people on their tour. I have done this in the past and it is much easer to get everything organized in the small group. Picking a time to have breakfast or lunch in the MDR on a sea day is great for this. And the roll call forum is the perfect place to announce if one has space available and a time and place for interested people to come sign up.


Thanks for listening


You're absolutely correct. It's best to have the details concerning money, cabin numbers, meet up time and place, etc. setup prior to the cruise.


This has been discussed before. Unfortunately there will always be some folks that live by their own set of rules.

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I've attended M & G's that were all about exchanging monies for tours and cringed when I saw the ship's staff reaction to the "flea market" atmosphere. Yes, if clueless pax continue with such behavior, organized meetings will become history. I once saw a woman selling craft items she was making during the cruise.


IMO, the ship is doing us a favor, allocating space and staff for our convenience to meet face-to-face and share/build relationships during the cruise.


I do not enjoy the Yankee Swaps, nor do I enjoy hearing the travel stories of "Mrs.-I-have-been-on more-trips-than-you," and have walked out of the paper & pencil games.



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I was recently on a Princess Cruise, 17 day, but I don't want to hurt any feelings so I am not saying ship or itinerary. I am hoping that I am not opening up a can of worms here, but this needs to be discussed.


We had a Meet and Greet in one of the lounges. The organizers were hoping that one of the ships officers might come. We did get somebody from the ships crew, a woman in white uniform who was part of customer service . After she was introduced, several people who had organized private tours started announcing that they had space on their tour. The crew member left, but on her way out spoke to the organizer of the Meet and Greet and said that there was to be no private tour sales at the function as that was in competition with Princess and not the purpose of a Meet and Greet.


The organizer of the Meet and Greet came back and announced what he had been told by the crew member. But it had no effect. The rest of the Meet and Greet was spent dealing with private tour announcements. We had really no time to meet anybody other than a couple that we already knew. They were as puzzled as we were by the devotion of the time to private tours.


Why would Princess allow Cruise Critic passengers to have a Meet and Greet if the purpose of the function is to directly compete with Princess Excursions. Why would the Captain or other high ranking officers bother to come to an event that appears to exist solely to promote private tours in competition with the ship tours? The day may not be far off where Princess says "NO" to Cruise Critic for Meet and Greets.


Tour organizers should set up their own time to get together with people on their tour. I have done this in the past and it is much easer to get everything organized in the small group. Picking a time to have breakfast or lunch in the MDR on a sea day is great for this. And the roll call forum is the perfect place to announce if one has space available and a time and place for interested people to come sign up.


Thanks for listening


On many cruises, especially long cruises, the roll call members put together private tours. One purpose of the M&G is to meet the organizer of the tour, but this may never be done as a general announcement. The announcement of any private tour, or for the solicitation of additional passengers for any tour may NEVER be done at a M&G. The tour organizer must provide those that signed up for the tour with information in another way via the pre-cruise roll call, for example visit their cabin between certain times. The Princess passage contract is very specific on this and reads in part "You shall not solicit other Passengers for commercial purposes or advertise goods or services without Carrier's prior written permission. You may be disembarked without liability for refund, payment, compensation or credit of any kind if You or any Passenger for whom You are responsible violate any of these requirements, and agree to assume and/or reimburse Carrier for any expenses or fines that may be incurred as a result of such noncompliance." Some on this site have reported that they have been called aside by senior staff and told to stop the tour announcements, and that if they continued they would be disembarked.


On board activities, such as cabin crawls, slot pulls, times to meet for coffee, setting up trivia teams, group lunches, etc. are allowed at M&G's.


I agree that other than P.R., and a few drinks that may be sold, CC M&G's are of little value to Princess. It's just something they have to allow, as all lines have them.

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All of them were too much like a meeting at our work where a self appointed "know it all" loves to hear themselves talk. We are retired now and choose not to waste our precious time with an event that irritates us.


I tend to have no filter these days and just say things that need to be said. I always offend someone. :rolleyes:



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The organizer usually makes an announcement early on during the roll call about tours NOT being sold at the M&G.


I've been to 2 very well organized M&G for longer cruises which were brilliantly attended by many of the ship staff including the Captain.

Events for later in the cruise were organized and passengers where able to meet to discuss other plans for games or lunches while on board.


I think for the longer cruises such as the TA these are an asset, and I hope going forward organizers make those attending aware of the rules prior to boarding.

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On our cruise around South America on the Grand Princess in 2013, the Captain announced at the M&G that there would be no selling private excursions at the meeting. He said that if anyone persisted, they would be put off the ship at the next port. That put a stop to the sales.

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Purpose of M&G is to meet the people you have been chatting with so long on the Roll Calls. Lifetime friendships have been made at these meetings.

I agree that on long cruises we do arrange for private tours. The people organizing should have cabin numbers, email addresses etc. before our meeting. And absolutely no money should be collected at M&G.

If each one of us has private tours booked, it is our responsiblity to seek out the person organizing tour and introduce ourselves . No announcements to that effect should be made.

In the past I made the mistake of introducing those people and even that is not right to do.After the infamous SA cruise where people were getting in trouble, I learned from others mistakes reading about it.

Edited by san diego sue
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I've been to one m&G and it was a pleasant meeting of the roll call. There was no selling of tours or any other business discussed. It was informal and went well.


So, not all M&G's are "corrupted".

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On our cruise around South America on the Grand Princess in 2013, the Captain announced at the M&G that there would be no selling private excursions at the meeting. He said that if anyone persisted, they would be put off the ship at the next port. That put a stop to the sales.


not the captain but I think the hotel manager who went off on us. Wasn't Tony Yeomans captain on that voyage? Never the less, as it was a 49 day cruise with plenty of ports and many veteran cruisers there were a plethora of private tours. I do recall the first M&G was a yard sale of private tours. We were really over the top and none too well discreet. However, "Adolph" didn't have to tear into us like he did at the 2nd M&G, justified or not.

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Looking forward to the M&G on the Crown Princess Oct 17, 2015 HS&T cruise to meet all of the wonderful cruisers that are on our Roll Call. :D

I believe that our M&G Coordinator will insure that the main purpose of the M&G is to meet and talk to each other! Just Mike

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For an FYI its best to try and hold the M&G before Noon if you want Officers to show. In the early afternoon is when they have meetings.


The last M&G we had several members started grilling the PSD on why the ship was built this way and that way and how screwed up this and that were, really making it uncomfortable for the rest of us and the crew. Basicly took over the M&G. :rolleyes:


I agree about the tour thing. Have not run into a hrad sell by CC members yet, especially in public. :cool:

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I organized the M&G for my Emerald cruise next week. The reason that I did it was to meet the people on the roll call and hopefully meet some of the officers. A few years ago I organized one on NCL and it was great. I was greeted by name by the officers all week and they even invited the group to tour the bridge.


After reading all of the comments about the Princess M&G, I am wishing I did not volunteer to do it again! Hopefully we will have some officers show up and I will not allow selling of tours.

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Looking forward to the M&G on the Crown Princess Oct 17, 2015 HS&T cruise to meet all of the wonderful cruisers that are on our Roll Call. :D

I believe that our M&G Coordinator will insure that the main purpose of the M&G is to meet and talk to each other! Just Mike

Yes, I will. I plan to post the no selling rule on our Roll Call several times as we get closer.


On our cruise around South America, it was a very experienced group. About 1000 Elite, 1000 Platinum and 500 other. By my count there were over 100 private tours offered. There were about 500 on the Roll Call.

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I've been to one m&G and it was a pleasant meeting of the roll call. There was no selling of tours or any other business discussed. It was informal and went well.


So, not all M&G's are "corrupted".


I totally agree. In fact I actually found this thread surprising as we have been to many meet and greets and have never experienced the selling of tours. I am a planner and like to have my tours planned and booked way before we sail so it's hard for me to imagine that many would wait until they were onboard to make arrangements.

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The -purpose- of the meet and greet is to put faces to names of people on the Roll Call, maybe meet some of the crew, etc. It's not to sell tours, etc but some people use it as such.


If you have already arranged a tour via the RollCall its fine to hand out documents to the participants....

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I organized the M&G for my Emerald cruise next week. The reason that I did it was to meet the people on the roll call and hopefully meet some of the officers. A few years ago I organized one on NCL and it was great. I was greeted by name by the officers all week and they even invited the group to tour the bridge.


After reading all of the comments about the Princess M&G, I am wishing I did not volunteer to do it again! Hopefully we will have some officers show up and I will not allow selling of tours.

I organized a M&G last summer. May I suggest that,if you haven't already done so, find out the names of your ships' officers and when you get on board, bring some personal 'invitations' to the PAX svc desk to be delivered to them.

I had done so and we had 9 ships' officers attend - from the CPT, CD, Directors of housekeeping, security, food and beverage, Maitre'd, etc.

They were all wonderful and spent quite a bit of time conversing with us and talking about their jobs on board.

Don't rely on Princess to notify them all. They appreciated the personal touch.

Oh, and that was my 1st M&G and I had no idea that 'sales' were frequently done during these get togethers. I would have assumed any coordinating of private tours would be handled in the same manner - privately.

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The M&Gs I've been to haven't had any open solicitations for private tours fortunately. The best ones have had good organizers who invited officers to come, remembered to bring nametags, introduced people around, steered the conversation (and quieted people who wanted to monopolize it), etc.

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I organized a M&G last summer. May I suggest that,if you haven't already done so, find out the names of your ships' officers and when you get on board, bring some personal 'invitations' to the PAX svc desk to be delivered to them.

I had done so and we had 9 ships' officers attend - from the CPT, CD, Directors of housekeeping, security, food and beverage, Maitre'd, etc.

They were all wonderful and spent quite a bit of time conversing with us and talking about their jobs on board.

Don't rely on Princess to notify them all. They appreciated the personal touch.

Oh, and that was my 1st M&G and I had no idea that 'sales' were frequently done during these get togethers. I would have assumed any coordinating of private tours would be handled in the same manner - privately.

You can also get the names of the officers from the Princess Patter waiting in your cabin when you board

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not the captain but I think the hotel manager who went off on us. Wasn't Tony Yeomans captain on that voyage? Never the less, as it was a 49 day cruise with plenty of ports and many veteran cruisers there were a plethora of private tours. I do recall the first M&G was a yard sale of private tours. We were really over the top and none too well discreet. However, "Adolph" didn't have to tear into us like he did at the 2nd M&G, justified or not.


Just as an FYI, The captain was Tony Herriott.

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Purpose of M&G is to meet the people you have been chatting with so long on the Roll Calls. Lifetime friendships have been made at these meetings.
I agree 100%. I've made many friends.


Princess has gotten very strict and clamping down on people promoting or exchanging money for private tours. And rightfully so. The purpose of the M&G is to meet each other, place a face with the screen name, etc.


I've organized quite a few private tours and have learned a lot from friends who have done the same. I bring an envelope for each person or couple on my tour and include a name tag, tour details, meeting time and place, and payment information. I hand them out during the Meet & Greet if I can. Otherwise, I drop off the envelope in their cabin mailbox. Fast, easy and not obvious.

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I've gone to a couple M&Gs and enjoyed actually being able to put the faces with the messages on CC board. Conversations can evolve to sharing a tour with another couple or two but I wouldn't go there to meet up with planned tours outside of the original CC roll call topics.


What usually puts me off from attending these M&G are the often added gift swaps that are included with the M&Gs. They take up valuable time since the meetings are generally only for one hour. I'd rather my time is spent meeting with people than playing a game.


I will attend a sail away if one has been planned but that can also be difficult for many who have early dining plans.


We've met a few really wonderful people who we've traveled with and kept in touch with in the meet and greets but they were also of the type of M&G that allowed us the time to meet and get to know rather than selling excursions or playing games.

Edited by iceleven
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While private tours are allowed to be set up on your Cruise Critic Roll Call, they are NOT allowed to be discussed or sold at the Princess M&G. Meeting times and money arrangements need to be handled privately.


At the M&G it's fine to discuss Slot Pulls, Cabin Crawls, Lunches, and other things to do together ON the ship.



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Same as I do, and no Princess staff has ever said a thing.


It comes down to, as with many things, whoever organizes it (which is often why I volunteer since I think I have a pretty good handle on how it should be).





I've organized quite a few private tours and have learned a lot from friends who have done the same. I bring an envelope for each person or couple on my tour and include a name tag, tour details, meeting time and place, and payment information. I hand them out during the Meet & Greet if I can. Otherwise, I drop off the envelope in their cabin mailbox. Fast, easy and not obvious.

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