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Hot Spots and Headlines: A Mariner Mediterranean Joint Live Blog

Mr Rumor

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The cheese trolley is gone. It you order cheese, it is now preplated. The cheese was great, but I prefer the trolley where you could pick and choose.


Very surprised that they served you preplated cheese in Signatures.

We had a delicious meal in Signatures on Mariner at the beginning of this month and finished with a perfect selection of cheeses served from the trolley.



Hope you all enjoy your cruise and look forward to reading more posts

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Very surprised that they served you preplated cheese in Signatures.

We had a delicious meal in Signatures on Mariner at the beginning of this month and finished with a perfect selection of cheeses served from the trolley.



Hope you all enjoy your cruise and look forward to reading more posts


I was surprised by that as well. Our meal and service were great otherwise. And the included wines very acceptable.

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Great to see Jackie's and Rachel's posts from a few hours ago. I tried to post again after dinner last night, and couldn't log in--internet just not functional. It is slow right now, but I'll take it! I was really feeling Roberto's/Z's blogging pain from the previous cruise last night.


It was a late arriving crowd on "opening night" in CR. When we strolled in at 7:20 it was still largely empty. We got a nice table for two in Section 8, near the Captain's Table, which allowed us a nice view of goings-on.


Dinner clocked in at a truly speedy 73 minutes, and I'm talking three courses plus dessert. We liked our waiter, Harry, who has been with Regent since 2008. Harry already has his mid-year Regent assignment for 2016: the Explorer!


Dinner was fine, although Ginny's tofu and glass noodles entry was a little too salty. The hit for me was the vanilla creme brulee. Delicious!


Even though we hadn't sailed with Regent since May, 2014, we were happy to see some familiar faces, such as those of dancers Alan and Nathan (Alan is the one who served as an advisor to one of the coaches on Dancing With the Stars), Cruise Director Lorraine, Assistant Pursor Aimee and Marcela in Desination Services. Had a chance to chat briefly with each. One bit of news: Alan and Nathan have a contract with the Voyager for the fall of 2016. I'm aware of the reports that Regent will be going with NCL entertainment at some point in the near future, including on the Explorer, so I was little surprised, but happy, to hear about Alan and Nathan's continuing association with Regent.


More later, internet willing!

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I'm back with some numbers on this cruise. We're sailing full with 673 passengers (355 women, 318 men). Here is the nationaility breakdown:


United States, 297

United Kingdom, 156

Belgium, 59

Canada, 17

Mexico, 17

Germany, 16

Netherlands, 16

France, 11

Sweden, 10

Venezuela, 10

Australia, 9

Switzerland, 9

Argentina, 7

Italy, 6

Spain, 6

Ireland, 5

Austria, 4

Equador, 4

Denmark, 3

Brazil, 2

Bulgaria, 2

New Zealand, 2

Chile, 1

Liechtenstein, 1

Portugal, 1

Romania, 1

South Africa, 1

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Interesting breakdown. Before seeing the numbers I would have guessed that there were at least three times more people from Germany as we are hearing German spoken quite a bit.


Had a quick breakfast at CR - good service (they tend to be slow at breakfast). Dennis served us and is magnificent as always. We are still talking about Signatures -- it was the best meal we have ever had in that dining venue.


We met the new G.M. yesterday -- she has a strong background and seems to be a great addition to the Regent team. Hoping to have more time to chat with her.


Very happy that today is a sea day (we were originally scheduled to be in Lesbos) so we can catch up on sleep, etc. Our Meet and Greet is in 90 minutes - it will be nice to meet everyone.

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Thanks All for you continued reviews, it's preparing my taste buds for our Cape Town to Rio trip in December.

On that note I am after a favour: can someone tell me;: does the shop on board stock

L'Occitaine Vevyter ( gents cologne/ aftershave)

And also Dolce & Gabana Light Blue (ladies perfume/ eau de toilette)?

We have some OBC to spend and if these are stocked on board Mariner there will be no need to bring some with us or buy at the airport.

Look forward to a reply

Many thanks





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Swabs, I know one of we bloggers will get back to you on the cologne/perfume questions.


The HS&H bloggers' Meet & Greet was delightful--the hour flew by. In attendance: RachelG and hubby George, Jackie/Travelcat2 and Dennis (hopefully soon to post himself; I'll let him be the one to divulge his clever screen name), Margaret/FreeMaggie, Larry/Bigdogwon and partner Tom; and Mike/MikeD1000 and wife Anne. The Mexican Butterfly, the drink of the day, helped to fuel the conversation for a few of us.


Then it was on to the Pool Deck for a lunch date with Nature's Rhythm, who have totaled so many contracts with Regent since the trio was discovered by Regent execs while performing at the Manila Hilton in 2006 that they'd have to stop to count them all (didn't want to make them do that).


As was mentioned on another thread, it is a different lineup since we last saw them in 2014. Sernil is on his second contract after replacing original member Terry. Larry and Jun remain as original members.


We go back to 2012 with NR. Our Mariner TA that March was so pleasant in part because of the trio's lunch-time performances on a handful of the balmy sea days. They won me as a fan then when they fulfilled my request for a "Day the Music Died" medley featuring a song each from Buddy Holly, the Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens. (FYI: Buddy recorded most of his legendary hits in the Land of Enchantment and the three perished in that infamous plane crash on 2/3/59.)


Nature's Rhythem did my 2012 request one better today by also adding a fourth tune, Don McLean's "American Pie," the song that contains the words "The day the music died." And they weren't content to just knock that tune out; rather, they performed the full ten-minute version. Well done, guys!

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I just reread Jackie's earlier post, including the mention of the new Regent General Manager. I had the pleasure to chat with Nickie Sheils for a few minutes this morning. Ginny and I are delighted to be sailing with a Regent trailblazer, which, as the line's first female GM, Nickie is. She joined the Mariner in July after an 18-year tenure at Princess in which she rose through the ranks from junior purser to Hotel General Manager (incidentally, she was one of five female HGMs at Princess).


Unlike the usual General Manager resume listing a degree in Hotel Management, Nickie's features a nine-year stint with the Royal Navy, where she worked in an administrative capacity. So how did she make the leap to pleasure cruising? "An opportunity arose, and I took it for six months," she explained. Long enough, it turned out, for her to want to give the cruise world a longer go. "The more I did, the more I loved it, and the more I progressed."


Nickie's day begins at the computer, where she checks her e-mails. Then it's a walk around the ship (easy peasy for a fitness buff and former trail runner), followed by a check-in with HR, then a staff meeting. After that, "it really depends on what the challenges are for that day. If every day were the same, I don't think I'd be so excited about what I do!"


Nickie has the travel bug to the degree that when she's on holiday, she and her husband (retired from a cruise industry job) take off on their own. One favorite destination is the Baltics, especially St. Petersburg. Another: Antarctica, "The most amazing place."



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One bit of news: Alan and Nathan have a contract with the Voyager for the fall of 2016. I'm aware of the reports that Regent will be going with NCL entertainment at some point in the near future, including on the Explorer, so I was little surprised, but happy, to hear about Alan and Nathan's continuing association with Regent.


I think their next contract begins in March '16 on the Voyager. Hopefully I can find a way to see them in action one more time. Yes, I'm a groupie!!

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Today is another beautiful day on the Mariner. Mr. Rumor is posting about our trivia experience so I'll just mention our M&G and lunch. The folks at our Meet and Greet are delightful. We spent a lovely hour in the Observation Lounge chatting and sharing stories. When asked what we wanted to drink I ordered my "new" favorite drink ....... a Mexican Butterfly made with Don Julio. Four others decided to give it a try as well. Unfortunately, Olga wasn't the bartender - she was giving a cocktail demonstration. So, while the drink was fine, it was a bit on the weak side (probably a good thing since it was 11:00 a.m.)


After the M&G things for me became a big funny. My DH typically goes up to La Veranda to make a salad while I go to CR to order drinks and my lunch. After being seated in Dennis' section I ordered one of the best hamburgers that I've had in a long time. It was Mexican style - topped with chili, a bit of refried beans and cheese. On the side was guacamole and chips. Although I removed the bun, it was still full of calories, however, it was really tasty. After a while I started to wonder where the heck my DH was. Although two crew members offered to look for him upstairs, they had better things to do than looking for a missing spouse. I finished lunch and my second weak Mexican Butterfly and went up to La Veranda only to find Rachael, George and my DH sitting at a table. They had also finished lunch and George had my wine (good thing as I do not mix tequila with wine). Anyway, we had a good laugh about the whole thing.


This is a very congenial group and we are enjoying everyone's company. Another sea day tomorrow.


Swabs: Will look for your items later today or tomorrow and will let you know.

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Peggy, KaraokeQueen, flossie009, and Andrea/thecleave, thanks for your nice comments and glad you're enjoying the joint blog. Andrea, I believe you're correct about Nathan and Alan rejoining the Voyager next March. I was thinking that was going to be their final contract, so was glad to know about the one starting in October, 2016. By the way, if you haven't participated in the Beatles dance party with Nathan, be sure to do it if you get the chance. He is a scream twisting and shouting with the ladies.


Well it went down to the wire--to a tie-breaker question, in fact--but your devoted Hot Spots and Headlines blog team, plus the delightful Ken and Joy from Switzerland, emerged victorious at trivia today. I shamelessly welcome gimme questions and I got a great one for No. 11--"What famous American artist did photographer Alfred Steiglitz marry?" Georgia O'Keeffe, of course! (We're supporters of the wonderful O'Keeffe museum in Santa Fe.) Thanks, Jackie and Rachel for the gift of your three-point Regent Rewards cards to the Shauna Gift Fund!



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Andrea, I believe you're correct about Nathan and Alan rejoining the Voyager next March. I was thinking that was going to be their final contract, so was glad to know about the one starting in October, 2016. By the way, if you haven't participated in the Beatles dance party with Nathan, be sure to do it if you get the chance. He is a scream twisting and shouting with the ladies.




Thanks Rich - that is definitely good news!! Please tell them both I said hello and will see them in just a little over a month!


It sounds like you all are having an amazing time!! Nothing better than great food, great friends and trivia on Regent.

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Really great meet and greet, and loved meeting everyone.


Yes, we won at trivia. I was able to contribute a few good answers in the medicine and science field, but had not any idea about Georgia o'Keefe so thank goodness for Rich and Ginny. But we did win in a tie breaker, thanks to not over thinking the question.


George and I had a good walk about on the top deck then got watching a stupid movie, so much that we lost track of time. I looked at my watch and it was 6:30. The captain's reception was tonight, and while we don't go to that usually, we do try to hit CR right at 6:30 and avoid the big rush later.


We scrabbled around and got ourselves presentable. There was a line but we were quickly seated.


Starters were just ok. I ordered the caviar, which I thought would be a traditional presentation. Minsters, it was more of a caviar terraine with layers of blini, egg, sour cream and caviar. George had a cheese soufflé which was very eggy, more like a breakfast dish.


Great fresh salads, then lobster which was steamed. It had a good flavor, but was a little overdone. But overall ok. We ordered a side of steamed baby book choy which was quite nice. I resisted bread though George had a couple of the bread torpedoes for me, and pronounced them great.


The absolute highlight of the meal was an amazing chocolate and raspberry cake. It had to be the best cake I have ever eaten, moist dark chocolate, raspberry, and topped with chocolate syrup rather than frosting. OMG, so good. If I ever end up on death row, this is what I want for my last meal.


Tonight there is a show. I will go. George will stay in as per our usual custom.


Our air conditioning was not working well at all, but when we came back from dinner, a guy was here fixing it, and the room is now perfectly cool.

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Okay - now I can make my comment regarding trivia. The tie-breaker question was how many Tour de France (sorry if I didn't get that right) did Lance Armstrong win. Our team said "7" while the other team said "0". Both responses were more or less correct but we won because he actually won 7 but had them taken away (not 100% certain about that). In any case, we were feeling pretty good about the win.


We had a delightful meal with Capt. Teo -- we met him on our April cruise. When there is lobster on the menu he asks the chef to make a special pasta and lobster entree which I had and it was delicious. The Social Hostess was also at our table with another couple. It was a fun meal and we toasted FDR as today is his birthday (no matter how many birthdays he has, I remain older than him:-)


This is yet another full cruise which I find interesting because this was a difficult one to sell a few months ago due to the itinerary. Perhaps there were a lot of people that picked it up during the 4th of July "sale". Definitely happy that we are here.


"Z" - if you are reading this, the internet is not as fast as at home but still not too bad. We are still at the stage where most people in the Internet Cafe are waiting for assistance in order to log on. Olga and I are still talking about you (are your ears burning?)


Many rumors on board but none that I am comfortable reporting except that "Gami" now works for Viking (actually not a rumor but a fact). He will be missed by many.

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The show tonight was "Backstage Pass", which had been reworked a little from last year. Probably the best performance I have seen in years on Regent, if ever. The Jean Ann Ryan singers and dancers were very energetic and talented. They have gotten rid of the troupe of anorexics as I used to call them, and now have slender but healthy weight young people. And they were just great. Looking forward to more performances by them.

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I started to nod off in my seat in the Constellation Theater minutes before the curtain opened on the Jean Ann Ryan Company's first show of the cruise. I caught myself, looked to my right and saw a couple doing the same. Ditto for the gentleman behind us. Boy, did we all snap awake when the high-energy singing and dancing commenced. I agree with Rachel that tonight's edition of the Broadway-themed "Backstage Pass" could be the finest JAR show we've ever seen. From the opening "Cabaret" segment to the "Memphis" finale, this production sizzzled. Jean Ann Ryan may be close to the end of its long association with Regent, but the company is obviously going out on a literal high note. Three more Ryan shows to go ("Dancing in the Streets," "Le Cirque Rock 'n' Roll" and a tribute to '80s musicals including "Flashdance" and "Fame"), and Ginny and I will be in the audience for each one, even if I have to sleepwalk to the Constellation Theater (I know I will be JARed awake)!



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My wife and I have been on three cruises with Alan and Nathan. They are true professionals. From their dance lessons in the observation lounge to their performances on stage to sitting in the lounge talking to them they are delightful and really add to the cruise. So glad they are continuing their relationship with Regent.

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Mudhen, I meant to thank you for the nice comments you made about our joint blog--thank you!


Andrea, I'm glad you mentioned Joanne Bacon. She and male singer Cartreze Tucker were outstanding last night. Will indeed try to catch Joanne's cabaret show, if she does one.


A number of fun things we're thinking of doing today on our last sea day before Haifa, starting with Richard Golden's Smithsonian Enrichment Lecture on Cleopatra, followed by a Q&A and backstage tour with Lorraine, JAR Company (can't get enough of them) and the stage technicians, followed by the Greek Buffet Lunch with Nature's Rhythm. Ginny will surely want to catch some rays after that, while I do whatever (nap maybe?). We may then very well want to give trivia a go again (Rachel and Jackie, you, too?). Then it's the Block Party followed by dinner in Signatures. That will probably be it because of our early wake-up tomorrow. We have a 7 a.m. mandatory face to face inspection with Israeli immigration officials before being allowed to go on our "Day in Jerusalem" tour.


At least once each cruise, I like to share a count of how many passengers are signed up for the various excursions that day. Here is the rundown for Haifa Day 1:


A Day in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, 252

A Day in Jerusalem, 100

Masada and the Dead Sea, 81

Panoramic Jerusalem, 64

Jerusalem Old City, 61

Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee, 24

Acre and the Crusaders' Kingdom, 16

Herod's Dream - Caesarea Maritime, 16


In addition, two crew excursions are being offered. Eighty eight have signed up for Jerusalem and Bethlehem, 15 for Dead Sea. All crew tours are partially underwritten by the Crew Welfare Fund and are a good deal! (I recall the subject of gratuities being actively debated on the message board from time to time. We like to express our thanks to the wonderful Regent crew by simply making a contribution to the CWF, to help fund worthwhile stuff like discounted tours.)



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Hi all. Here's the newbie on this cruise giving a few comments. I love this ship! Now since this is my first cruise, you may discount my opinion there. The stateroom is so comfy and everyone I've met from staff to guests has ever been so warm and welcoming, especially new CC friends at yesterday's M&G. I am happy yesterday was a sea day so I could explore the ship as well as recover from the Cappadoci precruise. Food has been very good; so far I' ve only eaten at CR because my mother really likes it there. I did have a bit of a SNAFU yesterday at lunch that required them making my sandwich 3 times before getting it right. A communication issue really. We eat at Signatures tonight--whoo-hoo!


I am going to try and enjoy the pool area this morning. At the snail's pace that I'm moving (like Rachel, we missed the captains reception due to piddling in our cabin) a second sea day seems appropriate, but I'm happy this is the last one before we hit a port.


We are taking the Masada excursion tomorrow so I guess we make 2 of the 81.


I have a shout-out to TCat2 who was kind enough last night to stop by our dinner table and talk to my mother.

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Hi all. Here's the newbie on this cruise giving a few comments. I love this ship! Now since this is my first cruise, you may discount my opinion there. The stateroom is so comfy and everyone I've met from staff to guests has ever been so warm and welcoming, especially new CC friends at yesterday's M&G. I am happy yesterday was a sea day so I could explore the ship as well as recover from the Cappadoci precruise. Food has been very good; so far I' ve only eaten at CR because my mother really likes it there. I did have a bit of a SNAFU yesterday at lunch that required them making my sandwich 3 times before getting it right. A communication issue really. We eat at Signatures tonight--whoo-hoo!


I am going to try and enjoy the pool area this morning. At the snail's pace that I'm moving (like Rachel, we missed the captains reception due to piddling in our cabin) a second sea day seems appropriate, but I'm happy this is the last one before we hit a port.


We are taking the Masada excursion tomorrow so I guess we make 2 of the 81.


I have a shout-out to TCat2 who was kind enough last night to stop by our dinner table and talk to my mother.

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