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Oasis of the Seas - smoking on balcony


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That is one report I have heard, can't confirm, but don't doubt. But like other things RC sometimes isn't consistent ship to ship. While I have never been greatly bothered by a balcony smoker when it was allowed, I did see an amusing incident on board Allure in 2013. Back then the balcony at the end of deck 12 was still public space. We spent some time relaxing out there and a smoker came out, I am assuming from a nearby cabin 50% chance it was a balcony cabin to smoke in that area. He was a considerate smoker in the sense that he went to an area away from us. With the wind it didn't bother us, but I got a big chuckle when he finished his cigarette, flicked it into the ocean (Hopefully, not knowing for sure where it landed.) He looked up as he did this suddenly realizing he was staring directly in to a camera. Now I don't know if anyone was monitoring that camera or even noticed, but he sure did vacate the area quickly!


That is the one thing about SOME smokers that really gets my knickers in a wad and that is their propensity to flick their cigarette butts just wherever they want to, out their car windows where it then bounces off the hood of my car, or on the ground, or on the beach, or some other public area (seriously, there are ashtrays IN the car and other places where people can smoke). If someone wants to pollute their lungs, by all means, have at it, but show a modicum of class and don't be tossing your cigarette butts all over the place, that's just trashy.

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That is the one thing about SOME smokers that really gets my knickers in a wad and that is their propensity to flick their cigarette butts just wherever they want to, out their car windows where it then bounces off the hood of my car, or on the ground, or on the beach, or some other public area (seriously, there are ashtrays IN the car and other places where people can smoke). If someone wants to pollute their lungs, by all means, have at it, but show a modicum of class and don't be tossing your cigarette butts all over the place, that's just trashy.


In Australia the practice of throwing butts out the windows of cars has been the cause of major bushfires with terrible loss of property and life. Just another way that smoking kills.


In a marine environment butts, along with other rubbish, also kill animals which mistake this waste as food. I have heard that cigarette butts and plastic bags are the worst culprits.

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Have not sailed on the oasis but I can tell you that informing our steward resulted in immediate response from rcl staff. We've encountered smoking on balconies below and to the side of us and it is very annoying. I am allergic and can detect smoking before you can smell it. It is a breathing issue for me. If you smoke, please use the areas set aside and we will all be happy.


Celebrity has been a little less responsive in speed but have tracked down the smokers and our steward told us they were being charged a cleaning fee. I have gone out on our balcony and discovered cigarette butts that obviously the smoker thought was going into the water. The casinos on celebrity are smoke free as I recall.

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I highly doubt anyone would actually fling poo at a smoker. I'm pretty sure the post was in jest.


Check-plus & smiley face ☺ for "between-the-lines" reading skills.


I mentioned this in another thread - if someone passed gas in front of others, that is rude, yet it's OK to have others endure one's 2nd hand smoke? (Forget about "smoking area", we all know that's a joke when the smoke can leave said "area".)


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I was fairly positive the poo aspect of the post was in jest (though you never know for sure with some people). The point of my post was to state that I never said anything about smoking on the balcony (as the poo flinger mentioned in his post) but smoking in authorized areas.


Oh, and I am a firm believer of saying what you mean and mean what you say. Reading between the lines isn't a skill, it's a guess at best.

Edited by Who Cares?
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I have learned that things can become illogical when drug addicts are threatened with reduced access to the substance they crave.


Tobacco is an addictive recreational drug. Probably the most dangerous one used and very addictive.


It is best to be careful how you deal with these issues. I do make polite requests for smokers to cease when they are doing so illegally and often get immediate threats of violence.


Just a technicality, but it is not "illegal" to smoke outside of smoking areas on a ship. It is simply a violation of policy. Just wanted to make the distinction.

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Just a technicality, but it is not "illegal" to smoke outside of smoking areas on a ship. It is simply a violation of policy. Just wanted to make the distinction.


I was not meaning on ship but in general. The whole CBD where I live is Smoke Free. It is illegal to smoke there, but is poorly enforced. It is there that I have requested smokers to stop while pointing out that it is actually illegal.


I do take the point that there is a difference between the law and rules/policy.

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It is best to be careful how you deal with these issues. I do make polite requests for smokers to cease when they are doing so illegally and often get immediate threats of violence.


Front desk does not want passengers to confront each other over excessive noise or annoyances. There has been incidents of violence to the one complaining......


Oasis happens to be the only ship so far.... we have had no response from Guest Services etc. to complaints of a smoker next to our balcony. From the Poster comment, it seems to have not improved since our Oct TA/16.


We have repeatedly said to Guest Services Supervisor that RCL should have a "No Smoking Decal" on the Balcony! Some may assume the rule only applies to the Cabin but Not the Balcony??

Edited by CVU
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I don't smoke but some people are a little dramatic here.

A cabin 3 or 4 away and the smoke was so bad you couldn't sit out....ok!


People have become so removed from he smell that even the slights hint of smoke makes them overreact in my opinion. I'm very sensitive to the smell and have never had an issue with people smoking on their balcony.

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My husband and I are going on our first cruise in December on Oasis. I'm hoping we don't have neighbors who smoke on their balcony. Or maybe I'll just hope the wind is always blowing it away. That might be a better hope.


Plunkebe, I wouldn't worry about it too much. On our last Oasis cruise our neighbors were smokers. They were foreigners who smoked those unfiltered really smelly cigarettes. There were about 5 people smoking in the room and on the balcony. Boy what a stink and the smoke was like being in the casino. We informed our cabin steward and he informed the head of housekeeping. The problem was promptly taken care of and we never smelled the smoke again nor saw them smoking again. The room steward also told us that if his superiors found out about the smokers and he hadn't reported it, he would be in trouble, so he was anxious to take care of the problem. Perhaps the OP should have informed the room steward instead of guest services as they took care of the problem immediately.

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That is supposedly Royal's policy. First offense you get a warning, second offense you end your cruise at the next port, with no free way home. Also, if there is any evidence that smoking occurred in the cabin a healthy cleaning fee is added to their sea pass account. Stupidity, ignorance and arrogance come with a price sometimes.


When the ban first went into effect.


1st offense: Verbal warning with a follow up letter delivered to your cabin

2nd offense: Cleaning fine of $250.00 placed on your account

3rd offense: Removal from the ship at the next port

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Never did find out the penalties till now.

I dont smoke, but just curious.


RCI's policy went into effect on January 1, 2014. This is from the website:


Onboard Policies


Q: What happens if a guest smokes in a stateroom or on a balcony?


A: Smoking is not permitted in staterooms or on balconies. A guest in violation of this stateroom policy may be assessed a cleaning fee of $250 USD, applied to his or her SeaPass account.


That is the one thing about SOME smokers that really gets my knickers in a wad and that is their propensity to flick their cigarette butts just wherever they want to, out their car windows where it then bounces off the hood of my car, or on the ground, or on the beach, or some other public area (seriously, there are ashtrays IN the car and other places where people can smoke). If someone wants to pollute their lungs, by all means, have at it, but show a modicum of class and don't be tossing your cigarette butts all over the place, that's just trashy.


And dangerous when flicked off a balcony. Here is a haunting three minute video of Star Princess, after the 2006 fire, that was likely caused by a cigarette on a balcony: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFr6OF8eneg.

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Two things:


1. If smoke bothers you, try to get a cabin closer in front of the ship.

There will be less chance of people smoking up wind.


2. The reason for the no smoking on the balcony, is not for the guest who it does bother,

But because there have been issues ,when the smokers fling their cigarette butts overboard.

It has landed on other balconies, and started fires. :eek:




Look at the picture, I cannot believe the personal things lost to all that were affected.





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The same could be said then for people buying cruises, buying meals out, alcohol, etc.....


Paying for a comfort for one person could be seen as a waste for someone else. Not the same as flushing money down the toilet (not talking about eating) by paying for a product they don't use.


It was a joke. Take it as it was intended. ;)

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You're getting flamed a bit for pointing this out but in truth, it is a good question. I'm a little curious about this myself. :confused:


I too was curious, but a little thought suggested some reasonable answers.


The cancelled cruise was on HAL. If one of their insurance plans had been purchased, a refund of up to 80% for cancellations 24hrs or more prior to departure is possible. A first time cruiser who is extremely sensitive to cigarette smoke might well accept the loss of 20% upon reading about HAL balcony smokers.


If a 3rd party any reason cancellation plan had been purchased a refund up to 100% less the cost of the plan is possible.


There are numerous other possibilities. The most unreasonable one IMO, is that the OP is not being truthful.


When I see posts questioning the accuracy of a negative post with no supporting data, I immediately wonder why a poster would go first to assuming dishonesty. Transference is generally my conclusion.

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I too was curious, but a little thought suggested some reasonable answers.


Perhaps, but all any of us can do is assume. I still think it's a good question. I know I'd like to hear the answer...not because I think the OP is lying, but because I think it's a unusual circumstance. If they did cancel and take a hit, I hope they voiced the reason to HAL to help motivate a quicker policy change on that line.

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Perhaps, but all any of us can do is assume. I still think it's a good question. I know I'd like to hear the answer...not because I think the OP is lying, but because I think it's a unusual circumstance. If they did cancel and take a hit, I hope they voiced the reason to HAL to help motivate a quicker policy change on that line.


I apologize if my previous comment left the impression I thought you questioned the honesty of the OP. I do not think that. I did not intend to leave that impression.


The last paragraph in my previous post was intended to be quite general. A gentle reminder to those who have directly questioned the accuracy of the OP.

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I apologize if my previous comment left the impression I thought you questioned the honesty of the OP. I do not think that. I did not intend to leave that impression.


The last paragraph in my previous post was intended to be quite general. A gentle reminder to those who have directly questioned the accuracy of the OP.


No worries. We're good. :) I know it's easy to mix those who have good and those who have ill intentions when asking the same question. I had hoped you didn't think I was being cruel. :o

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I too was curious, on did she have some insurance.

Or just so much money it is not object.

But when I asked, and presented the facts, she bolted and had not been seen since.

You would think she would just say, I had insurance and the couple of hundred I lost, is worth it.

But it is a little late for that.




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For all the anti-smoking on balconies if you really want to do something to help the situation... post on this thread as this poster is seeking help!




Thank you, I am the one looking for info. I'm surprised by the lack of info on places you can smoke. Royal should have the locations on their website so people can know before they sail.

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Thank you, I am the one looking for info. I'm surprised by the lack of info on places you can smoke. Royal should have the locations on their website so people can know before they sail.


Another suggestion to find a Cruise Compass for your itinerary for Day 1. It will identify the areas. I've not been on the Oasis Class ships, but most others have smoking areas designated on the port side of the pool deck and also the port side of the deck w/ the life boats.

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Plunkebe, I wouldn't worry about it too much. On our last Oasis cruise our neighbors were smokers. Perhaps the OP should have informed the room steward instead of guest services as they took care of the problem immediately.

We had the same problem on our Oasis TA and our room att. was notified many times and we told the Supervisor of the floor, as well as Guest Relations many times. Nothing was done on a TA, which was longer than 7 nts.


As posted above, it was the cabin beside us--smoking most of the day as this person watched movies in their cabin with the balcony door open. Almost daily all day with a Do Not Disturb on the door.


The Compass often will list the Smoking areas on that ship. The casino is a popular spot.

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I don't smoke but some people are a little dramatic here.

A cabin 3 or 4 away and the smoke was so bad you couldn't sit out....ok!


People have become so removed from he smell that even the slights hint of smoke makes them overreact in my opinion. I'm very sensitive to the smell and have never had an issue with people smoking on their balcony.


Not being dramatic at all. My wife his highly sensitive to smoke, molds, perfumes, etc. She gets scent free dish soap, toilet paper, soaps. She has trouble when women or men over "perfume" and she is in the area.

But no joke, she can smell a cigarette smoke from the car in front if they are blowing smoke out of the window, and that's with our A/C on. And as the video of the Princess fire demonstrates, the ship movement tends to suck things back onto the ship not blow them away. So when someone smokes their smoke is brought back onto the balconies behind and above (smoke rises). So smoke from balconies 3 or 4 cabins away is what you get. I wish it wasn't so, but it is I grew up with 2 smoking parents. They both quit. After I was away from it for awhile, I too can smell it from far away. So your comment is simply wrong. Just because you can't smell it doesn't mean it isn't a problem for others. Maybe you don't care. Maybe you just aren't sensitive to it. Maybe your sense of smell just isn't that good. But if we didn't smell it, we wouldn't complain about it. I really don't care if someone smokes 100 packs a day. I just don't want to be "smoking" their second hand smoke. My right wouldn't you say?

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