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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Purdue - my DH is also a pack rat and I have thrown A LOT of his stuff away during the years and he never, ever, misses any of it!   Try throwing one or 2 things away and see if he misses it.

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Anita, I love that dress.  I would totally buy it in a bunch of colors.  The rust looks more like a caramel color on my screen, which is also a great earth color and one of my very favorites.  Did you  buy the dress online or in person?  I'm wondering about the weight of the fabric?


I have taken to dresses like this quite a bit.  With comfort aside, do any of you just feel different when you wear a dress?  I know I do.  Even with something casual like this, I find that I can put on some strappy flat sandals and some jewelry (you saw that coming) and feel pulled together, yet relaxed.  If it is plain hot, then something like this is definitely a good choice as well.  


One thing I look for in that style of dress is that hopefully, the "swing" factor isn't too big.  I'm broad shouldered as well as big in the chest area, so I try to make sure I imagine how he dress will fall first.  The shoulder design of this is very good for me.  


Margaret, I like your dress choices too.  The asymmetrical drawstring style hem s really cute.  Sometimes I have a bit of an issue with things that are asymmetrical, but I am learning what I will feel comfortable wearing and what I will not.  I think I would wear that for sure.  


Now, the one I can't wear is the striped one.  While I am back and forth on prints, I really never wear geometrics, stripes or polka dots.  Or plaid.  Isn't that weird?  I used to wear them once in a while, but then I moved away from them.  


I got my new shirts in, and they are all keepers.  The brownish one was called luggage for the color, and it isn't brown.  It's an olive green.  I would say the color is in between earth and air, but with the print being warm, it's very wearable.  The neckline didn't come up to far, so I was happy about that.  If a neckline comes up farther, I have to break it up with a sleeveless look that shows more shoulder, like the dress Anita posted.  


The ivory one is great.  While it is light in color, it has some great earth colors in it  I wore it to work this week (we are back to regular work attire) with brown pants and a caramel sweater that I got from Chadwicks.  It didn't look like a "fall" outfit, because of the color and design of that top.  It has really nice pleats down the front as well.


Then there was the red top, just because.  I have to say, that little bit of bling makes is such a nice shirt for going out, when you want to look nice but aren't necessarily dressing up.  It can be worn with dress pants to go out as well though.  


The gold shirt with the sleeves is more of a yellow, but it is nice and warm so it is really nice.  There was one thing bothered me though.  I have the same shirt in teal, and the zipper is gold.  On this yellow one, it was silver.  I decided to keep it for work, since it will look really nice with brown or olive, but I sure wish that zipper was gold.


I really do enjoy decorating a lot.  I have been experimenting a bit with different designs and grouping things together to see what I think works and what doesn't.  I spent a lot of time puttering with things this weekend.  


My younger daughter has been talking a bit about moving in with her boyfriend.  Not right now, but later in the year.  I have been expecting this, and I'm happy for her.  My husband and I were talking about this over the weekend, and I said to him....so we are going to have another spare room?  I'm not rushing her out in any way shape or form, and I will be very sad when that day comes.  But I know that I really enjoyed working on the spare bedroom, so I will have fun with this too.  I do not need another spare bedroom, so I will figure out how I wish to set it up, and how it will be used.  A bit of background, but on the main floor I have a kitchen, family room, laundry room, mud room, den and a combo dining room and living room.  They are really like two rooms side by side, with no wall in between.  


So, I don't need a den.  Maybe I will set up my sewing machine in there?  I don't sew a lot these days, but it may be convenient to leave it out.  I thought about a game room, but I find it hard to envision us going upstairs to use that room, instead of using the family room.  It's a ways off, but it is something to think about.


Anita, I understand your thoughts about your son.  Sometimes, unfinished business tends to really preoccupy our minds.  I like things settled or finished.  I hate things being half done.  Knowing that his items are now taken care of at the dorm must feel good.    


Melody, you look good!  Tired, but good.  It must feel good to get out a little.  


Well, if it isn't sold, I'm going back to Rummage Heaven this weekend to get that table I wanted.  Things don't stay in my mind often; I can totally walk away from buying things.  But I've been thinking about this all week, so that is a sign that I really want it, I think.

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Laurie, I hope the table is waiting there for you calling, Laurie, Laurie!  

I very seldom wear dresses, just not comfortable for me unless they’re maxi, then they’re too warm. However I do like that Columbia SPF50 dress...it’d made a great beach coverup, think I’ll order it in the (shocker) turquoise. 

Fathers Day is upon us & for the first time I haven’t made a special meal or purchased any special item. I feel down about that. The guys won’t care, but I do. It kind of snuck up on me with the surgery. I didn’t realize it was so close until it was too late to order anything 😢.  Melody

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Sally, I'm with you on the summer dresses. So easy.


Laurie, the striped one has two versions, and the teal color doesn't have the white stripes. I can barely see stripes in that color at all, so I'm wondering if it's a striation in the fabric itself? I am mostly living in shorts and tees now but when we have friends over on the patio I like to throw on a casual dress and look a bit nicer. They're also cooler for grocery shopping and other errands.


I'm glad you like your new tops. I get what you mean about the silver hardware... my favorite teal color is almost always paired with black or silver, which is very frustrating. I'm with you on the shoulders and bust needing some tailoring on dresses. I cannot wear a true swing dress. I don't like that all the volume makes me look shorter and fatter than I am.


DH is a pack rat too, and it's complicated by the fact that he has a prodigious memory for the things he keeps but doesn't use. I could throw something away today and he would be asking for it five years from now and know specifically what it was and where it was supposed to be. The frustrating part is that by the time we might need it, the technology or style has moved on and what we have won't do (at one point I needed a new charger for my laptop, and he insisted we had an old one he had kept, which turned out not to have the right connector for anything currently made). Getting him to go through things and toss is a nightmare. I think he still has a pair of ratty shoes from the 90's!


So, among the constant hum of stress underlying each day, we do have some bright moments. Last night was the drive-by graduation party for our HS students. It was so joyful it brought tears to my eyes. Many of the students were dressed in their prom clothes complete with corsages and boutonnieres, and they were so happy to see everyone who came out to cheer. We walked to the main road with a couple banners I made on the computer. We could hear the police siren coming up the "mountain" and so we were the first ones to cheer them when they got up to the lake. Down the road is a municipal ball field and we could see a ton of people down there with signs and balloons too. There was a police escort, then a decorated school bus, then a group of motorcycles with their lights flashing, then car after car full of students and their families. Some of the cars were decorated or had signs of their college or future plans on the the sides. Some kids were poking out of sunroofs or sitting in the bed of trucks, or just waving out the windows. There was another decorated bus and police car at the end. The whole parade took about 25 minutes. We were hoarse from cheering and our arms were tired of holding the signs.


Our friends texted us how their van was decorated, so we were able to spot them when they were coming. Their son had a huge smile when he saw us and we all waved and shouted. When the parade had passed I drove to their house and taped the banners to their front window for when he got home. After that we sat outside with a drink and watched the fireflies come out.


I watch the local news each morning and read the latest corona updates, but we find it's important to put that aside each day and try to live in our little bubble of safe daily tasks and small pleasures. It is challenging to do. I still don't sleep well some nights, and as Sharon said so well, sometimes it just takes a small hiccup or challenge to make it all seem overwhelming, despite the fact that we both can work from home and are not in dangerous professions or work settings. The great unknown is not something we humans are hardwired for.


I remember when I had my first knee surgery, and it became apparent very soon after that I wouldn't be able to dance any more. I was so sad and depressed, yet there was a young woman (25ish?) having therapy when I did who had lost her leg below the knee. Looking at her, it is easy to say to yourself, well there is someone worse off than me so I shouldn't complain. But the fact is, while that person's experience can help you gain some perspective that might be helpful and emotionally healing, it doesn't mean you shouldn't feel what you feel, and be sad when you need to be sad. Some days are just going to be hard to get through.


My task of the day... see if I can learn to fix a faucet. OMG I have no idea how to do plumbing! At least I know to SHUT THE WATER OFF lol.


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Laurie...I hope your table is there waiting for you too! When something sticks in your mind, then you know that you really do want it. Taking that time is a good test for that but can be troublesome when the items are in a unique store like that one.


I think I'm going to end up making a table for our new home...well it's not NEW but y'all KWIM. Our new great room/family room/fireplace room is a oversized. IIRC the dimensions are around 20' x 20'? It isn't really a great room, I guess, because there is not chandelier spot for a dining area...just a big room connected to the kitchen. Anyway, I've found a large rug that I like very much on line, I have to verify the IRL coloring. This is it:




I think this will go fabulous with the rock of the fireplace and I love the colors. My current furniture falls into this color scheme. Anyway, I've scoped out the 10x13 size to ground a conversation/activity area.


I'm not sure of the seating that I want but I know that I want a Japanese style low table. Basically, this is a coffee table that has legs that allow you sit on a bolster/pillow/legless chair of some sort to use the table like a dining table, desk, activity table. I love to do puzzles and play games and so I want this big ole table in this room to be a focal gathering point for such things. I want to get a nice rug pad to have a more cushy floor and then get the bolsters as well. I know that I'll probably start the "normal" seating with a couple chair flanking the fireplace? Maybe...I need to get into the space to get into that detail...but I know this is what I want to begin with.


I can't find a table that matches my vision and so that's why I think I'll have to make one. I want an irregular shape large coffee table. Think kidney bean shaped pool but sized down. I found this store that has these incredible wood slabs and I'm thinking that this could be perfect for what I have in mind. Inventory varies greatly and we were thinking about checking it out this weekend but the car's in the shop and DS has the other car in GA so we're homebound this weekend. (Luckily there's a bunch of stuff in walking distance so no worries there except that we can't really GO anywhere).


Melody...I hear you on Father's Day. DS won't even be here this weekend...


Margaret...the graduation parade sounds kind of wonderful. I know the traditional ceremony can be wonderful...but it can also be kind of painful when the graduation classes are large. My guess is that you are in a smaller community so it might not be the traffic jam nightmare along with the numb rear from sitting while so many other names than the one you really care about are being called. Or the whole limited attendance restrictions, etc, that can happen because they get so big. Whatever...I'm imagining the cars and the ability to have a bit of a story for each person with the cars...like you said the college plans etc, and I think that would be emotional. Maybe more emotional that the traditional ceremony.


The Target tank dress is a nice weight. Heavy enough to hang but not so heavy that it drags down. And the rust color is definitely more caramel...butterscotch...not the red infused rust, so bad name choice on their part. It does have a fuller skirt than top, so a bit of an Aline, but for me, it's not a swing dress, it's just not straight, there's room down there for easy movement. 

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Anita, I often wear workout capris under dresses to deal with the thigh situation.  Sorry stress has been so bad for you {{{hugs}}}

As my calendar gets more full with lifting of some restrictions I can tell my anxiety is increasing too.  Focusing on nutrition and fitness helps me some, plus giving myself grace for the times I can't do everything I feel I should.



I finally got my hair done yesterday - last in the family to get an appointment.  This is my first time getting color and it's a reward for hitting "one"derland again on the scale.  Before and after pictures:


Before Back.jpg

After Back.jpg

Before Face.jpg

After Face.jpg

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This is the last picture I have with my Dad. Best laugh, best hugs, basso profundo voice (sang a couple of seasons at the Met & was bass soloist for Handel & Hayden in Boston for many years) He died shortly after this picture in 1987, I miss him every day. I’m posting it as it’s a) one of my favorites & b) actually shows my auburn hair. Melody


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Pretty hair! What I'm really missing during the pandemic is my dermatologist and a rosacea treatment. Also I need to go to the dentist for my bad tooth but I'm putting it off as long as possible.


Here are some more EARTH summer things from Coldwater Creek:


This top is muted green and taupe linen:



If you like twinsets, this comes in lots of nice colors:

https://www.coldwatercreek.com/sweaters/cardigans-and-jackets/misty-isle-button-front-cardigan-sweater/18129.html?dwvar_18129_color=0272&dwvar_18129_config=M&q=heather oatmeal#q=heather%2Boatmeal&start=1&cgid=


So, in the catalog this looks like a true red, but on my monitor it is pinkish, so I'm interested what it looks like to you:

https://www.coldwatercreek.com/knit-tops-and-tees/long-sleeve-and-3%2F4-sleeve/embroidered-hooded-zip-up-jacket/19948.html?dwvar_19948_color=0634&dwvar_19948_config=M&q=red rock#q=red%2Brock&start=2&cgid=


Similar color in a dress, which also looks either red or pinkish:



I have another 5 or 6 things that I liked in the catalog but which aren't on the website. Hmm.

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Just popping in to say hi. Glad your lives are well and healthy. Melody, have a good recovery. Hope you get your table, Laurie. Calmness vibes to you, Anita. Margaret, a lake house sounds so fun. Pacruise, lovely haircut, gorgeous hair.

I live in Canada and we are doing well up here re Covid. Mask wearing when I go out, lots of social distancing, hand washing too.

continue to be well, ladies.

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Anita, love the rug!  We had one of those tables when we lived in Japan, fabulous. 

Margaret, I think that hoodie is a nice, what I’d call desert red, kind of dusty red

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cruzisme, it's good to hear from you!  I hope all is well with you also.


Anita, I love the rug.  One thing we have discussed is hat once we get the chairs back from being reupholstered, we would like to look at an area rug.  

I mentioned the chairs, right?  they were my husband's mom's chairs, and he had them in the basement forever.  They were beyond use and then some.  They were the size and style we were looking for, so we decided to have the reupholstered instead of trying to find new chairs.  New chairs would have been cheaper.  As a matter of fact, I saw some today at Rummage Heaven and I could have gotten two chairs, and a coffee table for what we are paying for one chair.    The difference is sentimental value, I guess.  But these chairs are going to be very beautiful when done, and we were able to choose from hundreds of fabrics.  The hard part is that they won't be ready until October. 


The Singer table came home with me.   Now I get to move it around until we get the den settled, but at least this adds incentive for moving along with the room.  I think the funny thing is that I call this room the den when I'm hear chatting, and my husband always calls this room a den.  I've always referred to it as the office, but that does give a picture of a very cold setting that the room doesn't have.  Still, when we were in Florida, we had found a sign that said office on it, and once we get this room done, it will be going up.


I'll get a picture of the Singer table and the office sign in a bit for you.



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Perfect table for your sewing machine. I wish I still had my grandmother’s treadle sewing machine. When we sold the family home Les & I were still moving with the Air Force, we couldn’t afford the extra weight of all the antiques 😢. Kept a few treasured items, but so many...ah well. 

‘’here was my special nondairy treat yesterday...so very good (lemon & lime twist). Melody


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Pacruise, I forgot to mention...you have beautiful hair.   I'm still debating what to do, but my daughter has been talking to me about her hairdresser, so I am debating a change.  I don't expect to do much of anything different with my hair overall, just changing the hairdresser for a different experience.  Of course, she costs more, which I was expecting.  


I like being able to mix in older things with some classic, newer items.  It seems like it takes  a bit to find what appeals to me sometimes.  I'm definitely a less is more type of person, and my husband is the opposite.  So we try to mesh those two thing.  He is very slowly starting to realize that we sometimes have to let go of things.  You can't just keep adding.  

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Pacruise, love your hair!


Melody, that does look yummy-a real summer treat! That picture of you and your dad is a wonderful memory for sure.


Anita, love, love that rug. You have some great decorating ideas and it will be fun for you pulling it all together. A great project to work on as we wait for our lives to return to normal.


Heading to DD this morning to visit and socially distance in her yard..


Wishing all, the dads and grand dads a great day.



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I hope everyone had a nice day yesterday. I went paddle boarding for the first time this season, and today I am sore in muscles I didn't know I had!


I like the Garnet Hill catalog. I just ordered this rashguard in the green tropical print, on sale for $39! I love the colors, and my only high neck one is all stretched out so I've been looking for a replacement:



Some other eye candy:


Gold Linen Tank Dress (hope this goes on sale)



Linen pocket dress in Flax



Shirt dress in Faded Mint



Dropwaist dress in Amethyst



Popover dress in Teal



Cap sleeve dress in Emerald or Red



Maxi dress - I love both these colors <3



Square neck blouse in Salt/Salsa



Dansko sandals



Maxi skirt in Henna or Peat



Summer cashmere in a delightful selection of muted colors for a change, like oat heather, smoky lilac, rainwater blue, heathered sea, weathered coral, olive branch



Another tank dress



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Thanks for sharing Margaret! I ordered one of those high neck rash guards for myself! Woot woot!


pacruise...lovely locks! The color is fabulous and I love the curls!


Melody...glad to continue to hear good things about your recovery.


Laurie...I noticed that same table. I went to the website for that store and it was in one of the pictures. I have my sewing machine but I don't have a designated table for it. Sewing is a funny business because for all that it is called sewing, the actual sewing of seams is often a small part of the process! All that patterning and cutting and prepping and getting things lined up, etc. and then you sit down for a few seconds and sew a seam. Then more adjusting and lining up and prepping...it's kind of like painting.


Maybe that's the way most things are actually. There is very little of the activity that is actually the activity and a whole lot of prep work...


As much as I like the idea of that table I think that I would need something that was a little more bottom heavy. I've been using this drop leaf table I have and it has a wide base but when I get to going on the machine...the table gets the shakes. It's really bad with a serger...OMG. There's only so much that I can think about at once...but having a good table for sewing is on my list. 


cruzisme...glad to hear from you. Glad to read that all is well up there. 


I've made 3 different kinds of masks for us. The first used one long lace to hand tie. I only had one good lace for that though so DH and I were struggling with my make it work solution. I made that same mask design with ear loops but have never worn it except to try it on because I absolutely HATED the ear loops. I made that same mask with elastic replacing the lace...which ends up being a goggle style elastic, I think of it, where the elastic goes all the way around your head and down across your neck. These were good but very hard to breathe in after a while. So the latest design is to add an apron of sorts to that mask design to make a more bandana style mask.




With the understanding that any homemade mask has a limited degree of effectiveness and that the main function of the mask in the first place is to mitigate your own droplets from joining the general atmosphere...the way that I see people compensating for the lack of breathability of the masks...basically...they completely uncover their face...this mask style seems like a great compromise to me to cover the face and still be breathable. Let me tell you...there is a reason why bandanas as face coverings have stood the test of time. Having the additional air space under the mask is AMAZING.


I have seen this style with the sides being extended to long enough to tie behind your neck? To make it much more scarf like which would be added protection by almost making a tent around yourself...and I think I will make a version in that style to test it out. The way I figure is that I'll end up with several styles of masks that will be suitable for different situations. 


Another bonus of this style is that the mask doesn't move AT ALL when I talk. I use florist wire across the nose area to get a good fit and I can make it fit lower on my face so that I don't breath up into my glasses AT ALL...and with the increased air space below...fogging is not an issue at all.


I've been working on figuring out the best mask design because DS for sure will likely be wearing a mask all day long. London has made face masks mandatory in all public spaces and transport with a potential 100 pound fine for not complying. DH's work, while he hasn't gone back yet, is also requiring face masks. So my goal has been to actually find a face mask that is comfortable enough to basically wear all day. Because I figure that the most effective face mask is one that you will actually wear.


Please ignore the lovely bags all around my eyes...I haven't been sleeping well but maybe more to the point...I think I'm having allergy issues. My sneezing fits are something else!

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Anita, great mask, good idea.

Margaret, I have that rashguard from LLBean for several years ago, it still looks brand new. I really miss paddleboarding. I’m physically not able to paddleboard until September (at the earliest). But our local lake just closed because of algae so no one is paddleboarding here until end of July. 

my postop appt is tomorrow hoping I’ll be able to eat scrambled eggs tomorrow!  Melody

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Margaret, thanks for the Garnet Hill links. I like your style. Everything was in my wheelhouse except color. The few things I’ve ordered from them have been great quality. 


Anita, DGD counted nine sneezes in a row from me today. Whatever is in the air there, must be here too. Guess that Sahara Desert dust doesn’t agree with either of us!


Melody, I hope you get to eat your breakfast of champions soon!



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