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So....my thanks to any who have done a kindness to her or to any other guests with such needs. For every obnoxious chair hog' date=' there is some wonderful person who does look out for others.[/quote']


I'm so glad you posted that. I so agree. While there will always be chair hogs and obnoxious people on cruise ships (and elsewhere) there are usually many more kind and considerate fellow passengers who don't think they're the center of the universe and will gladly help out however they can to make someone else's cruise a good experience.


Question: IF you are in the pool, or just stepping away for a few minutes to use the restroom, wouldn't something other than just a towel be on a chair or lounger in the first place? Seems like the "towel only" is sort of big red flag that the chair isn't really in use. Am I wrong?

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The "anti-hogs" can be even worse.




Last year, we go into a theatre, find row seats, I go to the toilet and grab a drink, get back to my seat to find Mrs Gut almost in tears, because some bloke had abused her for hogging my chair, lucky for him he had moved on by the time I got back.




This is a whole new level of disappointing behavior. I wish I was seated near Mrs. Gut so I could have interjected when this happened.

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If I'm using my lounger, and want to take a dip or go to the bathroom, I tell the folks sitting around me....I mean, you sort of chat with the folks around you, don't you? Well, I do...so I let them know I'll be right back, should anyone think I'm not "using" my chair! They do the same, if they leave.


Usually, there are loungers avail. somewhere....I don't feel the need to be right next to the pool...crowded and noisy!


However, if I see someone "hogging", and then see folks searching for seats, I will let them know that no one is actually USING those towel-covered chairs.

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Seriously... are 'inside people' far inferior to others or what? Perhaps you didn't mean to be condescending but that is kind of what it sounds like.


Oh wait, I will take it as a joke and hope that is what you meant by this.



By "inside people" I thought she meant people that like to sit inside. LOL!

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Just asking since my first cruise will be this September. I need a little more information on this.


Can a person leave the lounger to get a drink or a bathroom break without giving up a chair? Or, it is given up the minute a person gets up? Is there a polite period of time to leave without losing a chair?

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Just asking since my first cruise will be this September. I need a little more information on this.


Can a person leave the lounger to get a drink or a bathroom break without giving up a chair? Or, it is given up the minute a person gets up? Is there a polite period of time to leave without losing a chair?


You can certainly go use the restroom (there are some on the Lido deck within steps from the pool area) or go to the bar to grab a drink.


But if you're going to go eat lunch (which means you'll probably be away for at least 30 minutes) or take part in an activity or go for a spa treatment (I remember a discussion about chair hogs some years ago on CC and one person insisted that he thought it was all right to save his chair while he went for a massage)...just take your stuff with you and let others have the chairs you were using. Now sometimes people will leave behind their spouse and go to the Horizon to get a plate of food and return right away. That's within the 30 minute period.


And sometimes people are using the pool so they may use a chair for holding their towel, sunscreen, sunglasses while in the pool with the intent to lie in the chair after their swim. That's when it's good to do as cb at sea suggests and tell those in the other chairs you're going for a dip in the pool. Usually most of us will help out someone who's just running to the restroom, etc. and keep an eye for your chair. If the pool deck is basically deserted while you're in the pool, most likely you won't lose your chair, unless some chair hog comes along and replaces your stuff with their stuff.

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Chair hogs go beyond the pool deck and the buffet...


This was over on an NCL ship, but these two superstars were dubbed the King and Queen of Chair Hogs. The story goes that they were saving those two seats for the rest of their party. It was fireworks night. As you can see, they sat there while others -- including an older woman -- stood.


I gave them their crowns, but they earned them all on their own.



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Just asking since my first cruise will be this September. I need a little more information on this.


Can a person leave the lounger to get a drink or a bathroom break without giving up a chair? Or, it is given up the minute a person gets up? Is there a polite period of time to leave without losing a chair?


I can eat in the Horizon when it first opens in 30 minutes or less & have never had any problems saving my chair. That's polite for me... any more & I'll give up the seat.

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Question: IF you are in the pool, or just stepping away for a few minutes to use the restroom, wouldn't something other than just a towel be on a chair or lounger in the first place? Seems like the "towel only" is sort of big red flag that the chair isn't really in use. Am I wrong?


No, you are not wrong. Certainly if you are in the pool, there is likely to be something other than just a towel occupying the chair---some variety of footwear at least. If one gets up to use the restroom or grab a beverage....it depends on what I brought up with me. At least, there is likely to be a book on the chair. And I'm likely to mention to the person in the next chair that I'll be back in just a minute and ask them to "keep an eye on my stuff" for that amount of time.


To the person who asked about stepping away--certainly, step away to use a restroom or get a beverage. If you are going for a meal, that's likely to be more than the 30 minutes posted in a few places on Princess. I feel that if I'll be gone 15 minutes or less, that's fine. If I'll be gone for more than 15 minutes, it's time to let someone else have my chair. My exception is if I'm in the pool...that may be over 15 minutes, but I haven't left the area. And, as above, there is likely to be footwear and a book at the chair. Shoes are a pretty good sign that I'm in the pool!

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Hi J!


Exactly! And that's the reason I feel that towels don't hold chairs. I observed that since there is no bin by that pool lots of folks just leave their towel behind when they leave. Plus at the spa pool is easy to count noses and those usually have more than just a towel (shoes, a robe or bag while they're in the pool or hot tubs, etc).


New to cruising this September, I would have thought the crew placed them on the chairs for anyone to use. Not sure who would have been the most surprised when they returned for their chairs, them or me. :) But now I know the difference or do I? - :D ;) :p

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New to cruising this September, I would have thought the crew placed them on the chairs for anyone to use. Not sure who would have been the most surprised when they returned for their chairs, them or me. :) But now I know the difference or do I? - :D ;) :p


At the Spa pool the attendants will sometimes place rolled up towels on the loungers, start of day maybe. If there's only a rolled up towel then the chair is definitely open.

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I don't consider an unoccupied lounger (towel draped or not) as occupied or belonging to anyone other than guests of the ship. All unoccupied chairs are for guest. I don't even bother moving the towel most of the time, I just plop my butt down and occupy the un-occupied lounger. If anyone claims the lounger as theirs I remind them that both the lounger and towel they placed are provided for guests, which I am one. To be honest only once in over a dozen times has anyone said anything, and in that instance they told me I was rude for relaxing in their lounger and they moved on before I could get up for them. When needed I will continue to occupy, unoccupied guest spaces.

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I don't consider an unoccupied lounger (towel draped or not) as occupied or belonging to anyone other than guests of the ship. All unoccupied chairs are for guest. I don't even bother moving the towel most of the time, I just plop my butt down and occupy the un-occupied lounger. If anyone claims the lounger as theirs I remind them that both the lounger and towel they placed are provided for guests, which I am one. To be honest only once in over a dozen times has anyone said anything, and in that instance they told me I was rude for relaxing in their lounger and they moved on before I could get up for them. When needed I will continue to occupy, unoccupied guest spaces.


More and more I'm seeing people using these large towel clips which shout "This is my chair don't touch it regardless of how long it's empty. I don't know when I'll want to come back to the pool. Doesn't matter that I put everything in place at 7am."


Maybe next time I'll bring a set of different colored clips. Simply replace their yellow clips with my yellow clips. Seriously, has chair hogging got so bad that people spend energy dreaming up ways to protect their turf?

Edited by PoppyandNana
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You can certainly go use the restroom (there are some on the Lido deck within steps from the pool area) or go to the bar to grab a drink.


But if you're going to go eat lunch (which means you'll probably be away for at least 30 minutes) or take part in an activity or go for a spa treatment (I remember a discussion about chair hogs some years ago on CC and one person insisted that he thought it was all right to save his chair while he went for a massage)...just take your stuff with you and let others have the chairs you were using. Now sometimes people will leave behind their spouse and go to the Horizon to get a plate of food and return right away. That's within the 30 minute period.


And sometimes people are using the pool so they may use a chair for holding their towel' date=' sunscreen, sunglasses while in the pool with the intent to lie in the chair after their swim. That's when it's good to do as cb at sea suggests and tell those in the other chairs you're going for a dip in the pool. Usually most of us will help out someone who's just running to the restroom, etc. and keep an eye for your chair. If the pool deck is basically deserted while you're in the pool, most likely you won't lose your chair, unless some chair hog comes along and replaces your stuff with their stuff.[/quote']


Cruzin' Chick, thank you for the information. :) I find new information every day about cruising tips and advice.


My DH and I would never hold a chair for more than a restroom/drink break, and one of us would stay to save our seats. It would not be for 30 minutes or longer, though.


It was refreshing to read some positive posts about acts of kindness. There are many people who do still care about others. :)

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Good for you. I would have done the same thing. Although if they pushed me far enough i might have just sat there:D

The best idea I saw was on the Ruby. When a lounger went un-occupied for over an hour with no one in site....the towels and book, etc were moved to a table with a "Lost and Found" sign! I thought it was a great idea!:D

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We just got off the Caribbean Princess...21 days TA. Since there were so many sea days, Trivia was VERY well attended and sometimes so many would show up that people were taking cushions off the couches by the windows and sitting on them on the floor in Explorers.

We had our table with two of us sitting there and an empty seat for our friend who was in the restroom. A lady came by and was about to take the empty seat and we told her our friend was coming and she said well if she doesn't come bring the chair up here to us. (yeah, right!)

In the meantime there was a young blind man just standing alone by our table with his white cane, so we offered him the seat. Well that lady started screaming bloody murder that we "promised her that chair"!!! My DH told her that the young man was blind and didn't have a place to sit. She yells, "well I didn't know he was blind"! My DH, says, "Didn't the white cane give you a clue?" And she says, "WELL I CAN'T SEE GOOD EITHER!!!!" DH jumped up and said "What is wrong with you? The young man is blind!!"

Can you believe the insensitivity of some people? :eek:

Edited by suzyed
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This is a whole new level of disappointing behavior. I wish I was seated near Mrs. Gut so I could have interjected when this happened.


Thank you, I can assure you she would have been fine, if he'd pushed just a little more you may have needed to interject to help him. One tough lady Mrs Gut.

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Personally I have no problem with the person who says the chair next to theirs is occupied. there are plenty of legitimate reasons why that person may not be there.


It is the people in the theaters who say a large group of empty seats are "taken" - against Princess policy - that bother me. Then my wife says to move on, its not worth making a fuss and affecting OUR vacation. Smart wife.


Oh, and if someone moves my things from a lounge chair while I am in the pool I will drip on them, seeing as I haven't mastered the "dog shake". ;)

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More and more I'm seeing people using these large towel clips which shout "This is my chair don't touch it regardless of how long it's empty. I don't know when I'll want to come back to the pool. Doesn't matter that I put everything in place at 7am."


Maybe next time I'll bring a set of different colored clips. Simply replace their yellow clips with my yellow clips. Seriously, has chair hogging got so bad that people spend energy dreaming up ways to protect their turf?


Ooopsie. I took large bright clothes pins on my last cruise.....saw them in a local hardware store and thought it would be great to hold the towel on the chair so the wind wouldn't blow it away. Of course I saw much fancier ones once I got on the cruise but never once thought of it as "don't touch my chair"....... I was thinking "my towel isn't going to escape me when I'm in the pool". So - curiosity is killing me now - is that what those clips really mean??? And not just to stop blow away towels?? (mind you I was always either in the pool or on the chair - but I don't want to send the wrong message again on my next cruise...)

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Ooopsie. I took large bright clothes pins on my last cruise.....saw them in a local hardware store and thought it would be great to hold the towel on the chair so the wind wouldn't blow it away. Of course I saw much fancier ones once I got on the cruise but never once thought of it as "don't touch my chair"....... I was thinking "my towel isn't going to escape me when I'm in the pool". So - curiosity is killing me now - is that what those clips really mean??? And not just to stop blow away towels?? (mind you I was always either in the pool or on the chair - but I don't want to send the wrong message again on my next cruise...)

We've used clips for our chairs for years upon years simply to hold the towel down in the wind. We use them at home on our balcony - where we're obviously not "marking our territory", we use them when we visit various beaches around home, we use them at hotels, and we use them on ships, whether by the pool or on our balcony there too. Our clips are probably 7 or 8 years old, and look like weathered old clothespins. Most definitely not proclaiming to the world that this is our turf and back off or anything at all, simply holding our towels and T-shirts in place. If others read it that way, more power to them. Our intention is to keep our stuff from blowing away. They're quite handy really..

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Princess is so afraid to irritate the passengers breaking the rules but at the same time seems to have no issue allowing them to irritate the rest of us who aren't breaking the rules.


That's what I find irritating. :mad::mad::mad:


I totally agree with you.


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The best idea I saw was on the Ruby. When a lounger went un-occupied for over an hour with no one in site....the towels and book, etc were moved to a table with a "Lost and Found" sign! I thought it was a great idea!:D


I've seen the same thing by a staff member. Its great when they do this and the people come back and there things are gone and someone is using the lounger and they saw its mine wheres my stuff. The people go there was nothing on the chairs.

They only problem is they don't do this enough, they need to be out there at 7am taking the stuff of the chairs then. Maybe if they did this some would catch on that its not allowed.

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I may be wrong but my feeling is that Princess is extremely reluctant to enforce any of the rules on board ship with the possible exception of smoking. It seems to me that they have a policy not to upset people who may be doing the wrong thing by enforcing the rule. What they don't seem to realise is that there are more people who do the right thing that are being upset. One day Princess may realise that.:)


Not even that.


The folks next door smoked through our entire seven day Caribbean Princess cruise (we smelled rather than saw but theirs was the only door that smelled of smoke in the hallway). Front desk was called twice but the neighbors were still going at by the end of the cruise.


Princess' lack of enforcement of the rules is disgraceful.

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Front desk was called twice but the neighbors were still going at by the end of the cruise.


It is the love boat.


Princess' lack of enforcement of the rules is disgraceful.


If you feel strongly about this, you can choose not to cruise on princess again.


Problem solved.

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