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To the Lady Who Boarded the Princess Airport-Ship Bus Sick as a Dog--Shame on You!


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While I sympathize with getting ill, no fun, especially on a trip, OP does not know who she caught the virus from. My mother has COPD and when she coughs it sounds dreadful. She is also a smoker which doesn't help. I always cringe when we are travelling and she starts to cough because it sounds like she is at death's door. Her cough is deep and raspy and like I said she sounds awful. However, she is not contagious. I am usually quick to reassure people of her health status but I'm sure people still think that she is.

Anyway, just my 2 cents worth.

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3.) The moment someone starts coughing like that near me I move away from them. If it was on a bus and unavoidable I would have demanded the bus stop so that I could get off and find alternate transport.

It isn't always possible to get off the bus and find alternate transport. A few years ago we were on a land tour around Turkey. One man was coughing. Well into the trip he commented that he was so ill at the start of the trip he didn't think he could get on the plane!. I did make the comment "And you still came??" One day he sat behind us on the bus, and sure enough, we both caught the bug. By half way through the trip, everyone in the group had it.

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Maybe you caught it on the plane. More likely.

Could have been an asthmatic cough or from an autoimmune issue neither of which are contagious. I cough a lot when dry eg from flying but am not sick from a respiratory bug. I just need a drink of water and cant stop coughing - awfully, until I have a drink. My issue too is from a reflux issue. Sneezing can also be allergic but I do try avoid breathing when others are sneezing. Would never think of reporting them. I have sneezing jags every few weeks. Repeated sneezing but am not sick at all from an infection.


What someone thinks is the issue does not make it the reality. People minding other people's business these days and dob others in for something that might not exist.

Edited by Pushka
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The OP stated "on the night of Day 4 of our cruise". I am not in the medical profession, but I thought after being exposed to a germ/cold you normally showed symptoms with in two maybe three days. Does anyone else know this for sure? Because if symptoms arise in three days or less, then OP did not get it from this person. They still caught it, but from where?

Edited by geocruiser
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Might I throw into the mix, I have a cough that scares many people, had it all my life, had more tests than you can imagine, it is a bronchial asthma that is 109% non contagious, I declare it if I have it around boarding time, have been checked by ships doctors, all fine.


So careful who and how you judge.

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When I start coughing it gets bad. My throat gets raw and I want to throw up. I need cough medicine with minimum codeine. I need it now! If I don't get it I keep coughing. Under no circumstances am I contagious. Years ago I wrecked my throat and now when I get anything that irritates it I cough. I might sound terrible and you can blame me for whatever you catch, but you didn't catch it from me.


Even if I am sick I have that horrible cough with me for a good month or two afterwards. Blaming your illness on someone that coughs is not necessarily rationale.

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Might I throw into the mix, I have a cough that scares many people, had it all my life, had more tests than you can imagine, it is a bronchial asthma that is 109% non contagious, I declare it if I have it around boarding time, have been checked by ships doctors, all fine.

So careful who and how you judge.


Per above ^^^ so true.

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Might I throw into the mix, I have a cough that scares many people, had it all my life, had more tests than you can imagine, it is a bronchial asthma that is 109% non contagious, I declare it if I have it around boarding time, have been checked by ships doctors, all fine.


So careful who and how you judge.


Thank-you, so do I plus post nasal drip, you would think I'm about to die in the morning.


What if the O.P self-reported, and they dis-allowed the O.P aboard.

Like, that person coughed on me and I think I'm infected. What person sir/madam.

Sorry are you now telling us, you are infectious, maybe you shouldn't board.

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1.) That is why I never use a Princess transfer of bus to the ship. I always go for private transfer and I don't care if I have to fork out over $100 for it.


2.) If it were me I would have reported them to the nearest staff member at check in and demanded they be taken aside for serious contagious health issues. I have done this before and will continue to do it in the future.


3.) The moment someone starts coughing like that near me I move away from them. If it was on a bus and unavoidable I would have demanded the bus stop so that I could get off and find alternate transport.


It's seems like cruising isn't for you, or going out in public basically.

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Frankly I'm more concerned with the lack of hygiene shown by some of my fellow cruisers after a visit to the restrooms... Nothing like a touch of Norovirus on a cruise to keep you on your toes...


Fortunately my fluency in Anglo-Saxon allows me to remind those transgressors of the error of their ways. :D

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It's seems like cruising isn't for you, or going out in public basically.


I am willing to bet I have done more cruises and nights at sea than you and that will always be the case. Being healthy is not about being in public its about avoiding unnecessary risks. People who go out with viruses and sicknesses are totally inconsiderate and selfish people. There is nothing worst than a workplace where people turn up sick and pass their germs onto others just like they do when they go on holidays. Those people are inconsiderate and need to rethink what they do.

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Frankly I'm more concerned with the lack of hygiene shown by some of my fellow cruisers after a visit to the restrooms... Nothing like a touch of Norovirus on a cruise to keep you on your toes...


Fortunately my fluency in Anglo-Saxon allows me to remind those transgressors of the error of their ways. :D


Be careful what you do in restrooms. By using the automatic hand driers it is sucking up all the urine vapour and dissipating it in a nice warm patch all over your clean hands!


Your powers of observation in the restroom may do you credit but just remember nothing is always as it appears to be.

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You need to post on your cruises roll call. I'm sure if you did that someone on the roll call would contact this person and let her know that she made some folks very sick! Just a

very inconsiderate cruiser!

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Be careful what you do in restrooms. By using the automatic hand driers it is sucking up all the urine vapour and dissipating it in a nice warm patch all over your clean hands!


Your powers of observation in the restroom may do you credit but just remember nothing is always as it appears to be.


:p OMG I would never think of that! Yikes!

Edited by janetz
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OP - I'm so sorry you got sooo sick. I've been there, done that on a cruise

(2nd to last day of cruise developed a terrible cold and spent the rest of the time in bed, hallucinating). However, I do admit I got on that airplane to go home because I had a job to get back to as well as a cat to pick up from the boarders. Could I have infected someone on the plane? Yes. Did I make every effort not to cough, touch things, etc.? Yes. I'm sure most, if not all, of us have gone out in public in some way when were sick. Are we bad people? No? We're human. Was the woman inconsiderate by not covering her mouth, not sucking on a lozenge, etc.? Yes. Should she have been on that cruise in her condition? I don't know because I don't know whether she had a virus, a lung condition, etc. Do you know for a fact you caught your bug from her? No, you do not. Earth is full of people and many of them are sick on any given day. We just have to deal with it by being as healthy as we can possibly be. But if we get sick, that's life. Get some rest and get better soon.

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I am willing to bet I have done more cruises and nights at sea than you and that will always be the case. Being healthy is not about being in public its about avoiding unnecessary risks. People who go out with viruses and sicknesses are totally inconsiderate and selfish people. There is nothing worst than a workplace where people turn up sick and pass their germs onto others just like they do when they go on holidays. Those people are inconsiderate and need to rethink what they do.


I couldn't disagree more. What about the sick parent who has to pick up her kid from school? What about sitting in the doctor's office waiting for an appointment when you have a cold? What about going to the store for orange juice, etc., so you have something to drink to soothe your throat. There always will be visibly sick people, people who aren't visibly sick but who are contagious, etc., on every street corner. It's unreasonable to expect people to remain cloistered away for the duration of any average cold. Now - is it ok to purposely cough on people, etc.? No, it's not. That's inconsiderate. But even sick people have to go out in public on occasion.

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1.) That is why I never use a Princess transfer of bus to the ship. I always go for private transfer and I don't care if I have to fork out over $100 for it.


2.) If it were me I would have reported them to the nearest staff member at check in and demanded they be taken aside for serious contagious health issues. I have done this before and will continue to do it in the future.


3.) The moment someone starts coughing like that near me I move away from them. If it was on a bus and unavoidable I would have demanded the bus stop so that I could get off and find alternate transport.


Good luck with that idea. Let us know how it works out for you the next time the driver lets you out in the middle of no where. :D:D

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I'm a bit skeptical as OP who initiated thread has not returned to post. Regardless they chose to remain sick on their cruise and didn't mention going to the Dr. on the ship fro treatment. Their pneumonia could have been much less severe with early intervention and not waiting until they got home. I also agree with the OP who asked them why they didn't ask the passenger to use some protection. But it seems they chose just to sit there???:rolleyes:

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I don't know your name. I barely remember what you look like. But I will never forget what you sounded like, sitting behind us on the Princess bus that picked us up from Anchorage Airport and transferred us to the Island Princess on August 24. I knew the moment I first heard your deep hacking cough, that my husband's and I greatly anticipated cruise of Alaska was in jeopardy. Over and over you coughed, spewing your germs on all of us around you. You did not have the common courtesy to wear a mask or even cover your mouth with a tissue or hanky. I don't know how you could fill out your Health Questionnaire with a straight face, let alone hand the form over to the Princess Representative, knowing you were so sick. What I DO KNOW is that on the night of Day 4 of our cruise, I became very ill with a high fever and that same hacking cough. It stuck with me for the rest of the trip, and I missed going ashore in Juneau and Ketchikan, and was holed up in my room for the final at sea days so that I would not infect anyone else. My husband too became sick, one day later than I did. We have been home now for 5 days and both have seen our doctor because the high fever and deep cough will not go away. I was diagnosed with the start of pneumonia, for goodness sakes, something I have never had in my life. We are now taking strong antibiotics and still it is a slow recovery.


I am realistic enough to know that every time we take a cruise, there is a risk that we will catch a bug given the close proximity of so many people and the fact that lots of people don't use the antibacterial stations as they enter the buffet area. But this is the first time in all our cruising we we experienced someone so ill BLATANTLY board the ship, intentionally knowing their cough and germs would be spread to innocent people. This was a trip of a life time for us. Your behavior has put us in the situation of really wondering if we will ever cruise again--it is just not worth it when irresponsible people like you ignore the rules that are in place to protect cruise passengers and staff.


Frustrated and still feeling cruddy!


No doubt the person on the bus was careless and should have made an effort to contain her cough.


Symptoms could have arisen in the time frame you gave but could very well have arisen sooner after exposure too so you really can't blame her for your illness. You might have been exposed a few days into your cruise and not from that lady on the bus. Sometimes 48 hrs. is all it takes. You just can't be certain it was her. Still it was very careless if she did not cover her mouth though most people do instinctively. You are saying she coughed seemingly many times without covering her mouth. Hmmm.


I was on a flight from Tokyo to Toronto and a woman a few rows behind me had a dry, hacking cough too. From what I saw she did cover her mouth but 2 days later I came down with a horrid cough that took a lot of time and meds to finally clear. I had to get pain meds from my MD because my ribs hurt so bad from that awful cough.


Sorry you became ill, especially on vacation.

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I don't know your name. I barely remember what you look like. But I will never forget what you sounded like, sitting behind us on the Princess bus that picked us up from Anchorage Airport and transferred us to the Island Princess on August 24. I knew the moment I first heard your deep hacking cough, that my husband's and I greatly anticipated cruise of Alaska was in jeopardy. Over and over you coughed, spewing your germs on all of us around you. You did not have the common courtesy to wear a mask or even cover your mouth with a tissue or hanky. I don't know how you could fill out your Health Questionnaire with a straight face, let alone hand the form over to the Princess Representative, knowing you were so sick. What I DO KNOW is that on the night of Day 4 of our cruise, I became very ill with a high fever and that same hacking cough. It stuck with me for the rest of the trip, and I missed going ashore in Juneau and Ketchikan, and was holed up in my room for the final at sea days so that I would not infect anyone else. My husband too became sick, one day later than I did. We have been home now for 5 days and both have seen our doctor because the high fever and deep cough will not go away. I was diagnosed with the start of pneumonia, for goodness sakes, something I have never had in my life. We are now taking strong antibiotics and still it is a slow recovery.


I am realistic enough to know that every time we take a cruise, there is a risk that we will catch a bug given the close proximity of so many people and the fact that lots of people don't use the antibacterial stations as they enter the buffet area. But this is the first time in all our cruising we we experienced someone so ill BLATANTLY board the ship, intentionally knowing their cough and germs would be spread to innocent people. This was a trip of a life time for us. Your behavior has put us in the situation of really wondering if we will ever cruise again--it is just not worth it when irresponsible people like you ignore the rules that are in place to protect cruise passengers and staff.


Frustrated and still feeling cruddy!



Same thing happened to us, but it was on the plane going to the ship. This person wasn't going on our cruise. Nevertheless, she hacked and coughed the whole way sitting right behind me. Yep, I got sick 3 days later. People plan for trips and won't stay at home unless they're laid out and can't move. It's the me first, and I do not give a "S" about you. Sad to say but that's just the way things are now a days. Keep your hands away from your face and wash your hands often with soap and water and hope for the best.

Edited by elliair
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1.) That is why I never use a Princess transfer of bus to the ship. I always go for private transfer and I don't care if I have to fork out over $100 for it.


2.) If it were me I would have reported them to the nearest staff member at check in and demanded they be taken aside for serious contagious health issues. I have done this before and will continue to do it in the future.


3.) The moment someone starts coughing like that near me I move away from them. If it was on a bus and unavoidable I would have demanded the bus stop so that I could get off and find alternate transport.



Cool! If I were the bus driver I'd open the door on the LA freeway and let you off. Good luck finding your way to the ship or airport.

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Something similar has happened to me as well. The sick person should be the one wearing a mask. If they couldn't obtain one (they are sold everywhere so that's not really believable) they should at least cover their mouth when coughing and sneezing. I have also been disgusted by people repeatedly blowing their nose at the table during their meal. It's gross. Can't they step out of the dining room to do that? Or maybe they should just have room service.

I do believe that people will always travel while sick. As someone else said they already paid for the trip and they don't care whether anyone else gets sick from their flying cooties. But a mask and a kleenex would make a big difference to those around them.

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My sympathies to all of you who have been infected with URI’s while on a cruise. Been there, done that. I have been VERY prone to URI’s since birth. I had my tonsils removed twice during childhood. I guess that is what happens when you grow up in a house filled with smoke.


We have completed 39 cruises in 25 years. Up until 5 years ago I contracted a URI, while on a cruise, about 80% of the time. Then I discovered nasal irrigation, thank you Dr. Oz! I irrigate once a day, twice a day on a cruise. I have not had a URI on a cruise in the last 5 years. Nasal irrigation is a miracle in my life. Like the OP I have been in public places where someone near to me has been coughing, sneezing, etc. The minute I get home I Immediately do nasal irrigation.


Try it, it is amazing.......



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