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Urgent- theft by passenger- need advice


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These situations are very upsetting and I'm sorry it happened to you. If I were you, I would assume I'm not getting my stolen item back and do my best to refocus on my vacation and help your son do the same. It's a hard lesson for a child to learn that there are people who steal, but a good lesson to learn how not to let the bad actions of other against us steal the fun of being on a cruise.

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Sorry for this incident...

at least no one accused you of wrong doing, a relative had someone steal his camera during the Quest Game on Royal's Oasis, he had put it down...Security actually searched his cabin (with consent) and strongly insinuated he made it up...considering his employment highly unlikely and fairly insulting. Camera was never found....2 lessons learned, never put stuff down on the ship or in port in a store and always download your photos!


Dh has been lucky with caps snd reading glasses left behind but in general, we try to watch our stuff and take turns in the Solarium because it is hard to see your lounger Sadly, thieves are everywhere!


There are lockers in the spa....not sure how you sign up for them out or claim one

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I'm not sure how Celebrity handles this, but most lines have a separate "Surveillance Department" which actually mans the video consoles where all the camera feeds rotate through, and where the CD's can be reviewed. These guys typically report to corporate outside the normal ship's chain of command (they will report incidents to the Captain, but can hand out discipline to crew without his approval).


While Security is busy on port days, the Senior Security Officer generally does not man the gangway, so he should be available for investigations of this type. Ask the HD when you speak to him whether the Senior SO will look into it for you. They will generally take these things seriously, as there is always the possibility that it is a crew member. Surveillance is really good at tracking people from one camera to another, and you'd be surprised at the resolution they get. This department was put on the ships in the first place to oversee the casino, but it expanded to shipwide coverage.

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I'm sorry this happened to you all and hope you are able to enjoy the rest of your cruise.

I think security/police are hesitant to confront thieves even when they have evidence.

Our daughter's home was broken into and Ipads and Macbook among other things were stolen. They all had the find my device app on and were able to go to a house where it pinged as located. They brought the police who had been to the house concerning the break in the next day. There was a car in the driveway from Office of Parole, so the people in the house had prior problems with the law. The police still would not go in and get the devices saying my DD could have sold them or lent them to these people. Explain the broken window and ransacked house?????

Another family we know had a very similar situation where they traced the items and police did nothing.

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Before you go any further did you or your partner definitely see the games in the case in the knapsack poolside or just the case in the knapsack? ...I just ask incase he had been playing on the console, with games out previously (in the cabin, the day before at another venue...) and had packed away the case (with one game in) leaving the others behind somewhere.....


It just seems odd the case and one game is handed in in the knapsack....could there be a simple explanation....As a mother and having taught for 35 years I know 7 year olds are not good at guarding property and can be poor at remembering when they 'saw something last'. Could it be games and console were simply left somewhere else?


My apologies if you have already thoroughly looked at all other possibilities....

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You should insist on speaking to the Hotel Director and making sure that security reviews the tapes. Insist on waiting while they do so, then ask them exactly what they will do about it. They must have a way of confronting passengers when there is a problem. My experience is that you must be there in person insisting something be done in order to get results. Promises to "get back to you" will likely be unfulfilled.

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Before you go any further did you or your partner definitely see the games in the case in the knapsack poolside or just the case in the knapsack? ...I just ask incase he had been playing on the console, with games out previously (in the cabin, the day before at another venue...) and had packed away the case (with one game in) leaving the others behind somewhere.....


It just seems odd the case and one game is handed in in the knapsack....could there be a simple explanation....As a mother and having taught for 35 years I know 7 year olds are not good at guarding property and can be poor at remembering when they 'saw something last'. Could it be games and console were simply left somewhere else?


My apologies if you have already thoroughly looked at all other possibilities....


That is the reason that security does a search of a persons room when they report something stolen. To make sure that they had not misplaced it. I would expect that the search turns up the missing items often enough that the search is part of their process.

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My son-in-law had his GoPro stolen on the Norwegian Breakaway last year. They also reported it and asked to have security tapes reviewed. They were told that they area where the camera disappeared from wasn't clear on any of the security recordings. The good news is that their travel insurance covered most of their loss. Of course, that's only money speaking. No make up for the loss of photos from the vacation to that point. You will need the paperwork from the report if you hope to file with insurance. So go forward with that. A good thing to remember is that all kinds of people are on a cruise at any time. We assume that everyone has our same values. Not so. Two people were removed from our cruise last week and a couple of years ago two people were taken off the ship in handcuffs.

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Before you go any further did you or your partner definitely see the games in the case in the knapsack poolside or just the case in the knapsack? ...I just ask incase he had been playing on the console, with games out previously (in the cabin, the day before at another venue...) and had packed away the case (with one game in) leaving the others behind somewhere.....


It just seems odd the case and one game is handed in in the knapsack....could there be a simple explanation....As a mother and having taught for 35 years I know 7 year olds are not good at guarding property and can be poor at remembering when they 'saw something last'. Could it be games and console were simply left somewhere else?


My apologies if you have already thoroughly looked at all other possibilities....


LOL the funny part is that my partner had been playing the DS in the Solarium when I came up to get him, and he packed it up and put it in the little case, tied the knapsack shut (would not untie accidentally- I have trouble with some of his knots!) and buckled it shut. It was very secure and nothing could have fallen out. What happened was that he forgot to pick up the knapsack from under the pool chair when we moved on for the evening. So the case with one game remaining made it clear that it was a flagrant theft- they didn't even take the whole case, but left behind the one game they didn't want :rolleyes:


We met with the chief of security and the head of guest relations just now- we didn't get to see Mark McSorley but were assured he was following the status. I'm not sure if I feel like I'm getting fobbed off or not. They took a full report, and we showed the security chief the location where my partner left the knapsack and there is a camera pointing right at the spot so hopefully something can be done. We gave them times and we were asked to describe what we were wearing.


The security officer did tell us that he would be speaking to the guests who picked it up if they are on camera and that the situation had occurred before but it was rare.


We were told that a guest turned in the bag. I would tend to agree that is likely not the guest who committed the theft.


We were told that security would notify us immediately if the items are recovered, but if not they will still follow up with us after dinner tomorrow.


This really has put a damper on the cruise. It's hard to enjoy oneself when something like this occurs and we really have no recourse at this point if security is unable to recover the items.


Our room has not been searched, but I think from the description we gave of what happened that it was clear that the items are not in our stateroom- if they had wanted to search I would have happily permitted it. The security chief did agree that it was clearly a theft and not a case of someone making a mistake or whatnot.


I am really hoping it was kids... I think that is the best chance of getting it back because they'd probably be immediately recognizable (only 25 onboard and most are little).


I also wish that there would be lockers available for when people are at the pool- what are we supposed to do if you want to read an e device at the pool for example and then go for a swim? It's apparently not safe to do so.


Please keep your fingers crossed for us.

Edited by SusieV
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I read on the thread that the Nintendo console and games were worth around $500. Someone else said they had a Go-Pro stolen on a cruise. Someone else had a pair of designer sunglasses stolen. Sad to say, but when a crime of opportunity presents itself, bad things may happen.


Why carry these small and easily concealed items with you and leave them on a chair without YOU being right next to them? Would you leave your wallet with $500 in it on a chair and walk away?


I am curious also as to why there would be any kids aboard who are of school age?

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When we are on vacation the last thing we are thing about is being robbed. So sad that this happened to your son and your family. We do leave things at the chair when we go in the water, even on the beaches. But, we have a large clip that we clip first to the chair then the bag. It would be very difficult for someone to unclip the device front the bag or the chair. And no one wants to go thru the trouble of taking the time to get caught in the act. I do hope that someone feels guilt and returns the items. I agree I bet that it is a young adult that saw your son playing the games. Sad when that happens.


Good luck. I hope that the rest of your trip was good for you.

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I read on the thread that the Nintendo console and games were worth around $500. Someone else said they had a Go-Pro stolen on a cruise. Someone else had a pair of designer sunglasses stolen. Sad to say, but when a crime of opportunity presents itself, bad things may happen.


Why carry these small and easily concealed items with you and leave them on a chair without YOU being right next to them? Would you leave your wallet with $500 in it on a chair and walk away?


I am curious also as to why there would be any kids aboard who are of school age?


we can be supportive of our fellow cruise critic poster who was looking for advice during this stressful time. your line of questioning is not helpful or empathetic. :rolleyes:


To the OP, sorry this happened to you and your son. :(

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I read on the thread that the Nintendo console and games were worth around $500. Someone else said they had a Go-Pro stolen on a cruise. Someone else had a pair of designer sunglasses stolen. Sad to say, but when a crime of opportunity presents itself, bad things may happen.


Why carry these small and easily concealed items with you and leave them on a chair without YOU being right next to them? Would you leave your wallet with $500 in it on a chair and walk away?


I am curious also as to why there would be any kids aboard who are of school age?


We are talking about a seven year old child!!:confused:

You mean you have never seen a child on any of your cruises?:confused::confused:

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Miracles do happen so hope for the best..


Someone on Labadee on a Royal cruise was one of the first off the ship... Woman went to the ladies rm and left her phone with her husband...he went into the water....Phone was gone...Apparently , a band was only ones on the immediate area..and security questioned each member...eventually the phone mysteriously re appeared


Hope OP has the same good luck!

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Miracles do happen so hope for the best..


Someone on Labadee on a Royal cruise was one of the first off the ship... Woman went to the ladies rm and left her phone with her husband...he went into the water....Phone was gone...Apparently , a band was only ones on the immediate area..and security questioned each member...eventually the phone mysteriously re appeared


Hope OP has the same good luck!


Yes, miracles do happen.


Last year, returning home (SFO) following a Transatlantic cruise I accidentally left a tote bag curbside at the airport. It was December 23, and the airport was packed with holiday travelers lining the curbside waiting for their rides to pick them up. Our driver phoned alerting us to where he was waiting. We picked up our luggage to walk to meet him with me leaving the tote bag behind containing my iPad.


An hour later when we reached home I realized I had left the bag behind. After spending several minutes being flabbergasted with myself, I went on line and reported the item lost on the SF PD - Airport Division - website. I wrote off the bag and iPad in my mind as being forever gone, even though I had filed a report.


Imagine my shock and surprise just 8 hours later, now the morning of Dec 24, when I received a call from SF PD Airport Division. Not only had someone turned in the tote bag to Airport Police, but also with iPad intact.


I tell of my experience not to gloat, but to remind us that there are still some terrific people out there, even if you'll never meet them or know who they are.


Susie, I hope you ultimately get your son's lost items returned, even if after disembarking Summit. Keep the faith! :)

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........My partner thinks anyone who would go to so much trouble to steal might have been stealing from others, too. I've already found someone's gold chain and turned it in... I hope the karma comes back.

I totally agree with your partner. If they do it once they will do it again and have probably done it before. Celebrity needs to seriously look into this and do something about it.

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Hoping your son gets his items back.


Although some of my friends think I'm a bit overprotective of my things, I think it's necessary. I use a Kyss beachbag that has a chain/lock built in whenever I'm in the water, taking a walk in the beach, etc.


I understand that a thief can easily cut the chain if they wanted to "steal my stuff", but think it would be easier for someone to steal another bag that isn't chained. I chain the bag around two chairs and am sure to lock it each time I go into the pool, etc.


That being said though, I still keep an eye out when possible and try to limit any expensive items I carry with me.

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Susie, when someone becomes a victim to a crime. The whole incident can be all consuming. You are on vacation , spent money, time taken out of your schedule, etc..

Count how much time and effort you have taken regarding this act of crime.

Yes, the perpetrator stole $500 worth of merchandise, but don't give him/her more power to take more.


This is Your vacation. Enjoy yourself with your loved Ones!! Make this a teachable moment for your 7 year old, things, objects, strangers that don't know you (that write judging statements) really don't matter. Perhaps, this is a blessing , all of you get to spend more time together to talk more , or play games together.

Makes Lemonade out of Lemons.


People can take things from you only if you Let them.


all the best,

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Have someone been watching you play the game? Were a lot of people in the Solarium at that time? How the person in question has known that you had an expensive game in your bag? It seems that thief was after whatever they can find in value.

BTW - there are several security cameras in the Solarium.

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I accidently left a bag of personal items and purchases on a bus that took us from the port shop area back to the pier. I don't remember which island- but it was one where it was too long to walk, there were several different buses, they were driven by locals, and they were coming back and forth in quick succession. The driver of the bus found my bag, and passed it to another driver and the bag made it back to me at the ship.


I was long gone- these drivers didn't have to do anything, they never would have heard from me again. Just trying to point out that socioeconomic status doesn't govern honesty and integrity...

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Not sure why a post asking for advice of experienced cruisers on how to handle a delicate situation brings out the pontificators. :rolleyes:


I was the one who got my sunglasses swiped and I can assure you I didn't knowingly leave them behind to tempt the buffet cattle call. As others have pointed out, most of us often let our guard down while on a cruise and usually nothing of consequence happens but then there are other times... on the whole people are very honest judging from the number of things in the Lost and Found (pens, glasses, cameras, cell phones, umbrellas, jackets, beach wear, even wigs :eek:)


Hope the OP was successful in finding her son's game.



so true- I think the OP was looking for advice on what to do, not a post mortem on why the DS might have been taken or why her son isn't in school?:

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