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Harmony Horrors!!

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Patsy: when you contact headquarters, consider telling RCI you are making a claim for the cost of the dentures which it's employee discarded and that RCI should notify its insurer of the claim. That should send a message that you are serious. It is also helpful to communicate the specific resolution you want for your entire complaint - inconvenience, lack of service, etc.

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A coworker told me about this site, said it's great, informational and I should ask the question to you all.... after some of these responses I'm not so sure... if you don't have any information for me keep your wisecracks to yourself please.. I'm sure if my story happened to any of you, you'd be furious, just as much as us!


I don't blame you, Patsy, for being very upset. Yes, your husband must have been miserable. I have a friend here on CC that went for a week with a horrible black eye from running into her hotel's bathroom door jamb the night before the cruise. I almost had to wear sunglasses my whole cruise once, except for an exceptional optician in Caracas, Venezuela. My husband and I were stranded in Barcelona with no flight home once after a cruise.


I'm just saying that we all have had nightmare things happen to us. One guy here on CC was stranded in Cozumel with no money when the ship left without him.


The formal dress can be changed in the cabin for something else to wear. Eating mashed up food would be a big hassle to any of us on a cruise. The cabin steward was not trained properly to keep his hands off personal property.


Having said all this, and just trying to show you that we actually sympathize with you, I think the offer for 50% off a future cruise was a generous offer. Give them another chance.

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Wow that is horrible :( I would be upset to spend a whole cruise unable to eat and being embarrassed to speak or smile because my teeth were missing.


I would want to cruiseline to pay to replace them, but I think it would be hard to prove that the room attendant threw them away unless they admitted to doing so, and if they admitted to doing so, that would mean they knew they were throwing them away at the time, which I doubt.


As unfortunate and disappointing as this was, sh-t happens. It's like when kids lose their retainers or break their glasses. It happens. It sucks because you were on vacation while it happened and couldn't get them replaced quickly, but it's just one of those things that are hard lessons learned about putting your things away where they belong so that you don't lose them (like kids putting retainers in their cases at lunch instead of on the lunch tray where they accidentally get tossed out, or husbands leaving their teeth on the counter where they could be knocked on the floor or wiped off the counter by rushed and unobservant cleaning crew).


It's unfortunate, but didn't have to cause you both to feel that your celebration was a disaster. Keep in perspective that you found someone you wanted to spend 30 years of your life with, you are very lucky. Be thankful that you had the ability to take a vacation to celebrate the milestone, be happy that you were both able to be together creating new memories after so many years, even if one of those memories was that your husbands teeth got thrown away. Hopefully you can look at it as a funny story later, after the dentures are replaced and you settle down.


Take the 50% off and do a re-do.



Sent from my iPhone using Forums

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A hard lesson to learn...but hopefully...one will be...and that's to take extreme care of something so personal and necessary to your health...invest in a container and keep that container in a safe out of the way place especially when you're not at home in your own bathroom where you know a strange attendant won't be cleaning up after you.


Best of luck.

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I think 50% off was a pretty good offer.


Also, whether your cruise was ruined has a lot to do with attitude. You can't control what happened, but you can control how you respond to what happened. It's only ruined if you let it be ruined.


I was on a cruise where a port call was canceled - the water was too rough to run the tenders. There were some people who were furious and spent the day seething over the missed port and excursions. Others took it in stride and had an enjoyable "bonus" day on the ship. It's all up to you.


Agree with this 100%. I think that the 50% off is going to be the best offer you get, of course I think that may also depend on how often you cruise with Royal as well. I'm assuming you don't cruise with them often though, by the tone of your comments.


A coworker told me about this site, said it's great, informational and I should ask the question to you all.... after some of these responses I'm not so sure... if you don't have any information for me keep your wisecracks to yourself please.. I'm sure if my story happened to any of you, you'd be furious, just as much as us!


Ok, so here goes. You will take this forum as you will. If you weren't coming here with the attitude you currently have, you probably would get a different reaction AND really find this website helpful and pleasant. If you look through all the forums you will see that there is a wealth of information here and a sense of community among fellow cruisers. As it is, you came here with an issue, hoping to have the majority of the people who post to be in your corner. The thing is, some of what happened to you is an accident "spill on your dress" but some of what happened is due to fault of yours whether you want to admit that or not. I am so sorry that your husband's dentures got trashed but honestly they shouldn't have just been left on the bathroom counter. I wasn't in the cabin when the steward cleaned, and you weren't for that matter either. There is always the chance that they fell off the counter and broke. Maybe he/she didn't see them. It's unfortunate, but accidents do happen and people do make mistakes. As for the steward not coming to your room for two days, I can't comment on that, mainly because I find that so hard to believe. You would think that if he was "sick" that someone would have picked up his cabins....but what do I know? Poor guy might have felt terrible about what he did and was embarrassed to be seen by you or have any confrontation. He might have even been reprimanded and that's why you didn't see him for 2 days.

As someone else mentioned, did you happen to have travel insurance? I would think that is something you would definitely travel with.

It is an expensive lesson learned, and I agree that Royal should give some compensation, but I think the 50% is generous. Good luck!

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You make no sense!! I think you need another drink ocean boy!! We don't eat Mexican food by the way.. you know a coworker told me how great this site is... I guess you get all kinds

It takes one to know one i suppose.

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Ok here it is... my husband is 80 yrs old. He has full dentures. Had a dental procedure the night before cruise so bottom gum was painful. 2nd night after dinner, he took out bottom denture, cleaned it placed it on the sink, we went out to a show, he says oh I forgot it, I say don't worry we're not eating leave it. Returned at 11 pm GONE!! Attendant tossed it in the trash!! Called they say sorry trash got incinerated!!! Next 5 days no teeth!! Couldn't eat anything that wasn't mashed! Pics were ruined! He was embarrassed, and miserable! Housekeeping Sup says we don't pay for lost or stolen!! Was neither, he trashed it!!! He calls in sick next 2 days and doesn't clean our room 2 of the 7 days I have to call for towels!!!Top it all off formal night waitresss spill our champagne all over my gown, have to sit in wet dress all night, husband gets sick from eating freaky food, and miss Mexico excursion we pd for. You tell me was that worth the 4K I paid to celebrate my 30th anniversary!!


Try this lady, she is the Director of Shared Services, which includes Guest Services.

Laly Rodriguez


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The usual school yard gang loves to pick on new people. Many of them know these contacts but don't want to be the one giving out their "friends" information to help others.








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I will agree with you. That was a horrific experience and I don't blame you at all for being so upset. I'm sorry you had such a disappointing cruise and I hope RCCL works with you to make things right.


How does someone throw away teeth by mistake? Was the attendant blind? Did your husband have them wrapped up in tissues because then I can see how the attendant threw them away by mistake. If they were in a glass or just lying on the counter, there is no excuse.


Here is the answer to your original question:



Executive Contacts


Primary Contact

Ivette Gari

Adjuster, Guest Claims

1050 Caribbean Way

Miami, FL 33132


Secondary Contact

Aurora Yera–Rodriguez

Director, Guest Experience

1050 Caribbean Way

Miami, FL 33132


Carlos Leyva

Chief Guest Experience Officer

1050 Caribbean Way

Miami, FL 33132


Chief Executive

Michael Bayley

President and CEO

1050 Caribbean Way

Miami, FL 33132




Thank you SoMuch!!!

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How does someone throw away teeth by mistake? Was the attendant blind? Did your husband have them wrapped up in tissues because then I can see how the attendant threw them away by mistake. If they were in a glass or just lying on the counter, there is no excuse.

I agree... I'm not sure we are getting the whole story here. They must have been wrapped in a towel or tissue and not in plan site.

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Sorry he lost his dentures, but my boys both had braces with retainers. They were lectured to no end by the orthodontist not to ever, ever leave the retainers on the lunch tray, or wrapped up in tissues or napkins any place. Only to be left in the special very colorful holder. Too easy to lose. I know a set of dentures isn't a retainer but boys will be boys- 13 or 80.

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Patsy: when you contact headquarters, consider telling RCI you are making a claim for the cost of the dentures which it's employee discarded and that RCI should notify its insurer of the claim. That should send a message that you are serious. It is also helpful to communicate the specific resolution you want for your entire complaint - inconvenience, lack of service, etc.


A multi-billion dollar corporation is going involve their "insurer" for a lost set of dentures.........?:rolleyes: Too funny.


Regardless how or where they were placed, it sounds like RCCL has acknowledged that their employee disposed of them by offering the 50% discount. If it were me I'd thank them and accept that, then negotiate further for reimbursement of the cost of the dentures.

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I am sorry hear what a dreadful experience you had and I am appalled at several of the responses you have received on this thread!

As a nurse and also as a person with dentures: I had tears in my eyes reading your story. Not only embarrassing but PAINFUL for your husband!

I agree with others replacement cost plus inconvenience plus the cost of the cruise/free future cruise.

What happened was careless on the part of the steward, and the head of housekeeping. There is no acceptable, 'I'm sorry' when someone's comfort and HEALTH is in jeporady due to carelessness!

Yes all his health! The healing of his procedure site was compromised by the loss of the denture. Those who are not medical or have never experienced dental recovering without the denture have no clue what you are talking about and need to stop it!

Again, I hope their is someone at RC that will step in and help to rectify this situation!



MOTS 11/04, NOTS 4/18,

Allure 9/17, Anthem 4/18

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I understand the denture issue, but don't muddy up your main issue with the other small issues. That is what makes many think you are just trying to find problems.


Any special reason you felt the need to sit in a wet dress? Couldn't you have gone and changed?


And if my steward did not show up, and I felt the need for service, I'd have called their supervisor.

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Ok here it is... my husband is 80 yrs old. He has full dentures. Had a dental procedure the night before cruise so bottom gum was painful. 2nd night after dinner, he took out bottom denture, cleaned it placed it on the sink, we went out to a show, he says oh I forgot it, I say don't worry we're not eating leave it. Returned at 11 pm GONE!! Attendant tossed it in the trash!! Called they say sorry trash got incinerated!!! Next 5 days no teeth!! Couldn't eat anything that wasn't mashed! Pics were ruined! He was embarrassed, and miserable! Housekeeping Sup says we don't pay for lost or stolen!! Was neither, he trashed it!!! He calls in sick next 2 days and doesn't clean our room 2 of the 7 days I have to call for towels!!!Top it all off formal night waitresss spill our champagne all over my gown, have to sit in wet dress all night, husband gets sick from eating freaky food, and miss Mexico excursion we pd for. You tell me was that worth the 4K I paid to celebrate my 30th anniversary!!


Sorry this happened to you, but I´m not quite there with you. A number of unfortunate Events piled up on you, but I can´t see a free cruise coming your way out of These. The 50% offer is quite generous already I think.


The worst Thing of Course is the loss of the dentals and I Keep a neutral stand on that one as we don´t know how it happened. If they were just left there on the Counter I´d put some fault to the Stateroom attendant, however if they were covered By a towel, wrapped in a tissue...... no one other would be to blame than your DH.


Sure he was miserable, but again the question is why and how the dentals were lost.


Staterroom Attendants are human and can get sick. If there was no replacement to cater to your cabin that´s a legit complaint, but hardly to the way of a free cruise, more to the tune of some OBC or a specialty restaurant Invitation.


Champagne issue, come on, ship happens. I´m sure they offered to dry clean your Dress. You hardly assume she spilled it on purpose.


It´s a shame at the end your hubby got sick and you missed an excursion, but that´s another case of ship happens and no ones fault.


I understand you are hopping mad, but I also think you are unreasonable in expecting a free cruise.

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A multi-billion dollar corporation is going involve their "insurer" for a lost set of dentures.........?:rolleyes: Too funny.


Regardless how or where they were placed, it sounds like RCCL has acknowledged that their employee disposed of them by offering the 50% discount. If it were me I'd thank them and accept that, then negotiate further for reimbursement of the cost of the dentures.




I understand the denture issue, but don't muddy up your main issue with the other small issues. That is what makes many think you are just trying to find problems.


Any special reason you felt the need to sit in a wet dress? Couldn't you have gone and changed?


And if my steward did not show up, and I felt the need for service, I'd have called their supervisor.


And this.

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I believe the OP is in the U.S., in which case... NO, it won't!

Some private insurers will only cover a denture every 5 years, at 50% after deductable. This is private through employer, and of course you have a yearly limit weather it be 1, 2 or 2500.

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