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How Can Regent Corporate Improve???


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Perhaps I should have made the subject of this thread "How Passengers Could Improve". That would be more interesting!:rolleyes:

We're fairly new Regent cruisers, I think (started in '09, 8 Regent cruises, 77 nights) and I can count on one hand the number of, well, how can I put this nicely? The number of 'not pleasant passengers'. Really, the percentage of loud, boorish, obnoxious twits is exceeding low in my experience. You figure I've sailed with somewhere over 5,000 other passengers and there are only about 4 or 5 that stand out as 'bad'; that's pretty good odds. Maybe a dozen I'd categorize as 'not happy but not affecting others that much'...still good odds.


But to get back on topic, I think most of us agree that the onboard experience is pretty good overall. Many of the complaints I hear online have to do with communication, a flaky website (better, but still room for improvement), excursions, and boarding issues. I know that Regent is sometimes hogtied by foreign vendors, unions, etc. but it would probably help if they had more reps around to 'take charge' and assist customers when they're having problems. I'd posted earlier that I think they need to dump some capital into updating and consolidating their internal and customer-facing systems, but realistically I think they do a pretty durn good job overall. Sometimes I think Regent is a victim of their own success - the onboard experience is so good that people get really bent out of shape if something ashore or at corporate isn't as good. I'm not making excuses because there's always room for improvement, but the suggestions I'm seeing here are really minor in the grand scheme of things - and pretty easily fixable, I think.

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Bill, agree with you for the most part. This thread pretty much showed that the problems with Corporate are pretty minimal as you stated. I believe everything that has been mentioned on this thread has been mentioned many times previously. There seems to be a school of thought that if one of "us" (CC members/passengers) make a suggestion or do not like something, Regent needs to fix it.


A good example is the Explorer and the new ship, Splendor (sorry for using that "name" Bill:evilsmile:). Regent did due diligence while designing the ship. Many passengers viewed designs - some in person at the shipyard. So, some people don't like the decor or colors and don't want to sail on her? That is mind boggling to me.


Bill, the one area where we sort of disagree is in the area of embarkation. Union workers truly would/will not permit Regent employees to help their customers. In Miami, for instance, if Regent employees tried to "help", they would be angrily sent away. This is not the case outside of the U.S. where Regent employees are there helping passengers check in, answering questions, etc.


In terms of passengers, in our 30 cruises we have seen some terrible passengers. The worst adult behavior that we have seen, in our opinion, is when passengers don't get their way or are upset about something and start screaming at an officer or crew member. Unfortunately I have seen this too many times. I'm treading lightly on this subject as it is not about Corporate and I respect CC's guidelines as to what we can and cannot post. For these reasons I'm not going to say more on this thread about passengers.

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In terms of passengers, in our 30 cruises we have seen some terrible passengers. The worst adult behavior that we have seen, in our opinion, is when passengers don't get their way or are upset about something and start screaming at an officer or crew member. Unfortunately I have seen this too many times. I'm treading lightly on this subject as it is not about Corporate and I respect CC's guidelines as to what we can and cannot post. For these reasons I'm not going to say more on this thread about passengers.

Jackie - probably a good idea. ;p


As I said, I haven't seen a LOT of 'bad' passengers...but the ones I HAVE seen are loud, noticeable, and frankly, annoying and embarrassing. It amazes me that supposedly rational adults have to resort to childish behavior(u)r to try and resolve a problem. Such is life, I guess.

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In terms of the dreamers on this thread, IMO, these are pipe dreams (discounts, etc.) and are unlikely to happen. However, some other luxury cruise lies do offer these discounts so you may want to give them a try.

Also, IMO, continually complaining about Regent will not necessarily get you anywhere. The obvious question from some of us is why you even continue to sail on Regent if there is so much wrong (wi-fi, ship design, etc.)

IMO, it is not helpful to tell other Regent cruisers, who wish to share constructive suggestions about the Regent product, that they should keep quiet and move to another cruise-line.

Perhaps the same could be said about Regent customers who question some of Regent's promotions (e.g. included laundry) , do not like children on-board and abhor priority boarding.

I suppose that "pipe-dreams" also include rebates for excursion opt-outs, beneficial cancellation conditions for those without necessary insurance and making H grade cabins on Explorer & Splendor single occupancy.



In terms of customer input for their new ships -- Regent went above and beyond in that area. They even had passengers visit the shipyard where they had mock-ups of the "new" suites on Explorer. IMO, it is unrealistic to expect Regent to spend millions of dollars to change what some people don't like when they build Splendor.

Explorer is a very good ship but could have been a lot better with some tweaks. Most of the issues are in the public areas rather than the suites.

Incorporating alterations into Splendor from lessons learned on Explorer would not be expensive. For example:

  • Surely Regent will not be using the same balcony door seals and locking mechanisms that caused so many issues of draughts & whistling in the suites
  • Not re-designing the theatre auditorium for Splendor, to avoid the sight-line issues and trip-hazards, would just be plain daft
  • Additional noise insulation between decks might quell some complaints

I agree that addressing other negative feedback would be a lot more difficult e.g. re-locating the Spa to allow for a Horizon Lounge; and providing a forward viewing deck.



In a perfect world (one that I would love), all of the complaining and nit picking about Regent would disappear and people could simply share their experiences. If someone shares something that is unique or not typical, we could chime in. It is the constant complaining -- especially about things that Regent can't/won't change that I feel is a waste of time.

IMO, most CC members on the Regent forum provide balanced well-informed views. Posters share their experiences, both positive and negative. This helps cruisers new to the brand and will also allow NCLH/Regent corporate readers to appreciate what their customers think they are getting right and where they might consider applying further attention and effort.



This is one of the reasons that I started this thread - it is assumed that Regent is in charge of everything which is not true when boarding and disembarkation is done in the U.S. Once you get outside of the U.S., I've seen Regent crew and performers checking guests in, etc. Boarding and disembarkation is typically but not always easier anyplace other than the U.S.

Our worst experience of check-in and boarding was in Dubai, where Regent personnel were carrying out the process.

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IMO, it is not helpful to tell other Regent cruisers, who wish to share constructive suggestions about the Regent product, that they should keep quiet and move to another cruise-line.

Perhaps the same could be said about Regent customers who question some of Regent's promotions (e.g. included laundry) , do not like children on-board and abhor priority boarding.

I suppose that "pipe-dreams" also include rebates for excursion opt-outs, beneficial cancellation conditions for those without necessary insurance and making H grade cabins on Explorer & Splendor single occupancy.




Explorer is a very good ship but could have been a lot better with some tweaks. Most of the issues are in the public areas rather than the suites.

Incorporating alterations into Splendor from lessons learned on Explorer would not be expensive. For example:

  • Surely Regent will not be using the same balcony door seals and locking mechanisms that caused so many issues of draughts & whistling in the suites
  • Not re-designing the theatre auditorium for Splendor, to avoid the sight-line issues and trip-hazards, would just be plain daft
  • Additional noise insulation between decks might quell some complaints

I agree that addressing other negative feedback would be a lot more difficult e.g. re-locating the Spa to allow for a Horizon Lounge; and providing a forward viewing deck.




IMO, most CC members on the Regent forum provide balanced well-informed views. Posters share their experiences, both positive and negative. This helps cruisers new to the brand and will also allow NCLH/Regent corporate readers to appreciate what their customers think they are getting right and where they might consider applying further attention and effort.




Our worst experience of check-in and boarding was in Dubai, where Regent personnel were carrying out the process.


Flossie this is a very well written and constructive balanced post. It’s one of the many reasons why myself and many others are delighted to have you back “onboard “ here, as you are able to be tactful and accurate in your posts with your own style of writing. Jean.

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We're fairly new Regent cruisers, I think (started in '09, 8 Regent cruises, 77 nights) and I can count on one hand the number of, well, how can I put this nicely? The number of 'not pleasant passengers'. Really, the percentage of loud, boorish, obnoxious twits is exceeding low in my experience. You figure I've sailed with somewhere over 5,000 other passengers and there are only about 4 or 5 that stand out as 'bad'; that's pretty good odds. Maybe a dozen I'd categorize as 'not happy but not affecting others that much'...still good odds.


But to get back on topic, I think most of us agree that the onboard experience is pretty good overall. Many of the complaints I hear online have to do with communication, a flaky website (better, but still room for improvement), excursions, and boarding issues. I know that Regent is sometimes hogtied by foreign vendors, unions, etc. but it would probably help if they had more reps around to 'take charge' and assist customers when they're having problems. I'd posted earlier that I think they need to dump some capital into updating and consolidating their internal and customer-facing systems, but realistically I think they do a pretty durn good job overall. Sometimes I think Regent is a victim of their own success - the onboard experience is so good that people get really bent out of shape if something ashore or at corporate isn't as good. I'm not making excuses because there's always room for improvement, but the suggestions I'm seeing here are really minor in the grand scheme of things - and pretty easily fixable, I think.


Well said!


As a frequent critic of the Regent website, I'll say that I am now satisfied by the update - I visit it every day.


Coordination between Regent's Marketing and Operations departments still bothers me. I've personally been affected by misinformation about:" Yangon tides" and "Harvest Caye port stop". In both cases, I got the correct info via the snail-mail circulars (yes, the ones that I have tried unsuccessfully to stop) weeks/months before correct info on website.


Another thought! We will be in Caribbean on Explorer in February. I'll report my opinion on whether my 11th Regent cruise is any "different" from my others.

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Well said!


As a frequent critic of the Regent website, I'll say that I am now satisfied by the update - I visit it every day.


Coordination between Regent's Marketing and Operations departments still bothers me. I've personally been affected by misinformation about:" Yangon tides" and "Harvest Caye port stop". In both cases, I got the correct info via the snail-mail circulars (yes, the ones that I have tried unsuccessfully to stop) weeks/months before correct info on website.


Another thought! We will be in Caribbean on Explorer in February. I'll report my opinion on whether my 11th Regent cruise is any "different" from my others.


Hope that your Caribbean cruise on Explorer is great. The only thing "different" could be the passengers (age, mobility). Just thought of an issue that was huge last year on Explorer cruises in the Caribbean - lounge hogs. Many posts on CC about that and hopefully it has been resolved.


IMO, Regent is doing a good job. No company is perfect and Regent isn't either. This thread shows how few things customers have to complain about. I strongly agree with what Bill posted.

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Sorry to report that pool lounge chair 'savers' continue. I guess that this might qualify in this topic because policy and enforcement must come from corporate so that staff is supported.

Also corporate needs to provide a lighted digital clock. You cannot employ the current lovely clock in the night's dark cabin.

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Sorry to report that pool lounge chair 'savers' continue. I guess that this might qualify in this topic because policy and enforcement must come from corporate so that staff is supported.

Also corporate needs to provide a lighted digital clock. You cannot employ the current lovely clock in the night's dark cabin.


Sorry to hear that. You were also on the cruise with the crazy embarkation. We were on the Explorer in March 2017 when it returned to Europe after wintering in the Caribbean. Crew members were still talking about the issue with chair "hogs" (sorry - this is what they were being called last year - agree that it isn't a nice name). There were notices in Passages and a table and sign were put up on the pool deck for belongings that were left on the lounges too long.


According to posters on CC, the issue was really bad. This is another policy that is strongly supported by Corporate but sometimes isn't enforced by the crew. It seems that both lounge hogging and dress code violations are uncomfortable subjects for the crew to address but it really needs to be done.


Since I am the one that calls Caribbean cruises "different", I should also say that this is basically an issue that occurs in the Caribbean. Although we stopped in the Caribbean on the way to and from the Amazon in November/December, the passengers were not the typical Caribbean cruisers (which is obvious since the reason for the cruise was to visit the Amazon rather than the Caribbean). Although we had warm/hot weather every day, there was no chair saving going on and there were plenty of places to sit. While I cannot say that chair hogging only happens in the Caribbean, the only times we read about it is when the sailing is in the Caribbean.

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Since I am the one that calls Caribbean cruises "different", I should also say that this is basically an issue that occurs in the Caribbean. Although we stopped in the Caribbean on the way to and from the Amazon in November/December, the passengers were not the typical Caribbean cruisers (which is obvious since the reason for the cruise was to visit the Amazon rather than the Caribbean). Although we had warm/hot weather every day, there was no chair saving going on and there were plenty of places to sit. While I cannot say that chair hogging only happens in the Caribbean, the only times we read about it is when the sailing is in the Caribbean.


TC, you may have missed it, but there was indeed some "lounger saving" going on for the Mariner Amazon cruise. Our suite was located on deck 10 forward, and each morning we walked up the stairs to deck 11 and through the pool area to breakfast in La Veranda. Most days, there were assorted books, magazines, sunglasses, etc., laying on many of the loungers in the shaded section. Despite this, I do agree with you that there were still plenty of places to sit.

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In my opinion chair "hogging" is probably most prevalent in the Caribbean because many (certainly not all) of the people cruising there are probably trying to get more sun than available in their northern climates and probably in a shorter time frame on a shorter cruise. Many come and go to cool off or get something to eat and become distracted while away from their chairs and thus do not come right back. Others, a minority, purposely leave things on the chairs to "reserve" them without consideration for others (I've seen things placed on lounges at breakfast time and the folks who did this not come back for several hours). Because more people are trying to get sun and occupy the pool area the shortage of chairs becomes acute and noticed by many more people.


While probably more prevalent in the Caribbean, I've had this happen on Med cruises as well as cruises in the Asia Pacific area. Usually the problem is not acute and if it becomes a real problem I've seen it handled well by the crew (but to be successful it has to be dome by somebody at the level of assistant food and beverage manager or the equiv. so there is a minimum of push-back).


Of course, everyone may have a different experience or level of tolerance.

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Explorer Christmas cruise Miami to Miami the lounge hogs were out in full force with various things placed on seats for hours. The crew makes no attempt to enforce . Regent could deal with these folks by clearing off all the reserved loungers.

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TC, you may have missed it, but there was indeed some "lounger saving" going on for the Mariner Amazon cruise. Our suite was located on deck 10 forward, and each morning we walked up the stairs to deck 11 and through the pool area to breakfast in La Veranda. Most days, there were assorted books, magazines, sunglasses, etc., laying on many of the loungers in the shaded section. Despite this, I do agree with you that there were still plenty of places to sit.


I apparently did miss it (I avoided the pool deck as much as possible on that cruise due to the heat but did notice plenty of places to sit when I went outside to get lunch). On Explorer last year someone reported that there was not one seat available on the pool deck. The same poster said that a crew member suggested that she go on her balcony (not the best response).

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This Caribbean cruise thing keeps coming up and apparently lots of regular Regent cruisers and CC posters are enjoying them. I feel like I keep reading that these voyages are sort of a "not our kind, dear" type of experience. Why is that?

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"In terms of the dreamers on this thread, IMO, these are pipe dreams (discounts, etc.) and are unlikely to happen. However, some other luxury cruise lies do offer these discounts so you may want to give them a try.


Also, IMO, continually complaining about Regent will not necessarily get you anywhere. The obvious question from some of us is why you even continue to sail on Regent if there is so much wrong (wi-fi, ship design, etc.)


In terms of customer input for their new ships -- Regent went above and beyond in that area. They even had passengers visit the shipyard where they had mock-ups of the "new" suites on Explorer. IMO, it is unrealistic to expect Regent to spend millions of dollars to change what some people don't like when they build Splendor.


OTOH, I agree about communication between the ship and Corporate and it would be nice if the small problems that remain with the website were corrected. IMO, they are no longer big issues but instead should be easy to fix issues.


In a perfect world (one that I would love), all of the complaining and nit picking about Regent would disappear and people could simply share their experiences. If someone shares something that is unique or not typical, we could chime in. It is the constant complaining -- especially about things that Regent can't/won't change that I feel is a waste of time."

TC, I have learned a lot about Regent from you, but I have to agree totally with the last three posters. These threads are Cruise Critic threads about Regent not owned by TC whether you start it or not. IMHO, your comments above shut down open and honest communication. Unless you are an executive with NCLH or Regent how do you know that Regent won't consider the discounts or perks offered by some? Do you really believe that the SSS department is not looking at what others are doing and consider them (even non luxury brands)? Since when do you speak for Regent?? I was thinking about starting a thread on possible adds to the SSS program. The reason I didn't was exactly what I see you doing. Numerous times you have said Regent won't consider something. How do you know that? Just because someone have a concern you don't like or agree with why should they sail with someone else? When people share their experiences, there will be complaints. If we see trends, good and bad, people should post them so Regent can see them. Why should this board be just all positive things? The purpose is to share and learn. Whether you like it or not, based on the level of suite you book, your well earned SSS level and the fact that you know so many crew on the ships you ARE treated differently. I will be gold on our next voyage, I am pleased with that. However, when I sail and post a review I call them as I see them, but every time I emphasize that the problems weren't enough that we didn't enjoy our cruise, but there were issues, and we brought them to someone's attention, and sometimes they weren't fixed. I will continue to share my experiences and contribute when I believe I can add value.


Just reread this post and reread it again to make sure that I "got it". I agree 100% with your first four paragraphs. The part of the post aimed towards me is difficult to respond to. While I am not an executive at Regent/Oceania/NCL or NCLH, I have admitted in the past and do so again now that I am friends with some top management at Regent. While this in and of itself does not make me special, it does give me a view of the cruise line that others may not have.


To be very clear, unlike some posters, I do not contact Regent corporate every time I have a problem or even a question. I go through the same channels that most of you go through (our TA). And, due to our long term relationship with onboard officers and crew, it can certainly seem as if we get special treatment. IMO, the only special treatment that we receive onboard is the hugs and sharing of what our lives have been like since we last saw each other.


I feel that I am able to look at Regent objectively and have no problem with commenting on things that I feel are not in the best interest of Regent or their customers (the latest being the laundry promotion). There is no expectation that Regent will change things due to my input. However, if enough passengers have the same issues, Regent may pay attention.


I do feel that some posters are not happy unless they can complain about almost anything. If someone regularly criticizes Regent, I tend to ignore what they have to say. After all, no one forces us to read any thread or post. IF I always stood up for Regent, it would not surprise me if people ignored my posts. However, this is not the case since there are several things that Regent does that I do not agree with. What I post on CC I have also said to the face(s) of friends at Corporate. And, as is the case on CC, we end up agreeing to disagree.


BTW, I have not stated that I "own" this thread - only that I started it - not knowing how it was going to shake down. It ends up being much more mild than expected. With all of the complaining that I read on a daily basis, there are few things that Regent customers hope will change (and I agree with some of them - especially communication between Corporate and the ships).


Last, I do hope that many Regent customers will try other luxury cruise lines because, once they do, they are likely to return to Regent and may actually stop complaining!


P.S. My comments exclude ongoing discussions of "free laundry", etc. which most customers are not affected by. For those of us that are affected, it remains a difficult subject!

Edited by Travelcat2
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Concerning Regent's policies out of headquarters, I feel there has been some deterioration as to the treatment of booked guests. Specifically, back in the old days, earlier in this century, if benefits of any kind were offered to new bookings on a cruise of group of cruises, those benefits were also offered to those already booked on the cruises(s). There are several posts on this forum that clearly indicate that this is not the case today. I feel that when perks such as fare reductions, upgrades, and additional services are offered to new bookings, it is only fair to treat the previously booked the same way.

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Concerning Regent's policies out of headquarters, I feel there has been some deterioration as to the treatment of booked guests. Specifically, back in the old days, earlier in this century, if benefits of any kind were offered to new bookings on a cruise of group of cruises, those benefits were also offered to those already booked on the cruises(s). There are several posts on this forum that clearly indicate that this is not the case today. I feel that when perks such as fare reductions, upgrades, and additional services are offered to new bookings, it is only fair to treat the previously booked the same way.


I get what you are saying and know that the Regent of today is not the Regent of two owners ago (although they were losing money before it was sold to PCH). However, what is the same today (price wise - service wise, etc.) as it was "earlier this century" (like that reference:-)???


I'm not sure why Regent needs to accommodate passengers that booked before the price reduction any more than a car dealer should rebate money that was spent on a car that drops in price throughout the year. Regent does have the onboard booking guarantee which encourages returning passengers to book while onboard the ship.


Perhaps honoring price reductions would be a good benefit to replace laundry - in case Regent decides to remove that benefit from customers.

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While on a MSC cruise many years back they had a crew member actually assigned to oversee the pool lounges

and crazy as it might seem it WORKED and no one gave him a hard time


Every body was HAPPY with the situation :p:cool:;p

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If we are talking about cars, dealers will give customers benefit of a price drop when customers have ordered and not received delivery at the time of the drop. We bought a certain make and model new car in 2004, and bought a new 2017 of the same make and model. The 2017 cost 52% more than the 2004, but was so much "more car" as to features and performance that there is no comparison. In 2004 I would have had to buy an upgrade model to get even part of what the 2017 has, and it would probably have cost me more.


What does this have to do with cruising? With cruising, as with cars, the more we pay, the more we naturally expect of ANY cruise line. And to get less when paying more does not result in happy customers.

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While on a MSC cruise many years back they had a crew member actually assigned to oversee the pool lounges

and crazy as it might seem it WORKED and no one gave him a hard time


Every body was HAPPY with the situation :p:cool:;p



Think that is a good idea!


Dolebludger, apparently you don’t understand my point of view and I do not understand yours. The bottom line for me is that it is 2018 and things are not likely to go back to where they were at the turn of the century... especially when we’re talking about someone that owned Regent years ago. In my opinion it is not relevant to today.

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Well, this is an opinion forum. And this thread is particularly an opinion thread. So I state my opinions, but I don't expect everybody to agree with them. And that's fine, because we are all entitled to our own opinions about Regent-related matters -- and everything else for that matter. I am well aware that Regent has changed ownership twice since "earlier in this century". And it is my opinion that I don't give any slack due to that. I still expect Regent to be the Regent I know, regardless of ownership. But I respect your right to have a contrary opinion.


You mentioned car buying as something comparable to cruise booking. In my case it is, because I seem to usually end up ordering a car to my specs from the factory, and delivery takes a while, much like booking a cruise in advance (usually a good idea). On my last car buy I had some "affinity discounts" from organizations like USAA and Morgan Stanley. But those change from month to month. So the dealer and I agreed to a price based on the current discounts. And we also agreed that if the discounts went down, the price would remain. But we also agreed that if discounts went up before delivery, the price would be reduced by the amount of the increased discounts. That is how Regent used to operate and, in my opinion, I like it that way.


You also mention that Regent (fka Radisson) was operating at a loss "early in this century". True, as despite the greatly lower fares, their ships were sailing around 1/3 full due to international uncertainty, followed by economic recession. A lot of travel related companies were experiencing loses then, for these reasons and nothing to do with corporate policy (in my opinion).


I respect the opinions of others. In return, I only expect that they respect mine. The only posters whose opinions do not deserve respect are those who obviously have never cruised Regent. (Posts by such people have happened.) But I don't think there are any of that type on this thread.

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Well, this is an opinion forum. And this thread is particularly an opinion thread. So I state my opinions, but I don't expect everybody to agree with them. And that's fine, because we are all entitled to our own opinions about Regent-related matters -- and everything else for that matter. I am well aware that Regent has changed ownership twice since "earlier in this century". And it is my opinion that I don't give any slack due to that. I still expect Regent to be the Regent I know, regardless of ownership. But I respect your right to have a contrary opinion.


You mentioned car buying as something comparable to cruise booking. In my case it is, because I seem to usually end up ordering a car to my specs from the factory, and delivery takes a while, much like booking a cruise in advance (usually a good idea). On my last car buy I had some "affinity discounts" from organizations like USAA and Morgan Stanley. But those change from month to month. So the dealer and I agreed to a price based on the current discounts. And we also agreed that if the discounts went down, the price would remain. But we also agreed that if discounts went up before delivery, the price would be reduced by the amount of the increased discounts. That is how Regent used to operate and, in my opinion, I like it that way.


You also mention that Regent (fka Radisson) was operating at a loss "early in this century". True, as despite the greatly lower fares, their ships were sailing around 1/3 full due to international uncertainty, followed by economic recession. A lot of travel related companies were experiencing loses then, for these reasons and nothing to do with corporate policy (in my opinion).


I respect the opinions of others. In return, I only expect that they respect mine. The only posters whose opinions do not deserve respect are those who obviously have never cruised Regent. (Posts by such people have happened.) But I don't think there are any of that type on this thread.


I retract my comments about automobiles - I seem to get in trouble every time I bring that subject up.


IMO, Radisson/Regent under private ownership was not only due to international uncertainty as much as it was due to mismanagement. As the CEO of the company that purchased them has said, the ships had threadbare towels and other soft goods and the ships had not been refurbished in a timely manner.


I do respect your opinions but strongly disagree with them. IMO, we need to be in the "now" - not in the past and not even in the future. Also, IMO, you sound very frustrated with Regent and seem to prefer other cruise lines which is your right. However, comparing non-luxury cruise lines with Regent is difficult to grasp sometimes. I know that some mainstream and premium cruise lines may have certain things that are better than Regent but that doesn't mean that luxury cruisers would want to sail on them.


I do not believe that Regent is going to change their policy regarding reimbursement to passengers that have already booked a cruise that has since had a price reduction unless they booked onboard (and I agree with this policy). I also do not believe that Regent will start offering Business Class/First Class flights to their passengers that are going across the country (the U.S. and Canada). And, no matter how much I'd like to see it, I do not believe that people that do not like included excursions will get a credit for opting out. This is my reality.


Without rereading this entire thread, it seems that the biggest issues from Regent customers is communication between the ship and corporate as well as miscommunication from Customer Service to customers. Then there is their website which has improved somewhat but is not where it should be (IMHO). The internet issue also remains. Ever since Regent mistakenly (IMO) gave everyone included internet, it has been slower than it has ever been (most of the time). And, my personal issue with Corporate is the included laundry for everyone.


Last, posting about the same subject over and over doesn't seem to change anything (I should know since I post so much). Must say that I try not to bring up the same subjects unless/until someone else mentions them. I am not always successful!

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IMO, Regent moving to 'all-business class' airfare has created an obnoxious price hike. I preferred the option of upgrading, if the price was realistic.


We feel blessed and thankful to even have the opportunity to entertain the idea/reality that we can go on these cruises. However, after the "included" business class policy change we have switched to Silversea. It has offered the same care and service we loved with Regent. We still upgrade to business class and the pricing is still way below Regent on comparable destinations.


I, personally, think the luxury cruise industry is changing also because of young, successful professionals in their 30's/40's who want to enjoy the luxury experience.

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I retract my comments about automobiles - I seem to get in trouble every time I bring that subject up.


IMO, Radisson/Regent under private ownership was not only due to international uncertainty as much as it was due to mismanagement. As the CEO of the company that purchased them has said, the ships had threadbare towels and other soft goods and the ships had not been refurbished in a timely manner.


I do respect your opinions but strongly disagree with them. IMO, we need to be in the "now" - not in the past and not even in the future. Also, IMO, you sound very frustrated with Regent and seem to prefer other cruise lines which is your right. However, comparing non-luxury cruise lines with Regent is difficult to grasp sometimes. I know that some mainstream and premium cruise lines may have certain things that are better than Regent but that doesn't mean that luxury cruisers would want to sail on them.


I do not believe that Regent is going to change their policy regarding reimbursement to passengers that have already booked a cruise that has since had a price reduction unless they booked onboard (and I agree with this policy). I also do not believe that Regent will start offering Business Class/First Class flights to their passengers that are going across the country (the U.S. and Canada). And, no matter how much I'd like to see it, I do not believe that people that do not like included excursions will get a credit for opting out. This is my reality.


Without rereading this entire thread, it seems that the biggest issues from Regent customers is communication between the ship and corporate as well as miscommunication from Customer Service to customers. Then there is their website which has improved somewhat but is not where it should be (IMHO). The internet issue also remains. Ever since Regent mistakenly (IMO) gave everyone included internet, it has been slower than it has ever been (most of the time). And, my personal issue with Corporate is the included laundry for everyone.


Last, posting about the same subject over and over doesn't seem to change anything (I should know since I post so much). Must say that I try not to bring up the same subjects unless/until someone else mentions them. I am not always successful!

"And, my personal issue with Corporate is the included laundry for everyone. "

Edited by LoonCall
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