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Celebrity cruise and Weight Watchers...is it possible? Ha ha......


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Started Weight Watchers after the first of the year and really don’t plan to keep up with my daily points once on board when I looked up a Mudslide and it was 42 points! The premium drink package alone is going to do me in. Throw in Cafe Baccio and there’s just no point! We’re booked on the 31Mar, 04May and 16Jun Equinox sailings so I think I’m doomed! Does it help that we’ll be dining in Blu? Just kidding....I plan to get a lot of walking in to earn me all the Fitpoints I can. Has anyone even attempted to count points on board?:')

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First sentence shows you do not plan to follow the point system...but you could still do a reasonable job, esp if you walk daily, swim a bit, dance alot and maybe visit the gym a few times,


For breakfast in BLU there are many healthy choices...fruits, parfaits , eggs and omelets with veggies etc...skip all the bread basket rolls/ butter or pastries and smoothies, and the tempation to eat it all ..you have many days to try French toast, etc I eat half of what they serve,


For lunch, I'd do a nice salad....lots of veggies and protein. They often have fish and chicken...skip the pizza and hero sammies ..


For dinner, BLU has nice salads, less salty food and you can always order dbl veggies in place of carbs, or a simple baked potato. Desserts can also go lighter or be skipped.


Fancy drinks are definitely a calorie laden problem but you can skip having them daily. However, even as a diabetic on each cruise, I allow for one or two IGLUS at Cafe Baccio and sorbet....as a treat for doing my best,


Enjoy your cruise...,I wish they had WW on board but you'll be on your own,.Good luck!

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Does WW have an app which you can use? If so, then you would be able to 'try' to plan around the downfall, as it were etc...


As hcat has posted, it sounds like a moot point, just plan on starting again upon returning from the sailings...


bon voyage

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Of course it's possible, it all comes down to how much effort you want to put in on your vacation. If it were me and I wanted to 'try', I would do my best to not be a glutton and, take the stairs as much as possible.


I have been gravitationally challenged my whole life, so I get it. I have gone on seven day cruises and not gained anything and gone on others where I gained 15. Usually because I was on a restrictive carb diet and let loose on the cruise. Carbs are everywhere.


I wish you the best cruise possible and getting back on the horse after your trip.

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A long time ago I decided that when on a cruise I can eat... or I can drink. But I can not do both or I will gain one pound per day. The choice was easy. ;)


What I do:


Stick with diet mixers and unsweetened alcohol. I may have one sweet drink in a week.

Take the stairs unless I'm with someone who can't (or won't).

Pick light appetizers, clear soups and green salads, order my dinner "without starch".

Ask for extra steamed vegetables with dinner (a large plate to share).

Don't make every meal a celebration... keep breakfast and lunch simple.

Don't skip snacks... choose fruit (0 points).

Pay attention to how much water you are drinking.. keep it UP.

Decide what your splurges will be that week... mine are gelato and crème brulee (once each).

Practice the 3 bite rule... if you want something decadent, allow yourself 3 bites.

Choose to be active.


Don't sweat the details and remember, there's nothing that you can do on a cruise (weight wise) that can't be undone later at home. Commit to going to your meeting the first week you're home. Tell them at your meeting... accountability is a strong motivation. And always ask yourself... is "this" worth it? If the answer is yes, go for it. If no, stop and reconsider eating/drinking it. So many of the desserts are pretty but not very good.


Keep your head in the game and that will help!

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I am a WW. I went on a 14 day Cruise in Nov and had a small weight gain ... that was OK. Knew I wouldn’t stick to point allotment when I went and was prepared for the gain. Remember WW is a lifestyle, not a diet. Durning Cruise I walked a lot, went to the gym, ate a lot of fruit, had a mudslide or two (but not every day), drank wine, danced, went on Excursions and ate in Blu every single night. Enjoy Your Cruise!



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I am a lifetime time WW person. I have never gained a pound on a cruise and ate like a queen. You have remember two things 1) it's a lifestyle not a diet and 2) if you gain, you'll lose it when you come back. Next time you'll do better. Good luck and a choice other than a mudslide may be in order lol .



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I am a type 2 diabetic, I count carbs rather than points. I have no problem enjoying eating on our cruise vacations. It helps that I am not a drinker so I can channel those carbs into their nice, small serving desserts each night. Celebrity has lots of options for food and drink so you can do it if you really want to. Better to do it when you want then when you need to do it. Lesson learned the hard way for me.

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To the OP

FWIW, my DH and I are lifetime Weight Watchers,making goal several years ago with a combination of WW practices and a nutrioist’s guidance.

I recall a WW meeting where a woman returned to the weekly WW meeting after a week’s cruise,

She had gained 24 pounds and was devastated!

Lesson learned for all in the group.

I agree with what others have posted here.

Wise food choices, portion control, limiting high calorie drinks - substituting low calorie drinks, and activity will help keep weight gain in check.

Also, redirecting focus on food on the cruise to focusing on experiences and activities may prove helpful.

Good luck and bon voyage !

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Everyone makes good points. The good thing about Celebrity is that the portions are not huge. And remember, you are "dining" not just eating. The fact is you are actually pacing yourself with the courses and it gives your brain a chance to reach satiety which takes about 20 minutes.


Our Baltic cruise last year was on Vision of the Seas and they had the most decadent bread pudding with vanilla sauce in the buffet. I had at least one serving a day. But, the tours were all very active with lots of walking. Even with 2 days pre- and post-cruise, I was pleasantly surprised to arrive home with a 6 lb. weight loss. I'll admit I am not much of a drinker and think I only had 2 fancy drinks and 2 glasses of wine the whole trip.


A Mediterranean cruise will be much more active than the typical Caribbean one. If you use common sense, you will enjoy yourself and still be fine.



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I know nothing about WW but figure you should be OK if you eat a lot of cereals, salads, nuts, fruit and lean protein (eggs, fish, chicken, steak) without smothering it in sauce. Not a hardship!


Sugary drinks will blow it all out of the water.


Personally I find all the above is the easy part.


What I find hard to get a straight answer from the experts is: alcohol. There's not much no carbs in beer nor in many spirits like whisky, gin and vodka. However AIUI alcohol effectively metabolizes into fat so needs to be treated as carbs? If so, bummer, will just have to spend spend a bit more time walking up and down those stairs!

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To the OP

I have another thought...

I think a good amount of salt is used in preparing cruise food.

In the past,my ankles tended to blow up greatly on some cruises.

Then, I realized what I could do to alleviate the problem.

So, I try to choose foods without sauces or gravies, have salad dressing on the side and try to select foods as close to the source as possible .

I also try to drink a lot of water and move a lot ( daily walks on promenade or on treadmill ,using stairs when possible ).

I applaud your mindfulness of the WW program while on vacation.

Enjoy your cruise (s) !

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I’m a WWer too. Started in Jan & just hit -23lbs. We sail in July. I was hoping for 25lbs total by July. Totally shocked this plan is working!


DH and I have been talking a lot about how to not undo my progress. My plan was predicated on my weeklies & fit points. Then I lost too quickly & my weeklies have gone way down!!


I think the new plan will work to our advantage here. Relying on 0fsp foods for the bulk of breakfast & lunch will be key. Eggs/omelette & fruit for breakfast. Salads with some protein for lunch. I am gluten free and I dislike the substitutes, so I’m not tempted by the pastry desserts & breads. Dinner, drinks & Cafe Al Bacio will be my downfall. Use the program. Eat until satisfied not full. Something decadent you must have, take 3 bites & move on. Keep busy. At our meetings we talk about taking a lap around the grocery store if you feel compelled to put something “dangerous” in your cart. Apply the same principle to the buffet. If you still want it when you get back to that station take 1/2 the serving size. I totally think you can enjoy the offerings without overdoing it. And water. Lots & lots of water!


Traveling with our kids. My 9yo son is up by 6am every day. I plan to take him to the walking track so the rest of the cabin can sleep. I’ll probably try to get to the gym or do some water jogging a couple of days before the pool gets busy.


Good luck!!!





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Not on WW, but both of us watch our weight and try to eat healthy. On one recent cruise, wifey had a doctors appt. immediately before and a follow up, immediately after our cruise. Her weight was the same. Only thing i can credit is that we ate in Blu. We never visited the gym.


I’m sure you can find reasonable food, and as others say, enjoy your vacation!

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Started Weight Watchers after the first of the year and really don’t plan to keep up with my daily points once on board when I looked up a Mudslide and it was 42 points! The premium drink package alone is going to do me in. Throw in Cafe Baccio and there’s just no point! We’re booked on the 31Mar, 04May and 16Jun Equinox sailings so I think I’m doomed! Does it help that we’ll be dining in Blu? Just kidding....I plan to get a lot of walking in to earn me all the Fitpoints I can. Has anyone even attempted to count points on board?:')




I’ve done girls cruises the last two years and I think all of us lost a little weight, even tho we drank a lot of cocktails I wouldn’t normally come near on land. [emoji38] I know I lost two pounds (one week cruise) last year. We also chose active excursions and walked the loop on deck/used the gym/didn’t use taxis etc. I like room service in the mornings— remove the temptation of grazing the buffet, and then a burger and salad for lunch or salmon and chowder(Alaska, any fish is perfect for lunch). Dinner we just ate what we wanted, ordered all the mains/desserts and shared them, I really like to request at least one dish from a special menu too. Enjoy... then hit the club after to dance as much as possible! [emoji1323] Try to have cocktails where the points are coming from the alcohol not the mixers, those purées they use have a million calories, as does any creamy liquor. I like tequila muddled with lime then a soda water splash. I also do wine spritzers. Have lots of fruit throughout the day and bring your own breakfast bars or such for port-time munchies— unplanned eating is the enemy. You have those extra points which will go fast, but you can also gain all the exercise points so it’s do-able! Allow yourself one or two cheat dinners too!



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I am aware of the WW system--even though I don't really count points. I eat lots of veggies (there are always one or two vegetarian choices per night--some not healthful!) and even a desert. You can also request a vegetable plate instead of the menu choices. I do not drink alcohol--giving more points/calories for food. I ask for dressing on the side for salads--then only use about 1 or 2 teaspoonsful. I try to get 10,000 steps/4 miles/day on stairs or the

track or shore excursions. I really do not feel underprivileged--always have plenty to eat. One cruise I lost 2 lbs. Other times I have maybe gained one or two lbs. As others have said, salt is used very generously. Wait a couple of days after you get home to weigh. I would rather walk outside than go to the gym--but have done both. You can probably guesstimate the WW points in any food if you have been following the plan for a while. Go and enjoy the cruise--and don't think too much about sacrificing!

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I lost 2 lbs while cruising for 26 nights . We walked a lot in ports and never waste time sitting to eat so we take protein bars and water. I love that all the food prep in done onboard so I can pick healthy food We eat healthy as we want to feel good every moment on the vacation we spent so much money on

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I've been on several cruises while on WW and have another coming up in May. You can do it, just don't say "the heck with it" and eat whatever you want. It will just be that much harder to get back in the swing of things when you return.


There have been some great suggestions that I would agree with. Here's what I do:


I wear my fitbit all the time. I shoot for 10,000 steps a day. Wearing it can remind you of how well you have done on the program up until now.


I never order dessert but I have a bite or two of my husband's. That's all I needed to not feel deprived. I did order fruit plates for dessert often (not on the menu but just ask).


For lunch, I would get a great salad (I happen to love salads) of veggies and then go to the grill and get a chicken breast without the bun.


I decided before hand the one indulgence I would allow myself. I told myself that I was going to have a waffle and sausage for one breakfast. It was great.


Drinking really impacts my weight but I wasn't going to let that stop me on the cruise. I don't like the sweet drinks so that was easy. The Martini bar had diet tonic (which I happen to like - yes, I'm the one.) What I do find is that if the weight comes on because of drinking it comes off quickly as soon as I'm home.


I have gained weight on a cruise but I find that getting right back in the saddle as soon as I'm home the weight comes off as quickly as it went on. I agree with a previous poster that there is a lot of salt in cruise food and getting back to a home environment does seem to help.


You can do it. Don't deprive yourself. Have fun. If you gain weight you can certainly lose it as well. Be sure to hit up your normal meeting for support as soon as you return.

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To the OP

FWIW, my DH and I are lifetime Weight Watchers,making goal several years ago with a combination of WW practices and a nutrioist’s guidance.

I recall a WW meeting where a woman returned to the weekly WW meeting after a week’s cruise,

She had gained 24 pounds and was devastated!

Lesson learned for all in the group.

I agree with what others have posted here.

Wise food choices, portion control, limiting high calorie drinks - substituting low calorie drinks, and activity will help keep weight gain in check.

Also, redirecting focus on food on the cruise to focusing on experiences and activities may prove helpful.

Good luck and bon voyage !

24 pounds?? As in TWENTY-FOUR?? Just making sure this isn't a misprint. I gained five pounds on our last cruise because I drank chocolate martinis every night for 14 nights, and indulged in way too much gelato. I thought that was bad!

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