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Did anyone else see the story today...


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What is it any of your business to get personally involved in this by contacting Disney?



Just my two cents, but when someone chooses to post their entire life on a public YouTube daily blog, they are inviting the entire world in it. Their actions will be under scrutiny by everybody watching, and everything that they do will be judged, analyzed, and commented on, like on a mini reality show. If something that is considered unfair is posted, chances are that someone will feel compelled to take action, and I believe that’s what Elka is doing.


From what I’ve seen and read so far, this is a nice family who chose to make their entire life and vacation plans a little too public. So unfortunately there are consequences with that, which include the entire world getting involved. The mom in question is 22, so very young and probably still learning some hard lessons from mistakes that can be attributed to immaturity. In addition to the lesson she learned about cruising while pregnant, I can only hope that she can also learn that making your life too public is another big mistake.



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This is the part that places all the blame on the family. There is no way for Disney to know. She could have lied and had no issues boarding, but then Disney would not be liable for anything that happened if she went into labor because she lied and falsified information. They brought the letter and informed Disney because they wanted to be able to both get on the boat *and* hold Disney liable if anything went wrong.


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What is it any of your business to get personally involved in this by contacting Disney?


I haven’t contacted Disney. They want the person whose information that they photographed to contact them, the ones who got kicked off, so that the person whose info they got would sue Disney. What would you do?

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How can the cruiseline prove if someone is more than 24 weeks in the first place? Had she not given the letter, there would have been no proof and she could have boarded.


If a woman appears pregnant when checking in for a cruise, shore side supervisors ask her if she is pregnant, and how far along she is. If the answer needs further proof, the woman is asked to contact her physician and request a letter be faxed to the shoreside office on the pier verifying that she is well with in the time limit required. The letter is given to ship's medical staff, who may call the physician to verify. At the end of the day it's the ship who decides who boards and who doesn't. They can and will deny boarding if they believe it's a medical risk, even if the woman is well within the time limit.


Also....the woman's physician more than likely will not risk any problems with the pregnancy, unless he wants a malpractice suit if something goes wrong.

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Just my two cents, but when someone chooses to post their entire life on a public YouTube daily blog, they are inviting the entire world in it. Their actions will be under scrutiny by everybody watching, and everything that they do will be judged, analyzed, and commented on, like on a mini reality show. If something that is considered unfair is posted, chances are that someone will feel compelled to take action, and I believe that’s what Elka is doing.


From what I’ve seen and read so far, this is a nice family who chose to make their entire life and vacation plans a little too public. So unfortunately there are consequences with that, which include the entire world getting involved. The mom in question is 22, so very young and probably still learning some hard lessons from mistakes that can be attributed to immaturity. In addition to the lesson she learned about cruising while pregnant, I can only hope that she can also learn that making your life too public is another big mistake.



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As I have said I have only posted to YouTube comments for them to delete the information they took.

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Could we, perhaps, be speaking about another case of ' the rules do not apply ot me? ' Sems to be a lot of that these days. "The rules are for everyone expect those who do not

wish to comply."


I was bothered when I saw the clip on cable news and they stated t h e mom- to- be was escorted and told to wait outside the terminal. Could the family not have been seated in the air onditioned terminal while they waited for their luggage to b e returned to them?


Apparently there were armed law enforcement officers present who presumab ly would handle any issue or disturbance the family or mom-to-be- may have created?


SHE was totally wrong, IMO(from the reports I have seen on tv and have read but seems it could have been handled a litt le more calmly.

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Another Disney-specific forum I am on has a post where someone screencapped responses from 2 different people who were there and witnessed the scene. (This special snowflake has probably deleted them by now - I refuse to give her any more clicks on her channel by going there.) BOTH witnesses verified that the family is who immediately escalated things - calling the agent at the check-in counter a “stupid b——“ and getting aggressive. It was at the point where they began getting aggressive that the Port Security called in Miami-Dade and the family was cited for trespassing and escorted out of the terminal. Both witnesses verified that the family was never boarded (which, Duh, if they were “waiting for their key cards” because your butt is not getting on the ship without a key card.) and both said that someone was immediately dispatched to get the bags to prevent the ship from being delayed in departing. Now, would that take a bit of time? Yes - the luggage is put into carts and not necessarily on top. Also both said (and it seconds what I have seen) that if any sensitive information (not sure why someone was asked for a SSN - I have NEVER heard of that for a cruise) is written, it is shredded as soon as the agent is through with it.

But basically the family made horses’ rear ends out of themselves and ultimately that is what escalated things.



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I feel sad for the kids Disney is about the kids and theses kids went home without seeing Mickey and Minnie sad day.
The thing was she was initially the only one denied boarding. Not the other 9. Fake news at its best!
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I hate people that leverage social media in this way. Even if the lady didn't make the booking herself, it is CLEARLY stated that 24 weeks is the cutoff for pregnant women. Regardless if she had a note from her doctor permitting her to board would be a major assumption of risk for DCL. If she were to fall ill, injure herself, miscarry, or die they would have a MAJOR lawsuit with no legs to stand on in their defense.


Good job by the team in Port Miami for doing their job and working in the best interest of DCL.

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Another Disney-specific forum I am on has a post where someone screencapped responses from 2 different people who were there and witnessed the scene. (This special snowflake has probably deleted them by now - I refuse to give her any more clicks on her channel by going there.) BOTH witnesses verified that the family is who immediately escalated things - calling the agent at the check-in counter a “stupid b——“ and getting aggressive. It was at the point where they began getting aggressive that the Port Security called in Miami-Dade and the family was cited for trespassing and escorted out of the terminal. Both witnesses verified that the family was never boarded (which, Duh, if they were “waiting for their key cards” because your butt is not getting on the ship without a key card.) and both said that someone was immediately dispatched to get the bags to prevent the ship from being delayed in departing. Now, would that take a bit of time? Yes - the luggage is put into carts and not necessarily on top. Also both said (and it seconds what I have seen) that if any sensitive information (not sure why someone was asked for a SSN - I have NEVER heard of that for a cruise) is written, it is shredded as soon as the agent is through with it.

But basically the family made horses’ rear ends out of themselves and ultimately that is what escalated things.



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Thank you, it is good to read what some witnesses saw and heard. Not surprising we had not heard the rest of the story. If the family became disruptive, it seems appropriate to have law enfor cement present and at the ready. f If Disney's pregnancy rules did not apply to them ( in the family's opinion ) , why would other rules apply? Law enforcement likely could convince them otherwise.


It did disturb me when I heard they made the mom-to-be wait outside for the luggage to be returned. If the family had been calm and compliant, could they not sit down inside? Apparently, it seems they were not calm.

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I booked a rc cruise. I found out I was pregnant the next week and would be 26 weeks at the time of sailing. I cancelled my cruise and my deposit was refunded. This didn’t turn into a news story. Honestly, I’m not thrilled Disney even refunded this crazy lady.

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Thank you, it is good to read what some witnesses saw and heard. Not surprising we had not heard the rest of the story. If the family became disruptive, it seems appropriate to have law enfor cement present and at the ready. f If Disney's pregnancy rules did not apply to them ( in the family's opinion ) , why would other rules apply? Law enforcement likely could convince them otherwise.


It did disturb me when I heard they made the mom-to-be wait outside for the luggage to be returned. If the family had been calm and compliant, could they not sit down inside? Apparently, it seems they were not calm.




Exactly. If they had been calm and not threatening, they would have been allowed to wait inside. They were not calm and were threatening the staff and so were removed from the terminal (again, they never got on the ship) by Miami-Dade Police - and yes, police carry guns.


And yes - apparently they BOOKED the cruise only 2 weeks before and clearly knew the limits on when pregnant women can and cannot cruise. They just thought they were special snowflakes who could get by with a doctor’s note.


And you can bet if they had just lied about how far she was and gotten on and something went wrong with her/the pregnancy they would be screaming that Disney should never have allowed them on.


She just wants attention for her “career” as a vlogger and will do what it takes to get it.



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I've been reading comments on the news station's FB page. The woman's mother and brother are making all sorts of comments. What an appallng family.


Yeah, from the screen caps I've seen of comments on the video from people who witnessed the events, it was her father who really started the ugliness at the port and then the rest of the men (and women, but reportedly mostly the men) joined in.


Fabulous example for the 2 kids she already has. :rolleyes:

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It did disturb me when I heard they made the mom-to-be wait outside for the luggage to be returned. If the family had been calm and compliant, could they not sit down inside? Apparently, it seems they were not calm.


Apparently they were sufficiently not-calm to be issued trespass warnings.


Edit: ...by the port.

Edited by Haboob
added forgotten detail
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I don't typically check the Disney forum but, when I do it is with a story like this. I instantly got some popcorn to eat while being entertained. LOL. Thanks go out to those who posted info on other Fb cruise groups! LOL.

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I was bothered when I saw the clip on cable news and they stated t h e mom- to- be was escorted and told to wait outside the terminal. Could the family not have been seated in the air onditioned terminal while they waited for their luggage to b e returned to them?


Apparently there were armed law enforcement officers present who presumab ly would handle any issue or disturbance the family or mom-to-be- may have created?


SHE was totally wrong, IMO(from the reports I have seen on tv and have read but seems it could have been handled a litt le more calmly.


This brings up an important aspect of the scene. This large family purposefully behaved in a loud, intimidating and aggressive manner in a public area, towards Disney employees. Regardless of the reason for denying ONE of them boarding, port security and law enforcement had to keep in mind that this attention grabbing scene could have been a set up, and thus a distraction from something else happening on the pier. No wonder Miami PD came in with a strong presence. They couldn't assume that this was simply a family who was angry they would miss the cruise; much more could have been at play here. The police assumed nothing, and took control of the situation. Of course the family was escorted out, to get them away from innocent people, and as far away from the ship as possible.

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Please stop giving people like this attention. They are rude and attention-seeking. There are always two-sides to the story, and you rarely ever hear the truth anymore. These are the same people that would hold Disney responsible if something happened with the pregnancy

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Please stop giving people like this attention. They are rude and attention-seeking. There are always two-sides to the story, and you rarely ever hear the truth anymore. These are the same people that would hold Disney responsible if something happened with the pregnancy



When I wrote my first post here I had not heard the family had become loud and aggressive. Through reading this thread, I have learned the part of of the story I did not hear reported on various news segments, IF they ever did report about the family's behavior. my initial instinct was to erroneously to think mom was calm and trying to convince Disney check in persons shewsas safe tosasil news reports are not always complete an only some o f the story is sometimes presented....


Had I not come to this thread, I likely still would not have heard any of the other side of the stor y and I thank those who took the time to 'fill in the blanks.'

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When I wrote my first post here I had not heard the family had become loud and aggressive. Through reading this thread, I have learned the part of of the story I did not hear reported on various news segments, IF they ever did report about the family's behavior. my initial instinct was to erroneously to think mom was calm and trying to convince Disney check in persons shewsas safe tosasil news reports are not always complete an only some o f the story is sometimes presented....


Had I not come to this thread, I likely still would not have heard any of the other side of the stor y and I thank those who took the time to 'fill in the blanks.'


Yes. As I understand it, they very cleverly edited their video to cast them in the right. And the news stations that picked it up bought it hook, line, and sinker.


Apparently they only booked 2 weeks prior when she would not have been allowed to cruise anyway - you cannot be in your 24th week at any point during the cruise. You check a box during online check-in that no one in the party will be in their 24th week during the cruise, so they KNEW that. Seconded by getting a doctor's note - why go to that trouble unless you know you're not supposed to be doing what you're planning but you think you're such a special snowflake exceptions must be made.


And I definitely agree with the PP who said that as loud as she's screaming about this, she would be the first to scream that she should never have been allowed to sail if she had been and something happened.

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Just my two cents, but when someone chooses to post their entire life on a public YouTube daily blog, they are inviting the entire world in it. Their actions will be under scrutiny by everybody watching, and everything that they do will be judged, analyzed, and commented on, like on a mini reality show. If something that is considered unfair is posted, chances are that someone will feel compelled to take action, and I believe that’s what Elka is doing.


From what I’ve seen and read so far, this is a nice family who chose to make their entire life and vacation plans a little too public. So unfortunately there are consequences with that, which include the entire world getting involved. The mom in question is 22, so very young and probably still learning some hard lessons from mistakes that can be attributed to immaturity. In addition to the lesson she learned about cruising while pregnant, I can only hope that she can also learn that making your life too public is another big mistake.



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Considering that she is 22 and this would be at least her second kid and there seems to be no dad or husband in the picture it doesn't sound like she is the sort to learn ANYTHING from her mistakes.

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