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Best Practical Jokes on Board?? Harmless suggestions?

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Not making a veiled threat, as the odds of any of you in this thread sailing with me and affecting me with your dumb fun are miniscule. That said, when you do something that negatively affects another passenger, don’t be surprised when things then escalate beyond laughter.



I guess you didn’t read where OP stated it is amongst their group only and the group equally gets them back.

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I guess you didn’t read where OP stated it is amongst their group only and the group equally gets them back.


Not really. He wrote that he liked to embarrass a person he had just met. And if I recall correctly, ship staff was involved in some other pranks.

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Actually the electricity bill was the CDs idea when we met at the past guest party. Geeze, I'm soooo sorry I took your valuable time away from contributing other negative comments. Can we not keep things light hearted & funny without the Haters..... Its freaking vacation? Oh, guess what? Crew like a funny harmless gag also ! They are on a ship 6 months in a row SERVING people! Playfulness makes their day enjoyable too!


I asked for Haters to stay away . Is this too much to ask?


Lets have a little fun:):)😀


PS. Love the snake gag!!!



Cruizer Rick

Guess the jokes on you

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WOW man is all that I can say!! Not friends? How many people hug the employees after a great week ? Equal ?? Wow, so because they work on a Cruise Ship they are your servants & not equal? PEOPLE... PLEASE KEEP THIS LITE-HEARTED!! If I have a waiter or cabin person that is not playful, jovial, smiling etc (you can feel a vibe)... I won't involve them, simple as that! No one should feel uncomfortable!


Can we please get on the harmless fun this post is meant for ???


Lots of simple gags on here being received by someone who treats them as fair play, and part of vacation. GEEZE!

You are confusing equal with equality. Guests are in a position of power of the crew similar to officers. Females all over the work have been subjected to "harmless jokes" under the guise of fun. As to "feeling a vibe", you aren't able to pick up on a vibe here much less from trained professionals used to covering their true reactions.

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Females all over the work have been subjected to "harmless jokes" under the guise of fun.

OMG- and with the Hate Crime comment! I can’t stop laughing!!! These are better then the practical jokes them self:') Are all these fun police people really never watch Candid Camera, Just For Laughs or Practical Jokers. Do you get upset at these shows? This thread start by OP asking for ideas he could play on his group!!!! Why has it gotten to what it is now. If I didn’t know better. I think the Fun Police have labled us jokers as a hate group that is trying to cause a mutiny on the ship. By wasting as much time as we can to fellow cruises and staff on the ship!

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OMG- and with the Hate Crime comment! I can’t stop laughing!!! These are better then the practical jokes them self:') Are all these fun police people really never watch Candid Camera, Just For Laughs or Practical Jokers. Do you get upset at these shows? This thread start by OP asking for ideas he could play on his group!!!! Why has it gotten to what it is now. If I didn’t know better. I think the Fun Police have labled us jokers as a hate group that is trying to cause a mutiny on the ship. By wasting as much time as we can to fellow cruises and staff on the ship!



Thanks for the support BlueSky

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OMG- and with the Hate Crime comment! I can’t stop laughing!!! These are better then the practical jokes them self:') Are all these fun police people really never watch Candid Camera, Just For Laughs or Practical Jokers. Do you get upset at these shows? This thread start by OP asking for ideas he could play on his group!!!! Why has it gotten to what it is now. If I didn’t know better. I think the Fun Police have labled us jokers as a hate group that is trying to cause a mutiny on the ship. By wasting as much time as we can to fellow cruises and staff on the ship!


You realize, of course, that it was OP's "no haters" remark which brought "hate" into the mix. It should be possible to question something without being branded a "hater". There is nothing wrong with members of a group messing with each other, but at least one of OP's ideas, and many follow-ups, involved ship'personnel in a demeaning, or at least time-wasting, way. Reminding people of the realities of passenger/staff relationships is hardly "hate" speech, it is common sense: but that uncommon commodity is not widely welcomed.


Perhaps the "us jokers" among us are demonstrating a need for there to be "Fun Police".

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OMG- and with the Hate Crime comment! I can’t stop laughing!!! These are better then the practical jokes them self:') Are all these fun police people really never watch Candid Camera, Just For Laughs or Practical Jokers. Do you get upset at these shows? This thread start by OP asking for ideas he could play on his group!!!! Why has it gotten to what it is now. If I didn’t know better. I think the Fun Police have labled us jokers as a hate group that is trying to cause a mutiny on the ship. By wasting as much time as we can to fellow cruises and staff on the ship!


So when people hold different opinions from yours they are now "fun police"? Why would you feel guilty if it's all harmless fun?


I do get upset at the pranks pulled on some of those shows. It's why I don't watch them. I have never understood people who find others discomfort and embarrassment funny.


While the OP asked for prank ideas to use amongst friends, a number of suggestions went way overboard (;)). Some of us simply pointed these out. If the truth hurts, I'm sorry. But letting the unthinking harmful actions of others go unchallenged makes one complicit.

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Wannabe pranksters should keep their "jokes" to their own group and leave other passengers and staff out of it. You can bet the staff are quite accustomed to moronic and juvenile stunts being played on them. They've seen it all before, play along as required and then roll their eyes when they turn and walk away.

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You realize, of course, that it was OP's "no haters" remark which brought "hate" into the mix. It should be possible to question something without being branded a "hater". There is nothing wrong with members of a group messing with each other, but at least one of OP's ideas, and many follow-ups, involved ship'personnel in a demeaning, or at least time-wasting, way. Reminding people of the realities of passenger/staff relationships is hardly "hate" speech, it is common sense: but that uncommon commodity is not widely welcomed.


Perhaps the "us jokers" among us are demonstrating a need for there to be "Fun Police".

The fact they mentioned "haters" is the clue they know their behavior is passive/aggressive with a streak of cruelty. Add in the attacks on anyone who doesn't find it "funny" is an indicator their victims have learned to go along or face additional taunts and pranks.

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Brobert- I respect your opinion and some others who have posted. Not mad or upset. I just find it funny how some posters calling a joke a Hate Crime and another bringing in that women have been persecuted for to long in their comment. Others have posted that people may get hurt if a prank is done. In my life I could careless what others are doing. Same goes to when I’m on a ship. I’m to busy trying to figure out how to inflict the most pain to someone in my group to worry about others vacation. It happens way to offen on here where people get the brutally attacked for asking a question by the right fighters. I get it’s a open form and everyone have the the right to blah blah blah. But what I am talking about is being polite.

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At the risk of getting myself involved in this "interesting debate" thread, I've got an idea or two. Fair warning, the cruise I'm leaving for in a couple weeks is my first ever so I'm not sure how these office-style pranks would translate.


Some coworkers and I have a couple ridiculous objects (think a silly looking stuffed monkey, or a small badly-done creepy painting/picture, or a weird looking small statue/sculpture) that we've all had a good laugh at. Now these objects will randomly go missing only to be found in odd places later. Inside a desk drawer, under a chair, hanging from under a table, etc. When the object is found, it's the next person's responsibility to hide it in someone else's office until it's found again. We can go weeks or months without knowing where one of the objects is. Now obviously, this can be a little trickier with only a cabin to hide things in, but when you open something and are met with such a ridiculous object it's always good for a laugh.


I've also had a coworker use a label maker to label everything on my desk. Most notably was my keys. He didn't know what everything on my key ring was so he just made things up. So my house key is labeled "gym", a key chain I got from my husband is labeled "thing", etc. I still have the labels on my keys because I still chuckle at it. Maybe this could be done with post-its or something similar? Someone might open their drawer or closet to find everything labeled with a funny name.


Perhaps if you have a husband, boyfriend, or son who's a heavy sleeper, you could paint their toenails in their sleep. I've done that one to my DH before. He had beautiful dainty purple toes for a week :)


I LOVE the stuffed lobster prank! I might have to steal some of these ideas and use them on my husband!

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Blah blah blah...In my life I could careless what others are doing. Same goes to when I’m on a ship. I’m to busy trying to figure out how to inflict the most pain to someone in my group to worry about others vacation...Blah blah blah


Well that's certainly a telling statement. You have a very different idea of fun than I do.

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People, people... As the OP I only asked for input to the original question, what are some good jokes I could play on friends (consensual & participator adults) while going on vacation with them. That was it! I sought input, not opinion. Then others commented about how we are taking away precious time from workers that work 14 hour days from their vacation, then to peoples opinion about TV programs & hate crimes... SERIOUSLY ??!!??


I only asked for input to my question, NOT OPINION on what your interpretation is about MY vacation, with MY friends keeping this light hearted & friendly - HATE CRIMES - Really ? Disappointing with how this has evolved and appreciate the people who have contributed funny topics they have done. Those people have simply answered the question, and opinion is what has lead us here.


I would request that we move back the original intent of the post, keep it light hearted as I am hopeful we can agree that there are far more serious topics to engage upon (such as another senseless school shooting today) than my original request.


Please stay on focus with the question... And thank you all for your input!


Thank you

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At the risk of getting myself involved in this "interesting debate" thread, I've got an idea or two. Fair warning, the cruise I'm leaving for in a couple weeks is my first ever so I'm not sure how these office-style pranks would translate.


Some coworkers and I have a couple ridiculous objects (think a silly looking stuffed monkey, or a small badly-done creepy painting/picture, or a weird looking small statue/sculpture) that we've all had a good laugh at. Now these objects will randomly go missing only to be found in odd places later. Inside a desk drawer, under a chair, hanging from under a table, etc. When the object is found, it's the next person's responsibility to hide it in someone else's office until it's found again. We can go weeks or months without knowing where one of the objects is. Now obviously, this can be a little trickier with only a cabin to hide things in, but when you open something and are met with such a ridiculous object it's always good for a laugh.


I've also had a coworker use a label maker to label everything on my desk. Most notably was my keys. He didn't know what everything on my key ring was so he just made things up. So my house key is labeled "gym", a key chain I got from my husband is labeled "thing", etc. I still have the labels on my keys because I still chuckle at it. Maybe this could be done with post-its or something similar? Someone might open their drawer or closet to find everything labeled with a funny name.


Perhaps if you have a husband, boyfriend, or son who's a heavy sleeper, you could paint their toenails in their sleep. I've done that one to my DH before. He had beautiful dainty purple toes for a week :)


I LOVE the stuffed lobster prank! I might have to steal some of these ideas and use them on my husband!


NewCruiser - Thanks for the input.. Glad to see you keeping it light ! - How can a Stuffed Lobster under a tray not be funny :)

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Wannabe pranksters should keep their "jokes" to their own group and leave other passengers and staff out of it. You can bet the staff are quite accustomed to moronic and juvenile stunts being played on them. They've seen it all before, play along as required and then roll their eyes when they turn and walk away.



K32682 - I agree, playing pranks on the crew is not nice.... I never suggested that... I never want to disrupt another person's vacation, or do nasty things to the crew.

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People, people... As the OP I only asked for input to the original question, what are some good jokes I could play on friends (consensual & participator adults) while going on vacation with them. That was it! I sought input, not opinion. Then others commented about how we are taking away precious time from workers that work 14 hour days from their vacation, then to peoples opinion about TV programs & hate crimes... SERIOUSLY ??!!??


I only asked for input to my question, NOT OPINION on what your interpretation is about MY vacation, with MY friends keeping this light hearted & friendly - HATE CRIMES - Really ? Disappointing with how this has evolved and appreciate the people who have contributed funny topics they have done. Those people have simply answered the question, and opinion is what has lead us here.


I would request that we move back the original intent of the post, keep it light hearted as I am hopeful we can agree that there are far more serious topics to engage upon (such as another senseless school shooting today) than my original request.


Please stay on focus with the question... And thank you all for your input!


Thank you

You mean, do it only the way you want it done? Sounds like more control issues.

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You mean, do it only the way you want it done? Sounds like more control issues.



As the original poster, and the requester of the information I seek information (input) - not opinion - No control issue. I will leave my opinion of your opinion out of this topic.

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Whenever we travel with someone new we always arrange to meet at 10pm in the champagne bar on one night (lgbt meet there) and then don’t show up but observe from a distance the awkwardness as the straight people get talking to the gays.




Borderline hate crime commenter here. I guess I’ll explain myself.


I understand your intention and have no problem with pranks that don’t bother other passengers or make more work for staff. To each his own. Some of these suggestions were genuinely funny.


The above post went way beyond an innocent prank. Sending someone to interrupt an innocent gathering of a frequently persecuted group of people (with the sole intention of making them uncomfortable) is reprehensible. There are instances of misunderstandings such as this leading to violence.


Carry on “inflicting pain” on your own traveling party. Leave marginalized groups alone.

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So what I'm getting from this whole thing is that if I want to make some awesome new friends, I need to go to the champagne bar! Does the Epic have one of those?


Yes and yes.





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Woohoo! Hubby and I were looking at spending a decent amount of time at that bar already. I'm a sucker for a good martini. We're actually going on this cruise because some friends of ours (who happen to be gay) gave a money voucher towards it as a congratulations gift. They love NCL and highly recommended it.



Oh! I got another idea for a prank/joke. If I can get a bartender to play along, that is. I've always wanted to throw a drink in someone's face (who hasn't?) Maybe I could throw a fake martini (water) at my hubby and get a big production going.

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