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Cruise and Maritime Voyages are a growing cruise line in the UK, which use older ships, including the Marco Polo. They have a world cruise on one of their ships each winter. :)


Just to add - they do great itineraries quite cheaply - BUT - you get what you pay for. The onboard experience is somewhat lacking IMHO.

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I would love to know how people can afford to do so many cruises, sometimes more than one a year. They are not exactly cheap. I had to save up for a number of years to go on my first, the CMV world cruise, this year but met many people who had been on 20+ cruises. None seemed especially rich.



Hi Boltonian,


You ask how an people afford to do so many cruises. You just went on a world cruise, most people would be more likely to ask how can people have so much time available to go on such a long cruise. I don't know how long yours was, but for myself even being retired, I can't just take off for weeks at at time.


As far as cost, well, my next cruise only cost ($290 p/p). Granted it's only 5 days, but if all was looking at was the price, I could easily find 7 day cruises for $500. So how many cruises would I be able to take for what you paid?

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I would love to know how people can afford to do so many cruises, sometimes more than one a year. They are not exactly cheap. I had to save up for a number of years to go on my first, the CMV world cruise, this year but met many people who had been on 20+ cruises. None seemed especially rich.



You don't have to be rich to cruise on mass market lines. Be a little bit older, have the house, cars, kids college, etc. paid for, have good sources of income in retirement, and you can cruise. Some people who were wise while they worked have incomes equal to higher than what they were making when they worked. It's not hard to cruise often when you are retired.


BTW, how can you tell whether or not someone is especially rich? When looking at the 1% maybe, but the next 1% or 2% probably look like anyone else. Many of them might be your neighbors.

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Of course a reasonable amount of discretionary spending money is necessary - but for we fortunate first world residents it is not that hard to come by. My first (civilian) cruise was in 1996 - the year my youngest two graduated college: amazing how much income that development freed up.


Even without a particularly well-paid career, a disciplined and intelligent person can have choices. Of course, a heavy smoker is going to burn a likely $2,000 a year, someone who “needs” a new car every year will fritter away another thousand or so annually, and people who overdo the eating out will swallow another thousand or so, and think of the $20 to $25 a week Starbucks regulars flush away. That’s an easy $5,000 a year for travel.


If you are grown up enough to deny yourself small, unnecessary things, you will be able to make mature choices.

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I would love to know how people can afford to do so many cruises, sometimes more than one a year. They are not exactly cheap. I had to save up for a number of years to go on my first, the CMV world cruise, this year but met many people who had been on 20+ cruises. None seemed especially rich.



How do you define 'rich'? .....money, assets, health, family, life experiences, talents........

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I would love to know how people can afford to do so many cruises, sometimes more than one a year. They are not exactly cheap. I had to save up for a number of years to go on my first, the CMV world cruise, this year but met many people who had been on 20+ cruises. None seemed especially rich.




Well here is a question for you. What made you decide to go on a world cruise for your very first cruise? How did you know it would be a good use of money and something you would even enjoy? Most people try out shorter cruises first to make sure they like cruising before spending that kind of money. In fact from afar many people in your life may be wondering how you can afford to go on a world cruise having never even tried cruising before just as you are wondering how others can go on several much shorter 7 day cruises in a year.

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My 22/24/28 yo kids pay for themselves. My 17 yo works several jobs (babysitting/tutoring/lifeguarding/coaching) and kicks in 1/2 or more of her fare so that leaves me paying for dh and myself plus I cover all pre cruise costs and usually (but not always) excursions and tips


They also all pay their own airfare including the 17 yo


If excursions are too pricey (we like to do resort Day passes) I usually give them a $ amount to kick in




My kids all earn $$ from age 16 onward and are blessed with an entrepreneurial mindset and for those of you that think it's harsh that they all kick in I can assure you they are all willing participants and realize that money spent on world travel is money well spent


None of them have college loans nor will the 17 yo be incurring debt either...


Oh and we have made good investments and dh retired from a secure job after 38 years with a secure pension


Still have a big mortgage and lots of bills though....however travel has been and always will be just another expense that we will never be able to cut back on or eliminate. Lol



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One of my neighbors owns a septic tank cleaning company. :eek: He does pretty well for himself, and I don't know if he even graduated from high school. He's a hard work and a sharp businessman. If you saw him after he comes home from work, you would never know he lives in a 6,000+ sq. ft. house and put 4 kids through college, expensive colleges at that. Looks can be deceiving.








Yup. I know a guy about age 33 give or take who is a construction laborer.


Earns $120 an hour pushing the clean up broom on new construction high rise buildings in NYC


Now of course pushing the clean up broom is unionized and is done After the day crew is done...which means it's done during pay differential hours and weekends ($$$&$)


His wife is stay at home with kids....


Just bought a huge gorgeous new construction home with pool



And yes this guy gets union pension and all other related benefits


This list goes on and on...but moral of story...construction jobs are well paid and plentiful....and college grads are grabbing them too so it not just the GED types. Lol



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I would love to know how people can afford to do so many cruises, sometimes more than one a year. They are not exactly cheap. I had to save up for a number of years to go on my first, the CMV world cruise, this year but met many people who had been on 20+ cruises. None seemed especially rich.




You probably could have taken 15 ...7 day cruises ...for what a world cruise is costing you


Fwiw your question seems silly to me and not sure why it upsets you that people take several 7 day cruises when you are taking a world cruise


From what I gather taking world cruises is not as common as taking 7 day cruise so my question to you is why did you choose to spend so much on a world cruise but think that taking several 7 day cruises is so excessive? Apparently it upsets you that you a saving so long for this cruise and you feel you missed out on shorter cruises while saving up


Fwiw I'd never set foot on any cruise longer than 14 days nor would I spend more than 22 days at a time away from home


I won't give up my daily life for longer than that at a stretch...I like my home way too much. Lol



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One doesn't have to be "rich" to take multiple cruises a year.

-Some people live close to one or more cruise ports, so they don't have to fly (lots of dollar savings there).

-Some people are retired or have flexible jobs so they can grab a deal at the last minute.

-Some people don't have to cruise during peak times, so they can go when prices are at their lowest.

-Some people aren't picky about the age of the ship or cabin choice and can get a great deal on an inside cabin on an older ship.

-Some people aren't picky about itinerary and can take advantage of the best deal for the week they want to cruise, regardless of the destination.

-Some people choose to take several smaller cruises during the year v.s one $$$$ world cruise.

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I get asked this question about my frequency to travel;). The thing I notice is almost always the person asking is either dressed in designer wear, has multiple paid subscriptions to video sites, has upgraded all their technology for another year, eats out regularly at gourmet establishments or spends a fortune partying it up on the weekend.:')


If you don't have a lot of funds you have to prioritise what is important to you :D. I love to travel and while I try to find the best bargains I still have to give up other luxuries to be able to afford travel. And I am OK with that since other luxuries would never give me the same sense of satisfaction:cool:.

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Before we were married, my wife and I discussed if we should have children considering the hereditary profound deafness I have. Thanks dad.. Even though we both wanted a child, we decided against it not wanting to bring a child into the world that would surely inherit that deafness.

Thus we are able to afford other activities which we can enjoy. Rather than spending funds on raising and education a family , we can travel more.

For the most part we feel comfortable with our choice

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On the other hand, I worked a louzy, miserable, underpaying job all my life..(lets not go there), but one day my friend asked if I wanted to go on a cruise...after I got done laughing.....I found out I could pay a little every month, and have it paid in full months before we went. I agreed, made myself a monthly payment plan...and fell in love with cruising. That was almost 30 years ago. I have been able to take a least one cruise a year since. We are sailing in two weeks. I have a mini suite, air, insurance, taxes, fees, for 1200 for 10 nights. I also have pre paid my on board dinners, excursion, beverages. Oh, and I got the grats included in the sale. I don't wear designer, gamble at home, smoke. My kids are grown and my bills are paid.

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On the other hand, I worked a louzy, miserable, underpaying job all my life..(lets not go there), but one day my friend asked if I wanted to go on a cruise...after I got done laughing.....I found out I could pay a little every month, and have it paid in full months before we went. I agreed, made myself a monthly payment plan...and fell in love with cruising. That was almost 30 years ago. I have been able to take a least one cruise a year since. We are sailing in two weeks. I have a mini suite, air, insurance, taxes, fees, for 1200 for 10 nights. I also have pre paid my on board dinners, excursion, beverages. Oh, and I got the grats included in the sale. I don't wear designer, gamble at home, smoke. My kids are grown and my bills are paid.


I love your first cruise story. My first cruise was in 1982 ... I was 19 and my co-workers/friends asked if I wanted to go on a cruise with them. Now, I worked full time days at an Ins. company. I worked 4 nights a week at a bar to save $$$ and buy a car that I desperately needed. When I was asked about the cruise I had JUST saved up a $1,000. I asked ... how much is the cruise? She said "$500 for the week Bos - Bermuda". I said ... "I have $500! I'm IN!" I paid for the cruise, I brought the $500 spending $$ and spent it ALL .... It was the BEST time ever. And I fell in love with cruising.

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I love your first cruise story. My first cruise was in 1982 ... I was 19 and my co-workers/friends asked if I wanted to go on a cruise with them. Now, I worked full time days at an Ins. company. I worked 4 nights a week at a bar to save $$$ and buy a car that I desperately needed. When I was asked about the cruise I had JUST saved up a $1,000. I asked ... how much is the cruise? She said "$500 for the week Bos - Bermuda". I said ... "I have $500! I'm IN!" I paid for the cruise, I brought the $500 spending $$ and spent it ALL .... It was the BEST time ever. And I fell in love with cruising.


IF you liked that one.....After I did my first cruise, I of course, wanted to go again. Hubby wanted nothing to do with it, so, I went with my friend again. Had enough of her, so I took my three kids...pre teen and two teens...Well, if anything, I taught them how to behave in a fine dining restaurant, speak when spoken too and behave yourselves. Well, two out of three anyway. I had enough and wanted to travel with my Hubby. SO, I booked a cruise, paid for it (don't forget two cost the same as one). I figure, if he hates it, he will never speak to me again, he love it, he will pay for the next one, I win either way. He hemmed and hawed and other "descriptive" words. He doesn't like people, crowds, or long lines.....I got him on the plane, took the ships shuttle, got to the port, and here's this ship that's the size of today's ships dinghy's. There is no "jet way" so we take these stairs up to the deck to embark, and there's a photographer, he doesn't like his picture taken either. He obliges surprisingly, we set foot on the ship....He turned into a completely different person....talking, smiling, interacting...I asked "who are you" So now we are on our 30th cruise (I think) I can't keep him off, but I still pay my own way.

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IF you liked that one.....After I did my first cruise, I of course, wanted to go again. Hubby wanted nothing to do with it, so, I went with my friend again. Had enough of her, so I took my three kids...pre teen and two teens...Well, if anything, I taught them how to behave in a fine dining restaurant, speak when spoken too and behave yourselves. Well, two out of three anyway. I had enough and wanted to travel with my Hubby. SO, I booked a cruise, paid for it (don't forget two cost the same as one). I figure, if he hates it, he will never speak to me again, he love it, he will pay for the next one, I win either way. He hemmed and hawed and other "descriptive" words. He doesn't like people, crowds, or long lines.....I got him on the plane, took the ships shuttle, got to the port, and here's this ship that's the size of today's ships dinghy's. There is no "jet way" so we take these stairs up to the deck to embark, and there's a photographer, he doesn't like his picture taken either. He obliges surprisingly, we set foot on the ship....He turned into a completely different person....talking, smiling, interacting...I asked "who are you" So now we are on our 30th cruise (I think) I can't keep him off, but I still pay my own way.




That is SO great. I do like cruising with some people. But I am solo for the past few years and find it's very liberating. I can do as I please, whenever I please. Much more relaxing ... for me.

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This is just my opinion. I CHOOSE to make travel a priority. I am a frugal shopper, and don't have to have name brand everything. My first cruise was in 2000 and I am going on my 19th cruise in January. I plan ahead and give myself plenty of time to pay. Sometimes a year or year and a half in advance. I have two cruises already booked and paid for in 2019 :hearteyes:

Again, this is a choice I make for myself. I also live near the port of Galveston, so it is even more affordable because I do not have to buy airfare for the majority of my cruises. I also cruise during off peak season and do a lot of 4 day cruises. To me, 4 days on a cruise ship is better than just about anything!


Happy Cruising everyone!


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We just went on our first family cruise. We loved it. We are planning our next one. 11 months away so we can pay a little at a time. We hope to go someday on two a year but have to settle so we can take a 7 or 8 day cruise with at least an ocean view, 2 cabins for a family of 4. We want two cabins so that adds to the cost. We have a boat with payments, a mortgage and kids in expensive activities (cheer and TKD) When we can give up or pay up one of these things, we can only go on one cruise a year.


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We look for deals and now that our son is grown we can go when it's the best deal!! We're getting ready to do an 8 night balcony on Adventure for $1700 total!! We did Anthem balcony for less than $1800. A balcony on Allure for less than $2000. We go through a travel agent and always get gratuities included and extra OBC to boot. We've only been cruising since 2011 and are 2 cruises away from Diamond which falls before our 44th birthdays. We are far from rich, but we are now empty nesters with lease cars and a sensible mortgage. This is the life we planned for!!


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