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September 26th, 2020 weigh-in


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Will we join the trees and see our weight "fall" like the leaves?  Does anyone struggle with the foods of fall - warm soups, hot cocoa or cider, pumpkin or apple everything?


Safe travel wishes to all our cruisers.  Enjoy your vacations!


I unfortunately (but not surprisingly) have a gain of 2.8# from two weeks ago.  Not a horrendous cruise gain, but still not the right direction.  My swelling seems to be down, so I think that's a calorie gain and not just water weight.  Getting back to regular exercise and nutrition should help though, and weather is in the sweet spot for me to do more outside without it being either oppressively hot or freezing cold.


How is everyone else this week?

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HI all!


Thanks for both starting the thread, lol! Funny you both posted at the very same time.


I was dreading getting weighed this morning as I've had a few lunches out, one a Chinese buffet

with 3 plates full! The salad plate started with a slice of cucumber just 1 calorie! After that I paid no attention to the calorie cards!

I have gained back that same 0.6 lbs I've been see sawing with!! Oh well could have been much worse!


Hope everyone else is doing fine. Looking forward to my cruise in 17 more days, just hope my clothes will fit!


~ Jo ~ 😊

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I had a really tough week, not surprising I guess with all of the celebrating since my son was home.  I'm up 2.2 this week.  Doctor started me on Cymbalta to see if it helps with the pain from the hardware.  So far, it's making me pretty sleepy.  I did get the new velcro wrap and I'm liking it much better and it does seem to be helping so that's a positive.   I caught some nasty bug early in the week so that didn't help the weight loss either as no workouts the last few days.  I'm feeling better today finally so I'll get back to my workout tonight.


Diana-  staying the same is still a win in my book.


pa- I think only 2.8 lbs on a cruise is pretty good.


Jo- I hear you on the lunches out.  I think that was my issue this week with my son home and my family here.  Your cruise is coming up quick.


Have a great week everyone.

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Glad a thread(s) was started!!!  I am down 1.0# this week ... now I only need to lose 0.2# and I will be where I was back in June (sigh!).  Would love to lose another 10# by our cruise 11/08 .. but, will not plan on it.


Our daughter gets married on Saturday ... with lots of family here ... which means lots of eating and a few drinks!  Have a wonderful week all.  Jan

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Hey y'all!  Diana - great job. Steady is better than a gain.


pa - We're about the same for our trips!


Jo - I detest the dreaded seesaw. 🙂


Jan - great job!! Enjoy the celebration 🙂


For the month I am up .8# but for the week it's 2.6#. Last official Thursday weigh-in was the 12th and I was the same on that weigh-in as on the 5th. 

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Hi Ladies! That is funny that you both started a thread at the same time. Great minds think alike!


Diana - good job staying the same! I'm sure you will meet your October goal... just stay away from all the Halloween treats. 


pacruise - 2.8 from the cruise is not too bad, I'm hoping for similar. Glad you are having great weather to get outdoors!


Jo - .6 after three plates of Chinese is pretty good! Mmmm… Chinese. 


Katmu - Sorry to hear you were feeling under the weather but glad you are better today. Family time is definitely worth a weight gain in my books.


Jan - Congrats on your loss!! Enjoy the wedding and the family and friends!


JennyB - Welcome back. Are you going to get back on the UNDiet?



I managed to re-lose the weight I previously gained this month and am down an additional .4. Finally in the 153's.

This is my last weigh in for the next two weeks. I'm off to California on Saturday. We're doing a pre-cruise night on the Queen Mary then our cruise, followed by a day in Disneyland and a day at Universal Studios. I'll be home for two nights and then off to Philadelphia for a week of training for work. Monday the 14th of October is Canadian Thanksgiving... It will be interesting to see how I fare on weigh in that week. 


Hope everyone has a great couple weeks!


See you all mid-October!





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@RobinCruiser Hey lady! I haven't yet. I may go back on the last training/nutrition plan a physique coach did for me back when I was thinking of competing, again. I never really gave his plan my all. Thinking I want to be down 15# by Jan 3. I think that is totally doable in 99 days or 14 weeks 🙂! Today has been coffee with 2%, .5c cottage cheese, 6 slices colby jack cheese, and this refried bean/corn/cheese casserole. Dinner might just have to be a salad after the gym LOL I LOVE CHEESE

Edited by JennyB1977
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4 hours ago, winewanderer said:


I stayed the same. Not surprised after my 4 lb. loss last week. But happy I didn't gain.



After such a big loss, it's great you didn't have a gain.


4 hours ago, pacruise804 said:


I unfortunately (but not surprisingly) have a gain of 2.8# from two weeks ago.  Not a horrendous cruise gain, but still not the right direction.  My swelling seems to be down, so I think that's a calorie gain and not just water weight.  Getting back to regular exercise and nutrition should help though, and weather is in the sweet spot for me to do more outside without it being either oppressively hot or freezing cold.



Only 2.8lb on a cruise - I think that is great.  Leaving on my cruise this Sunday and figure I will join around 10lb.  That's just the way I am.


3 hours ago, katmu said:


I had a really tough week, not surprising I guess with all of the celebrating since my son was home.  I'm up 2.2 this week.  Doctor started me on Cymbalta to see if it helps with the pain from the hardware.  So far, it's making me pretty sleepy.  I did get the new velcro wrap and I'm liking it much better and it does seem to be helping so that's a positive.   I caught some nasty bug early in the week so that didn't help the weight loss either as no workouts the last few days.  I'm feeling better today finally so I'll get back to my workout tonight.



I'm so sorry you had such a tough week.  Starting a new medication can cause so many side effects.  Hopefully it won't take you long to adjust to it.  With such a bad week I wouldn't let a small weight gain upset you.  You will loose it back.


3 hours ago, Jan_In_Maine said:

Glad a thread(s) was started!!!  I am down 1.0# this week ... now I only need to lose 0.2# and I will be where I was back in June (sigh!).  Would love to lose another 10# by our cruise 11/08 .. but, will not plan on it.


Our daughter gets married on Saturday ... with lots of family here ... which means lots of eating and a few drinks!  Have a wonderful week all.  Jan


Congrats on loosing the pound.  You'll get that 0.2lb.  Loosing 10lb by 11/08 is a big goal.  Go for it. (but don't get upset if not reached)


2 hours ago, JennyB1977 said:


For the month I am up .8# but for the week it's 2.6#. Last official Thursday weigh-in was the 12th and I was the same on that weigh-in as on the 5th.



Up less than a pound for the month ..... definitely don't let it upset you.  You are so amazing with keeping track of how you are trying to loose.  You'll get it.  I think if anyone will reach their ultimate goal you will.  


2 hours ago, RobinCruiser said:


I managed to re-lose the weight I previously gained this month and am down an additional .4. Finally in the 153's.

This is my last weigh in for the next two weeks. I'm off to California on Saturday. We're doing a pre-cruise night on the Queen Mary then our cruise, followed by a day in Disneyland and a day at Universal Studios. I'll be home for two nights and then off to Philadelphia for a week of training for work. Monday the 14th of October is Canadian Thanksgiving... It will be interesting to see how I fare on weigh in that week. 


Hope everyone has a great couple weeks!


See you all mid-October!



Have a wonderful vacation and then I hope your week of training is painless.  Congratulation on the weight loss.




Well my loss for the week is 0.4lb.  I was down quite a bit more on Sunday, but as I've increased my carbs through the week I've gained.  Oh well, with the week I've had the diet has kinda taken a back seat.  My son broke his toe on Monday.  Me and my husband thought it was just stubbed or something so I sent him to school on Tuesday.  When he took his shoe off after school on Tuesday I knew it could be worse than we though so took him to doctor.  Low and behold he broke it.  I've so much guilt for not taking him in earlier.  The doctor I took him to put him in temporary cast and said he might need surgery.  So today we went to surgeon.  Good news, no surgery, and he is in a boot (on crutches) than can be taken off for showers (good news as anyone knows about pubescent boys needing good shower).  Also this week finally heard back all at once from doctors scheduling things (spinal tap, EGD, sleep specialist appointment because the test I took says I have sleep apnea) that I've been waiting on for awhile.  They wanted me to do the spinal tap tomorrow, but I'm not going to because of the possibility of complications would cancel my cruise.  So everything will be in the first two weeks we get back.  It's been a stressful week.  I'm nowhere ready for my cruise.  It's going to be a long next two days.


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19 minutes ago, JennyB1977 said:

@RobinCruiser Hey lady! I haven't yet. I may go back on the last training/nutrition plan a physique coach did for me back when I was thinking of competing, again. I never really gave his plan my all. Thinking I want to be down 15# by Jan 3. I think that is totally doable in 99 days or 14 weeks 🙂! Today has been coffee with 2%, .5c cottage cheese, 6 slices colby jack cheese, and this refried bean/corn/cheese casserole. Dinner might just have to be a salad after the gym LOL I LOVE CHEESE


I love cheese too... and most food in general - Lol! 


So what do you/did you compete?

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14 minutes ago, Jasonmom said:

Well my loss for the week is 0.4lb.  I was down quite a bit more on Sunday, but as I've increased my carbs through the week I've gained.  Oh well, with the week I've had the diet has kinda taken a back seat.  My son broke his toe on Monday.  Me and my husband thought it was just stubbed or something so I sent him to school on Tuesday.  When he took his shoe off after school on Tuesday I knew it could be worse than we though so took him to doctor.  Low and behold he broke it.  I've so much guilt for not taking him in earlier.  The doctor I took him to put him in temporary cast and said he might need surgery.  So today we went to surgeon.  Good news, no surgery, and he is in a boot (on crutches) than can be taken off for showers (good news as anyone knows about pubescent boys needing good shower).  Also this week finally heard back all at once from doctors scheduling things (spinal tap, EGD, sleep specialist appointment because the test I took says I have sleep apnea) that I've been waiting on for awhile.  They wanted me to do the spinal tap tomorrow, but I'm not going to because of the possibility of complications would cancel my cruise.  So everything will be in the first two weeks we get back.  It's been a stressful week.  I'm nowhere ready for my cruise.  It's going to be a long next two days.



Sorry to hear about your stressful week! Been there, done that with the kid and the doctor... Sometimes they cry wolf too often and you just don't think it's as bad as it may be. Is your son joining you on the cruise?


Hoping you can put your stresses behind you and enjoy the next two days of packing, planning and prepping for a fun trip!

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1 minute ago, JennyB1977 said:

@RobinCruiser I competed in the sport of figure. Been awhile but I have been lifting weights since I was 12. I have also competed in Power Lifting and Olympic Weightlifting. I managed a gym and was a coach. Here is a pic of me (April or October 2006) and some of my clients...






Oh wow, that's awesome!!  Look at all those trophies in the last photo!! 🙂

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Jenny,  your pictures are great.  I know a few women who are concerned that lifting they will get too big/bulky and I think your photos show that even female competitors don't get big (without steroids), just really toned/fit.


I am going to keep realistic goals and realize that at 46 and only somewhat dedicated I am likely not going to look like a an extremely dedicated 20 something competitor 😉 

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@pacruise804 Thanks and one of the hardest daily lessons for me is that I am not who or what I was in 2006 (28 years old). My genetics, hormones, body and mentality are all drastically different. While I am happy in my own skin and "own it". I like to have a goal. I have put mental health, financial stability and a few other parts of "life" ahead of my physical appearance. I don't regret that at all. When competing, like in the photos above, your nutrition and exercise takes over. Often relationships suffer, finances get tight (supplements, food, gym and all the extras are not cheap)and ones mental health can take a hit from many aspects. I used to tell my clients that if their employers and spouses/families weren't on board they should rethink competing.

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Great attitude.  While I miss being able to comfortably run several miles at a stretch (vs walk or walk/run) and fitting cuter clothes, it did take a lot of time to fit the runs in and stay on top of diet.  I am still trying to return to a healthier weight, but in a more balanced way that doesn't compete so much with the rest of "life."  I think it's easy to forget how much time it takes, which is probably part of why it is so hard to get back to tracking my calories consistently (which is a big part of what worked in the past).

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Jenny- great pictures.  As someone who used to spend hours in the gym, and now can't really walk more than a mile or two without my leg hurting something awful the next day, it's been important to try to learn to not compare myself to who I was in my 20s or even before my accident.  I'm working to get to be able to do as much low impact exercise as I can tolerate.  I know that my diet becomes especially important.


I really value this group for helping to keep me motivated.

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Jenny those pictures are amazing. Never in my life did I look anywhere close to that.  Very beautiful.  


Got sorta a good problem.  Started packing for cruise and the outfits I planned to take are too big.  Took a long time to find clothes that looked good (am taking some that are bigger for later in cruise).



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Jenny, thanks for sharing the photos. Wow, amazing.  It's interesting how our bodies change as we age. In my 20's a size 4 was getting to be too big.


When I was in my mid 40's, close to perimenopase, I gained about 25 lbs. Now in my 50's I am about 15-20 lbs. less than my worst number. It's so hard to get the weight off. 


I'm just happy I still have a shape!


Jasonmom, that's great to have clothes that are too big. Nice problem to have. 


Hope everyone is having a nice weekend.


PS, when I started the thread I must have been thinking about cruises in 2020, hence the incorrect year in the title.



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Hello Everyone!  I swear I posted on the 9-19 thread, don't see it.


Sounds like everyone doing pretty good weight wise. Also busy on getting ready for cruises. planning cruises

and booking new ones. Way to go, I'm for more cruises!


Having a good time. Alaska beautiful as always. Had good time with daughter.

Now going solo. Mexico is hot plus with humidity, hotter  Not eating to much but eating sweets

and this cruise only free drinks but I don't drink to much. Hoping for no gain or a small one.

Hope walking on ship helps but it's 30 days. Have done well in the past. Well see.


You all take care..Bon Voyage to anyone that's leaving on a cruise...Belle:classic_smile:

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The 5K went really well.  Great weather and we all finished 🙂 My time was just over 45 minutes and I was mostly taking it easy.  DH finished in under 38, and DS wanted to finish sub-30 and was 29:01 (which of course meant he was disappointed to not be under 29 😉 ) . I even finished 3rd in my age group, and there were at least 4 of us.  

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