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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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It's a rainy day in Park City, too.  At least for now at my house.  Snowing again further up mountain.


OOTD;  A blast from the past - one of my Team USA Tshirts from the 2002 Olympic Winter Games, paired with Sweaty Betty yoga pants.  

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Y'all, I broke my humerus this morning. It's a hairline fracture, but I'm off work for at least a week and it hurts like the dickens. It'll heal fine, but I'm worried about how much mobility I'll lose in the process. I go back to the orthopod Friday. I'm just glad I work for an ortho group and that they have an urgent care open on Saturdays. I'd still be at a regular ER hanging out with the covid-19s. 🙄


And happy dancing at our place too!!


OOTD: Athleta guilded leggings and Lululemon top for skating (fall down, go boom), Athleta black leggings and WHBM gray top for retirement party. Now accessorized with a white sling. Hubby helped me change into a sports bra and tshirt that I can wear for a couple of days--it'll be that long before I'm brave enough to move my arm. 

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Lots of happy dancing going on all around!  PurpleHays, I’m so sorry and I hope you heal quickly and completely.


While we have a Sprouts here also I haven’t shopped there since the pandemic began. 


OOTD-first real rain of the season and it’s cool today so wearing a sweatshirt but no make up. Lots of indoor stuff to take care of. 

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PurpleHays, hope your arm heals without incident. 

wind so strong last night it blew our (several hundred pound) swing over & our glider danced across the deck (waking me up at 5 am). Snow expected in mountains today here

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17 hours ago, PurpleHays said:

Y'all, I broke my humerus this morning. It's a hairline fracture, but I'm off work for at least a week and it hurts like the dickens. It'll heal fine, but I'm worried about how much mobility I'll lose in the process.


Oh no!!  So sorry to hear that. Broken bones, even fractures are no joke as we get older....:classic_mellow:  Take care. Hopefully the initial pain will subside.

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Purple Hays - sorry to hear about the break.  Arms/shoulders are the worst to get over.  You learn very quickly how much we rely on our upper extremities.  Ask your ortho about any little exercises you can do to try to keep some muscle tone.  I hope it heals quickly!


It's snowing at the house this time.  My fence posts show about 5-6 inches.  Stuff on the patio is less, as it's really dense and melting.  I think I'll just hunker down today.  The head is getting better still.  The drop in barometric pressure always does a number on my head - I get headaches.  So, outside of a little tenderness still, I'm good (I think).  


OOTD: It seems like a good day to wear one of the fleece hoodie dresses my SIL gave me for Christmas last year.  

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20 hours ago, PurpleHays said:

Y'all, I broke my humerus this morning. It's a hairline fracture, but I'm off work for at least a week and it hurts like the dickens. It'll heal fine, but I'm worried about how much mobility I'll lose in the process. I go back to the orthopod Friday. I'm just glad I work for an ortho group and that they have an urgent care open on Saturdays. I'd still be at a regular ER hanging out with the covid-19s. 🙄


And happy dancing at our place too!!


OOTD: Athleta guilded leggings and Lululemon top for skating (fall down, go boom), Athleta black leggings and WHBM gray top for retirement party. Now accessorized with a white sling. Hubby helped me change into a sports bra and tshirt that I can wear for a couple of days--it'll be that long before I'm brave enough to move my arm. 


Oh no, too much happy dancing?  ;)   seriously, what happened?   

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Just back from Trader Joes' -- my first visit there in months!!  (I am feeling celebratory today.)


Had to wait 15 minutes to get in, but once inside I was like someone who's been on a deserted island for 6 months, lol. I got all kinds of goodies including their gorgonzola gnocchi which I've had a craving for, two other kinds of fresh stuffed pasta, some foccacia, a ready to eat salad (5-spice chicken) which I am devouring now, and a couple of fresh soups, including a spicy pozole verde -- hope it's good. 


I also got some of the everything bagel seasoning. An employee was restocking them when I passed, so I asked her to hand me one. She laughed and said "one case?  It's that good!"  


Not to neglect snacks I also got some of the sweet potato tortilla chips and mango salsa, and for my son I got some of their brookies, which he loves...  And of course a couple bottles of wine.


I was disappointed that they were out of several of their new frozen vegetable mixes that I wanted to try, including the broccoli and cauliflower gratin. Oh well.... maybe in another few months I'll go back again, lol.




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it is cool & chilly & windy here today also....  of course not as cold for those of you up north & in mountains...  had a really good run/hike last night after rain stopped & then settled in with a nice margarita & watched the speeches & fireworks...  lit our first fire of the season, just a gas log fire, but nice & cozy....  the cats very much appreciated it... luckily we remembered that the flue was closed from when we had the ash raining, & we opened it ahead of time :)  If we'd gone out that way it would have been

2020 ;)
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27 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:

Just back from Trader Joes' -- my first visit there in months!!  (I am feeling celebratory today.)


Had to wait 15 minutes to get in, but once inside I was like someone who's been on a deserted island for 6 months, lol. I got all kinds of goodies including their gorgonzola gnocchi which I've had a craving for, two other kinds of fresh stuffed pasta, some foccacia, a ready to eat salad (5-spice chicken) which I am devouring now, and a couple of fresh soups, including a spicy pozole verde -- hope it's good. 


I also got some of the everything bagel seasoning. An employee was restocking them when I passed, so I asked her to hand me one. She laughed and said "one case?  It's that good!"  


Not to neglect snacks I also got some of the sweet potato tortilla chips and mango salsa, and for my son I got some of their brookies, which he loves...  And of course a couple bottles of wine.


I was disappointed that they were out of several of their new frozen vegetable mixes that I wanted to try, including the broccoli and cauliflower gratin. Oh well.... maybe in another few months I'll go back again, lol.





hi Cynthia, congrats on your TJ trip... remember in the before times we'd plan Europe travel in the same meticulous way we now plan grocery shopping??     Enjoy your goodies, & hopefully you'll be able to go again before too many months go by :)


I have some good news to share, DH found a floor model of the dryer that matches the washer we bought, & now I have a matching set!   since they are both front load, with all controls on front panel, we are going to use a piece of marble left over from our kitchen & build a counter running over washer & dryer, & then build some open shelves above w/a headboard running behind... super excited for our new project !

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1 hour ago, cruise kitty said:


Oh no, too much happy dancing? 😉   seriously, what happened?   

I ice skate for fun and exercise. It's hard work.


A little background. In a freestyle session. the skater who's program music is playing has absolute right of way. Skater had music going--I identified her, all was good. She was on the opposite end of the rink when my coach told me to do a jump combo. When I landed the second, skater was on my end of the ice. In a effort to get out of her way, I tripped over my toe pick and did my best Superman impression. Landed on my knees and elbows. My arm is really the only thing that hurts and only near the fracture. One of my knees is swollen and bruised, but I've landed on my knee so many times in the time I've been skating that I rarely ever notice that anymore.


As a plus, coach said jump combo (salchow/toeloop) was excellent and I got good air time during my Superman impression. I also finished the last 5-10 minutes of my lesson.


At this point, I've found a couple of positions that are relatively comfortable and am just taking it easy. Guess I'll read every book in the house that I haven't already read.




Dogwood 2019.jpg

Coach Holly.jpg

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I skated for many years (long distance not figure), fabulous exercise & stress reducer. I’m coming up on my 18th foot surgery on Friday (from a cruise incident, not skating). Couple of the things I miss greatly are running & skating. PurpleHays, I envy you your skating. 

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2 hours ago, awhfy said:

I skated for many years (long distance not figure), fabulous exercise & stress reducer. I’m coming up on my 18th foot surgery on Friday (from a cruise incident, not skating). Couple of the things I miss greatly are running & skating. PurpleHays, I envy you your skating. 

I find skating to be a great stress reliever. It's difficult to think of off-ice difficulties when trying to balance on knives and avoid toe picks. It's also a great brain-training experience and definitely good weight-bearing exercise. I wish I could make my daughter's understand that I both know and am willing to take the associated risks.

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@PurpleHays wow, at least you have an awesome story to go along with your injury....amazing that you kept going & finished your session.  

Regarding the concern from your kids, it's nice that they care, but I'd say in the risk-reward scale, what you're doing is definitely worth risk of injury...  having something that benefits your physical & mental health is so important esp. now...


I get a lot of flack from some family members (mom :) )  about my hiking & running, esp. running alone at night,  I take my mace, & try to be aware, but there's no way I'm giving up the benefits (mainly keeping my sanity)   


Hope you heal up quickly, & are back on the ice soon :)

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4 hours ago, awhfy said:

I skated for many years (long distance not figure), fabulous exercise & stress reducer. I’m coming up on my 18th foot surgery on Friday (from a cruise incident, not skating). Couple of the things I miss greatly are running & skating. PurpleHays, I envy you your skating. 

Melody 18 foot surgeries ? that's awful...  Are they hopeful for you being able to run & skate again someday?  Anyway, I hope it goes well for you on Friday.


I'm about to leave for my first haircut...  so excited

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So much to talk about!!!


Cynthia - the Pozole soup is good.  It has a very nice little spice to it. I like the corn chowder and the clam chowder and the tomato feta soups, also.   I never had the 5 Spice salad, I'll have to put that on my list.  I LOVE the gorgonzola gnocchi!  Remember - if it's Thursday, it gnocchi night in Rome!  Armando al Pantheon - I hit it up every Thursday I was in Rome and they did gnocchi with a gorgonzola sauce.  Then, over at da Cesare, their fried gnocchi in gorgonzola sauce any night of the week...yum!   


Melody - foot surgery???  After the hernia stuff???  I am sooo sorry.  How long is that going to have you down?  Please watch out cruising around in the snow!  If you have to do crutches, see if you can get the little ice picks to put on the bottom - saved my butt several times when I was on crutches for months in the winter!  I remember having an whole setup - the ice picks on the crutches and a neoprene "mask" to put on my casts.  


Purple Hays - I'm always in awe of people who skate.  I'm a total clutz with balance issues.  I mean, I get dizzy on a merry-go-round, let alone try a spin on skates.  And, you do doubles????  Impressive!!  


A cold and snowy day.  High is around 25 today.  I think I'll just stay inside and cozy up.  

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I forgot some things...


I can't remember who was doing the Pfizer trial, but I heard it was announced that they got about 90% immunity already.   Someone on another board I belong to was a bad boy and broke protocol by going somewhere and getting an antibody test - positive.   So, that is a bit of good news. 


Bad news, but it should have happened long before this:  Our Gov declared a major state of emergency for COVID as the hospitals are almost out of beds.  He put in place a mask mandate (about time) for the entire state and put gatherings at no more than 4 people.  I think he also stopped school sports, but I'm not sure; one of my "kids" is now a HS football coach and he was ranting something about his state championship game was cancelled.   When I was in the ER last Friday, my nurse said they were slammed with COVID there, which could have been why I was rushed to the back so fast - they knew I wasn't there for that.  The U hospital is 1 of 2 big hospitals in UT.   So, my days of wandering out a little more at a time may be put on hold.  At least I can put in food orders with Whole Foods and pick it up. 


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Hi girls, Kat, I think Debbie (Cruise Kitty) was doing the trial and I heard the same thing today.


Looks like there definitely won't be a smooth transition.............


Sadly, the US has now gone of 10 million cases of the virus☹️

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I was stepped on (on a cruise) in 2001. I knew it was bruised, sore & swollen. I chose to ignore it,I was on vacation & alcohol dulled the pain. Back home, six weeks later still very swollen & no improvement in pain went to doc. I’d broken almost every bone in my foot. I knew going in that it would be at least 6 surgeries (as they had to rebreak all the bones that were healing incorrectly. Became insane when it was discovered that I’m allergic to titanium & nickel, the new implants popped right through the skin...not a fun time. This won’t be so bad, fusing two toes in the hopes that they’ll stop dropping down & tripping me, 8-10 weeks but in a walking boot 24/7. Kat I have the ice picks for the crutches. 

unfortunately, skating is over for me, it’s my push off foot & the nerve damage is so bad, I’d never try again. I’m glad I can walk, running is also a fond memory

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Melody, wishing you a very successful surgery and an easy time healing, in spite of the crutches and boot, 


PurpleHays, hoping you are doing better. That is quite a story and even a smiling picture to go with.


Heard about UT new measures. Hope it works to get the numbers, esp the hospitalizations down.


Good news about Pfizer’s vaccine trial. 90% is really good and far higher than we had been told to expect. Now we wait for further info and reviews. Listening to a discussion today, other trials are nearing preliminary results so hoping they too are as encouraging. We will need more than one vaccine so that there are not only sufficient doses but to Also ensure that there is an appropriate vaccine for different populations.I do not recall the exact way it was explained so hopefully I’m making sense. Still to be determined is how long the vaccine will be effective. 

Debbie, love your fireplace! Also love that our weather is not only cool but the rain and wind cleared our air. 

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4 hours ago, awhfy said:

I was stepped on (on a cruise) in 2001. I knew it was bruised, sore & swollen. I chose to ignore it,I was on vacation & alcohol dulled the pain. Back home, six weeks later still very swollen & no improvement in pain went to doc. I’d broken almost every bone in my foot. I knew going in that it would be at least 6 surgeries (as they had to rebreak all the bones that were healing incorrectly. Became insane when it was discovered that I’m allergic to titanium & nickel, the new implants popped right through the skin...not a fun time. This won’t be so bad, fusing two toes in the hopes that they’ll stop dropping down & tripping me, 8-10 weeks but in a walking boot 24/7. Kat I have the ice picks for the crutches. 

unfortunately, skating is over for me, it’s my push off foot & the nerve damage is so bad, I’d never try again. I’m glad I can walk, running is also a fond memory

Woah.  That's as good as me shattering my fibula & dislocating my tibia when I was hiking thru Tuscan vineyards... A nice plate and 13 screws.  2 screws taken out 5 months later that were keeping my ankle from moving.  They found I broke 1 but half was still in there.  So, I've got 11 screws left.  Gave up skiing after my leg just wouldn't cooperate with the ski.  Like you, I'm glad I can still walk, even though my left lower leg and foot point left-of-straight - it does trip me up once in awhile. 


With the vaccine, the one thing they haven't determined yet is how long the antibodies last.  I hope it isn't like a Roman Candle - great for a minute, then dies out.  

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9 hours ago, cruise kitty said:

@PurpleHays wow, at least you have an awesome story to go along with your injury....amazing that you kept going & finished your session.  

Regarding the concern from your kids, it's nice that they care, but I'd say in the risk-reward scale, what you're doing is definitely worth risk of injury...  having something that benefits your physical & mental health is so important esp. now...


I get a lot of flack from some family members (mom 🙂 )  about my hiking & running, esp. running alone at night,  I take my mace, & try to be aware, but there's no way I'm giving up the benefits (mainly keeping my sanity)   


Hope you heal up quickly, & are back on the ice soon 🙂

I have found a couple of comfortable positions for my arm resting on a pillow in my recliner. I was on the back porch today, but the deck chairs didn't have the right arm height. I'm actually less comfortable in the sling. Go figure.


I hope your 18th (!) foot surgery goes well and you can get back to running an hiking again. I suspect I will be off ice through the end of the year.  Between my last injury (last June), the last semester of grad school, and covid, I was mostly off ice from September to July. I'd just gotten back into a twice a week schedule with one lesson when this happened. Ugh.


Ironically, hubby tried to copy me. He was painting this weekend and fell off the ladder. Has a decent sized bruise on his thigh, but nothing broken. I have an impressive bruise with colors I've never seen on my body before (and I've seen a lot. falls are pretty common in skating).


Good luck Friday! What are you having done? The nosy OR RN in me wants to know, but you don't have to say.  Edit--I see the answer above.

Edited by PurpleHays
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8 hours ago, slidergirl said:

Purple Hays - I'm always in awe of people who skate.  I'm a total clutz with balance issues.  I mean, I get dizzy on a merry-go-round, let alone try a spin on skates.  And, you do doubles????  Impressive!!  

I do not do doubles. I have several half and single jumps. They are the best part of skating. The newest one I was working on was loop, salchow is my favorite, half flip is my best/most reliable. Spinning drives me crazy and I struggle with it. I was just beginning to make progress when this happened.


I'm a true adult skater. I started at 38 and have been on and off for almost 20 years. I progress very slowly, but I work hard and have fun. I have no illusions of great skills, but most of the time I have fun and work hard. 

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