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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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Morning all!


Lois - it's like you're going to have an entirely new condo!!!  


Masks:  I found an article online from Wired.com about what they thought were the best masks.  One that hit me were from Society6.  Like Johnny Was, really cool fabrics, but a massive selection.  They are the folder type, 7"x3.5".  And, a portion of the profits from the masks go to the World Central Kitchen.  Don't have them yet, but I bought 2 - one with cats on it (of course) and one that is a print of an old Kilim rug.   These should bring my mask quiver up to a good amount for the work week and be able to match a little.  I was almost ready to buy one of the Christmas ones, but just couldn't do it.  


As long as it stays sunny, I think I'll get out and take a walk.  The temp is 34 right now, so good for walking.  I may have to switch my fleece with my Patagonia down sweater.  We have a Winter Storm Warning for late this afternoon through tomorrow (up to 10 inches), so I know I'll be stuck in the house.  I'll probably run out and pick up some food for the weekend.  


Have a good day!

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55 minutes ago, purduemom1 said:

Hi Lois, Your condo is going to be very different by the time this pandemic is over! You’ve made several nice updates. I still haven’t done anything about my crazy microwave. Still using our back up one but I don’t like that it takes up a lot of counter space. 


Hi Sharon,🙂 yes, I just said the hell with it LOL....I don't use my dishwasher at all really but the

one I have is very old.  I am lucky, I know that........I am able to do all these upgrades without

financial difficulties. And of course I didn't spend anything on cruises..........☹️

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Hi Kat, I saw the saddest story about a gal in your state.......she lost her Mom and Grandpa

on the same day from the virus☹️.....


I also saw your Governor say masks are mandatory.......hoping folks abide by it. 

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9 hours ago, slidergirl said:

Masks:  I found an article online from Wired.com about what they thought were the best masks.  One that hit me were from Society6.  Like Johnny Was, really cool fabrics, but a massive selection.  They are the folder type, 7"x3.5".  And, a portion of the profits from the masks go to the World Central Kitchen.


This is the problem I keep having with mask reviews. I'm not sure whether they are reviewing the mask itself or just its social chops, lol.


This guy, who is some kind of medical professional and wears masks all day for work gave the Society6 masks a pretty solid thumbs down for comfort and breathability, which gives me pause.




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8 hours ago, Lois R said:

Hi Sharon,🙂 yes, I just said the hell with it LOL....I don't use my dishwasher at all really but the

one I have is very old.  I am lucky, I know that........I am able to do all these upgrades without

financial difficulties. And of course I didn't spend anything on cruises..........☹️


Good for you!


About the only new things I've gotten this year, house-wise, are the TV for my bedroom and a new toilet seat, lol.  Oh, and a couple of houseplants now that I'm at home more to take care of them.


On the other hand, I've been putting extra money every month into my retirement account!

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18 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


This is the problem I keep having with mask reviews. I'm not sure whether they are reviewing the mask itself or just its social chops, lol.


This guy, who is some kind of medical professional and wears masks all day for work gave the Society6 masks a pretty solid thumbs down for comfort and breathability, which gives me pause.



As someone who wears medical masks all day, fabric masks *are* harder to breathe in. It's like going from wearing a tshirt to wearing a sweatshirt. They're thicker and made of different material. It's harder simply because it's not what you're used to.


That being said, I have no opinion on the Society6 masks. I haven't seen them and stick mostly to my homemade and Athleta ones. (plus an occasional one acquired from work). 

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5 minutes ago, PurpleHays said:

As someone who wears medical masks all day, fabric masks *are* harder to breathe in. It's like going from wearing a tshirt to wearing a sweatshirt. They're thicker and made of different material. It's harder simply because it's not what you're used to.


That being said, I have no opinion on the Society6 masks. I haven't seen them and stick mostly to my homemade and Athleta ones. (plus an occasional one acquired from work). 


Do you get the regular Athleta ones or their "Made to move" ones?

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2 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


Do you get the regular Athleta ones or their "Made to move" ones?

The regular pleated ones. I don't care for the "Made to move" masks because I can't tape them well enough over my nose to prevent my glasses fogging. I'm going to give them to my skating coach since she doesn't wear glasses.

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10 minutes ago, PurpleHays said:

The regular pleated ones. I don't care for the "Made to move" masks because I can't tape them well enough over my nose to prevent my glasses fogging. I'm going to give them to my skating coach since she doesn't wear glasses.


Thanks for the good intel. I may try a pack. 🤞

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9 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:


Good for you!


About the only new things I've gotten this year, house-wise, are the TV for my bedroom and a new toilet seat, lol.  Oh, and a couple of houseplants now that I'm at home more to take care of them.


On the other hand, I've been putting extra money every month into my retirement account!

Good morning....that is very smart.  I know when I was working I always contributed to my

401K over the years and I have multiple IRA's that grew over the years and that is what is allowing me to have retired.

  I also have an "Annuity" which is one of those VERY good things.......

it cannot lose $......it can only grow or stay the same. If you have the opportunity, I would look

into seeing if it is something you might want to do.

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41 minutes ago, Lois R said:

Good morning....that is very smart.  I know when I was working I always contributed to my

401K over the years and I have multiple IRA's that grew over the years and that is what is allowing me to have retired.

  I also have an "Annuity" which is one of those VERY good things.......

it cannot lose $......it can only grow or stay the same. If you have the opportunity, I would look

into seeing if it is something you might want to do.


Thanks -- I'm lucky to work for a company in one of the few fields that still normally offers a pension (big pharma). That plus SS -- assuming it holds out -- and my savings should keep me comfortable in retirement. :classic_cool:


AND AN UNSOLICITED MESSAGE TO EVERYONE HERE:  Please keep being careful! I was scheduled to meet with two friends today -- socially distanced, in a park -- for a little picnic. We haven't seen each other since February, but one of them is moving next month. Just this morning, one of them emailed the others -- her husband was exposed to COVID, and his friend has it and is not expected to live. We canceled out plans, hoping maybe in a couple of weeks if her husband stays well.....


This virus just keeps popping up, and to me this is a good reminder that we can't let our guard down or get complacent about it. Even with better treatments, people are still dying.  And just look at the Sea Dream I experience this week -- only 50+ passengers, strict testing, and yet they have at least 7 people with COVID.



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This is the mask wore for surgery yesterday. The OR crowd thought it was great. Surgery went ok, I’ll know more after my post op appt on Monday. I’m fortunate I got the surgery. We’ve had such an uptick in COVID cases that they’re talking canceling elective surgeries before Thanksgiving. I’m in my boot 24/7 for likely 12 weeks. Since I have to wear it in bed I won’t be bedazzling this one, maybe I’ll get some battery operated lights & twine them around 😉. Melody 



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cruisemom42, thanks for the reminder about staying vigilant especially now that the pandemic is getting worse.  Seems as if it’s easy to feel safe when with family members and friends. We are hearing this over and over along with cautions about Thanksgiving gatherings.  I have heard several say “we aren’t getting together this year so that all of us can be together next year and then we can be really thankful”!


i hope you will be able to safely get together before the move and that everyone stays well.

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On 11/13/2020 at 12:15 PM, Lois R said:

Hi Kat, I saw the saddest story about a gal in your state.......she lost her Mom and Grandpa

on the same day from the virus☹️.....


I also saw your Governor say masks are mandatory.......hoping folks abide by it. 

Yes, that was a sad story.  As for people abiding by the mandate, well, I'm afraid it's still a political issue among the masses, from what I've seen.  It's like you can tell who is from Park City and who is from the rural part of the county.  Sad.  I almost lit into one guy the other day - a bunch of us were standing in a line to get into a takeout place.  He was the only one without a mask.  At least he wasn't crowding.  When he got in the place, he didn't put on his mask.  When he got up to the counter, he FINALLY put on the mask.  Duh.  I have major issues with folks around here who are using their Buffs/neck gaitors for their masks - they have been shown to have virtually no protection.  But, I guess they are at least trying.  Unlike those who walk around bare-faced as some sort of badge.  


Melody - yay that the surgery went well.  Do you have a toe cover for the boot in bad weather?  It was a lifesaver, especially when I went up to Calgary for skeleton races and was outside in negative degree weather!!   I had a cast or walking boot on from October until March.  I remember mine was neoprene.   On "bedazzling":  When I got the first post-surgical cast, the nurse asked what color I wanted.  I first thought neon pink, but I went with black. I figured if I was invited to a formal event, I'd be in style 😜  When I got bored with it, I bought different color nail polish and drew sqiggles all over it to jazz it up.  I never thought of bedazzling the boot.  I did put some stickers and leopard arm and handles on my crutches.  And, when I graduated to a cane, I got a "Dr. House" black carbon with flames cane.  


Got about 6 inches of snow overnight, more to come today.  Right now, it's howling wind outside, ahead of the next batch.  My little snow angel came by after school yesterday to do my driveway.  He's so cute.  


Oh well, nothing much for today, just watching my chokeberry and aspen trees bending in the wind.  

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Hi Ladies!  glad the FL folks got through the storms ok, & Lois, congrats on your new dishwasher...  I have to admit, since 90% of of food is now cooked at home, I run the dishwasher sometimes 2x a day


Cynthia, mask wise, I still love my Johnny Was masks, the interesting thing is that some are larger than others, so I give the bigger ones to DH, & he's happy with them.   I've bought some from target, but found them uncomfortable (for me at least)   & thanks for your cautionary story, we all need to be careful, even though we are all tired of it.


Kat, that's great that you have a neighborhood kid doing the snow work,  good for him ( & you for hiring him)


Melody, so glad to hear surgery went well, & yes, sounds like hospitals are getting overfilled again, sadly. 


had our second shots Thursday afternoon,  had a very sore shoulder (they gave this one very high on shoulder)   & on my neck & back.... next morning felt ok but sore,  but by 10:30 or so, started feeling bad, like flu was coming on, bad headache, chills, body aches, fine by bedtime except headache, & totally 100% today :)  Headed out for hike/trail run with DH, & yes we've got our masks :)

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6 hours ago, awhfy said:

This is the mask wore for surgery yesterday. The OR crowd thought it was great. Surgery went ok, I’ll know more after my post op appt on Monday. I’m fortunate I got the surgery. We’ve had such an uptick in COVID cases that they’re talking canceling elective surgeries before Thanksgiving. I’m in my boot 24/7 for likely 12 weeks. Since I have to wear it in bed I won’t be bedazzling this one, maybe I’ll get some battery operated lights & twine them around 😉. Melody 




Glad you were able to get the surgery done and I hope all goes well. I love the mask too!  And is that a SmartWool sock I spy?  

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1 hour ago, cruisemom42 said:


Glad you were able to get the surgery done and I hope all goes well. I love the mask too!  And is that a SmartWool sock I spy?  

Yes a SmartWool sock (it has a mate too) it was 17 when I got to hospital 


Kat, my boot does have a toe cover (first time I’ve ever had that!)  Makes the sore toes (with wires coming up through the top of the toes nice & warm.  

I’m already bored silly with doing nothing, but that will get better once I can move around better. Melody 

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12 hours ago, awhfy said:

This is the mask wore for surgery yesterday. The OR crowd thought it was great. Surgery went ok, I’ll know more after my post op appt on Monday. I’m fortunate I got the surgery. We’ve had such an uptick in COVID cases that they’re talking canceling elective surgeries before Thanksgiving. I’m in my boot 24/7 for likely 12 weeks. Since I have to wear it in bed I won’t be bedazzling this one, maybe I’ll get some battery operated lights & twine them around 😉. Melody 




Melody,  you have to sleep in that?  wow, I can't imagine, do you have to sleep in it the whole 12 weeks or will you be able to "downsize" at some point?  Anyhow, best wishes for healing sleep tonight :)

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11 hours ago, cruise kitty said:


Melody,  you have to sleep in that?  wow, I can't imagine, do you have to sleep in it the whole 12 weeks or will you be able to "downsize" at some point?  Anyhow, best wishes for healing sleep tonight 🙂

Right now it looks like I’ll be in it 24/7 for quite awhile, it is a true pain!

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1 hour ago, awhfy said:

Right now it looks like I’ll be in it 24/7 for quite awhile, it is a true pain!

It does get easier sleeping in it.  After awhile, I really didn't notice it when I slept.  One thing I did for a little bit of time was to fashion my sheet/blankets around it so it stuck out. For me, it was more of having stuff on top of it when I moved than anything else.  Same when my ortho moved me to an achilles night splint when all casts were done with. 


Meant to tell: I'm having issues with the eye again 😠 It's burning, stinging and it feels like there's a piece of glass grinding against it.  My opthalmologist put me back on the prednisone drops, the erithromycin gel and the Valtrex again (we emailed back and forth).  I'll see her tomorrow.  I go back to work a week from tomorrow (!), so this had better be done with by then!   


OOTD: Athleta black/grey camo joggers and my Zion Nat'l Park Tshirt.  I'll add a pair of shoes and my fleece jacket when I go to the pharmacy later this afternoon.  

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Hi girls🙂, I made a chicken casserole today. Actually, I just finished it and it is now baking.

I had defrosted a package of boneless/skinless chicken breasts and cut them up into bite size

pieces. I had a jar of Newman's  Alfredo sauce in the pantry.  I added some fresh asparagus, 

(cut up), fresh mushrooms and some grape tomatoes I had left in a package. I added a bag of

frozen peas too.  I used some Mrs Dash Herb/Garlic blend and rubbed the chicken with it.  I put the chicken in a casserole dish and added all the other

stuff and mixed everything together.

Then I put cheese on top (grated) along with paprika.   This will last me a long time and so I will freeze some of it.  It was 3 chicken breasts totaling 2 lbs.........hoping it tastes good too🙂

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Lois, sounds like a yummy, creative casserole. I love having leftovers on hand-frig or freezer-it’s all good😊. Let us know how it turns out,


Kat, OMG, more eye issues-that’s just not fair! You have had enough. I hope the meds help and that your dr. gives you good news.


Melody, hoping that you are doing better today and that, as Kat says, ir will 
get easier sleeping in the boot.


Well, neighbors next door ( we don’t know them, but we have exchanged waves as we drive by), got married last night in their back yard. Judging from the number of cars, we are guessing between 35-50 people. Looked like they tried to kept it an outdoor event so hoping it won’t turn out to be a “spreader” event. Earlier today, someone knocked on our door but when I looked, nobody was there and there was a lovely floral arrangement in front of the door. It looked like a wedding arrangement and I’m guessing it was their way of making up for the loud music. Actually it wasn’t that bad and they ended it all about 9:30. They started out with some very nice background music and I was tempted to take a glass of wine and sit on our patio and enjoy the music. However, it quickly ended and the officiant used a microphone to conduct the ceremony. After that the party started and most of the music was on the louder side. It wasn’t a problem as it was pretty cool so our windows were closed and it ended at a very reasonable hour.


We are noticing several Christmas yard displays that are already lit up. I don’t recall seeing so many so early-Thanksgiving is still a ways off! 

Wishing everyone, especially those dealing with health issues, a good week.


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