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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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We are still freezing in VA, big ice storm today so not sure if we re going to be able to leave as planned tomorrow.  At least we have power, our son southern VA was without power for 3 days due to the ice storm they had last week, over half of his county is still without.  Strange weather here in VA. 

OOTD:  jeans, tshirt, sweater and heavy socks.  Current temp here is 28 which is not as bad as some of you have been experiencing but since I’ve gotten used to Florida winters, it seems really, really, cold.



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Hi Sherri, hope you will be able to stay safe and warm. So much of the country looks like

something out of a movie........especially those folks in Texas☹️   And 28 is cold too.

Sorry your son lost his power! Hope he is ok!

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2 hours ago, sjb317 said:

We are still freezing in VA, big ice storm today so not sure if we re going to be able to leave as planned tomorrow.  At least we have power, our son southern VA was without power for 3 days due to the ice storm they had last week, over half of his county is still without.  Strange weather here in VA. 

OOTD:  jeans, tshirt, sweater and heavy socks.  Current temp here is 28 which is not as bad as some of you have been experiencing but since I’ve gotten used to Florida winters, it seems really, really, cold.



Ice storms are the worst!!!  No one should drive in those!  


The power situation in TX is tragic.  One of reasons my emergency pack has solar powered lanterns and USB charger and I try to always have bottles of my camp fuel to be able to use my camp stove to cook and boil water.  


It was kind of cold this morning at 9am: 16 degrees.  But, it was blue skies and the few inches of new snow was light, fluffy, and glistened in the sunshine.  I don't mind days like this.  


Went to my coffee spot and picked up my usual: a latte and a bluebery scone.  I order ahead on their app - by the time I drive the mile to get there, it's ready.  Their scones are soooo good!  Big, fat, juicy blueberries in them.  I nuke it for about 20 seconds to give it a little warm.  Yummm.


I'm not going to do anything but hit up the market later today.  Well, I'll do my weekly laundry.  I've got nothing urgent to do.  I was going to go down to REI (an outdoor equipment store) in SLC and check out a couple of tents for a possible upgrade.  My current tent is the $99 entry-level tent that did well to get me back into camping.  But, I want something with a little more room and more "windows".  I felt a little closed in with my tent.  I got another $100 gratuity from an owner last week plus $60 in guest tips so I have a nice accumulation of Christmas and other gratuity to spend.   I'm feeling really good now, so I should be able to get a good deal of camping in this year.  


I'm looking forward to two things this weekend: the movie "Nomadland' and Stanley Tucci's visit to Rome.   Nomadland:  60 ish woman loses her job and everything else, gets a van, drives around the West, working seasonal jobs, finding herself at a later stage of life.  Sounds like what I aspire to!!  Anything with Frances McDormand is good.  


OOTD:  just a pair of Woolx leggings and an old Mountain Hardware hoodie shirt.  My Red Patagonia down sweater and trusty Uggs for the trip for coffee and later to the market.  

Edited by slidergirl
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Hi Ladies,  hope those of you in cold areas are keeping warm somehow.  


Lois, I'm watching the news about Texas & it's tragic,  I can't imagine how people are coping with that & that there are people dying there, it's awful.


On a brighter note, we watched the first episode of the Stanley Tucci series last night & it was great :)   Also made me desperately want to go back to Italy of course :)  however, back to reality, my exciting news is the next week I am getting a haircut, woo hoo!  Second one in a year ;)  going to get a pedicure as well,  I will wait for manicure after my second shot next week.  


Sherri, stay safe in VA, hopefully this is allowing you to spend more time with your family I hope :)


Kat, I wonder if you drive to SLC for the REI trip if you can check into getting a shot maybe?   Boy do I miss going to REI  :)


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Hi Debbie, congrats on getting the hair cut😃


I decided to clean out my linen closet today.......I had way, way more sheets AND towels than

I realized....like 4 bags full........I didn't realize how much stuff I had in there.  It is just me

here and even though I have 3 bedrooms, only 2 have a bed in the them.......I think I had 8

sets of lines😲......(not including what is on those beds now)! I have 2 extra sets now.   I am

going to donate all the rest to a local thrift store that helps battered women.  And I must have

had 20 extra towels......omg........so many!!!  When I moved in here it was 2012 and I guess

I don't remember cleaning out that closet over the last few years.  I am going to donate 

some of the towels too! 


And for some reason, the weather Gods are being really good to us today.........it is like 72



Debbie, the worst part of the Texas thing (besides the deaths of course) is the STUPID Blame

Game going on between the states leaders...........really stupid.  I am sure the folks who are 

living through it don't care who is responsible right now---they just want power back!

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Lois, your weather sounds wonderful!  It's a pretty day here too... going to the office for a bit, then maybe a hike :)    I need to clean out cupboards too, but too lazy lol 


Regarding the Texas thing, right, at this point, all that matters is getting those people heat, water, food & some sort of power back on.  They can all do monday morning quarterbacking when everyone is taken care of :)

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Lois if the shelter won’t take the linens go to the Humane Society. I take my really well used sheets, towels & blankets (those I wouldn’t want to put on beds anymore) to the Humane Society & they really need them. . 

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50 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Lois if the shelter won’t take the linens go to the Humane Society. I take my really well used sheets, towels & blankets (those I wouldn’t want to put on beds anymore) to the Humane Society & they really need them. . 

Hi Melody, how's your weather doing now?  Are you still out of the freeze or is it coming back?


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Hi, I called the Thrift shop for the Battered Women's Shelter.......they take them BUT I could split up the 4 bags!

There is a Humane Society near me as well. I could give 2 bags to each place.

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As of 5pm central time, we have had 187 continuous hours of temperatures under freezing, with at least 20 more hours before temp is over freezing. This is in central Texas, between Waco (Fixer Upper show) and Austin.


We had 4+ inches of snow about 3 weeks ago, which was a real treat as there was no freezing rain.


But this time, we had that much or more snow on top of ice from freezing rain and sleet coupled with high winds blowing the snow around (yes, they actually used the phrase ‘blizzard conditions’ here in Texas!!). The lowest temp we say at our house was 4. Of course, wind chill was no fun! Then, more freezing rain came...everything is glazed with ice and snow and more ice!


There were rolling power outages; but as y’all have heard, many places lost and continue to not have power due to the freezing of wind turbines and natural gas lines. Now, there is plenty of power built back up but it’s up to the local power companies to get the lines, transformers, etc. repaired. Our local electric

co-op has done a great job keeping power on so DH and I have had continuous power since late Tuesday, which means our water well didn’t freeze.


Roads are impassible, at least our back roads are. For example, our driveway is flat concrete but 2/10 mile from garage to road. It took DH and I about 30 minutes to carefully and slowly pick our way to the road to put the garbage can out!! We had to because we skipped last week’s pickup as we didn’t want to walk down in the freezing rain/sleet. 

So there’s the update from Texas!


OOTD: fleece pants, long sleeve T-shirt, fleece sweater jacket, and flip flops!!

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4 hours ago, cruise kitty said:

Hi Ladies,  hope those of you in cold areas are keeping warm somehow.  


Lois, I'm watching the news about Texas & it's tragic,  I can't imagine how people are coping with that & that there are people dying there, it's awful.


On a brighter note, we watched the first episode of the Stanley Tucci series last night & it was great 🙂   Also made me desperately want to go back to Italy of course 🙂  however, back to reality, my exciting news is the next week I am getting a haircut, woo hoo!  Second one in a year 😉  going to get a pedicure as well,  I will wait for manicure after my second shot next week.  


Sherri, stay safe in VA, hopefully this is allowing you to spend more time with your family I hope 🙂


Kat, I wonder if you drive to SLC for the REI trip if you can check into getting a shot maybe?   Boy do I miss going to REI  🙂


I'd have to go at the end of the day and find someplace that has leftove vaccine.  That's what happens down in Provo, according to my one co-worker.  I haven't heard of that racket in SLC.  


I'm 2 weeks past due for my hair color.  My stylist's husband is having  rough time post-back surgery so she's cancelled last week and this week and will try to squeeze us she missed when she can.  I'm OK with it - I don't do anything but go to work and come home and go to the market and I can deal with my skunk stripe for that.  


I am looking forward to Stanley Tucci again.  Somewhere I saw it was going to be Rome.  I swear in the series teaser, he goes to Armando al Pantheon in the show.  Can't wait!

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1 hour ago, slidergirl said:

I am looking forward to Stanley Tucci again.  Somewhere I saw it was going to be Rome.  I swear in the series teaser, he goes to Armando al Pantheon in the show.  Can't wait!


Definitely NOT missing that episode!


I feel so lucky that we missed out on the storms. Usually we just get the southern fringe of these massive snows and we get the frozen rain/ice that freezes on the roads. Not this year -- so far they've passed just to the north.


Tomorrow's my birthday, so I'm taking the day off and enjoying a three-day weekend. No big plans but just decompressing from the stress of work is good to contemplate. 


I also am in desperate need of a haircut, just putting it off as long as I can bear it. I feel like over the course of the last year my OOTDs have regressed from at least semi put-together clothes to random "whatever is clean and comfy".  Partly due to having many fewer virtual meetings requiring that I am on camera, lol.  If only I could figure out how to apply a cat filter to our work meeting platform...



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7 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:


Definitely NOT missing that episode!


I feel so lucky that we missed out on the storms. Usually we just get the southern fringe of these massive snows and we get the frozen rain/ice that freezes on the roads. Not this year -- so far they've passed just to the north.


Tomorrow's my birthday, so I'm taking the day off and enjoying a three-day weekend. No big plans but just decompressing from the stress of work is good to contemplate. 


I also am in desperate need of a haircut, just putting it off as long as I can bear it. I feel like over the course of the last year my OOTDs have regressed from at least semi put-together clothes to random "whatever is clean and comfy".  Partly due to having many fewer virtual meetings requiring that I am on camera, lol.  If only I could figure out how to apply a cat filter to our work meeting platform...



Happy Birthday, I hope you have a very enjoyable long week end.


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gotta cruise again, thanks foe sharing your situation. I see the news reports but when someone shares their story, it’s just all that more real. I hope things improve for you soon. Hearing that there is no hear, water and food is just imaginable. I’m so sorry for you and all those dealing with these storms. 

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4 minutes ago, purduemom1 said:

gotta cruise again, thanks foe sharing your situation. I see the news reports but when someone shares their story, it’s just all that more real. I hope things improve for you soon. Hearing that there is no hear, water and food is just imaginable. I’m so sorry for you and all those dealing with these storms. 

I agree with you Sharon: so many throughout the country are having difficulties due to this storm. DH and I have yet to experience anything worse than lack of internet while he’s trying to work from home so no need to be concerned for us as their are many others who need our prayers.

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Good morning, Cynthia, hope you have a great day!😃


gottacruise, thanks for sharing what is going on where you live and happy to hear you and your

hubby are ok.  I have seen so many REALLY BAD stories and my heart goes

out to all those folks.  Hoping Texas will see some improvement very, very



Melody, we must have posted our cakes at the same time😃

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Thank you Sharon, Melody and Lois for the birthday wishes!  It looks like I will have my choice of cakes today!  In the real world, I am planning on making a nice deep chocolate and kahlua cake. 😍


I like to travel on my birthday when possible -- not this year of course.  Last year I was in Campania -- wonderful time to be there. Sunny, no crowds. Though I didn't mention anything about it being my birthday, the tour guide knew (I guess from passport) and arranged for a little surprise to be left in my hotel room while we were out sightseeing:





I know my birthday wish this year, when I blow out my candles, will be for vanquishing COVID-19 so we can all get back to travel and vacations again.



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Good morning Cynthia, wow, that was such a kind thing for them to do for you!🙂 I think

we all have those same wishes!  My birthday is next month and will definitely hoping for the

same thing.

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