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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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Hi Lois,


Yes,  there is a lot to digest to make sure you know your final choice is the best one. I think as you spend more time researching (oh yay-fun fun😉) it will become clearer and then you will also come up with more questions.  I think that you can call Medicare for help with questions and maybe additional info that is related to your situation. In fact they may be able to explain just how your cancer drug will be covered.


I am up kinda early, having coffee before I get ready to run errands before the heat sets in for the day.


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Sitting on the train from Bordeaux to Paris. Last day in Bordeaux was fun: some church outsides, oysters for lunch at the Marche du Capuchins, a craft beer for dessert and window shopped on Rue St Catherine.  When I got hot, l’d duck into a store.  Galleries Lafayette had both overalls and hi tops on display mannequins!  
I have to try to get to sleep as soon as I get to the Sheraton at CDG - I have to get up at 6am to be able to start the check in process at 7am for my 10am flight.  The powers that be still say 3 hours for procedures.  Hoping it’s faster than that so I can dive into the Air France lounge for a bite.   Later!







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More great food porn! I went to TJ’s early this morning but I won’t bore everyone with my food porn! Of course the new flyer is out and I forgot to check it on line before I made my list. Well nothing wrong with ducking into a cool store, gallery or. Did you purchase anything interesting that will fir in your luggage? I can’t help but shop however I buy gifts so that makes it ok right?


Loved the umbrellas. I know we have seen similar but darn if I can’t ember where? We have not been to Bordeaux.


Good luck  with your flight tomorrow. Hope you have time for the lounge and then you can nap on the flight. Are you flying non stop to SLC? If so is it an Air France flight or Delta?

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4 hours ago, Lois R said:


They came over for dinner & he made this for me while he was here!  He has it as his cover photo. The name of the company is Skip Stone Landscapes

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4 hours ago, purduemom1 said:

Melody, are those cute rocks your Sil’s creation? If so does he leave one at each of his jobs-sort of his logo?


He leaves a different rock design at each job. 

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I bought some wine corks and another corkscrew at Cite du Vin.  Nothing else from Bordeaux.


well, Delta said to be at the airport 3 hours ahead.  So I rolled out of bed at 6am, showered and zipped up my bags.  Left the room about 6:57.  Walked to T2C, checked my bag, went through passport control and security by 7:25.  In the Air France lounge and enjoying breakfast by 7:30!!!  My flight is at 10:10…. Yes, it is a nonstop to SLC.  My driver already called last night to verify my ride home.  
I’m not going to hit TJ’s until I get back from the wedding trip.  I think I can deal with regular supermarket food until then.


OOTD.  My overalls,  white T, pair of the new socks and my hi tops.  Head adorned with my trusty hat.  The sneakers are dirty from the roller bag running over them all month. More on that in my wrap up later.


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Cute Sox and shoes, Kat!  Yah always 3 hours ahead and I guess it can be good at times. Same with our last Delta flight from CDG to SLC NS. Spent lots of time in the airport but only in main cabin so no lounge access. Had to make due with regular airport offerings.


Did Delta send you an email saying you can choose your entrees 24 hours in advance. We got one for our fights next week-SMF to MSP. Must be something new because we didn’t have this option last March.  Maybe it’s only certain routes or aircraft. Of course not that many to serve since only meals are in first. Best part of this itinerary is it’s NS so no SLC bus gates for us! Also offered us their upgraded Wi-Fi for $5. Don’t need that on this flight. We already get free texting. Just hope the entertainment is working.


Thanks for taking us along on your fabulous trip. Enjoyed all your posts.


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1 hour ago, purduemom1 said:

Cute Sox and shoes, Kat!  Yah always 3 hours ahead and I guess it can be good at times. Same with our last Delta flight from CDG to SLC NS. Spent lots of time in the airport but only in main cabin so no lounge access. Had to make due with regular airport offerings.


Did Delta send you an email saying you can choose your entrees 24 hours in advance. We got one for our fights next week-SMF to MSP. Must be something new because we didn’t have this option last March.  Maybe it’s only certain routes or aircraft. Of course not that many to serve since only meals are in first. Best part of this itinerary is it’s NS so no SLC bus gates for us! Also offered us their upgraded Wi-Fi for $5. Don’t need that on this flight. We already get free texting. Just hope the entertainment is working.


Thanks for taking us along on your fabulous trip. Enjoyed all your posts.


Yes I did get the email both directions.  Picked the fish each time.  It was actually tasty.  Today was a cod in a mild yellow sauce with baby bok Choy, carrots, potatoes and spinach.  Potato soup and an arugula salad with tomatoes and mozz balls.  Ice cream for dessert.  I do have photos 😉

I was able to nap a little.  Just listening to some music now.

 The pier K lounge wasn’t as nice as the pier M lounge (first time I haven’t flown out of there.). The duty free was meh and not the food options like in M.  You didn’t miss much.

 I get free unlimited Wi-Fi and texting onboard with my T-Mo account.  
SLC has some local food stands now - not that bad.  When more opens up my favorite Park City coffee place (Hugo) and restaurant that I get takeout from frequently (Vessl Kitchen) are going in.  In the meantime get your coffee at Millcreek.

Still have 1.5 hours left..



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Food looks delicious.


I was at my Cancer Facility for a 6 hour Iron infusion today😲.....well, 5.5 hours. In at 9am, finished at 2:30............seems somehow I lost some red blood, iron numbers are low........I have an appt with a GI guy on Tuesday morning.  My stool is fine (no blood or anything), thankfully.........but the Hematologist suggested I see someone.......I have a GI guy already but every time I need a procedure with him, it is on the other side of town.......this new Dr is about 7 minutes away from where I live.  I want to get this taken care of before I leave again and I should have seen the Dr either this week or last week......my bad. 

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Kat welcome back to the US! Wish fish was one of our options but no such luck! Of course a much shorter flight. Maybe we will just ask for the snack basket and eat when we get there. 

I’ll keep those local food choices at SLC in mind for those times when we fly thru there. 

So you probably won’t have a lot of time to rest up and prep for next trip but lots to look forward to-friends and family-good times!


Hope you sleep well tonight!

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Very unusual here today and last night-RAIN! Just hoping it didn’t hurt the fruit trees and the grapes. Too early for raisin drying so that’s good. Unfortunately not enough to do a lot of good.  We would need a lot more over a period of time to accomplish that.

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Lois, iron infusions aren’t fun. Hope they figure out quickly what’s going on


Kat, welcome back to the states. Your airline food looks like the old days of good airline food!!

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11 hours ago, purduemom1 said:

Wow Lois, what a way to spend the day! Hope all goes well with your next med visit. Nice that you won’t drive as far to see this doctor.


When do you leave for your next cruise and where are you going? Something to look forward to!


Good morning, life is so weird..........I wonder if this iron infusion has made me feel better than I have in a few weeks....made 2 poached eggs for breakfast and they actually tasted good. 


As for the cruise, I leave 2 weeks from tomorrow and I will let the Dr know about it.....I certainly hope he doesn't say I can't go.  It is a cruise to Alaska with a 4 night pre-cruise in Delani National park.

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Good afternoon all.    I had a pretty good sleep.  Went to bed at 9, woke up 4, watched TV for awhile, back to bed at 6, up at 9:30.  And, so nice to have daytime temps in the upper 70s!!

Lois - the iron infusion does not sound like fun.  I sure hope it does you some good.  Oh - on the medicare front:  keep an eye on the new bill going through the Senate.  One of the provisions is to limit out-of-pocket prescription costs to $2000.  I don't know all the details since I just heard about it but it could help us all depending on how it is worded and if it includes all meds.

I got up and went to my coffee store for a latte then on to the supermarket.  Not a TJ's but I had a "holy cr@p" bill after just stocking up. 


Got to get on the unpacking, laundry and undoing the jet lag today.  A little foggy-brained.


OOTD: denim shorts and a gray tank.  had on my hi-tops until I got back home, then they came off.



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Welcome back Kat!


I also just returned, but from a much less fun 4-day business trip to St. Paul. 🤣.  I  so much love that my industry has decided to hold meetings/symposia etc over weekends. 


Lois, my mom has been having iron deficiency issues as well.  She has a hard time taking the supplements but doesn't want to do the infusion due to everything she's heard about it.  I hope it does help you feel better. 



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Cynthia, we are headed to Mpls in a few days. Not looking forward to the weather. Heat I can deal with but humidity, that’s another matter. Sounds like you didn’t have much opportunity to enjoy time off. Does your company have an office in St Paul or is it just a good, central location for meetings? 

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10 hours ago, purduemom1 said:

Kat, well, just a few days and you will be off again. I think this the girlfriends trip, right? Hope all is going well prepping for this adventure.

I leave Friday.  It's a group of girlfriends - we've been getting together for a weekend every year since the late 70s.  All I need for this one is a bathing suit, a pair of shorts and maybe 3 Tshirts.  We're not going out to dinner, just hanging out at the house.  BUT, I leave from there for my grand niece's wedding.  So, I have to pack my stuff for that too.  I'm using the tie-dye dress from River & Sky, my booties, and my trusty hat for the wedding and the pink hi-tops (my other ones need to be washed desperately) for the reception.  I just need shorts and Tshirts for the non-wedding stuff.   It doesn't matter what I pack, I have to check the bag since I'm taking some knives with me for part of the wedding present.  Bought them at E.Dehllerin in Paris.  Everyone needs a good chef's knife and a paring knife.  


Cynthia - welcome back from St Paul.  Sharon - have a good time in MN.  All I remember from a business trip to Mineapolis was the mosquitos the size of B-52 bombers!   Heat + humidity is a bi!th.  


OOTD:  a pair of running shorts and a tank top.  I still have to do laundry today.  Oh, it appears that I did lose lose a little weight or it re-arranged itself on my body.  The denim shorts I got just before my trip fit not as tight around the waist.  All that walking in the heat and not eating all that much - well, that is going to be hard to keep up!  When I get back, I may have to start some hiking in the hills.

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11 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:

Welcome back Kat!


I also just returned, but from a much less fun 4-day business trip to St. Paul. 🤣.  I  so much love that my industry has decided to hold meetings/symposia etc over weekends. 


Lois, my mom has been having iron deficiency issues as well.  She has a hard time taking the supplements but doesn't want to do the infusion due to everything she's heard about it.  I hope it does help you feel better. 



Good morning, what has your Mom heard? It was long, but that is all......I had no side effects.  And I know when you take Iron supplements it can cause constipation (last thing I want to happen)😲

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As I unpack from my trip, here's a few things that I never wore:


nice black pants - didn't need them on the barge and it was too hot at night to wear them

3 cotton Tshirts - it was just too hot to wear cotton plus the sweat would show all over.

white button down - it was too hot to add this over a tank even unbuttoned.  

denim jacket - never got cool enough for a jacket

trail runners - well, I wore them once at ranch but I could have done without them

scarves - too hot to have something around my neck, even at midnight.

long sleeved T - too hot to wear, even on the barge at night.  This particular one couldn't roll up the sleeves to make it usable in the heat. '

the long linen pants I bought in Aigues-Mortes with the shorts and 1 shirt:  I didn't do anything that I felt like wearing them.  If I was going to wear pants, it would have been these instead of the black pants.


Now, I did buy 3 linen shirts and 3 linen shorts on the trip and wore them a lot.  The linen shirts made up for those cotton Tshirts.  The black Chicos shorts and the shorts part of my 3-way zip pants were worn, but they were very hot because of their fabric.  After I picked up the first pair of linen shorts, I saved the Chicos for my evening wear.  


Things I wore a lot that I brought with me:


Again, I'm going to sing the praises of my Woolx shirts that I took.  They were so pleasant to wear in that heat - never stuck to me.  Easy to wash & dry.  And, they didn't stink after a day of intense activity.  

The dresses - OK,  you all were right and I'm sold on them.  That Faherty dress, the Isha, that we all liked, was sooooo worth the money!  I started wearing it for dinner on the barge, but then I wore it out in the cities a few times.  I did a quick wash of the armpits at night and let it dry.   The Woolx LBD was just like my Woolx shirts - sooo nice.  I left it to wear for the concert.  Even though I was sweating all over, it didn't show and I didn't stink!  I may use this in the Winter with a pair of leggings for work!  The denim linen dress I picked up from Sundance with my $50 discount was a nice evening dress to wear around towns.  I kept it for evening since it would show sweat marks in the day.   My American Giant sleeveless T dress - it was cool, but its color showed every bit of sweat on every part of my body.   I'm still not sold on dresses for everyday wear at home, but they were definitely good to have on the trip.  


Next, I'll maybe do the same with the miscellaneous stuff I brought with me.  



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2 hours ago, jhsocal said:

Woolx shirts--Did you wear a bra or t shirt underneath or are they thick enough not to show anything?

I wear my bras under the shirts.  they are very lightweight but opaque.  The ones I took with me were the Bella "tunic" top.  Not really long enough to me to be called a tunic, no longer than my other Tshirts but have a curved hem.  The Lexie dress is made of the same lightweight wool as the Bella tunics.  Don't let the idea that they wouldn't be cool because they are wool fool you - they were better than any of my cotton Ts!!

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20 hours ago, purduemom1 said:

Cynthia, we are headed to Mpls in a few days. Not looking forward to the weather. Heat I can deal with but humidity, that’s another matter. Sounds like you didn’t have much opportunity to enjoy time off. Does your company have an office in St Paul or is it just a good, central location for meetings? 


No, this is an annual scientific symposium that varies its location each year. Generally not held in what I'd call "primary" cities.



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