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If There's an Effective C19 vaccine, will Cruise Lines Require It

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If there is a certainty about stats/figures -one can pretty well skew them to prove whatever one wishes to promote. I now understand that within the huge numbers of UK deaths [reported in Worldometer for example] it will include the person who, having come through the virus successfully -but sometimes later gets killed in another way [road traffic accident] , will still show in the stats as a Covid19 death. Personally I would take the vaccination as would my wife.

Edited by Oulton Jim
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Omg,people are crazy here. Vaccine cant/wont be mandatory. Where does it end? How many mandatory vaccines should you have to prove? Vaccine will come,I predict maybe 50-60% of population gets it. On top of people who already have ad covid and have anti bodies and the likely hood covid will eventually be tamed due to lack of available hosts it will be like the flu which kills quite comparatively to covid including children. Is the flu vaccine proof required? Ive never gotten the flu shot in my adult life. 48 yrs old. Work 56 hours a week treating covid patients and yet I havent been sick or gotten covid this entire time. The fear is worse then the desease. 200,000 people die on this planet daily without including covid deaths. Many other diseases kill every day. 

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2 hours ago, CanadaRob said:

Cruise ships are the only resort/entertainment that have to report and are monitored by CDC so

1)Yes would be mandatory to cruise from USA And probably everywhere else

2) yes will get it  No question

Agree with both points.  We definitely will get the Covid-19 vaccine before we cruise again (even if getting the Vaccine is not mandatory to cruise).

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It may take time for there to be doses for everyone and the first doses would go to those at high risk of death and 1st responders I would think. So when/if cruising resumes it might not be feasible to require everyone to have a vaccine if there aren't enough doeses yet.

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21 hours ago, MoniMommy said:

It may take time for there to be doses for everyone and the first doses would go to those at high risk of death and 1st responders I would think. So when/if cruising resumes it might not be feasible to require everyone to have a vaccine if there aren't enough doeses yet.

That is why I don't think cruising won't start up until next summer - Like it or not, I do believe they will require proof of vaccination in order to board a ship. I really does depend on when a vaccine is available to everyone who wants to get it.


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On 7/29/2020 at 8:54 PM, rtazz17 said:

Omg,people are crazy here. Vaccine cant/wont be mandatory. Where does it end? How many mandatory vaccines should you have to prove? Vaccine will come,I predict maybe 50-60% of population gets it. On top of people who already have ad covid and have anti bodies and the likely hood covid will eventually be tamed due to lack of available hosts it will be like the flu which kills quite comparatively to covid including children. Is the flu vaccine proof required? Ive never gotten the flu shot in my adult life. 48 yrs old. Work 56 hours a week treating covid patients and yet I havent been sick or gotten covid this entire time. The fear is worse then the desease. 200,000 people die on this planet daily without including covid deaths. Many other diseases kill every day. 

Obviously the thought of the vaccine scares you or you wouldn't be calling people crazy.  Also, as someone who supposedly works with patients with Covid, you are the only one I've seen in the medical field who says the fear is worse than the disease.  


I've said it before, I can see it being mandatory, at least for the first couple of years until there is herd immunity. There is some immunity to the flu as people have been getting vaccinated for years and against different strains.  I always get the flu shot and have only gotten the flu once since I started getting it (this past Jan) and even then, it was very, very mild compared to flu I had twice 25+ years ago without having had a vaccine.  You're very lucky you've never had the flu because if you had, you'd never want to get it again.

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Cruising won’t come back in any significant amount until there is a vaccine and/or therapeutic. Whether required or not if people won’t take the vaccine that will delay the cruising comeback. I do believe common sense will prevail over crackpotism and enough people will be vaccinated.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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On 7/29/2020 at 8:54 PM, rtazz17 said:

Omg,people are crazy here. Vaccine cant/wont be mandatory. Where does it end? How many mandatory vaccines should you have to prove? Vaccine will come,I predict maybe 50-60% of population gets it. On top of people who already have ad covid and have anti bodies and the likely hood covid will eventually be tamed due to lack of available hosts it will be like the flu which kills quite comparatively to covid including children. Is the flu vaccine proof required? Ive never gotten the flu shot in my adult life. 48 yrs old. Work 56 hours a week treating covid patients and yet I havent been sick or gotten covid this entire time. The fear is worse then the desease. 200,000 people die on this planet daily without including covid deaths. Many other diseases kill every day. 


SMH. . .🙄🤐

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My two-pennorth for what it is worth. I think that cruise companies have a right to ask for documentation to either prove that every person boarding has had an antibody test to prove they have had it -or that they have been vaccinated. That of course must go for both passengers and crew. Is it foolproof -no [but then what IS?] 

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On 7/29/2020 at 3:47 PM, chipmaster said:


Let's see how biology works out, so far so good with mutation,  skeptical that we will have the best vaccine out of the candidates no entering Phase3


I don't care if it is the best.  As long at it works, I will get it.


If a better one becomes available, then I will get that also.


I got both polio vaccines.  Have had 2 or 3 different Hep A vaccines.  I have had both Shingles vaccines.  I have had two of the three pneumococcal vaccines, third on will be early next year, as the recommend 1 year between the Prevnar 13 and Pneumovax 23.



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On 7/29/2020 at 3:47 PM, chipmaster said:


Let's see how biology works out, so far so good with mutation,  skeptical that we will have the best vaccine out of the candidates no entering Phase3

Why are you skeptical?  They are currently showing great results.  I prefer to think positively.  What is irritating are the people saying they're not going to take that "untested" vaccine, who knows the long term effects, etc.  Especially anyone on tv.  For example I was watching The Talk yesterday and everyone of the hosts said they wouldn't take it right away. They'd wait til it was proven to work, safe, etc.  They were fine with everyone else getting it, but not them or their families.  Vaccines are released routinely without 10+ years of data/studies.  I think it's unfair of them to make those unsubstantiated statements on a talk show because they do have a following of some who think because they're on tv, they know more.  They don't.  BTW, testing is currently going on so saying it's untested is untrue.  Vaccines have been around for a long time and there has been a ton of research done.  So many don't get that the covid-19 vaccine didn't start from scratch. They are using research and data and a starting point from the SARS virus from several years ago that was halted because the virus never took hold because it was contained quickly.  For everyone saying they want their life back, they need to be prepared to man up and get vaccinated because until there is herd immunity, they're not going to.

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5 minutes ago, BND said:

Why are you skeptical?  They are currently showing great results.  I prefer to think positively.  What is irritating are the people saying they're not going to take that "untested" vaccine, who knows the long term effects, etc.  Especially anyone on tv.  For example I was watching The Talk yesterday and everyone of the hosts said they wouldn't take it right away. They'd wait til it was proven to work, safe, etc.  They were fine with everyone else getting it, but not them or their families.  Vaccines are released routinely without 10+ years of data/studies.  I think it's unfair of them to make those unsubstantiated statements on a talk show because they do have a following of some who think because they're on tv, they know more.  They don't.  BTW, testing is currently going on so saying it's untested is untrue.  Vaccines have been around for a long time and there has been a ton of research done.  So many don't get that the covid-19 vaccine didn't start from scratch. They are using research and data and a starting point from the SARS virus from several years ago that was halted because the virus never took hold because it was contained quickly.  For everyone saying they want their life back, they need to be prepared to man up and get vaccinated because until there is herd immunity, they're not going to.


Would I be first in line, nope, several reasons

1) I am low risk and don't believe the roll out will be orderly and systematic and it will be a riot.   Look at federal attempt at testing and PPE, sadly.   Others like the old, obese, and front line deserve to be at the front of the riot.


2) WARP speed means every corner was cut, even if it was safe between ramp in all the production means QC and safety will be compromised, given 1) no need to be first.


3) Efficacy and side effects are unknown, I am sure some few thousand of the hundrededs of millions given to the elder, obese, high risk other health will have side effects and spin more FUD making conclusion even harder to figure out.    Think about it give out a hundred million doses, somebody will drop dead, will be a circus for the anti vaccine folks.


Our lives won't be coming back for another year or two, the economy is in the tank for a while, vaccine or not.  It's a delusion to think a vaccine in December will sort things out.   


The biggest thing that will bring things back is a leadershpi-strategy-culture, those who think a vaccine fixes poor leadership, selfish culture is in la la land.


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41 minutes ago, chipmaster said:


Would I be first in line, nope, several reasons

1) I am low risk and don't believe the roll out will be orderly and systematic and it will be a riot.   Look at federal attempt at testing and PPE, sadly.   Others like the old, obese, and front line deserve to be at the front of the riot.


2) WARP speed means every corner was cut, even if it was safe between ramp in all the production means QC and safety will be compromised, given 1) no need to be first.


3) Efficacy and side effects are unknown, I am sure some few thousand of the hundrededs of millions given to the elder, obese, high risk other health will have side effects and spin more FUD making conclusion even harder to figure out.    Think about it give out a hundred million doses, somebody will drop dead, will be a circus for the anti vaccine folks.


Our lives won't be coming back for another year or two, the economy is in the tank for a while, vaccine or not.  It's a delusion to think a vaccine in December will sort things out.   


The biggest thing that will bring things back is a leadershpi-strategy-culture, those who think a vaccine fixes poor leadership, selfish culture is in la la land.


I'm thankful for all the HEALTHY selfless people who volunteered to test the vaccine.  We need more people like that instead of the "not me" culture.  I think your negativity is influenced by what I can figure is your political beliefs.  Sorry you choose to believe the worst.  As for side effects, I had the shingles vaccine last year and both shots gave me side effects-fatigue, aches, fever,-so much so I couldn't go to work for the day each time, but I'd do it again to avoid having shingles, ever.  There are always side effects to vaccines and a small percentage get them worse, but why do you think a Covid vaccine will be more dangerous?  "WARP" speed doesn't mean testing isn't effective, etc.  


My 63 year old type 2 diabetic husband (very controlled) just volunteered to take part in the latest phase of vaccine testing.  Kind of like the fact he volunteered to defend our country as a Naval Officer for 30 years. 


I think for one reason in particular, you don't want the vaccine to work. 

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I'm thankful for all the HEALTHY selfless people who volunteered to test the vaccine.  We need more people like that instead of the "not me" culture.  I think your negativity is influenced by what I can figure is your political beliefs.  Sorry you choose to believe the worst.  As for side effects, I had the shingles vaccine last year and both shots gave me side effects-fatigue, aches, fever,-so much so I couldn't go to work for the day each time, but I'd do it again to avoid having shingles, ever.  There are always side effects to vaccines and a small percentage get them worse, but why do you think a Covid vaccine will be more dangerous?  "WARP" speed doesn't mean testing isn't effective, etc.  


My 63 year old type 2 diabetic husband (very controlled) just volunteered to take part in the latest phase of vaccine testing.  Kind of like the fact he volunteered to defend our country as a Naval Officer for 30 years. 


I think for one reason in particular, you don't want the vaccine to work. 


I am also thankful to the volunteers. Since cases are very low in my zip code and I don’t get out much I don’t think I would be a good volunteer. I got the two dose Shingrix vaccine as soon as I could get it, it was in short supply, because I saw what my father went thru with shingles. Horrible. My side effects were minimal aches and certainly nothing compared to Shingles. Any side effect from a Covid vaccine is going to be nothing compared to getting a bad case of Covid. I will certainly get one of the first vaccines and if a more effective vaccine comes out later I will get that too.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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4 hours ago, BND said:

I'm thankful for all the HEALTHY selfless people who volunteered to test the vaccine.  We need more people like that instead of the "not me" culture.  I think your negativity is influenced by what I can figure is your political beliefs.  Sorry you choose to believe the worst.  As for side effects, I had the shingles vaccine last year and both shots gave me side effects-fatigue, aches, fever,-so much so I couldn't go to work for the day each time, but I'd do it again to avoid having shingles, ever.  There are always side effects to vaccines and a small percentage get them worse, but why do you think a Covid vaccine will be more dangerous?  "WARP" speed doesn't mean testing isn't effective, etc.  


My 63 year old type 2 diabetic husband (very controlled) just volunteered to take part in the latest phase of vaccine testing.  Kind of like the fact he volunteered to defend our country as a Naval Officer for 30 years. 


I think for one reason in particular, you don't want the vaccine to work. 


Wrong about what I wish for.  People can pray or wish, but reality like biology, math and physics can't be cheated!


I wish very much the vaccine to work, but from everything I've seen, I am skeptical it will be high efficacy, FWIW I also threw my hat in the ring to be a test candidate for any vaccine.


I willing to give my body to science and offer it up, but interest in a health guy who works at home and wears a mask but goes to the gym daily for hours, likely won't get it. Your hubby's risk profile make him much more desirable a test candidate than me, LOL.


A good read, some people like to do spin including the good Doctor, he can't be a realist, but the reality is when leaders really sit the country down and are clear at the risk/costs and why they should be doing what the need to do is when we beat this thing.

Not some wishful, cautiously optimistic noise.   That kind of thing to the layman is just koolaid, drunk down and then you crash later, and wonder why....





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