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8-13-20 Thursday Weigh-In....Can You Believe It's The 8th Month Of The Year?


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I'm so bored and hot. Tired of TV and the Computer.  I'm suppose to be in Europe now!

I could clean the house. Boooooo!  To Hot!  Anyone else bored?  Being alone is the pitts.

Most time I don't mind it but with the virus and now the heat wave and staying home.........

It's bothering me tonight!  Ok enough whining from me. 


Everyone have a Good Monday!

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Belle, I so understand what you are saying.  I seem to be alone a lot also, and believe me I have no desire to clean the house!!!  


Our heat has gone down for the day ... it is only to be in the high 70's ... by the end of the week the humidity is to keep going up ... hate humid weather!     Jan

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Checking in to see how everyone is doing - sounds like everyone is hot, hot, hot! We too are in the high 30's so near 100 F. Too hot! And humid here too. Thankful for A/C. We are also spending more time inside - too hot outside. Although we did spend some time Saturday night on the deck, watching the meteor shower and feeding mosquitos. 


I am going to check out a couple Panama Canal cruises for 2022 that I've heard about lately. Other than that, no cruise planning for me at the moment. I cancelled the one I had booked for next December. Just not sure that one is in the cards for us. 


Hoping everyone has a great week!

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We had a big thunderstorm last night - went from 102° down to 70° in a matter of minutes. Power was out for an hour and a half. We got about 2 to 2.5" of rain and had quarter size hail. No damage to our property, but several trees are down in the neighborhood. It's only 94 with now, so I'll take it!


Doctor's appointment went fine. I mentioned to the nurse that this appointment stressed me out because of the long drive and wait. I was out of there in just 15 minutes and he doesn't want to see me again until January! Guess it was this squeaky wheel's day for the oil! 😆  

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Yes the weather has been "something" all over the world lately with heat, cold and all different

kinds of storms  Europe having a heat wave too. And some say there's no such thing as climate change.


Jan thanks sorry you feel like I do but happy your temperature has gone down. Hate humidity weather.

We don't have it here but once in awhile. I can remember 1st time in Florida got off the plane after it a

rain storm.  Humidity it me in the face! WOW!


Robin your not usually that hot where you live are you? Love the line "feeding the mosquito's".

Your anniversary date is close to some of our birthday dates. Only wish my birthday I would

be 25!:classic_laugh:  Hope you find a cruise to booked. Like I said can always cancel if don't feel safe to take it.


Mel glad your appointment was so short and everything find but sorry such a long drive. Happy you had

no damage from the storm and the temp is a little lower now.  Sorry you lost power for awhile and glsd it

wasn't off for a longer time.


I had thunder and rain too...All I could think...Oh No Rain...it will make the weeds grow in my so called lawns. 

Not what I need!:classic_rolleyes:


Hope all the rest of "you girls" who haven't talked today are doing well and the different storms didn't affect you in any way.


Take care


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Apparently we had quite a thunder storm here too on Monday night - I slept through it. 


My Father's test was negative so that's a relief. They think he just got a flu? I keep telling my parents to be more careful, if they can catch a flu, they can get Covid. 


Belle, I don't think I'd want to be 25 again. I think I'd be happy with being 35 again but I guess I should be happy with where I am, one day I will wish I was 50 again, lol.


Haven't settled on a cruise yet, but yes you are right, can always cancel or change to another date if things don't get better. 


I'm doing really good this week with diet and was craving chocolate yesterday so today, I'm going to try a black bean brownie recipe that was recommended to me. Has anyone made black bean brownies? I'm really hoping they will taste good and not like beans. I'm going to make this recipe if anyone wants to try it as well. I'll let you all know how they turn out. 



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Interesting weather we're all having. We had a crazy thunderstorm Monday am around 1am. Kept us up for 2 hours, huge downpour too. Really hot here in No.CA still. 112 today. Yesterday, despite the heat, I worked in the backyard. So much wind the night before I had to cut some stuff back. Looks better. Will probably do more tomorrow since trash pickup is Thursday. I can fill our yard waste bin. Gives me good exercise too.


Hubby and I are trying to eat more veggies with dinner. 


Robin, glad your dad's test was negative. And glad you're doing well with cravings. 


Belle, yes, we're bored too. The heat doesn't doesn't help. 


Mel, glad the dr. appt. went well. My blood pressure is always elevated at the doc. Fine at home though. I have a blood pressure monitor. 


Jan, what I wouldn't give for some high 70's........Forus, that won't be until October.


Have a good day everyone. 



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Good Morning All


Did everyone have a good Tuesday?


Diana see you were busy today working in the garden. I didn't do much. Heat is

to continue for everyone.  Just remember this in winter when we're cold. Nice

you have more veggies to eat with dinner.


Robin glad your fathers test was negative. What a relief. That's what's going to

happen this winter, everyone won't know if they have regular flu or covid if get sick.

Everyone this year has to get the regular flu shot, a must.

Yes we can ask for any age but we're what we are!  Darn it!  How were the brownies?


How has everyone's eating been during the days of the heat wave?  I not eat much, just picking

but eating more carbs. Drinking more water and ice tea and can feel the water weight gain.

Guess it will go away when it gets cooler.  Bathroom will be my friend.:classic_laugh:


Take care 

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Good morning. Well half the pan of brownies are gone so they seem to be a hit with the family. I did NOT tell them they are made with black beans, I know my family, they wouldn't have even tried them. I made them exactly as the recipe called using the honey option and the 2 TBSP sugar. I found them to be very sweet. I would skip the added sugar if I make them again. They aren't exactly like regular brownies but they are good and satisfy the chocolate craving. I just told the family they are extra fudgey brownies. 


I've gotten back into eating Cauliflower rice instead of regular rice or potatoes to help cut carbs and lots more salads to help cool off. Drinking tons and tons of water. 


Diana - Been seeing the horrible fires in CA on the news again. Hoping they are not near you? BC was doing pretty good until this week - then the dry, hot weather and lightening happened and now we have a bunch of fires burning again too. 


Belle - agreeing with you on the flu shot. It's going to be interesting this fall/winter I'm sure. Our numbers here are going up, up, up - they were actually the highest here since the pandemic started last weekend and yet they are still planning to open up schools for full time, regular classes on September 8th. Seems crazy to me. Glad my girls are both graduated. Even the one in University has all online classes for the fall semester so why send the little ones back to class? I don't get it. 


Stay cool and stay safe everyone!


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Mel, I also spike at the doctors. Glad I'm not alone in that


Diana, is it too late to plant pumpkins? The 6yr old needs a project and I don't know what else to plant. Sort of 1st grade science on growing things 


Robin, black bean brownies? I'll have to Google that!! My daughter is homeschooling this year for a few reasons (1) covid has cut it to 30 minutes of online teaching per day (2) they have get up for the bus at 5:30 and get home near 5. (Bus to Brentwood not Clayton) That's a lot for a 6yr old (3) there's a collective starting up for PE & science for the 14 yr old. A few other kids in the middle of nowhere 


Belle, flu shots are free right now at Safeway


Meanwhile my daughter, her SO, and 3 kids evacuated to my house Sunday (Deer Fire) and we've been eating A LOT since then ..... Paneras take out / pizza / basically junk. Its 105+ and we can't go outside. Yesterday I tried taking the girls to the Oakland Zoo but left when it even hit 95° there. That's in a city that rarely gets over 80°. And yes I had a plate of fries + icee for lunch.. then pizza,  ice cream for dinner. Fortunately (?) S took the dog to his apartment in SF. 

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I'm still around this week - busy getting ready for back to school.  I think we have DD packed as much as we can (a few things need to wait until Friday morning) and I just need to find the mechanical pencils DS likes for him to be done with shopping.


Robin, so glad your father's test was negative 🙂 Hope those of you in CA get relief soon from the fires.  PA is very mild here today.


DH and I will celebrate 25 years October 21st.  We are leaning toward a stay in Panama City Beach during the time we would have been on the cruise (beginning of November).  


Dad blessed us with a bag of onions from his garden and a bunch of tomatoes.  A friend gave a bunch of her tomatoes too along with a watermelon.  Just finished the watermelon today and are about 1/3 through the tomatoes - hoping to use up before they go bad.  Canning lids are no where to be found around us and I have just enough for doing peaches and applesauce so I won't be trying to make tomato sauce or salsa with them.

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PA cruise - when I make tomato sauce I freeze it in freezer ziplock bags ... it will stay fine for a year.   I've also been known to freeze applesauce.


Yesterday was my 47th anniversary and we were going to do a vow renewal ... alas, we didn't go on the cruise .... Every morning my DH brings me coffee in bed before he leaves for work.  Yesterday he served it in my Bermuda mug, so that I could pretend I was there .... I think I'm going to keep him!


I have so many odd allergies that I have never had a flu shot - I'll have to talk to my doctor about that one.  (I can't have tetanus shots, penicillin, steroids, and other odd and ends) .... I was able to have a pneumonia shot without any problems once about 18 years ago. 


It has cooled down here ... It is only 74 today without humidity and a nice breeze.  It is a lovely day.  Jan



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Robin, thanks for asking about the fires. We don't have any in our immediate vicinity but we are surrounded by them, miles from us though. Noticed this morning when I went in the backyard a coating of ash on the bbq, our skies are orange.


Ombud, I think it's too late to plant pumpkins. Those types of plants need to get started in Spring. You could try planting lettuce seeds indoors if you have a sunny windowsill. They tend to grow easily. Not outside though as the heat will kill any chance of them growing.


Jan, Happy Anniversay, so sad you are not on your trip. How nice of your hubby to give you coffee in the Bermuda mug, awww. Yes, he's a keeper. 


Pacruise, so busy getting the kids ready. Nice you got onions and tomatoes. 


Belle, sounds like you're doing well. I notice I too am eating a few more carbs. I'm trying to stay busy. 


This morning I spent 2 hours outside, 1 hour front yard, 1 hour backyard (mask on from the smokey skies) to trim back some tree limbs that were broken, overgrown stuff. I was going to do an arm workout today with some hand weights but I used a saw for some of the trimming and boy are my arms tired. 


That's about it for today. Diana

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Robin - That's great about your dad; I hope he's feeling better too. Your brownies sound intriguing. I love black beans, but I'm not sure I could trick myself into thinking they were brownies. 


Ombud - We can plant tomatoes here for the fall, but we always start from a plant, not seeds. You can always start a bean with a wet paper towel in a clear cup so you can see the roots and stem start to form. I think they do well in a fall garden too; we haven't tried them though.


Belle - at least you're getting your water in!


Jan - Happy Anniversary!


Pacruise - Good luck finishing off your tomatoes. I hate to throw away veggies we didn't eat. 


Diana - Isn't it funny how yard work can make those muscles sore we thought we were working out. My arms feel like the vibrate the rest of the day when I run the weed eater. 


The scale is finally going in the right direction for me. I'm almost back down to last Thursdays weigh in. Hoping for good numbers for everyone tomorrow!

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Nice to see everyone.  Think we have to go to Jan's place she has the coolest weather.


Jan..Happy belated Anniversary wishes.  Sorry about not being on a cruise. Sweet husband.


Seems like we all are surviving the hot weather. Ours just keeps going on.

Just why does thing just keep happening.....All over.  The virus, fires, storms of all kinds.

Should schools open, should businesses open ect ect. Trouble times for us all.

The fighting, the deaths over many things but over masks is so stupid. Speaking of stupid....

we also have to put up with the most meanest/stupidest man ever ..but hope not for long.

(my opinion only)


Well on an upbeat note. your all here and doing fine.  We will get by all this...

Nice some have gardens to enjoy, family and things that make you happy.

We're all trying to get healthy, some days better than others. Trying new foods, exercises.

Glad the brownies were enjoyed Robin.


Speaking of BP. They say see a "white coat" pressure goes up...mine goes up just seeing

the "building" the white coat is in. I like to get my flu shot in Oct. Think it helps to get me

past winter months better.  This year not sure when.  Our counts keep going up. Whether from

more testing or late getting the results..doesn't matter the counts are there.


Take care all..stay safe in your city, town, state. where ever you live or visit.

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My BP always goes crazy high at the doctor as well. Has every since I was pregnant with my first and developed some condition I can't remember the name of but was to do with high BP. I was on bed rest for the last month of the preganancy and I've had White Coat syndrome ever since.


Jan - Congratulations on 47 years!! That's awesome.


Ombud - I blanche whole tomatoes, peel off the skin and freeze them in freezer bags for sauces and such later on. I get a case of tomatoes every year. I prefer freezing over canning - it's quicker. 


And for those wondering about the brownies, I actually had the recipe for almost a year before I decided to try it. I wasn't so sure myself but honestly, they are pretty good. You really can't tell at all that there are beans in them. And I'm not going to tell my family who have now finished off the pan. 

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Happy Anniversary Jan ❤️   We are cool here too - 40's to 50's this morning and still below 80.  I probably will freeze some of the tomatoes and take the nicest to my in-laws tomorrow on the way to take DD to college.


Glad you are staying safe, Diana.  2 hours of yard work is absolutely an upper body workout!  Probably got some good leg work in too with squats and maybe some core/obliques if there was much twisting 🙂 


2 hours ago, RobinCruiser said:

My BP always goes crazy high at the doctor as well. Has every since I was pregnant with my first and developed some condition I can't remember the name of but was to do with high BP. I was on bed rest for the last month of the preganancy and I've had White Coat syndrome ever since.


Jan - Congratulations on 47 years!! That's awesome.


Ombud - I blanche whole tomatoes, peel off the skin and freeze them in freezer bags for sauces and such later on. I get a case of tomatoes every year. I prefer freezing over canning - it's quicker. 


And for those wondering about the brownies, I actually had the recipe for almost a year before I decided to try it. I wasn't so sure myself but honestly, they are pretty good. You really can't tell at all that there are beans in them. And I'm not going to tell my family who have now finished off the pan. 


Robin, your pregnancy condition sounds like preeclampsia/eclampsia.  I never thought of just freezing after scalding then finishing cooking later.  I have room in the freezer and it should be quick.

I saw a bean brownie recipe recently that had very mixed reviews, but yours looked really good (the one I saw had extremely little sugar and no grain - your oats likely make it work).

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@pacruise804 Yes that was it preeclampsia. I was always fine until that. Then I always got stressed going to the doctor as I worried it would be high. My doctor would talk to me and take my BP about 4 times over the course of the visit and by the end it was always a nice, normal level so she wasn't worried. 


I do find the brownies are very soft and fudgey.. And sitting didn't really make them get more cake like but that didn't seem to matter. I cooked for the 18 mins. Next time I will definitely cut the added 2 TBSP sugar and possibly add a bit more oats to see if they turn out more dense like an actual brownie. But just a bit, I don't want them to get dry. 


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