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1 hour ago, SarahHben said:

I was going to say the same thing. The youngsters than I know are being very careful, but I have come across several older people squeezing up close in shops as if social distancing isn’t necessary because they have masks on and also standing too close in pairs or small groups talking on street corners.


I wonder if part of the average age drop is because people like me in our 50’s are doing errands and shopping for our parents who, quite rightly, don’t want to go inside any shops.

When I tell people to keep 2 metres away from me they look dumbly and aggressively back.

I sometimes have to tell them twice to keep their distance.

I feel for some people who might be afraid to tell people to keep 2 metres away from them.

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9 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

When I tell people to keep 2 metres away from me they look dumbly and aggressively back.

I sometimes have to tell them twice to keep their distance.

I feel for some people who might be afraid to tell people to keep 2 metres away from them.


I feel for you mate , flogging a dead horse .Some people struggle with our planet is not flat and the fact a vaccine could save theirs and other peoples lives. So expecting some of them to understand a 2 metre space was always going to be too hard for them .

I wonder how many of those it "will never happen to me " are laid in a ICU bed, oxygen mask strapped to their face , thinking "What the hell have I done ?"  The ones I feel sorry for are the hospital trying to save them. One of my Mrs nurse friends said she has seen more deaths in the last 12 months than all the other years she had been nursing .  We need to do all we can to help them by staying in and staying safe wherever we can .  

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I wonder how many who pushed for meeting family on Christmas Day and broke the rules or bent to suit themselves now regret it and are paying the ultimate price. After the first lockdown many, of all ages, raced to beaches in August around the country, students who held Fresher weeks and disobeyed the rules who were irresponsible and those that raced and booked holidays abroad and then complained when the Government bought in isolation rules on their return. They acted as if the virus was all over. 

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1 hour ago, tring said:

Unbelievable so many are refusing vaccines. 


I do wonder if there is, or will be some prioritisation of people who are treated if there are not enough facilities for all.  That could explain younger people in ITU's and also the quicker deaths.  I have been thinking that for a while, but seems a terrible thought to mention.  Not so long ago they were saying more people were surviving, but hospitals were not so stressed then.

That particular Trust is offering the Pfizer vaccine and they think some staff might be holding out for the Oxford one. We sent 100 of our staff to them to be jabbed so the vaccine isn’t wasted! We had a delivery of 1,200 vaccines and all were booked in just over 24 hours and that’s just the priority groups we identified. The rest of the staff are chomping at the bit for more to be released.

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3 hours ago, tring said:

Must admit I have not come across any member of the public who is dismissive in our area.  One thing is certain though, that the numbers in many areas have been going up sharpish for a while, but Boris delayed doing anything about it, seemingly because of his right wingers who were objecting to severe restrictions in London and the SE.  Even when he eventually clamped down to an extent there, he still left other areas of the country in lower tiers as their numbers started to increase and also allowed the Christmas jolly.


It is far worse for businesses that it had been left so long as will be closed a whole lot longer now.  It is completely catastrophic for the health care staff as well, but this degree of problems were avoidable, which really annoys me.

So numbers are going up because people had not been told they should not go out and mingle?

Maybe the government hoped - forlornly - that by now the majority of people would be able to use some common sense judgement for themselves? Which, if the majority HAD used some common sense,  would have avoided the need for another lockdown.



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1 minute ago, SarahHben said:

If we’re  being careful to wipe our shopping trolley handles before using and hand sanitising on entering and leaving shops, making sure not to touch our faces while out, wiping our cards down after using, wiping down our shopping while unpacking it and quarantining our post, I think we are also quite entitled to want people to stay a distance away. One does not rule out the other.

Well said Sarah, germs on surfaces are not a concern at all if you use correct protocols for hand hygiene and don't touch your face. In the words of Patrick Swayze "This is my space and this is your space" has never been more appropriate!


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16 minutes ago, SarahHben said:

If we’re  being careful to wipe our shopping trolley handles before using and hand sanitising on entering and leaving shops, making sure not to touch our faces while out, wiping our cards down after using, wiping down our shopping while unpacking it and quarantining our post, I think we are also quite entitled to want people to stay a distance away. One does not rule out the other.

Absolutely agree.

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Some good news from Leader of Council this evening we will have 3 vaccination centres up and running by end of January equipped to vaccinate 4000 a week initially getting up to 10000 by end of month. The intention is to vaccine all over 80s and frontline health workers by end of January and over 70s by end of February, hopefully that means over 65s in March.

Stocks of the Oxford vaccine arrived today, a number of volunteer vaccinators have been recruited and they are looking to staff the administration side with a mixture of paid staff & volunteers releasing health staff to do the vaccine work.


Cases in the borough tripled last week to 802, there was 1 death.


There is talk that rise in cases is partially due to people from Tier 4 areas coming to the town over Christmas & New Year to shop as non essential shops were open, we were Tier 3 then. 



Edited by Snow Hill
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51 minutes ago, majortom10 said:

I wonder how many who pushed for meeting family on Christmas Day and broke the rules or bent to suit themselves now regret it and are paying the ultimate price. After the first lockdown many, of all ages, raced to beaches in August around the country, students who held Fresher weeks and disobeyed the rules who were irresponsible and those that raced and booked holidays abroad and then complained when the Government bought in isolation rules on their return. They acted as if the virus was all over. 

Sadly now 2 weeks after Christmas day the death rate is at a record level so I'm sure there will be guilt feelings among some people.

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I must say that folk round here keep their distance.  I walk the dog every afternoon and go down a narrow path.  As soon as someone sees me, or I see them, I stand to one side and allow them to pass.  Nobody has not done that.  Went to Tesco yesterday, wiped my trolley, santised my hands.  Nearest I came to anyone was the girl behind the glass screen at the checkout.  It's common sense!  Oh silly me, some people don't have any.


Lots of tier 4 people came down here and more went to Cornwall.  Cornwall has had an unbelievable spike.  They were the lowest in the country, but they aren't now.

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1 hour ago, nosapphire said:

So numbers are going up because people had not been told they should not go out and mingle?

Maybe the government hoped - forlornly - that by now the majority of people would be able to use some common sense judgement for themselves? Which, if the majority HAD used some common sense,  would have avoided the need for another lockdown.



The shops and for quite a while restaurants were still open in many areas including ours at a later stage.  If shops and restaurants are open people will use them.  Are you seriously telling me you live in an area where some people were not using ships and restaurants when they were open, if so I can tell you I do not believe you. 


The TV pictures from London were particularly bad with many people crowding the shopping streets before shops were closed.  Also pictures of the West End showed people at tables which were very close together and even standing up next to each other chatting.  The restaurants by us had tables well spread out away from each other, both inside and outside.  Also our local politicians were calling for restaurants and shops to be closed, compared to the SE where many politicians and even local people were saying they should be able to carry on and not be put in higher tiers, which had become common place in the North, but our numbers were going down and in fact were doing so before Boris put in the mass testing, which he constantly referred to as being responsible for the decline in Liverpool numbers.  Rubbish they were going down with the tier 3 restrictions previously.  Our shopping areas were not madly crowded like London.

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2 hours ago, majortom10 said:

I wonder how many who pushed for meeting family on Christmas Day and broke the rules or bent to suit themselves now regret it and are paying the ultimate price. After the first lockdown many, of all ages, raced to beaches in August around the country, students who held Fresher weeks and disobeyed the rules who were irresponsible and those that raced and booked holidays abroad and then complained when the Government bought in isolation rules on their return. They acted as if the virus was all over. 

None of which is anything to do with the current situation.

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Despite everything, I do believe that there needs to be a sense of perspective.

For example - the two ladies who drove, in seperate cars,  5 miles,  for a walk in a secluded area, and then to be fined £200 each, and because they were each having a coffee, were told they were having a picnic!  

And then you gave the police in a Tesco carpark asking shoppers if their journey is necessary! 

The law exists and is obeyed because we believe it to be just and fair - when the police pounce on these sort of indiscretions but fail to respond to burglaries,  domestic abuse etc. there will be a breakdown in the general consensus that the law is applied to everyone in a rational manner.

We are very close to becoming a police state , with the police becoming over zealous in their interpretation of the government guidelines.  5 miles or 3 miles?  Your local policeman can decide and fine you £200 on the spot.  

Sorry, but regardless of CV19, we need to have clear legislation, and not allow the local plod to determine what is right or wrong.  


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5 minutes ago, wowzz said:

Despite everything, I do believe that there needs to be a sense of perspective.

For example - the two ladies who drove, in seperate cars,  5 miles,  for a walk in a secluded area, and then to be fined £200 each, and because they were each having a coffee, were told they were having a picnic!  

And then you gave the police in a Tesco carpark asking shoppers if their journey is necessary! 

The law exists and is obeyed because we believe it to be just and fair - when the police pounce on these sort of indiscretions but fail to respond to burglaries,  domestic abuse etc. there will be a breakdown in the general consensus that the law is applied to everyone in a rational manner.

We are very close to becoming a police state , with the police becoming over zealous in their interpretation of the government guidelines.  5 miles or 3 miles?  Your local policeman can decide and fine you £200 on the spot.  

Sorry, but regardless of CV19, we need to have clear legislation, and not allow the local plod to determine what is right or wrong.  


I understand they are going to review the fines. I would be somewhat irritated if i was accused of having a picnic for sitting down and opening my flask of tea half way round my daily walk.


Not sure about the police state though but the lockdown needs to be tougher than it is.

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2 minutes ago, davecttr said:

I understand they are going to review the fines. I would be somewhat irritated if i was accused of having a picnic for sitting down and opening my flask of tea half way round my daily walk.


Not sure about the police state though but the lockdown needs to be tougher than it is.

They weren't even sitting down!  How is that a picnic?

If you want a tougher lockdown, fine. But in that case you need strict definitions as to what is local and what isn't,  not just allow the local cops to decide. 

I'm allowed to visit my Mum, as I am part of her bubble,but she lives 150 miles away - legally I can visit her, but I wonder if the local plod will know that if they stop me? 

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Government dashboard figures for Medway today are 2958 positive tests in last 7 days and 65 deaths, horrific. Local news report that two temporary morgues are being opened in Kent as the death rate is so high.


I am thinking of taking my daily walk in the hours of darkness to minimise potential contacts, probably early morning as I have not been sleeping well for months.


Just read this from Mailonline about the south african variant

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps warned today that Britain's new test and release scheme at the border were essential to keep out the mutant variant, which he claimed could threaten the UK's mass Covid jab programme. 😨

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3 minutes ago, davecttr said:

Government dashboard figures for Medway today are 2958 positive tests in last 7 days and 65 deaths, horrific. Local news report that two temporary morgues are being opened in Kent as the death rate is so high.


I am thinking of taking my daily walk in the hours of darkness to minimise potential contacts, probably early morning as I have not been sleeping well for months.


Just read this from Mailonline about the south african variant

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps warned today that Britain's new test and release scheme at the border were essential to keep out the mutant variant, which he claimed could threaten the UK's mass Covid jab programme. 😨

"Better late than never" Shapps. Just a total waste of a skin.

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2 hours ago, Snow Hill said:


There is talk that rise in cases is partially due to people from Tier 4 areas coming to the town over Christmas & New Year to shop as non essential shops were open, we were Tier 3 then. 




This happened to us even after the new variant had become well understood.  We then had very low virus numbers but were left as an island with higher tiers completely surrounding us, so our restaurants and later, even shops were left open when the other areas around had theirs closed.  It is natural to go to a shopping centre on another area and so I do not necessarily blame the people who travelled to our area, but local tiers of different levels will always be a problem IMO if all within fairly close, highly populated areas.  Sad, but that appears to be the way it is.


Edited by tring
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In as much as the police will ever admit they are wrong, this comes pretty damn close.  I like the way the Derbyshire Police "welcome " the fact that they were totally wrong and out of order in persecuting two innocent individuals, and have had to rescind the fines issued. 

This us a difficult time for all of us,  but civil liberties must be upheld.


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7 hours ago, wowzz said:

In as much as the police will ever admit they are wrong, this comes pretty damn close.  I like the way the Derbyshire Police "welcome " the fact that they were totally wrong and out of order in persecuting two innocent individuals, and have had to rescind the fines issued. 

This us a difficult time for all of us,  but civil liberties must be upheld.


In the 1st lockdown in Italy,we were restricted to our village with its little supermarket,but were allowed once a week with self certified certificates to shop in neighbouring larger towns,1 person only allowed to enter shop.This was easier to police with basically just 1 road,with fields and sea on 1 side and mountains on the other.Exercise was allowed a maximum of 200 mts from house.A plod stuck his red lollipop out of his car window and sent me home when I was 600 mts away walking alone on the beach road,lol.It all becomes "the norm" after a while.Cheers,Brian.

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1 hour ago, brian1 said:

In the 1st lockdown in Italy,we were restricted to our village with its little supermarket,but were allowed once a week with self certified certificates to shop in neighbouring larger towns,1 person only allowed to enter shop.This was easier to police with basically just 1 road,with fields and sea on 1 side and mountains on the other.Exercise was allowed a maximum of 200 mts from house.A plod stuck his red lollipop out of his car window and sent me home when I was 600 mts away walking alone on the beach road,lol.It all becomes "the norm" after a while.Cheers,Brian.

Is that a euphemism 😲

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9 hours ago, wowzz said:

In as much as the police will ever admit they are wrong, this comes pretty damn close.  I like the way the Derbyshire Police "welcome " the fact that they were totally wrong and out of order in persecuting two innocent individuals, and have had to rescind the fines issued. 

This us a difficult time for all of us,  but civil liberties must be upheld.


I think they were more or less forced to back-pedal after an item on our East Midlands news last night. The story initially featured several instances of the Derbyshire police stopping and turning people away from local parks in the Derby area - also the main one of the two young ladies who were fined £200 for driving 5 miles to have a walk. The journalists then interviewed the Chief of Police for Nottinghamshire who more or less rubbished the tactics of the Derbyshire force. He seemed more in the camp of policing by consent rather than the heavy handed approach. The inference being that if you interpret the guidelines too strictly then you will encourage a kick-back mindset

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9 hours ago, wowzz said:

In as much as the police will ever admit they are wrong, this comes pretty damn close.  I like the way the Derbyshire Police "welcome " the fact that they were totally wrong and out of order in persecuting two innocent individuals, and have had to rescind the fines issued. 

This us a difficult time for all of us,  but civil liberties must be upheld.


I live in Sussex and have been hearing from locals that in both East and West Sussex the police are monitoring the main A roads into Surrey and London and also the roads heading to the beaches like Brighton.

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