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Will vaccines now be required?

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18 minutes ago, yorky said:

I do wonder how the cruise lines will deal with it, not a problem for us as we will be vaccinated but potentially a problem for some.


It'll be no different thsn them mandating facemasks and/or covid testing. You do it or do you don't go. Or in this case, prove it or go home. 

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3 hours ago, yorky said:

I guess it’s the nature of the online beast. I’m personally not interested in trying to influence anyone else any more than they will influence me. If you don’t want the vaccine don’t take it, individual decision and risk. We will be taking it so hopefully we won’t be effected directly by someone who has not taken it and becomes ill. Can’t really do any more than that.

In the United States vaccines can be mandated by states. I don’t think they will be for the general population but it is legally possible. 

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1 hour ago, kirtihk said:

0.  Why?  It's due to the fact that no one cared (and I don't mean from the cruise lines, but rather the rest of the world).  The end.


PS. I've been on a few cruises where a lot of people got very ill, and nothing happened in terms of awareness of any virus presence.  On one 14-night cruise around 1/5 of passengers coughed profoundly (and even choking from that cough) non-stopped starting around day 4 and gradually by end of that cruise a number was closer to 2/3 (I overheard a number of people complaining about having fever, too).  One couldn't hear performers during shows in the theater because of those coughs.

Been on more than 60 cruises, 50 on Celebrity.  Never ever encountered anything close to what you are talking about.  Have had a couple cruises with code red from norovirus and a couple other cruises where a number of people seemed to have respiratory illness, but nothing of the extreme you mention.  Sorry you had to experience that. 


I have to ask - how many people on those cruises died or required being put on a ventilator?  I of course know that sometimes happens with flu as well, but nowhere near the frequency with Covid.  That makes all the difference.  Too bad some people can't see that and continue to use flu as a comparison.

Edited by phoenix_dream
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5 hours ago, yorky said:

I only ask because having spoken to a few people their opinion on Covid has changed dramatically from before losing someone close to it actually happening. 


lol, in the US you have patients in the ER testing COVID positive with serious disease trying to refuse admission because they don't think it exists and think you are lying to them.

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10 hours ago, TeeRick said:

nocl, pinboy, LGW59 there are many good posts from all of you on these CC boards IMO.  But I also can see that even very good posters can sometimes get caught up in the web being spun by a troll.  I have just used my Ignore button with this one.

But it is fun to take the links that some of the trolls post and point out how they really do not support the case they are trying to make. and that they are trying to use them totally out of context or for that matter author intent.

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1 hour ago, UnorigionalName said:


lol, in the US you have patients in the ER testing COVID positive with serious disease trying to refuse admission because they don't think it exists and think you are lying to them.

For that matter you have some dying from it and still telling the medical staff that it must be something else because COVID is a hoax and does not exist.

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On 11/28/2020 at 6:46 PM, cachouonacruise said:

To get rid of Covid, one of the best way we have is to ensure that a high percentage of every world population is vaccinated. 


Therefore, I completely agree that travel should be used as an incentive to increase vaccination levels.


From my perspective, any government would be hard pressed to make the vaccine mandatory. All kinds of people for all kinds of reasons, would use charters of freedom and rights to object to vaccination.


However, if the vaccine is required for travel purposes, whether just crossing a land border, taking a flight or a cruise etc. it would become a powerful incentive to increase the vaccination ratio without impact on people’s freedom.


You don’t want the vaccine? No problem! It is your right! However, that choice may impact your access to new destination.


It would be only fair, in my opinion, that people willing to expose themselves and others to higher risks, be made accountable, by having access to more limited options. (Exceptions, could be made for people medically certified not being able to receive the vaccine)


Similarly, I believe that vaccination should be required to gain access to specific types of jobs, for example, in the health care systems or in education etc.


In 2020, we lost so many people around the planet due to this virus. Business of different sizes and in varied domains have suffered serious consequences. In turn, their employees also were expose to dire consequences.


We just cannot afford, the risk to live again these consequences, because of some capricous ideologies. 


Once vaccines are declared safe by health authorities, let’s use that tool to open travel again! The sooner, the better.



Thank you for stating your opinion in a non-condescending manner, something that many people on a certain side of the vaccination debate have trouble doing.  I agree with you, by the way.

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11 hours ago, TeeRick said:

nocl, pinboy, LGW59 there are many good posts from all of you on these CC boards IMO.  But I also can see that even very good posters can sometimes get caught up in the web being spun by a troll.  I have just used my Ignore button with this one.

You are right...it's gotten to the point of my contributing, somewhat innocently, but nonetheless still contributing.  I just issued myself a cease and desist order!!!

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On 11/28/2020 at 6:22 PM, Blackduck59 said:


While you have a good point and I agree with your time line, I'm afraid I'm not sure I have your faith that the anti-vaxxers won't show up boarding pass in hand, demanding to be allowed to board. When you see news reports (complete with video) of a disabled store employee being beaten by someone for daring to ask them to follow a provincial health order and wear a mask, your faith that some people will grasp the rules is shaken to the core. 

The cruise lines can write whatever they want in the certificate of passage. They can easily have problem people be removed. If they won't comply... goodbye! MSC proved that when they left a family for leaving a tour.

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On 12/1/2020 at 7:33 PM, Goodtime Cruizin said:

Tin foil will be the least of the concerns when it comes to shortages. 


I do have a question though.

What % of the "wear the mask or don't cruise" are also anti-vaxers?  

Here is my arm!!! Give me the shots!!!!!! I want to fly and cruise and not be concerned! My Mom is 94 and cannot quite get around the fact that I haven't visited her in 9 months. I have "underlying" conditions. I want to see Mom, but keep her safe.


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3 minutes ago, Keys Kathy said:

Here is my arm!!! Give me the shots!!!!!! I want to fly and cruise and not be concerned! My Mom is 94 and cannot quite get around the fact that I haven't visited her in 9 months. I have "underlying" conditions. I want to see Mom, but keep her safe.


AGREE!!  SO sorry to hear you have not been able to see your mom, while understandable precaution IMO, still very difficult.  I just saw my daughter and her fiancé tonight for the first time (my choice as I take all pro-cautions due to a medication I take) since late August, we had a chilly dinner on an outside patio with heat lamps.  It was worth it, as I learned that I am going to be a first time grandfather!!!

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12 hours ago, Ride-The-Waves said:

Vaccination against COVID-19 or its latest strain will be a requirement to cruise.  Those who don't have a vaccination, now called "zombies," will not be permitted on board.  Period!  And its possible that, like "common" flu, annual vaccination updates will be required.  Countries to they today and it was prevalent around the world post WWII - requiring proof of selected prophylaxis to enter.  


11 hours ago, KnowTheScore said:


The zombies are the unhealthy people riddled with illnesses that they cough and sneeze all over everyone else.   They all trot off for their annual flu vaccines yet still sit there coughing and spluttering all day long.  Perhaps we should be quarantining those people and putting them off the ship?


Folks, name calling doesn't help.  And, if you want to ignore someone, then do so.  Just stop talking about him/her and what they're posting.


We are hoping to be vaccinated by spring, so we can start traveling again late summer.

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1 hour ago, Lady Chew said:



Folks, name calling doesn't help.  And, if you want to ignore someone, then do so.  Just stop talking about him/her and what they're posting.


We are hoping to be vaccinated by spring, so we can start traveling again late summer.

I am hoping to be vaccinated so I can start living a NORMAL life again!  If cruising, travelling is part of that, woot, woot, but just some normal will be good.

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16 hours ago, Goodtime Cruizin said:


It'll be no different thsn them mandating facemasks and/or covid testing. You do it or do you don't go. Or in this case, prove it or go home. 


11 hours ago, LGW59 said:

AGREE!!  SO sorry to hear you have not been able to see your mom, while understandable precaution IMO, still very difficult.  I just saw my daughter and her fiancé tonight for the first time (my choice as I take all pro-cautions due to a medication I take) since late August, we had a chilly dinner on an outside patio with heat lamps.  It was worth it, as I learned that I am going to be a first time grandfather!!!

Congratulations! When does the bundle of joy arrive?

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13 hours ago, nocl said:

But it is fun to take the links that some of the trolls post and point out how they really do not support the case they are trying to make. and that they are trying to use them totally out of context or for that matter author intent.

Yeah I understand your reasoning.  But they will not understand when you respond since they are usually anti-science or just really don't care.  So I have found it best to just use the Ignore button.  Others can of course do as they wish but unfortunately perfectly good threads with a lot of sound and useful information get disrupted constantly.  And they get out of control and get removed.  That is clearly the intent of the troll.

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55 minutes ago, KnowTheScore said:


Wow so it's perfectly ok for you to waltz on-board a ship coughing and spluttering with colds, ILI's or Flu and to gaily spread that about everywhere you go and if that just happens to kill a few older vulnerable people with weak immune systems, hey no problem, that's life right ?!!!



That's not what I said, nor is it what I meant.  No sense responding with logic so I won't.

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1 hour ago, KnowTheScore said:


Wow so it's perfectly ok for you to waltz on-board a ship coughing and spluttering with colds, ILI's or Flu and to gaily spread that about everywhere you go and if that just happens to kill a few older vulnerable people with weak immune systems, hey no problem, that's life right ?!!!



It sounds like you shouldn't cruise or even travel if everything concerns you. For years, the cruises I have been on have asked medical questions when I am checked in. Over the years they have adjusted for things like Ebola and other medical situations that crop up. Even before Covid they offered those who weren't feeling 100% a free visit with the ships Doctor.


 Upon boarding, X offers, and thankfully most people accept, hand sanitizer before you get on the ship. I believe that is why they have routinely have less incident of illness. They follow through on the ship with humans consistently offering hand sanitizer. Of course, I have always protected MYSELF by using sanitary wipes on door knobs, the phone, TV control etc. You still have to have personally responsible or are one of those that think someone else should take care of you? It's always someone else's fault????

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I had decided days ago that I would not get involved in this discussion but now feel the need.  


Some of you will search me because the number of posts, the history of those post and length of membership is your cue to discount what "newbies" and "rare posters say"  Let me save you the time.  I have been a member since 2001 and rarely post because I see no need to agree with 5 other opinions, post emojis or question marks for the sole purpose of increasing my post count. 


Please allow me one point, just because someone disagrees with your opinion does not make them a troll.  I have read and respected some of the post by people here, but calling someone who continues to come back to defend (whether you agree or not) their opinion a troll is the equivalent to sticking your tongue out on the playground and taking your ball and going home.  


I am no anti vaxxer.  I have received all my vaccines, my children received all of theirs.  I am 68 years old and pretty healthy (a cancer survivor - the key word there is survivor).  I have not taken a flu shot in 40 years for the simple reason that the last time I got seriously ill with the flu, was, hmmmm 40 years ago.  I don't have any issue with those who do, I just don't.  My SIL is a teacher and gets the flu shot every year and also gets the flu every year.


While I am excited and encouraged at the prospect of a Covid  vaccine, I will not be first in line to get it.  I have asked almost everyone I know and deal with and their answer is the same. This group of friends includes liberals and conservatives, democrats and republicans.


  I need a little more history before I have something that has not been thoroughly tested and tried injected into my body.  I need a little more long term studies and results.


My opinion does not make me an anti vaxxer, troll  or covidiot.  It is simply my opinion.


If it is required by cruise lines and I want to cruise, then I will get it.  In the mean time, I will wait a bit and see.  In the meantime, I will continue to distance, wash my hands and stay away from people who are sick.  Really the things I did long before Covid.  I wear  mask when required and rip it off the minute I am outside.  I would rather you stay 10 feet away from me with no mask than 1 foot close to me with one.


Wishing health and happiness to all

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A vaccination may well be required to cruise and travel but I think it will be difficult to implement until a long way into 2021 or even ever depending on what happens further down the line.


How long can cruise lines wait for enough people to be vaccinated to justify needing a certificate to board.


If by Easter only those at the highest risk are vaccinated will they exclude a huge part of their markets to wait for the rest. It would be ok for high end cruises who's market are targeted at the older cruiser but for the mainstream cruise lines it would be more difficult.


I can imagine a scenario where anyone over a certain age or with health conditions would be required a vaccine certificate to travel come Easter with those at low risk of covid being allowed to travel without a certificate and then close to the end of the year everyone required to have one.


The UK Government has hinted that there may not be a need to vaccinate the under 50's without underlying comorbidities


If covid-19 is similar to influenza where you can still carry and transmit the virus, a vaccine passport would be pointless as it would only prove your symptoms will not be as bad. If it is more like Yellow Fever then it would make sense even if it only gives you a limited time coverage.



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2 hours ago, KEG21552 said:

I need a little more history before I have something that has not been thoroughly tested and tried injected into my body.  I need a little more long term studies and results.

Just out if curiosity, just how long are you prepared to wait for these long term study results?

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I don't have a specific time table that I could say right now.  At the very least, I would want more information on adverse reactions and side effects that occur upon administration.  For all of the efficacy numbers that I have scene, there is a very small sampling size so far.


I certainly don't have the answer and don't claim to be any type of scientist or researcher, I am just stating my comfort level.


I know someone has to go first and respect those who make that choice.  

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