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The Daily for Sunday Jan 31, 2021


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Good morning everyone. Wow, January is over. That means I’ve been in quarantine for ten and a half months. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun.


Getting ready for the storm expected here and hoping we don’t lose power. I sure could use hot chocolate during the snow fall.


When I was a kid, we had backwards day in camp. Besides wearing our clothes backwards, we also had dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner. It was always lots of fun.


Grandson number one is in the air on his way to LA. Grandson number three is on his way by car from NJ to University of Rochester in NY where he has to take a covid test before checking into the dorm. 

Stay safe and double mask everyone.



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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

Good Sunday morning.  I remember backward day when I was teaching.  The kids and I laughed so much at our clothes on backwards.  I make papercrafts so art always inspires me.  It's cold this morning, 43 degrees, so Hot Chocolate would be perfect.

W.C. Fields always had something unique to say.

The meal sounds good and will inspire me to make just sloppy joes for dinner tonight.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.



Ingredients: 1 1/2 oz White rum, 1 oz Lime juice, 1/2 oz Simple syrup
Preparation: Pour all ingredients into shaker with ice cubes. Shake well. Strain in chilled cocktail glass.
Served: Straight up; without ice
Standard garnish: Half a lime slice

Screen Shot 2021-01-31 at 6.50.01 AM.png




Not good for the diabetis but it sure sounds tempting.  I might try it sometime but do not tell my doctor.

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Good morning Dailyites.  I hope all of you are well.  We got about 7 inches of snow overnight. It started lightly  around 4 PM and never stopped. 


Rich thank you for another fine Daily report.  Thanks to all posters. 

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Good morning everyone. it is so encouraging to hear that so many are getting their jabs and it does seem that systems are being established. Still their was an article in the Miami Herald Herald this morning that private jets are still flying into Florida so people can get vaccinated. The centers in So Flo are now requiring proof of residency (utility bill, driver's license etc) before the first shot. Hopefully the people who are still waiting will get theirs soon.

I  still have no side effects from my 2nd jab on Friday, however DH started with chills, painful muscles and stuffy nose yesterday 24 hours after his shot. He is still not feeling great this morning but was really glad I'd made chicken soup as it was all he wanted yesterday! 


Wishing everyone a peaceful and safe Sunday,





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dooG gninroM enoyrevE!  (That's about as much backwards as I can take...)


I'd like to start by thanking whoever it was that mentioned Jigzone earlier this week on puzzle day. I checked it out and am enjoying it!  Bonus:  no missing pieces or pieces ending up on the floor.


Cold and rainy here today, a hot chocolate sounds great -- but try as I might I can't seem to make one that tastes anything like the thick, rich concoction that I have enjoyed in Paris in winter... 


2 hours ago, cat shepard said:

This wine offers the balance and elegance that has become Chandon's hallmark style. When you taste Brut Classic, look for nutty flavors with hints of brioche that build to a refreshingly dry finish. The wine delivers complex apple and pear characteristics accented by citrus spice over notes of almond and caramel in the bouquet. Chandon California Brut is great with anything salty, creamy or nutty. 


Oh goody -- this sounds delicious. I'll take caramel and brioche any day over "wet rocks" or "gun metal"!


Actually this started me thinking about some of the weirdest descriptors I've heard of from various wine reviews. I never saw the original review for this, but someone quoted a reviewer who mentioned that the wine smelled like "dead daisy water" -- ugh!!





And by the way @bdrcole  I love the wine socks!

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It is 30F right now with just a hint of snow in the air. I think I need to go out in search of steaks to grill! 


Here are some more pictures from the flower market in Taiwan. It is in Taipei under the Jianguo Elevated Roadway at Ren'ai Road (you can find it on Google Maps). There is a Jade Market right across the road. I think they are only open on weekends/holidays and are parking lots otherwise. I don't have pictures inside the Jade Market, but there was lots of interesting stuff. I was at the beginning of a multi-country business trip so I resisted the temptation to buy anything since I was travelling light. 







Here is a badly focused shot of the Jade Market entrance -


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Good morning all!

I'll take my hot chocolate with some Bailey's please. 🙂 

I like sloppy Joes, not sure about on pizza.....but that gives me an idea for dinner tonight.

Love the W.C. Fields quote!!  

Saying prayers for all in the storm's path that you stay safe and warm.


It's sure interesting to hear different experiences with the vaccinations -- how they're given and any effects afterwards. After my first jab I had a very sore arm for a couple days whenever I tried to lift that arm, and then suddenly one morning it was fine.  Also had some headaches.  DH was the same, although somewhat milder.  I think I'll have lots of soup and blankets on hand for after our 2nd jabs on the 18th.  


@Sea ViewerI'm surprised to hear there are still people coming to FL on private jets to get their vaccinations. 😞   I hoped the whole state was now requiring proof of residency after the governor said no vaccines for anyone out of state. It would be great if those who are doing that were turned back, a waste of time and $$ for them. 

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Sunny here this morning but cold. Temp right now is 15F which, I guess, is an improvement over what it has been. Am watching storms to our west. "They" have just changed our Wednesday forecast to rain rather than snow. Fine with me as long as it is not freezing rain. It can snow in the high country. For those who have never been here.... we are in the valley but the valley is at 6300 feet elevation. It goes up from there. Snow levels often cut off at 7100 feet for some reason.... so high country snow, valley rain is common. Anyway, we have plenty of snow in the valley from the last 3 storms.  My jab appointment is mid-morning on Wednesday so I am hopeful. I can drive in snow, just don't like to.


Alternating between working on taxes and sorting a storage area. Don't know which I dislike most.





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9 minutes ago, cruisemom42 said:

I'd like to start by thanking whoever it was that mentioned Jigzone earlier this week on puzzle day. I checked it out and am enjoying it!  Bonus:  no missing pieces or pieces ending up on the floor.

That was me -- glad you like it!  I'm totally addicted, especially to the 600-piece Mosaics.  

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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

Interesting days. I never had backwards day at school. I like art and hot chocolate.

It's cold here and the snow started overnight. Unsure of the amount between today and tomorrow, but it could be 10" (not as much as New England and eastern PA is getting).


I never got my carrot soup made, so that's for today. Plus bread baking.

As a little stay at home treat I ordered a new iPad yesterday (gen 8); I'll trade in my old one (gen 5), so that brought down the price.


@rafinmd Congrats on getting your shot. I guess the immune system is working on it. I know some have felt yucky after the 2nd shot, but it's worth it.


Prayers to the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask.


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I enjoyed the pictures of the flower market in Taipei.  Brings back memories as I lived in Taipei for three years, from 1961 through 1963.  We usually return about once a year, but probably not this year.  However, the Noordam will be stopping there next year on our upcoming cruise, which is why we chose that leg of the B2B2B.  With the first shot and an appointment for the second, and Spring about two months away, I am more upbeat about the coming year.

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Good morning, all!  I love all the drinks for today, but we will continue our "dry January" for one more day, and celebrate tomorrow with some prosecco.  


@Overhead Fred, interesting to see the bleeding heart vine in Taiwan with so many flowers!  DD acquired one a few years ago, and it is so happy in our kitchen (it has a near-death experience every time we put it outdoors) I keep having to hack it back - we have only had one flower on it so far, but the leaves are humongous!


Yours:  P6120171.thumb.JPG.4fdbc27ec11faa5595c1656f55c994c6.JPG.2198123d2d372cc51ccbb25e136ae0d0.JPG






I bought a bleeding heart tree (clerodendrum) when we had a house, and the hummingbirds loved it.


It is due to rain all day, so I  think I will put the primroses out that I bought the other day and try to start hardening them off.  Of course, that will bring on a freeze.


BTW, it took Pat 12 minutes to fall asleep in his new recliner watching the BBC news....

Edited by Vict0riann
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Good morning, all! What a good collection of days! The art may finally inspire me to make a face mask using some of my botanical prints. Masks will be with us for some time to come, so they may as well be worth looking at! And the cold rain forecast all day and for the rest of the week inspires me to celebrate hot chocolate as well. The quote was good for a laugh, and some thought as well!

Today, and all week by the look of it, we’ll be doing our walk in winter coats and umbrellas. They are forecasting constant rain until Friday, followed by a temperature dip and snow. Oh well, no one ever said they came to Canada this time of year to enjoy the weather!

Congratulations, Roy, on getting your shot! I look forward to reporting on a sore arm of my own, but that’s still several months away.

Happy Sunday, everyone, from the elevators of our blue hulled beauties!



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@ger_77, when I was a child, my mother (really a wonderful person) told me more than once that I couldn’t draw, and I believed her.  At some point in the last year or two (I am in my 60’s), it dawned on me that I most certainly COULD draw, even though it might not suit everyone’s (anyone’s?) definition of drawing.  That was a very freeing realization!

I am having fun reading and thinking about all the recipes that are shared.  As retirement creeps nearer (~150 days), I’m thinking about all the “real” things I’m going to do again.  Like cook.  And maybe draw.  😉

Best to all as we turn the page to February.

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1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning and thanks for the update.

Hot chocolate sounds delicious for making it thru the storm today till Tuesday. Latest version is 10-15 inches 😱.

   Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

Wishing we all were on a DAM ship.

Me to!

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4 minutes ago, Live4cruises said:

@ger_77, when I was a child, my mother (really a wonderful person) told me more than once that I couldn’t draw, and I believed her.  At some point in the last year or two (I am in my 60’s), it dawned on me that I most certainly COULD draw, even though it might not suit everyone’s (anyone’s?) definition of drawing.  That was a very freeing realization!

I am having fun reading and thinking about all the recipes that are shared.  As retirement creeps nearer (~150 days), I’m thinking about all the “real” things I’m going to do again.  Like cook.  And maybe draw.  😉

Best to all as we turn the page to February.

Happy Retirement!

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Good morning.  Love the quote.  Will probably celebrate with a strawberry daiquiri when we are finally back on a blue hulled beauty along with the surf from the surf and turf.  Hot chocolate is a good way to start a chilly day.


It is good to see so many getting their first or second  shots.


Again thanks Rich for the daily, Roy for the lists, and to the “drink ladies” and all who make this a nice place to visit.



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15 minutes ago, Live4cruises said:

Thank you!!  It cannot come soon enough, and it is going to be wonderful!!

I recommend it highly -- best decision I ever made! More cruising time!!


I remember that school kids used to put their PJs on backwards at bedtime to make sure the next school day was a snow day. Someone must have been practicing that last night, because we woke up to a snow storm this morning -- First measurable snow here in two years!!

Edited by NextOne
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👍Happy Sunday morning and Thank You for the Daily! 😄

In a few minutes, 🎧 I'll listen to my church service online so I will make it quick. I'm happy for all those individuals getting their vaccines! Stay safe and continue to wear your mask! 😷


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Congratulations to all who have received the vaccine or are scheduled for it. It is interesting how access varies so much by region. The reports of after-effects are also interesting. Here, supplies of vaccine are low and there is a long list of registrations (which does not represent an appointment). It is encouraging to see progress in other areas. Hopefully more vaccine will arrive and that long list will go down. 

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5 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for today’s Daily, Rich! Another great combo of days. Sometimes I feel as if things are going backwards - perhaps I celebrate it too early. 

Sorry your arm is sore this morning, Roy, but happy you got your jab! As always, thank you for keeping our lists! Morning Dailyites! Best wishes to all of you facing the storm. This is why I am in Florida. Though it seems no matter where I have lived, Nor’easters always bring the worst weather for me.


Great quote, meal & drink! Looking forward to winning the vaccine lottery soon. And can not wait until I can resume my normal activity level. 

Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to all we are celebrating!

Stay well everyone!


Very good ratings & a great price makes this sparkling wine one that I might add to my list. I found quite a few of distributors with prices starting at $14.99. 

Winemaker Notes

This wine offers the balance and elegance that has become Chandon's hallmark style. When you taste Brut Classic, look for nutty flavors with hints of brioche that build to a refreshingly dry finish. The wine delivers complex apple and pear characteristics accented by citrus spice over notes of almond and caramel in the bouquet. Chandon California Brut is great with anything salty, creamy or nutty. 
WW91 Wilfred Wong of Wine.com: This wine is subtle, fresh, almost complex, and perfect. Its aromas and flavors of dried herbs, tart fruit, and chalk would be a beautiful way to start dinner. (Tasted: July 18, 2020, San Francisco, CA)
Wine Enthusiast: Rich with ripe fruit and mellow spices, this medium-bodied wine offers a broad texture, finegrained bubbles and good complexity in its bakingspice, apple and pear flavors.

We were lucky to have this several nights in a row at our hotel lounge in Tokyo.  It is decent for the price as is the pink version,  but still I prefer Bollinger or Veuve Cliquot🤷‍♀️

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3 hours ago, superoma said:

Last night I made the fish with feta and tomatoes from a few days ago and dh loved it.

I made it on Friday and DH loved it too. I used fresh cherry tomatoes instead of the canned tomatoes. I was only cooking two fish fillets so didn’t want all the extra sauce leftover. I roasted the tomatoes in the oven then added the feta to soften a bit. It came out really good. 

Edited by Sharon in AZ
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