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The Daily for Monday Feb 8, 2021


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Was nice to be back on CC and interacting with my sisters again and all of you.
Heading out 🔜. Wanted to check in.

Thank you Rich with everything you do.

Boy Scout Day I think of our Roy who is so dedicated to the Scouts!!


🌺Ann, I will pass on the wine this time,

🌺Summer, that drink I wouldn’t like, 

🌺 Jacqui Marley looks so cute in ALL that snow!! I have never been in snow like that except once in Mammoth sooo long ago! Our snow up there this year with lack of rain in January we had it BUT nothing like yours.

Have a great day all!!

Another good day for all of us👍Stay positive! Going out to help give vaccines.

Check back later


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Monday already.... 👍Thank You for the Daily!

Probably a good day to clean out boxes and boxes in the garage.....🙃way too much 'stuff!" 

Hubby was into scouting and made Eagle Scout....he also attended the Jamboree in Kandersteg in Switzerland ages ago when his family was stationed in Germany. (Switzerland is on my Bucket List still!) Anyone else have a country on their Bucket List?😄

🙏 Prayers for all who are in need. 🙏


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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

DH had a severe reaction to jab #2.  Fever of 102, chills, body aches.  Lasted 24 hrs. and he's fine this morning.  I only had a sore arm where the shot was given.

Not at all unusual.  I was down for the count on day 2 with severe headache, chest tightness and body aches but on day 3 I was back to my normal self.  Usually indicates a good response for building up immunity.


We had another clinic at our hospital this morning for second doses of Pfizer.  We were swamped for two hours then things slowed down.  Again, we used up all of the doses we were allocated.  There was a second clinic across the street at the Civic Center for first timers that was also very busy.


Can't wait to start cruising again...  Wear your mask, PLEASE...


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Good morning all!

32 degrees F here when I got up this morning, and we're heading for low 20's for lows this week.  I know that's nothing compared to what some of you are getting!  @kazu that's an amazing amount of snow!!


Our son was a Cub Scout but never went on to Boy Scouts, both our grandsons are in Cub Scouts now and their Dad, our SIL, is their Pack Leader. Ryan made it to Eagle Scout. 


I like most Gewurztraminer, but this one says it's sweet so will pass.  The dinner looks very interesting, a little like something my Mom used to make (minus the cheese). Because of Diabetes I don't have corn and bread at the same meal if I can help it, so I think I'll keep the biscuits and not the corn. 😄  Also will use grated cheese instead of Velveeta.  It does look tasty.


@summer slope glad to hear your DH is doing fine now.  So far I haven't heard of anyone having those side effects longer than a day, keeping my fingers crossed when our turns come in 10 days.


@dfishI'm excited along with you for getting your first jab!


I'm also very happy and relieved for my best friend and her husband, they were able to snag their first appointments!  They will happily drive from Bellingham to Burlington, about 30 minutes each way for them, to a Haggen's.   



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Good morning.  Like the meal suggestions, but it’s leftover Thai pork tonight.


No super bowl hangover, but we did watch the game.  Most of the commercials this year were disappointing.  I do like that several advertisers used their ad money for charity this year.


Instead of cleaning up my computer, it’s house cleaning day.  😩



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Hope everyone is having a great day.  I enjoyed the game yesterday, especially since I had no strong feelings for either team.  Kind of underwhelmed by the commercials and half time show.  Watched three or four commercials and when they ended I had no idea what the product was that they were selling.  Maybe they were only looking for name recognition.  As for the music, maybe that is my fault.  As I get older, I tend to prefer music from an earlier time.  I did enjoy the flyover of the B1, B2, and B52 bombers, though.


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Good morning to us on the west coast, and good afternoon in the east...  Thanks to Rich and Roy for the Daily news


 I am late today, as I went grocery shopping early.  


The NE Florida eagles are hatching, one is up and the other egg has a mighty crack.  Hope the siblings are kinder to each other than the SWFL eaglets...



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Good morning, and thanks for the Daily!

We're hovering around 10F this morning, with enough icing to cause travel issues in the area. We're sending out warm wishes to those who have it colder than we do.

We are still patiently waiting for some movement on the vaccination front. They have been announcing that they still have openings for those 80+, but the decision has apparently been made to prioritize vaccinating inmates with no increase in supply so when that bar will drop closer to our age is unclear.


To share a warmer thought, sunrise on a sea day one year ago as we were sailing to Aruba.



Please stay safe and healthy, and have a great afternoon!


Lori & George


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Good morning, all! DH takes care of the computer, but it’s a good day to clean up the iPad and a few email folders that have outlived their purpose. The Beef and Biscuit Bake sound good, especially now that the temperature has plunged below zero and doesn’t look like coming up,again for a while. Chinese New Year is only four days away, and I’ve challenged myself to make a gingerbread pagoda. This would be a good day to get the dough and the template done!

Stay safe, and stay warm, and Happy Monday with memories of sailing warmer seas.A55A9374-1D6E-4560-9F62-F140447A7D5A.thumb.jpeg.94e883146820c8736db85f9a52d0ffb0.jpeg


And for memories of warmer times, sunset in La Quinta California three years ago today.



Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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Not completely cleaning out computer but re-installed the printer, deleted duplicate photos from iPhoto and most importantly, made sure that my Mother's land line is registered with do-not-call as she receives calls every 10 minutes about sorry nonsense things.  At nearly 101 years old, she has plenty of other things to keep her busy.  I wish that I could move her to the head of the AZ Covid-19 vaccine line!! Thanks for the posts, makes for a happy way to start the day!

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Thank you Rich for the Daily. Many thanks to my sister Ann for the wine reviews, and summer and Roy. I'm happy to see the 3 sisters together again. I had to take some "time off" from the aftermath of all that's happened the past few months.


We met a couple for lunch last Wednesday. On Saturday, the hubby went to VA for his first poke. Yesterday he woke up disoriented and could barely move. Wife called 911. 7 medical personnel showed up and off to ER. Just got the call he has covid related pneumonia. He's already gotten a dose of plasma and will be in the hospital for a few more days. We called our doctor to see if Allen can get his 2nd poke on Wednesday or if we have to finish quarantine. Waiting for a call back. 

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2 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Thank you Rich for the Daily. Many thanks to my sister Ann for the wine reviews, and summer and Roy. I'm happy to see the 3 sisters together again. I had to take some "time off" from the aftermath of all that's happened the past few months.


We met a couple for lunch last Wednesday. On Saturday, the hubby went to VA for his first poke. Yesterday he woke up disoriented and could barely move. Wife called 911. 7 medical personnel showed up and off to ER. Just got the call he has covid related pneumonia. He's already gotten a dose of plasma and will be in the hospital for a few more days. We called our doctor to see if Allen can get his 2nd poke on Wednesday or if we have to finish quarantine. Waiting for a call back. 


Wow!  That's scary.  I wonder if there was any relationship between having the vaccination at the same time as incubating the virus.  Let us know what the doctor says.  I do believe, in England, with a shortage of vaccines, they are waiting up to 12 weeks (that would seem like forever!) for their second shots.

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Good morning and thanks all!  A special shout out to Roy, keeper of the lists and for recognizing Laurent Duvernay-Tardif!  

It is so cold we can’t even go out for a walk, time to clean out the room and get to the treadmill.  Started a jigsaw of Japan during cherry blossom time!  Dreaming of visiting there again! 




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21 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Thank you Rich for the Daily. Many thanks to my sister Ann for the wine reviews, and summer and Roy. I'm happy to see the 3 sisters together again. I had to take some "time off" from the aftermath of all that's happened the past few months.


We met a couple for lunch last Wednesday. On Saturday, the hubby went to VA for his first poke. Yesterday he woke up disoriented and could barely move. Wife called 911. 7 medical personnel showed up and off to ER. Just got the call he has covid related pneumonia. He's already gotten a dose of plasma and will be in the hospital for a few more days. We called our doctor to see if Allen can get his 2nd poke on Wednesday or if we have to finish quarantine. Waiting for a call back. 

Joy, how scary for you & Allen! Hopefully he will recover quickly. Keeping you both in my prayers. ❤️

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6 hours ago, richwmn said:


Wine of the day - Navarro 2019 Late Harvest Gewurztraminer (Anderson Valley) Mendocino County vintage



5 hours ago, cat shepard said:



Sweet wine lovers this excellently rated Mendocino wine might be one you would enjoy. A bit pricey - I found a couple of online distributors with prices starting at .$49.00. 

Wine Enthusiast

This gorgeously sweet wine is well balanced enough to serve before or during a meal as well as with dessert. It offers wonderful rose-petal and grapefruit flavors, a rich texture and a touch of brisk acidity to counter the sweetness. 




Visiting "The Daily. . . ." has become a regular morning event for me.  I enjoy every aspect of Rich's opening.  People who know me, and there are a few out there who do, also know that I am a wine geek.  So, after reading Rich's opener, I look forward to cat shepard's follow-up.  With all due respect to  her (If you are not a lady, I apologize for my presumption.}, I would like to add a few comments.


For those who have never tried it, I think Gewurztraminer is an excellent pairing with Asian cuisine--particularly, Chinese.  Gewurztraminer is vinted over a wide range of sweetness ranging from completely dry to darned (technical wine geek term) sweet such as today's "Late Harvest" example.  In my experience most domestic Gewurztraminers are semi-dry--i.e., there is some detectable sweetness.


It is my opinion that Navarro is the finest Gewurztraminer vintner in California,  They also do a very good job with Chardonnay and Pinot Noir.


I scurried off to the Navarro web site and found this entertainin information on their Late Harvest Gewurztraminer.


In mid-September of 2019, we left a block of Gewürztraminer unharvested with the hope that the grapes would rot before they were lost to birds or bears, and that the rot would be clean botrytis. Fortunately, we were able to drip-irrigate the vines; this helped maintain a full canopy which protected grape clusters from the birds. Bears go wherever bears want to go but the big bruisers prefer our most remote vineyards. Finally by mid-October, the leaves yellowed and slowly began to fall. We decided to harvest on the 23rd and were thrilled that botrytis had infected many of the clusters. These were our last grapes harvested which is always a relief as well as a festive occasion. The grapes were destemmed and allowed to macerate, releasing flavors and volatile esters from the skins.


After pressing, the juice was cool-fermented in stainless steel to retain all the fruity aromas and flavors. Gewürztraminer's varietal perfume and exotic tropical fruit flavors are well suited for sweet wines and they shine in this bottling. However, this wine's sweetness is counterbalanced with ample acidity so that the finish is clean and crisp. A perfect pairing with ripe melon.


When we started making wine in the 1970s, the textbooks said that botrytis didn't occur naturally in California, so at the destemming machine during harvest Ted would throw away any cluster with rot. During the 1979 harvest, a visiting German winemaker, Konrad Seppelt, scurried behind Ted and picked up the rotten clusters into a bucket. Konrad scolded Ted and said he would crush the grapes Ted threw away and throw away the fruit Ted crushed. To prove his point, he told Ted to eat some of the unappetizing, botrytised berries—they were delicious and the following vintage yielded Navarro's first late harvest wine.


I might add that because of the richness of dessert wines--a little goes a long way--they are often sold in half-bottles--375 ml as opposed to the 750 ml "standard" bottles.  The $25 price is for the 375 ml size from the winery.  If you can find it from another source--retail store or online vendor--it would, probably, be a tad less expensive.


Finally, for readers who enjoy road trips, the drive on State Route 128 from Cloverdale through the Anderson Valley to the Pacific Ocean is awesomely beautiful--especially, through the redwoods at the western end.












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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily. I'm late today as I had a doctors appointment and lab work to do this morning.

Tomorrow is the day for my 1st shot! Of course they're calling for 3-4" of snow overnight, but it's supposed to end late morning and my appointment is early afternoon. Hopefully road crews will have been out and about.

No Superbowl hangover; congrats to the Bucs. I clean out my computer all the time; sometimes I get rid of stuff I later want!

Leftover pizza and salad for dinner, I think.


@rafinmd I hope your brother is doing better.

@summer slope  Glad your DH is feeling better. 

@mamaofami Interesting how people have different reactions. I witnessed an acquaintance's funeral streamed on Facebook. Strange times. Good news on the CT scan!

@Seasick Sailor They may want him to finish quarantine first. Hope you both are ok.


Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

Stay safe, social distance and wear your mask!

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4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Thank you Rich for the Daily. Many thanks to my sister Ann for the wine reviews, and summer and Roy. I'm happy to see the 3 sisters together again. I had to take some "time off" from the aftermath of all that's happened the past few months.


We met a couple for lunch last Wednesday. On Saturday, the hubby went to VA for his first poke. Yesterday he woke up disoriented and could barely move. Wife called 911. 7 medical personnel showed up and off to ER. Just got the call he has covid related pneumonia. He's already gotten a dose of plasma and will be in the hospital for a few more days. We called our doctor to see if Allen can get his 2nd poke on Wednesday or if we have to finish quarantine. Waiting for a call back. 


Very glad to see you back today, but boy that is one crazy story about your friend.  He had asymptomatic Covid when he had the shot.  I really sympathize with him.  My MIL had her first shot in her nursing home, then 10 days later tested positive for Covid.  Then 2 1/2 weeks later they gave her the second shot after she had spent the previous week in very bad condition lung-wise (probable bronchitis).  All this at the age of 94!  She is still with us and slowwwwly getting a little stronger.  She doesn't eat enough and everyone is encouraging her to eat more to gain her strength back.  


We get our second Moderna shots tomorrow morning and I'm hoping for no reactions.  Last time it was only a sore arm for 48 hours.  Feeling very lucky here...

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1 minute ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@StLouisCruisers Hey Girl! Great to see you.. please come back to our thread. I've missed you. Hoping the (you know) has passed and we're back to being fellow loving Daily-ites! Xx, Joy


I'm one of your fans and I've missed you too!  Keep smiling!

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