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The Daily for Thursday May 27, 2021


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Good morning, all! Finally I’m getting a post in while it’s still AM. I’ve never had a player piano. We had a regular one growing up, which my brother was a natural on. He went on to peruse music as a sideline. My piano aptitude was, well, probably the reason I was encouraged to go outside and play with plants and animals. It is pouring rain here today - no sunscreen needed. Last night I sprayed the lower leaves of the apple trees with deer repellent. They have now been washed clean before the spray had a chance to dry and set.

The quote is good, and maybe why so many of us want to see the world while we still can.

Peach salad sounds good, but fresh local peaches are still months away. Gerry’s Vietnamese rolls sound much more doable today!

I need to get DD’s shawl in the mail today. If there’s a break in the rain, I have an idea for a scarf that needs 3 or 4 big maple leaves split down the middle and lined up with the scarf edges. We shall see.

In the meantime, Happy Thursday, courtesy of our beloved BHB’s!



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Fukuoka Japan was one of two ports substituted on our 2014 “Slow Boat to China” cruise when we had to cancel Tokyo due to a typhoon and ducked over to the other side of the island. Instead of another big industrial city we got some really interesting ports. My blog for the day follows:


Slow Boat to China - Day 16 - October 7
Fukuoka, Japan


A fabulous day!  


Shortly before 8:00 am we were escorted into the harbor by the Kyoho Maru, a local tug boat.  The skies were clear and before long there was bright sun - the first morning that I remember on this cruise that the shades on the aft wall of the dining room needed to be pulled down.  The temperature was in the 70's and it was shirt sleeve weather.


Our choice for this port was to be independent and go in search of that Japanese lunch that has been evading us so far this trip.


About 9:30 this morning we made our way to the gangway and walked the short distance to the very sunny shuttle bus stop provided by the port authority.  They were handing out complimentary fans to use to shade your face from the sun - very useful.  


It did not take long before we boarded a bus from our berth at this industrial dock to the main terminal building.  There was tourist information there and a line that stretched across the terminal to purchase full day bus passes to get into and around the city.  We opted to share a taxi into town and discovered that our taxi-mates had been on the Prinsendam with us in 2007 when she went around Antarctica.  Small world.


Once in town we started to wander.  It is difficult to use a Japanese map and Japanese street signs to navigate - but, nevertheless we tried - we had to guess by the way the streets intersected, the river, and other land marks where we were.  We were aimed at one of the many shrines in town.  


Along the way we got to a local covered market full of stalls mostly filled with consumer goods and some foods.  There were large banners posted advertising "Octoberfest", and orange flags hanging with pictures of jack-o-lanterns on them.  


There was also a stall that sold art work ... anything from hangings with traditional Japanese scenes silk screened on them to a large, colorful oil painting of a dog wearing glasses ...   


As we snaked our way through the market we came to an entrance through which we could see a park.  We left the market and went to check out the park.  It was priceless!  There was a croquet match taking place between two teams of senior citizen, complete with vests that sported their player number, coaches, referees and a score keeper with a microphone.  


There were local families with children and dogs watching the play along with us.


We continued to wander until our feet and backs pretty much wore out - we never found the shrines - but we did find the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum whose regular collection was closed and unfortunately the special exhibit they had did not really appeal.  A disappointment.


On we went and by now we were in the downtown upscale shopping area.  We meandered through malls and viewed stores filled with sleek, modern furniture (we really enjoy the Japanese aesthetic), expensive clothing, tea and spice shops and restaurants.  


There were some fantastic plastic train sets with small Shinkansen trains (bullet trains) on tracks that climbed spirals three feet and more above the ground.  A kid's toy that would probably interest the parents too.  At least it interested us.


We finally decided to stop for lunch.  DH ordered a chicken stir fry dish full of enoki mushrooms that came with a salad and a bowl of rice topped with a small pyramid of tiny pink fish roe.  I ordered a noodle soup in a large iron bowl that was topped with an egg, a lovely crunchy bit of lotus root, a large mushroom, chives, a slice of egg omelette (I think this is referred to as tomago in sushi restaurants in the states but forgive me if I have remembered the term incorrectly) and several other items that I have seen before but do not know what to call them.  


The star of the show, however, was a slimy green ball with veggie looking green flecks in it about the size of an egg yolk that was very chewy like the coating on mochi ice cream.  It was, shall I say, very interesting to eat, only a vague veggie/sea weed flavor, and I have no idea on earth what it was.  Possibly I don't want to know.  All part of the travel experience.


I am sure that many folks found the shrines and other not to miss tourist sights around - We, however, who are just too simple to succeed at the basic skills of map reading were content to wander, mix with the locals and soak in some of the current culture.


Sail away this evening was on the promenade deck where we were treated to a group of Japanese drummers who were on the dock in traditional dress - large sounds propelled by strong arms - and about half of the drummers were women!  Hot appetizers were passed and drinks could be purchased.  It was a rousing performance that peaked and then continued as we slowly made our way away from the dock and out to sea.  The Amsterdam applauded the drummers with three long blasts on the ship's whistle.


I have to say that both of the ports that were added to replace Tokyo have been wonderful treats.  HAL made lemons into lemonade.


We went to the show tonight.  The entertainer was a Japanese juggler by the name of Tempei.  He was billed as a member of Cirque Du Soliel, and a world champion juggler.  He was not originally scheduled to perform - but agreed to substitute for whoever we were supposed to pick up in Tokyo.  He was fantastic.  Totally smooth and controlled he not only juggled but he blurred the line between juggling and magic as he made objects appear to levitate in his hands.  I confess this is the first show this trip that I have attended where I had no trouble staying awake - and I wanted more at the end.


Tomorrow we are in Nagasaki.


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Forgot to mention the biggest news of the day, I think I found someone to look in on the cat while we're cruising, one of our good neighbors will come in every couple of days and fill the auto feeders and water dish.  Yay!  That was the biggest concern I was having, not easy at all to find pet care, and I do not recommend rover....they will put a hold on funds in your account just to inquire 😲 what a scam!

Edited by atexsix
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Good morning all!  A very interesting thread today, and I will definitely be saying prayers for those that need them, and giving thanks for the good news that some are sharing with us.  It's too bad about flare-ups of Covid in Australia and Newfoundland, we have been coming down steadily, and the numbers on the island have stayed in the single digits for a few days. Today we will get the latest information about what they are going to do about second doses of vaccine.  Evidently there is some evidence that a second dose is required quickly to protect against the variants of concern, so we are expecting them to put the jabs forward to perhaps 12 weeks instead of 16.  We had our shots in March, so should be soon for us.  The good news is that lots of vaccine, especially Pfizer, are arriving in Canada.


I have lived in hot countries, Philippines, Colombia, the Bahamas and Kenya, and also did the baby oil thing, so I have had some terrible sunburns.  But I cannot use sunscreen, the last time I put it on in Peru on a cruise, the doctor on board had to give me an infusion of a steroid to bring down the swelling.  So I just have to cover up.  


About 20 minutes after Pat left for golf this morning, one of his buddies called to say that he and another golfer would not be going as the weather forecast was bad.  So I don't know what is going to happen with the two that evidently will play.  Now the sun is shining, but it does come and go.  I'm waiting for the grass we sowed a few days ago to sprout, but it's like that watched kettle that won't boil, I must just give it time and stop checking it.  My tomato plant has flowers blooming, and the zucchini has lots of buds, so I think our weather is going to remain pleasant.    I got some more perennials and annuals at the garden shop yesterday and planted them, so some rain will be welcome.  There have been some bees buzzing in my alliums, I was happy to welcome them - you are supposed to talk to the bees, they are our friends....

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8 minutes ago, atexsix said:

Forgot to mention the biggest news of the day, I think I found someone to look in on the cat while we're cruising, one of our good neighbors will come in every couple of days and fill the auto feeders and water dish.  Yay!  That was the biggest concern I was having, not easy at all to find pet care, and I do not recommend rover....they will put a hold on funds in your account just to inquire 😲 what a scam!

We’re lucky. We have a northern friend who comes down to watch our cat and enjoy the warm weather. 

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3 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for creating the Daily, Rich! This magical place where people, many who have never met in person, gather to share, support, laugh, cry and celebrate the human spirit. A virtual family. That is what I choose to celebrate today. I wish I could take away everyone’s pain: emotional, psychological and physical. But I can’t. So everyone know that today I celebrate us. Thank you for being here. 

Praying for all who need our support. Celebrating all the wonderful things happening. Stay well all.

My sentiments exactly. Rich and all thanks. 
I’m off to the post office and then to the liquor closet. It is literally a closet with French doors and the old gentleman leaves the cash register to go into the closet snd get what you need. He knows nothing about drinks so I have to get my directions from all of you here. I’ve got a few things on my list of bottles I don’t have. Last cool day before a heat wave and a tourist weekend so will be staying home in style. 

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1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

kazuthank you so much for including our DGS on the care list.  I think he can be removed now, DD says he's doing well 🙂  He will get his cast on Tuesday


That’s great news 🙂 

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Good Afternoon All, thanks for the daily report.  A busy morning here.  I started by seeing an update in another thread by @richwmnregarding emailing the shareholder benefit.  After remembering how to scan I submitted my request and my next four cruises have the OBC attached.  Work kept me busy and the afternoon promises to be just as crazy.  I’d enjoy a fresh juicy peach, just not in a salad.  I hope everyone has a Good Friday Eve.

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1 hour ago, durangoscots said:

I am starting a year's stint as president of the board of directors of our local Humane Society. Have done it before.... a bit time consuming but interesting. Since we are working on getting our renovations lined up it should be challenge. When this is over, I will really need a cruise.


That will be one challenging year.  I’ve been in those shoes except we had to find a new shelter and renovate it.  


Hope you have some workers on your board that will give you lots of support 🤞 Good for you for taking on the challenge!  👍 

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Lindaler - DH is the photographer which is why I don’t always have photos to post. Depends on whether or not we take the time in the evenings while cruising to Bluetooth photos over to my device. 

I will pass on the compliment. Thank you. 

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1 hour ago, Dismomx5 said:

Good morning! A nice and bright sunny morning here today.  The kids will need sunscreen to play outside.....and a jacket, since it's gone from high 20º to mid teens today.


My godparents had a player piano when I was little. So much fun! I got my exercise pedaling that thing!


I love the quote, and it is a reason that we cruise. Hubby would be happy to stay home watching t.v. but I want to experience new things. Luckily, he doesn't complain when I drag him along.


We are celebrating the quick, and healthy birth of our granddaughter very early Tuesday morning. She came at 36 weeks, but appears to be none the worse for wear. This son lives just 2 km from us and they are doing renovations to the house, so the family (including 3yo grandson and Bernese Mountain dog) will be spending lots of time here for a few weeks. ❤️  Another granddaughter, turning 2 next week, was also born at 36 weeks. She is now in the 90th percentile, so is a model for her tiny cousin to aspire to. I think that I'll be able to get my steps in!


Prayers for those on the prayer list. and cheers for those on the celebration list. Raising my glass to those who make this a safe place to travel every day. Blessings to all.




Great news!!!  Congratulations 🙂 

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11 minutes ago, arzz said:



Great photo!! Love how you captured the depth in the photo!

I also took a pic of this to add to my album for sketches! 
Thank you! 
May I ask if this was a camera shot or phone? If camera what lens did you use?


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12 minutes ago, summer slope said:

We’re lucky. We have a northern friend who comes down to watch our cat and enjoy the warm weather. 

That's nice! 


The whole matter is super frustrating.  Our cat is usually fine on a 7 day with someone checking in on him.  We actually haven't ruled out boarding, but that's not my first choice, with our health issues it's difficult for us to get him into a carrier, he can easily squirm out of our grasp, our only option with that is to use a large dog like kennel and lure him in with food.  Not nice, but what other choice do we have?  Vets used to give you sedatives to help with this type of thing, but now they won't do it at all, the anti-med crowd has infiltrated the pet world too I guess.  


Well I'm off to the bank to deal with this stupid hold on funds rover pulled on me.  Bank website states they drop off automatically if the charge isn't firmed up, but how long?  A week?  Frustrating!!!

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👍Thank you to all contribute especially to @richwmn, @kazuand @rafinmd.😊

We have been to today's port and the date was March 24, 2018 but I can't locate photos. I remember taking the ship's shuttle to a drop off point but where??...maybe Starbucks, lol.

Growing up in Southern California, we used cocoa butter to get that nice glow and now with sun damage the glow comes from foundation, ha!😮

😢It's a sad day in California with another deadly shooting and prayers go out to the families at VTA.🙏

👍Addtionally, prayers to all in need! 🙏


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Sunscreen duly applied since I have garden work to do and for a change it is neither raining nor 90° F. Even so, I'll plan the work so as to stay out of the sun as much as possible. No prospect of frost here.


Although there's only a 1% chance of rain, there's a 90% chance of Pinot Noir this evening, but it will be from a box.


In the first salad photo, are those nectarines?

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Good morning and special thanks for everyone’s concern.  @cat shepardyou sum up this caring community so well!   congratulations to @Dismomx5,  a new  grandchild is wonderful news!  
@StLouisCruisers Godspeed!  Not easy, but glad you can be together.  Prayers for peace and strength.  

Well we were scheduled in Spring 2019 to visit Fukuoka, and I had made all the plans for visiting the port but it was changed just before sailing to Sakaiminato, so I will post those photos.


We visited one of the black castles Matsumoto, and laughed hysterically on the little boats we rode around the canals lying on the floor packed in like sardines!  The Michelin starred garden was exquisite.   So the port change was a bonus!  











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1 hour ago, Dismomx5 said:

We are celebrating the quick, and healthy birth of our granddaughter very early Tuesday morning. She came at 36 weeks, but appears to be none the worse for wear. This son lives just 2 km from us and they are doing renovations to the house, so the family (including 3yo grandson and Bernese Mountain dog) will be spending lots of time here for a few weeks. ❤️ 

Is this the house you just moved out of?



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