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No masks or social distancing on cruises!!


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15 minutes ago, jetsfan58 said:

There is still way too much disbelief in the Medical experts, the efficacy of mask wearing and the "Cult like" beliefs that were unfortunately engrained into our Society. I will absolutely wear my mask until I feel that most Americans are willing go get vaccinated. I personally know several individual families that are fully vaccinated and some members have subsequently tested positive for Covid. The Reward for Wearing the Mask outweighs the absolute Risk.     

Except for the absolute zero blind studies showing masks work. And the blind study that shows they don’t slow the spread. 

There are people dead today because they thought masks would save them. They were wrong. 

Edited by Hoosierpop
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22 hours ago, jedi bobs said:

If you are on the ship, and a mob takes off there masks at the very next stop if not in port they WILL be debarked and have to find your own way home at your own cost. If you are still in the home port or it happens close you will be debarked with no refund. If Carnival or any other operator does not do this the CDC will shut them dowm.



Shaking my head

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7 minutes ago, Hoosierpop said:

Except for the absolute zero blind studies showing masks work. And the blind study that shows they don’t slow the spread. 

There are people dead today because they thought masks would save them. They were wrong. 

There are also people alive because they continue to wear their masks. I was always taught that there are two sides to every story. You have to examine both sides (whether you convince the public or not) before making blind study assumptions.  

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The CDC states that vaccinated people do not have to wear masks, so the people who are fearful just need to accept that the best thing they can do is get vaccinated.  Goodness, I have vacationed in Florida three times, the last two times there were packed outdoor concerts with maskless people back to back.  I mean spring  break type crowds.  And yet, here I am alive and well.

 I really don't get the fear for some, but that is their own  fear and they can come to terms with it.  There are many contagious diseases a person can get and this has always been the case.  I can't imagine living in such fear that I would be afraid to be around people without masks.  

As far as people ordering fake vaccination cards, well maybe in lockdown states. Nobody cares about masks in the rest of the states.  Businesses do not ask for proof.  Anyone can walk in without a mask, so why would someone order a fake card?  Maybe New York, Oregon, Washington, and California have people ordering the cards.  You don't need a fake card where I live.

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5 minutes ago, jetsfan58 said:

There are also people alive because they continue to wear their masks. I was always taught that there are two sides to every story. You have to examine both sides (whether you convince the public or not) before making blind study assumptions.  

I follow science. No actual study has shown masks stop the spread of the virus. But there is at least one that shows it doesn’t. 

Again, I’m not saying anyone shouldn’t wear a mask. But telling me to wear one is simply not based on science. And I follow the science. 


Let’s let cruises happen where people make their own decisions. I don’t need the CDC who has been more wrong than right telling me what to do. 

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2 minutes ago, Hoosierpop said:

I follow science. No actual study has shown masks stop the spread of the virus. But there is at least one that shows it doesn’t. 

Again, I’m not saying anyone shouldn’t wear a mask. But telling me to wear one is simply not based on science. And I follow the science. 


Let’s let cruises happen where people make their own decisions. I don’t need the CDC who has been more wrong than right telling me what to do. 

History has shown that when a population starts making decision disaster usually follows. There is no justifiable way that any Cruise Line decision should be made by the the passengers and/or the Crew. Doesn't really matter to me if the CDC makes the decision or not. I am more concerned with the true, accurate and safe decisions that are going to and/or are being made. An outside consultant could come in an make the decisions as long as they are qualified to do so. 

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3 minutes ago, jetsfan58 said:

History has shown that when a population starts making decision disaster usually follows. There is no justifiable way that any Cruise Line decision should be made by the the passengers and/or the Crew. Doesn't really matter to me if the CDC makes the decision or not. I am more concerned with the true, accurate and safe decisions that are going to and/or are being made. An outside consultant could come in an make the decisions as long as they are qualified to do so. 

Well, those who advocated lockdowns were simply wrong. Those states that lockdown the most had more deaths and more infection. 

People can trust government to tell them how to live their lives. The “experts” were wrong in quarantining healthy people. Luckily, some states like Florida, Georgia and Texas didn’t buy into the lockdowns long. And are better for it. 

Anyway who wants no risk of getting the virus can stay home. But leave the rest of us alone. 

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7 hours ago, jedi bobs said:

Please correct me if I am wrong, but the CDC requires you to were your mask on your balcony too, and they do have cameras that can look into your balcony/your neighbor could report you if you don't.

Unless you are traveling with children who are not eligible for the vaccine, who in their right mind, if they are vaccinated, would cruise on a ship that requires masking and distancing? Who would do that?


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43 minutes ago, Hoosierpop said:

I follow science. No actual study has shown masks stop the spread of the virus. But there is at least one that shows it doesn’t. 


Heath care workers wearing masks tells me everything I need to know. There are a lot of flawed studies out there.

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15 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

Unless you are traveling with children who are not eligible for the vaccine, who in their right mind, if they are vaccinated, would cruise on a ship that requires masking and distancing? Who would do that?


The price was right? We may be spending most of the cruise on our balcony.

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16 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

Unless you are traveling with children who are not eligible for the vaccine, who in their right mind, if they are vaccinated, would cruise on a ship that requires masking and distancing? Who would do that?


Makes perfect sense to me. They even sell fashion masks that match our outfits these days. How groovy is that? Again a ship is a smaller representation of our everyday Society. You have the unruly, you have the loud, you have the insanity, you have the righteous and you have those that obey the written and implied rules. Why are fully vaccinated individuals still testing positive for Covid following the 2 week after period? Still very many unknowns and the Cruise Lines really need to consider safety before profitability.   


I am just as eager as the next Cruise Nut to get back on the water. But we have to do it safely; no corner cutting please.     

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I am tired of the what about my rights people. Sorry if I offend but what about my rights as a patriotic want to get back to normal just get vaccinated for crying out loud person? Yes, you have a right not to wear a mask and not to get vaccinated but my business and hopefully cruise lines have the right to offer cruises to only vaccinated people. That is why I got vaccinated. To be able to be with a full ship of vaccinated people. Where is the harm in that? Where am I getting this wrong. It is just nuts ville out there. This is not a political thing. This is a free world common sense lets get back to normal thing. Did you get the polio vaccine? Did you let your children get the polio and other vaccines? I am glad my parents did when I could not think for myself? For this reason I am doing Celebrity for awhile even though I have over 50 cruises on Carnival until the world gets its common sense back and gets off the this is my right train. Sorry if I offended, off my soapbox now and probably will be censored here. Hey, get vaccinated and just tell your never vaxxed friends you hang around with that you didn't.

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Carnival has many families that have children who are unable to get the vaccine.  I know it makes some people angry that they are doing everything they can to meet the requirements in order for everyone to cruise, but the CDC is allowing it.  Other countries have allowed unvaccinated people to cruise too.   The Alaska cruise might be a good option for those who desire a vaccinated cruise experience.


I also wonder if some of the Carnival cruise ships on the east coast, not including Florida,  and California will have vaccinated cruises.  An article I read stated that Carnival has a lot of families that cruise out of Florida and didn't want to exclude those who can't get the vaccine.

Edited by TNcruising02
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7 hours ago, jetsfan58 said:

Has Covid mysteriously disappeared? I don't think so when there are still people being hospitalized and unfortunately dying each day. This is still real folks so please wear your masks. 

I agree with everything you said but I would add and get vaccinated to the end of your comment. 

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1 hour ago, TNcruising02 said:

Carnival has many families that have children who are unable to get the vaccine.  I know it makes some people angry that they are doing everything they can to meet the requirements in order for everyone to cruise, but the CDC is allowing it.  Other countries have allowed unvaccinated people to cruise too.   The Alaska cruise might be a good option for those who desire a vaccinated cruise experience.


I also wonder if some of the Carnival cruise ships on the east coast, not including Florida,  and California will have vaccinated cruises.  An article I read stated that Carnival has a lot of families that cruise out of Florida and didn't want to exclude those who can't get the vaccine.

They can wait a few months and then everyone can get vaccinated  It won't kill them, but covid might.

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14 hours ago, kdr69 said:

  How do you convince someone who may be on the fence about getting vaccinated to get it so we can return to normal if your telling them in the same breath but your not going to be doing anything different once you do anyways?  

I think this is one of the reasons that the CDC has come around, er found the science, on their masking recommendations.


Also to answer your specific question, some are now using bribery whether it is a state offering free lottery tickets or an employer offering a cash bonus.

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13 hours ago, BlerkOne said:

Heath care workers wearing masks tells me everything I need to know. There are a lot of flawed studies out there.


They also wear a gown, goggles, face shield, and gloves. If you're going to follow the science, I expect you to be fully-dressed in science.


On 5/28/2021 at 7:53 PM, jedi bobs said:

If you are on the ship, and a mob takes off there masks at the very next stop if not in port they WILL be debarked and have to find your own way home at your own cost. If you are still in the home port or it happens close you will be debarked with no refund. If Carnival or any other operator does not do this the CDC will shut them dowm.


A strong claim. Care to take bets on that?


People aren't even masked at the grocery story. Some people live in an alternate reality if they think cruisers are going to be masked and/or they will debark the passengers who don't follow it. The current climate says masks are on their way out. No amount of CDC words are going to convince people that cruises are extra scary.

Edited by Joebucks
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11 hours ago, BlerkOne said:

They can wait a few months and then everyone can get vaccinated  It won't kill them, but covid might.

It is a fact. Not everyone will want to get vaccinated. I hate to say this, my son is one of them. He figures because he had covid19 and beat it he is now safe because he ahs anti bodies. He feels the same way about the yearly flu shot. I got covid19 and so did my wife and my daughter. We all beat it. But the first chance we were able to get the vaccine we did. Do not regret it. If there are side effects. So be it. Remember death and taxes? We live our lives and take on a problem when it happens. Never worry about something you have no control over. ie cancelled cruises!

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7 minutes ago, ALWAYS CRUZIN said:

It is a fact. Not everyone will want to get vaccinated. I hate to say this, my son is one of them. He figures because he had covid19 and beat it he is now safe because he ahs anti bodies. He feels the same way about the yearly flu shot. I got covid19 and so did my wife and my daughter. We all beat it. But the first chance we were able to get the vaccine we did. Do not regret it. If there are side effects. So be it. Remember death and taxes? We live our lives and take on a problem when it happens. Never worry about something you have no control over. ie cancelled cruises!

Well put A.C. ! 👍

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On 5/28/2021 at 10:36 PM, Shakatime said:

They won’t be able to enforce mob rule! If anybody thinks ppl will abide by a mask rule and vaccinated, you live in a fantasy land.

Yes they will with Carnival wide life ban from all 7 brands. Something I don't think you can appeal in the courts nor would you want to I think.

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7 minutes ago, ALWAYS CRUZIN said:

It is a fact. Not everyone will want to get vaccinated.

True. But everyone who will get one is eligible. Cruising is not a right but a privilege. Cruise lines could make it easier and cheaper for vaccinated folks to cruise. Exceptions could be made for medical reasons.

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1 minute ago, ace2542 said:

Yes they will with Carnival wide life ban from all 7 brands. Something I don't think you can appeal in the courts nor would you want to I think.

When they leave the ship in ports, deny them from re-boarding. Problem solved.

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4 minutes ago, BlerkOne said:

True. But everyone who will get one is eligible. Cruising is not a right but a privilege. Cruise lines could make it easier and cheaper for vaccinated folks to cruise. Exceptions could be made for medical reasons.

Religious also. There is a law suit locally of a woman who works in a assisted living convulsant home that all employees are required to get vaccinated. She refused said she will get tested weekly. She was terminated and rightly so.

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9 minutes ago, ALWAYS CRUZIN said:

She refused said she will get tested weekly

I just cant understand the logic behind this thinking?  How does getting tested weekly help you not spread the virus?  Testing confirms you have it after the fact of getting it and having possibly exposed it to others prior to your test results.  Testing is not telling you that you will get it tomorrow so stay away from others.  it boggles my mind the way some folks logic paths work.🙄

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