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Fake vaccine cards

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23 hours ago, Goodtime Cruizin said:


I think it's a sad world we live in if someone is required to even show a vaccine card.  I'll refuse to show mine as well. And I don't think I'll have to either. I've had my vaccine card for 12 weeks. I have been to many places, public & private and only Doctor has asked me if I was vaccinated.  I don't even carry it w/ me. This whole ordeal is being overblown big time. 


One more thought about your comment here....... I think it is a wonderful world we live in when public health is of utmost importance during a 100 year global pandemic. Any time proof of vaccine is requested is one step further to keeping us safe from a virus that threatens to disrupt life as we have known it pre-pandemic.



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19 hours ago, gmerick said:

The mask I wear (a 3M P100 dual filter with attached P100 exhale filter) does protect me.  The cosmetic virtue signaling fashion statements so in vogue by the screaming masses do nothing except make a (misleading) political announcement.

I hope you weren't wearing this mask with an exhale filter before our population was getting vaccinated. Your mask did absolutely nothing to mitigate the virus.

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10 hours ago, Goodtime Cruizin said:

Just a reminder it's been 8 sweeks since the Texas Rangers opening day, mask free sell out w/ a 38,000 in attendence and it was called a 'super spreader'.  There was vaxed and unvaxed in the crowd that day and no proof of vaccine was required to attend. There was no break out of covid because of this either. 


I really think all this stuff is going to die the covid death and just slowly fade away & disappear. 

And Texas was a bunch of Neanderthals...🤣🤣🤣

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32 minutes ago, Fabulous97 said:

Yes for the cruises leaving Southampton (UK) starting in July everyone over 18 must be twice jabbed with a two week wait window. RCI rules.

What will happen if a third updated jab is required moving forward perhaps in September/October time as is being studied now?

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20 hours ago, smokeybandit said:





20 hours ago, DirtyDawg said:

Another vaccine thread...



If this discussion bores you so much, why did you enter the thread?

Edited by coffeebean
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3 hours ago, sgmn said:

BTW I read today that Boris is keen to set up a travel corridor for fully vaccinated folk between USA and UK

We should cut of diplomatic relations if they don't do it soon. And cut flyingdales early warning access as well.

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19 hours ago, smokeybandit said:


Even the CDC has said masks with exhale valves don't work against covid.

Masks with exhale valves do not work to mitigate the virus. Those valves are one way only and allow the wearer of the mask to exhale their virus laden breath if they are contagious with Covid. This is the reason why many doctor's offices banned masks with those one way valves.

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1 hour ago, jerseyjjs said:



Some people don't trust the hasty production of the vaccine or the unknown short to long term effects of an unproven, unapproved vaccine.  I don't think it's "selfish" to have some trepidation over getting a shot of something that once it's in you, cannot be retracted.


I respect your point of view and I think it's important that we all do. 

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42 minutes ago, smokeybandit said:


I can't believe how many don't realize we changed the definition of "death" 'for covid that's inconsistent with every other way to judge a death of every other disease.

And I don't understand how people can't accept the "deaths above normal" facts.  It's pretty easy to look at the stats and see how many deaths occurred that were above the norm, (which includes all causes of death.). There were huge spikes all over the world.

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7 minutes ago, coffeebean said:



If this discussion bores you so much, why did you enter the thread?


The same reason I tune into the last 50 laps of a NASCAR race. The race itself in incredibly boring and repetitive with the cars going round and round and round and round for hundreds of laps. But the Big Crash usually happens in the last 50 laps.  

💥🚗💥🚗   🥳


 .... and these threads are the same.  😁 

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8 minutes ago, mek said:

And I don't understand how people can't accept the "deaths above normal" facts.  It's pretty easy to look at the stats and see how many deaths occurred that were above the norm, (which includes all causes of death.). There were huge spikes all over the world.

Exactly. Many people conveniently ignore this fact. 

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On 5/31/2021 at 10:09 PM, BirdTravels said:

There would be absolutely NOTHING funny about someone carrying COVID onboard and destroying the vacations of a thousand other people. And some only have the J&J vaccine which is only 65% effective. There would be nothing funny about someone carrying COVID onboard, infecting the crew, infecting the kids, infecting other adult passengers,,, resulting in the ship flying the black/yellow checkered flag and being banned from entering port. 

Be sure you understand the effective rate, how it is calculated, what it means, and what measures are more important.  As  Inigo Montoya said, "I don't think it means what you think it means".  And then look at it effective rate for regular flu shots.  

I would doubt seriously than any one would purposely  want to cruise carrying COVID.  


As far as the topic at hand, this is going to be a sticky point for cruise lines sailing out of Florida. Do they follow the CDC and ask the questions or ask people for proof, or do they pay the $5000 per passenger fine for doing so as levied by the State of Florida?

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21 minutes ago, time4u2go said:

Exactly. Many people conveniently ignore this fact. 

Well something caused all of those deaths and since the normal baseline includes all causes of deaths - I honestly don't understand how people can dispute the numbers.

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1 hour ago, coffeebean said:

Why your reluctance to show a vaccination card? It is not like you are disclosing your medical records. It is just a vaccination record. Being vaccinated should be something all should be proud to disclose as you have done your part for our country to reach safe herd immunity.


Fair question. I've tried to explain my position but there is so much nasty rhetoric that I guess it gets missed. First do know that I have a vaccination card. Pfizer to be exact and from CVS. I very proud that I got the vax as well. I did so at the need for my health as I'm one that seems to get a severe nasal & chest colds every year, multiple times and they linger as well. Having said that, I did not want to get the vax as I do feel the testing has been rushed through too  quickly. I suppose the need to rush it was important but I just did not want to be that 'guniea pig' guy. But with Covid attacking the lungs, I knew if I got covid, it would not be good. So I weighed the risks/rewards and decided when the opportunity presented itself I would vax up. I didn't get the two jabs as 'doing something for our country' or to 'go on a cruise', or whatever. I feel those reasons are wrong but it's their arms, their choices. I accept everyone's reasons for gertt the vax or not getting the vax. I'm who I am. I'm vaxed up for personal reasons. I feel like that if someone is offering a service or product to mankind in general, then I should not, and most will likely not prove I'm worthy to the provider of these services. I feel the process of seperating us as a people is bad enough as it is. The only reason any provider of product and service can justify his/her refusal of service to me is their religous beliefs. Other reasons are simply... wrong. 


I think there is a legitimate concern of those that do not want to be vaccinated. The fear factor was cranked up to a mega level to scare millions of people over covid. The fear fastor is now turning towards our fellow citizens and I do not like this or accept it. It's just wrong. I truly believe if we go down the path of vaxed and unvaxed classes of people, we'll all look back one day and be very ashamed of what we have done. So far there has not been a single place of business has requested proof of vaccination or services from me. Perhaps it's because I'm in Texas. I don't know. But I see that there are others that have been forced to get the vaccine to keep their employment, go to an office, etc. That is a shame. Prior to covid these same people were accepted, now they are not. 


I'm pretty sure I'll have some that'll attack me etc. for my thoughts but I don't care. I'm like them, vaxed up ready to cruise but just have a different way of looking at things. 



Edited by Goodtime Cruizin
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1 hour ago, ace2542 said:

What will happen if a third updated jab is required moving forward perhaps in September/October time as is being studied now?

Then the NHS app will be updated again and we will have to do whatever is necessary. You are in the UK so you know what is going on here.

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My husband is a first responder (Manager of Respiratory Care in a level 1 trauma center).


He dealt with first hand from the beginning of patients dealing with breathing issues in the December of 2019, to having COVID himself, but then they did not know it was COVID, and it would soon reach Pandemic concerns when it was identified.  He was very sick, did not need hospitalized, but took over 3 weeks to get his breathing and stamina back to normal.


He had to deal and provide care and intubated and placed many a patient on a ventilator.

At one point all the hospitals in our area (this statistic includes other hospitals, not just his) had in one day a total of 108 patients needing ventilatory support.  We got this fact from our local statistician on the news and in our local report in the newspaper. His hospital highest daily ventilatory number was in the 70's.


He was able to get more backup ventilators.

Our tri county area shared these ventilators back and forth and not one person was denied care.



So when we read about the counterfeit COVID cards and have actually gotten two emails to get them for a nominal fee, we were not surprised.



But, I hope the reality of COVID still being present, and COVID diagnosis are still occurring,  will be enough to hopefully encourage the public to still get the vaccine.


One of the things that interests me is that we have heard on the world news of some people who have received the vaccine, still getting COVID.   That is all I have heard.  I have been looking for articles from reliable sources, (Medical journals, as well as medical centers statistics), but that information is eluding me.


I am pro vaccine.

I can only hope that people who opted not to receive the vaccine do not jeopardize the safety of others by showing a fake vaccination card, and follow guidelines of not being vaccinated.




My view , 


Thank you for letting me share. 


Edited by Lionesss
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42 minutes ago, Fabulous97 said:

Then the NHS app will be updated again and we will have to do whatever is necessary. You are in the UK so you know what is going on here.

I meant in terms of being vaccinated to sail? And not just in UK but elsewhere for that matter. Requirement for updated booster shot might delay any restarts by a long way.

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3 hours ago, smokeybandit said:


I can't believe how many don't realize we changed the definition of "death" 'for covid that's inconsistent with every other way to judge a death of every other disease.

I don’t believe this is true. Suggest people check and recheck and not take what’s posted about Covid on a cruise forum at face value. 

Edited by zekekelso
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2 hours ago, Goodtime Cruizin said:


Fair question. I've tried to explain my position but there is so much nasty rhetoric that I guess it gets missed. First do know that I have a vaccination card. Pfizer to be exact and from CVS. I very proud that I got the vax as well. I did so at the need for my health as I'm one that seems to get a severe nasal & chest colds every year, multiple times and they linger as well. Having said that, I did not want to get the vax as I do feel the testing has been rushed through too  quickly. I suppose the need to rush it was important but I just did not want to be that 'guniea pig' guy. But with Covid attacking the lungs, I knew if I got covid, it would not be good. So I weighed the risks/rewards and decided when the opportunity presented itself I would vax up. I didn't get the two jabs as 'doing something for our country' or to 'go on a cruise', or whatever. I feel those reasons are wrong but it's their arms, their choices. I accept everyone's reasons for gertt the vax or not getting the vax. I'm who I am. I'm vaxed up for personal reasons. I feel like that if someone is offering a service or product to mankind in general, then I should not, and most will likely not prove I'm worthy to the provider of these services. I feel the process of seperating us as a people is bad enough as it is. The only reason any provider of product and service can justify his/her refusal of service to me is their religous beliefs. Other reasons are simply... wrong. 


I think there is a legitimate concern of those that do not want to be vaccinated. The fear factor was cranked up to a mega level to scare millions of people over covid. The fear fastor is now turning towards our fellow citizens and I do not like this or accept it. It's just wrong. I truly believe if we go down the path of vaxed and unvaxed classes of people, we'll all look back one day and be very ashamed of what we have done. So far there has not been a single place of business has requested proof of vaccination or services from me. Perhaps it's because I'm in Texas. I don't know. But I see that there are others that have been forced to get the vaccine to keep their employment, go to an office, etc. That is a shame. Prior to covid these same people were accepted, now they are not. 


I'm pretty sure I'll have some that'll attack me etc. for my thoughts but I don't care. I'm like them, vaxed up ready to cruise but just have a different way of looking at things. 



amen.  Feel the exact same way. 


People do have some interesting views on this whole covid situation.  I have a son who refused to get the vaccine due to the hysterical rhetoric back in the late winter early spring that you still must mask and social distance with vaccine.  I have another son who wears a mask while vaccinated because he doesn't want to be associated with the maskless deplorables.  It is really fascinating to read different reactions to masks and vaccines.  

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18 minutes ago, jean87510 said:

amen.  Feel the exact same way. 


People do have some interesting views on this whole covid situation.  I have a son who refused to get the vaccine due to the hysterical rhetoric back in the late winter early spring that you still must mask and social distance with vaccine.  I have another son who wears a mask while vaccinated because he doesn't want to be associated with the maskless deplorables.  It is really fascinating to read different reactions to masks and vaccines.  

Government has become supermarket tabloid. 

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Fact: People are trying to forget and pretend the last 15 months didn't happen and avoid the reality of the situation that we just had one of the worst pandemics in history of humankind. 


If you don't want to get a vaccine, or can't get a vaccine, I have no issue at all with that. This is indeed a personal choice. However, that said, if you then are asked to wear a mask because you did not get a vaccine, that is a very logical consequence. If there is reluctance or restrictions from being able to board a cruise ship, especially until any threat is wiped out, that makes complete sense too. The minute any ship has 1 or 2 positive cases, it will be all over the news, and again tarnish their image and cause continued harm to their business. 


How masks or vaccines became political is beyond me, but it's obvious that personality types that feel they are trying to be controlled by the government are the ones that are choosing to "fight back" against this cause. I have no problem at all with that, but if you can't deal with wearing a mask, or being unable to be served by certain businesses because of your choice, that's what I have an issue with. Personal responsibility for our actions or lack of actions is exactly what is missing in so many different places. 


I wonder why some on this thread that are so vocal about their opinions, but are so overly sensitive when others disagree with them? I understand nobody is going to convince each other on their viewpoints, but we can all listen to each other and find some common ground - Cruising!


I'd venture to guess in the hypothetical situation that cruise companies require vaccinations in the 2021 and part of the 2022 sailings, once it's obvious that they would have to wait until that is lifted to be able to sail, they are going to flash that card willingly, however angry they are at doing so. They might even lecture the poor guy making a subpar wage (by US standards) to make sure someone hears about their violation of freedom. 


First world problems indeed. For comic relief, everyone go out to Youtube, search for FWP and watch the video (has 15m views, and still makes me chuckle), it pretty much sums it up.  

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19 hours ago, jtwind said:

For all of you anti-vaxxing conspiracy type folks who are planning on trying to sneak onto the cruises...remember, you don't have the chip that was injected when the vaccine was given.  So you WILL get caught when you are scanned.

I know you must be joking with this comment and it is tongue in cheek. Right?


To all those chip conspiracy theorists out there.........The idea of a chip injected with the vaccine is a very silly conspiracy theory. I don't know how many people actually believe that could be a possibility but they are not thinking it through. I'm not sure how small a microchip can be but how ever small it is, can it fit through that small lumen of the needle? I have my sincere doubts.


Also: How can it be guaranteed that each dose of vaccine, which is drawn up from a multi dose vial, will have one of those chips in it? Answer: It cannot be guaranteed. So.....give it up about this micro chip stuff.

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19 hours ago, Goodtime Cruizin said:


I recognize this but I do not think anyone will be required to show proof of vaccines by the time the US ports actually have ships sailing away w/ passengers on them in non testing cruises. I think all of this posturing will have disappeared.  Things are moving fast and it's my belief that what might matter today won't matter by then.  

Just a hunch, but I think you may be incorrect about that. In fact, the more people who refuse to be vaccinated, the protocol for proof of vaccine just may continue for years to come. I don't have a crystal ball so, surely I don't know what is in our future but I surely would like to see vaccine proof for at least a year or two.

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6 hours ago, jerseyjjs said:



Some people don't trust the hasty production of the vaccine or the unknown short to long term effects of an unproven, unapproved vaccine.  I don't think it's "selfish" to have some trepidation over getting a shot of something that once it's in you, cannot be retracted.


So you are an expert on how long it takes to develop a vaccine? We're working with supercomputers these days and they can do things a little faster than when the polio vaccine finally came along in the 1950s.


What just really gets me is the mentality that these people have that THEIR life is so important to the world. We are a grain of sand in the universe and mean nothing. We die tomorrow and the world keeps on rolling on. Who are these people that think THEY are SO special that there can be no risk to their precious existence.


100 Years ago none of us were even on this planet and 100 years from now we won't be either.


I think this vaccine has proved how self-important people think they are SMH


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19 hours ago, boatseller said:

Yep.  Didn't say it was smart.  But if the investigation is handled anything like the contract tracing fiasco, it won't get far.

It is very easy to obtain immunization records. I'm a Florida resident and I know for sure, as of today, that Florida does have immunization records for their residents.


I requested my PCP obtain my immunization records and by the next day I had in my hands my immunization records with the State of Florida on the letterhead. Also listed on this record, was my doctor's office name and address who made the request on my behalf.


All my immunizations, including my childhood vaccinations were listed with the name of the vaccine and the year administered. I was a resident of New York State when my childhood vaccines were administered to me and Florida has that information too. That shocked me, actually.


I was mostly concerned that my Moderna Covid vaccine information was correct. No fear. All the information, including the name of the manufacturer, date of administration of doses #1 and #2 and location of the administration was all on my record. Needles to say, I'm extremely impressed with the record keeping and obtaining by the State of Florida.


Big brother knows where I am and where I have been. Something we all must live with these days.


Bottom line......It would not be a good idea to attempt to falsify Covid vaccine records. You will be caught if you become ill on a cruise ship and you have no official record of immunization.

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