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The Daily for Wednesday Jun 30, 2021


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1 hour ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

What a sweet baby! Camilla looks so good for a Preemie, I’m sure she’ll come through this without even breaking a sweat!

I was born a month premature at a time when neonatal care was less advanced. Several doctors told my parents I would not survive. I have outlived them all. So there.

Go Camilla!❤️

Thanks  so  much! Camilla  fortunately weighed  4.2  lbs even  though  she  was  7  weeks  early. I  have  heard  from  many  people in  my  age  group  who  were  born  prematurely and  survived  without  the  technology  of  today. It  is  just  amazing,right?

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42 minutes ago, mamaofami said:


It has been the best of Junes , and the worst of Junes. As I say goodbye for now to my favorite month, my grandson Ami and I each grew a year older. After Ami’s birthday, a crisis hit our family. With gratitude to the neuro surgeon at Robert Wood Johnson whose name I still don’t know, once again Sam’s life was saved at that hospital. I am grateful to the staff at Kessler in New Jersey, and to my wonderful children, Lori and David who have been on top of everything and to my daughter Sheri, who visited her father several times, and to grandson Misha and his dad, Aharon, who also came from New York to see Saba. I'm also grateful to our
many friends for their cards, calls, and good wishes and to my friends on the HAL daily for their prayers and good wishes.
I’m optimistic that when I meet June again, things will be much improved for our family.


♥️ ❤️ 💜 

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4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good  morning  from hot  and  humid  NY. I  managed  an  abbreviated  dog  walk earlier  and  will  continue to  hide  in  the  AC today. I  am  glad  the  horrible  conditions  are  less  so  in  the  PNW.


Thank  you  all  so  much  for  your  good  wishes  for  Miss  Camilla. My  niece(the  Grandma!) called  last  night  with  a  fantastic  update. They  were  able  to  remove  the  breathing  apparatus  and  she  is  now  breathing  on  her  own. I  told  her  about  this  wonderful  group  of  people  and  their  very  powerful  prayers  and  we  both  had  a  good,happy  cry. @kazu, I  related  your  story   to  DN  and  she  was  amazed. She  is  a  Nurse  Practitioner  and  has  seen  a  lot  in  her  work  but  told  me  she  continues  to  learn  so  much  from  people  everyday. Again, thanks  to  all  for  the kindness  you  have  shown.


My DGD  told  me  about  Sailor  Moon  and  it  really  is  a  great  story  for  everyone  to  read. I realize  that  asteroids  are  always  going  to  be  with  us  but  why  give  them  a  day? I  love  the  quote  and  look  forward  to  the  recipe. I  hope @dfish gets  power restored  soon.


My  best  to  everyone.        Terry

My youngest grandson, now 15, was born on the cusp of 33 weeks. He weighed 4lbs 4 oz. and I was petrified he wouldn’t make it. Today, he is perfect, and very smart, and an excellent soccer player. He graduated middle school in Philly last year and won the school’s technology award. Keep the faith. 

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I am now home, and on my iPad. Thank you Sharon, for posting the elevator mat for me!

I have a couple of garden pictures, though.

This is the last picture of the bouquet lily. It’s last flowers have opened, and the early ones are gone now. In this heat, the poor lilies are blooming and blowing almost as if I’m watching it on time lapse photography.




The banana plants, however, are loving this and going crazy in a good way. DH was making me laugh while giving them a drink.


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4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

@StLouisCruisers,thanks and congratulations  on the nice honor for DGS.

I am allowed to post a picture of our sweet baby


Well, hello Sweet Miss Camilla! It is nice to be able to put a face to the name. We will pray that your journey through this world will be smoother and so much more fun than has been your introduction into it.


Lori & George



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Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday!  Thank you for the Daily Rich and thank you for your lists Roy. 

I am so sorry to be grumpy first thing but I just got a call from my PCC needing to cancel one of our B2B’s. Seems the CDC isn’t allowing cruises longer than 7 days from US ports to US destinations. So I’m rethinking our entire plans and we will probably do an earlier Coastal Cruise, possibly the October 10th one, thank you @AncientWanderer for the idea!  And then do a longer cruise later. I’m close to becoming 4* and thought the B2B would help. Darn, I wish all of our earlier cruises in suites counted because we would be 5* now.  Thank you for letting me vent!


I am going to check out the recipe for the meal suggestion and see if it’s different from the recipe posted the other day. Tonight is leftovers. 

@smitty34877 The picture of sweet baby Camilla is precious!  She will continue to be in my prayers. 

@StLouisCruisers Congratulations to Ren!


Have a great day everyone!


And @Horizon chaser 1957 I found a better Wednesday elevator mat:



Edited by Sharon in AZ
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Good morning!  It’s even too hot for the hot peppers!  

It’s a big day here with DH big birthday, never thought I would ever cancel a birthday party cause of the heat🥵.      So we have scaled it way back until 9 pm, when it might be bearable!   

our DS lived and breathed Sailor moon, later he went to Japan for an animation festival.  

great news about baby Camilla.  


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Thank you all for the Daily.  

Quite like the quote.

Cooler and overcast today.  Got more yard work done and blueberry picking.

Prayers for all on the care list and those who need them.  Best wishes to all.


We we in Hvar Croatia twice in May 2018.  We did a group bus tour from Zagreb to Dubrovnik and a yacht trip from Split to Dubrovnik with a car trip between tours and after they were over up to Zadar.  The weather was fabulous.  On the yacht trip I swam in the Adriatic everyday.

The bus tour had us taking a ferry from Split.  Getting to the hotel was around several narrow winding roads that I thought we would have to walk on the get back to town.  Not so, there is a wonderful walkway along the shore and harbor back to town. The welcome signs along the way said it all.




The yachts must make reservations nearly a year in advance just to drop off their guests and pick them up.  All day/night spots were very expensive and only a few were available.  Hvar is also a place to be 'seen' according to our guides.  Many very posh shops, but the grocery store was a great deal for beer and wine. 

Just walking along the harbor.





Other pretty views around town.



The local bakery had just delivered fresh baguettes which were hard to resist.



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11 minutes ago, baltic17 said:

Thank you all for the Daily.  

Quite like the quote.

Cooler and overcast today.  Got more yard work done and blueberry picking.

Prayers for all on the care list and those who need them.  Best wishes to all.


We we in Hvar Croatia twice in May 2018.  We did a group bus tour from Zagreb to Dubrovnik and a yacht trip from Split to Dubrovnik with a car trip between tours and after they were over up to Zadar.  The weather was fabulous.  On the yacht trip I swam in the Adriatic everyday.

The bus tour had us taking a ferry from Split.  Getting to the hotel was around several narrow winding roads that I thought we would have to walk on the get back to town.  Not so, there is a wonderful walkway along the shore and harbor back to town. The welcome signs along the way said it all.




The yachts must make reservations nearly a year in advance just to drop off their guests and pick them up.  All day/night spots were very expensive and only a few were available.  Hvar is also a place to be 'seen' according to our guides.  Many very posh shops, but the grocery store was a great deal for beer and wine. 

Just walking along the harbor.





Other pretty views around town.



The local bakery had just delivered fresh baguettes which were hard to resist.




Thanks for showing us your great photos!  Beautiful place!

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40 minutes ago, bennybear said:

It’s a big day here with DH big birthday, never thought I would ever cancel a birthday party cause of the heat🥵.      So we have scaled it way back until 9 pm, when it might be bearable!   

Happy BDay! Thinking cool thoughts on your behalf.

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Good afternoon.  Left at 7:30 this morning to take my besty to the airport.  Then did a Sam's Club shopping spree.  It's about 100 miles from home.  Just got back.  Love the Organization day, that's what we did while she was here.  Hope Asteroids stay away.  I totally agree with the quote.  Will pass on the meal, stopped at Culvers for a burger.  Have not been to today's port.

Continued prayers for baby Camilla, she is an absolute beauty.  Will read back for other events.

Prayers and toast for our lists.

Stay safe, social distance (they did at Sam's) and wear your mask if you are comfortable with it.  We did.

Chairmans Spiced Cider:

You’ll need one-part cranberry juice, one-part Chairman’s Spiced Rum, two-parts apple cider, and cinnamon sticks—while we love a boozy remix, we also love an ingredient list we can count on one hand. In a saucepan, heat the juices and cinnamon stick (one stick per two servings) until bubbling. Remove from the heat and add your rum for the perfect fall welcome drink.

Screen Shot 2021-06-30 at 1.54.58 PM.png

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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

It’s a big day here with DH big birthday, never thought I would ever cancel a birthday party cause of the heat🥵.      So we have scaled it way back until 9 pm, when it might be bearable!   


A very happy birthday to your DH 🙂 



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Good morning, all.  Good news here is that the heat dome has drifted away on a lovely fresh breeze, bad news is that it is moving east, and will soon be cooking other provinces.  BC is opening up to the rest of Canada tomorrow, masks will be recommended  but not mandated, and numbers at events, church, etc., can go back to normal.  Scary!


Our neighbour, Ruth, had her colon cancer surgery yesterday, they say it was successful and her husband and son can visit her today.   I think she will be in the hospital for a few more days.  Happy for Baby Camilla's improvement and Ren's moment of fame!  @mamaofami, loved your post.


We have been to a few ports on the Adriatic coast, quaint towns and beautiful countryside in Croatia, Albania and Slovenia, but not Hvar.  It looks worth a visit.

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25 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

 BC is opening up to the rest of Canada tomorrow, masks will be recommended  but not mandated, and numbers at events, church, etc., can go back to normal.  Scary!


Wow!  We have opened up here to Canada but we are still in stage 2 of code green.  We won’t move to full green until 75% of NB’ers are fully vaccinated.  The objective is NB Day and from the way the vaccines are now moving, it might be achievable!  Hope all goes well in BC for you 🤞 


25 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:


Our neighbour, Ruth, had her colon cancer surgery yesterday, they say it was successful and her husband and son can visit her today.   I think she will be in the hospital for a few more days.  


Good news and very encouraging 👍 

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Good Morning Everyone!

        Welcome to the world Baby Camilla!  I always rejoice with the birth of a child, they are so precious!

       We are forecasted to hit 111 today we reached 114 yesterday, I am so done with this heat.  Last night we had to repair the swamp cooler for the barn at 8:00pm when it was still over 100 degrees.  Due to our hard water, and the heat causing so much evaporation the cooler mats were not allowing for good water flow, so we pulled them out and replaced the mats.  While doing this we managed to get water splashed onto the coolers power box which tripped the GFI and then we had to get everything reset!  Finally at 10:00pm we were back up and running, critters were comfortable, I wasn't so headed into the house for shower # 2 for the day!

        I guess this reiterates that at least while we have critters I will have to save my cruising for other times then summer.

       I am still trying to rationalize a last minute cruise to Alaska this year, but keep telling my self wait till January and go some place warm, while it is snowing here!

Stay cool and be sure to check on your friends and neighbors this heat wave has been brutal.


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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning everyone and Happy Wednesday!  Thank you for the Daily Rich and thank you for your lists Roy. 

I am so sorry to be grumpy first thing but I just got a call from my PCC needing to cancel one of our B2B’s. Seems the CDC isn’t allowing cruises longer than 7 days from US ports to US destinations. So I’m rethinking our entire plans and we will probably do an earlier Coastal Cruise, possibly the October 10th one, thank you @AncientWanderer for the idea!  And then do a longer cruise later. I’m close to becoming 4* and thought the B2B would help. Darn, I wish all of our earlier cruises in suites counted because we would be 5* now.  Thank you for letting me vent!


I am going to check out the recipe for the meal suggestion and see if it’s different from the recipe posted the other day. Tonight is leftovers. 

@smitty34877 The picture of sweet baby Camilla is precious!  She will continue to be in my prayers. 

@StLouisCruisers Congratulations to Ren!


Have a great day everyone!


And @Horizon chaser 1957 I found a better Wednesday elevator mat:





Now, that's really interesting about the 7-day rule.  Aren't some here booked B2B for Alaska?  I wonder if they will receive notification that they can't do that either.  It's hard to keep up!  But if you book October 10, we should arrange to say "Hi."  I was really excited when that opened up because it's my birthday onboard.  Looking forward to getting back to a very strict birthdays-only-at-sea regimen!  😊


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7 hours ago, richwmn said:

Wine of the day - "Laurenz V. Gruner ""Singing"" Veltiner - Austria - White"


7 hours ago, cat shepard said:



Laurenz V. Gruner ""Singing"" Veltiner - Austria

This Veltiner has excellent ratings and a great price. Numerous online distributors with prices starting at $13.98. A wild combination of tasting notes, but perhaps one to at least try.

Winemaker Notes

A very attractive fruit bouquet yields apple, peach and citrus aromas along with a typical Veltliner spiciness and a touch of white pepper. The soft and juicy palate is supported by fine acidity. It sings on the palate!

WE90 Wine Enthusiast: Green pear peel notes dance around riper notions of Mirabelle on the nose. The palate comes in with lively spritz, a tropical edge of passion fruit and reprises its twin theme of green pear and Mirabelle admirably. This is juicy, lively and fresh, with a yeasty zestiness on the dry finish.

JS90 James Suckling: Cooked apples with white peaches, green papaya and some match character. It’s full-bodied, yet bright and reserved with lovely fruit and medium acidity. Delicious, reserved aftertaste. Drink now. Screw cap.


I wanted to add my endorsement of this wine.


We first had this wine while on a cruise.  If I'm not mistaken, this was not Mrs. XBGuy's first choice, that evening.  They did not have either her first or her second choice.  When it arrived, she was quite pleased.  I had a glass with my appetizer and was quite impressed--lots of stone fruit and terrific acidity made it wonderfully refreshing.  So, fast forward a few weeks later.  We were on a reprovisioning run to Costco.  Naturally, I wandered by the wine section to see what they had--and, no, I do not buy all my wine at Costco. but there is no denying that they have solid offerings at great prices.  Lo and behold, there is the very same Laurens V Gruner--and priced at about $12.  I. of course, grabbed a couple bottles, and bought more on subsequent visits.  Sadly, it has been a long time since I have seen it at Costco.  




A terrific wine, folks--very easy to enjoy and very easy on the wallet.

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5 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:



Now, that's really interesting about the 7-day rule.  Aren't some here booked B2B for Alaska?  I wonder if they will receive notification that they can't do that either.  It's hard to keep up!  But if you book October 10, we should arrange to say "Hi."  I was really excited when that opened up because it's my birthday onboard.  Looking forward to getting back to a very strict birthdays-only-at-sea regimen!  😊


Yes, I saw that several are doing B2B's in Alaska and the Coastal cruises.  Somehow my PCC was alerted, but just like my DH said, it's better to know now that to be on the ship and told we can't do the second one.  Of course, everything is going to change between now and then like it has been.  I just don't want to take the chance right now.  Plus I really wanted to sail sooner than later and there are Aft Vista's available so I'm happy about that.  And yes, let's arrange to say Hi! on board and I can wish you a very Happy Birthday!  I looked and didn't see a roll call for this sailing.

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