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The Daily for Monday August 09, 2021


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Good  morning  . Dog  walking  started  before  it  was light  out  here  and  I  put  the  porch  light  on too @cat shepard! I  was  grateful  for  books as  I  have  been  awake  since  3:30 ( for  no  good  reason)  and  read  until  Fred  gave  me  the  dog  eye. It  was  warm  and  muggy  already    on  our  2  dog  forced  march. Yuck!

We  learned Swedish  folk  dancing   from  our  relatives  as  children  and  one  particular  dance  involves  a  "one,two three, hop". It  is  a  polka  cousin  but  I  would  be  hard  pressed  to  do  it  now  on  unhappy  knees.

Indigenous  people   deserve  much  more  than  a  day. I  think  we  would  all  benefit  from  more  education  in  this  area  as  it certainly  wasn't  covered   in  a  truthful  way when  I  was  in  school.There  is  more  honest  information  out  there  now if  one  is  willing  to  look.

The  only  place  I  have  been  in Russia  is  St Petersberg.


The  recipe  looks  great,thanks Debbie @dfish. Maybe  it  will  be  acceptable  to  our  house guest! One  can  only  hope.


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Good morning Rich and Daily-ites. Thank you Rich and Roy and all who contribute. 


Sandi you have some great memories from all your travels. Thanks for sharing. 


Looks like Austin sounded the severe/critical alarm for Covid. Catastrophic at stage 5. Why are healthy people refusing vaccinations if they are able to get one to save others?


My whole family danced the polka when I was growing up. We had big Bohemian family gatherings and the food was so delicious (except for an aunt that made weird stuff) 




And I love a good book. 




Cheers, blessings and prayers 

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Lots to do on a Monday morning and it delays me from getting here on time.  Thanks to @richwmnfor the very interesting Daily.  Love books and agree with @mamaofamiabout the benefits of Kindles.  Polka I approve of but have no idea how to do that.  Indigenous people are worth a celebration.  If we prepared the nachos we would have to take the jalapenos off half of it because DH and I are not on the same page with peppers.  @rafinmdmy back pain is not worthy of a mention on the prayers list so you can remove me.  Yay!  The prayer list is shorter already!  Congrats to any of us on the celebration list.  I hope more good news is in our future.


However, we got a little news last night when our neighbor Paul called to ask how we were feeling.  This is the household that had three Covid cases and accidentally exposed DH to it because Copeland (91 years old) forgot to mention it to him.  Copeland was doing alright but his daughter was feeling worse than he was.  But apparently Saturday they noticed his oxygen levels were dropping so they called an ambulance to take him to the ER.  They didn't want him sitting in the ER waiting room too long with other sick people, so instead of driving him there they tried the ambulance route.  Copeland is in the hospital and will come home in a few days Paul said.  We did not even see the ambulance next door on Saturday.  What a surprise to hear this sad news.  Let's all hope Copeland is back to his normal good health, sitting in the shady garage waving to all and watching what's going on in our little neighborhood very soon!


I have actually been to Vladivostok, Russia in 2010 on Diamond Princess on its unique Bangkok to Whittier itinerary.  I wish they had something like that these days to book.  It was a great cruise.  I'll post this now and try to find a few good photos of our day there.  


Sandi I hope Copeland gets better soon. Such a scary situation. 

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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:



Today’s care list:

 Welfare of furloughed crews
Western wildfires    
NextOne DDIL with long haul Covid
StLouisCruiser’s back
From the rotation:
Scout Jamie C recovering from major surgery
Kazu’s friend recovering from a brain bleed


Celebrations and Shoutouts

Front Line Health Care Workers
Aliaschief, bobpatj, and Copper10_8 on a BHB
Nieus Aamsterdam in Juneau
Ger_77's family visit
Welcome home StPeteCruiser
and Staff Captain Sabine, HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)






Thank you, Roy! I think you can move my DDIL to the rotation, because sadly she'll have this condition for a long time.

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22 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Sandi I hope Copeland gets better soon. Such a scary situation. 


Thank you Joy for your concern for dear Copeland, and you too @puppycanducruise.  We never like to hear of anyone hospitalized with Covid but especially our elderly.


And @mamaofamiI wanted to say thank goodness Sam is moving along in his therapy and even has a ride there.  Things are looking up in your household.🙏

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Loved reading everyone's update, it's good to hear mainly good news these days. 


LOVE to read, started with sci-fi as a kid and still love it, although I've branched out a lot since then.


Definite respect for Indigenous peoples, they've not been treated kindly and it makes me sad.


I don't remember dancing the polka, but I was a member of the Russian Club in high school and we put on a few shows for nursing homes, etc.. Part of that was a conversation (in English and Russian, I still remember it!) and another part was a little bit of dance. I distinctly remember dancing the Troika, which I guess could be called a Russian version of a polka, so maybe that counts.


LOVING the pictures of Vladivostok, thank you for the postings! We've never been and likely won't be, so it's nice to see a new place, in sun AND rain/wind! Thank you! Visited St Petersburg with a double overnight several years back and really enjoyed that. The middle day, we took the high speed train to Moscow. Can't say as we enjoyed it as much as St Petersburg, and we were supremely happy to be back in St. Pete at the end of a long, long, LONG day. Still, glad we did it (now, ha!).


Mmmmmmm, nachos! Sounds great! The drinks, too. Thanks for the recipes and information!


Best wishes to all, healing thoughts to those who need them.

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Good morning! I love books, preferably the physical version but I take them on my iPad when I travel. On my first job in high school, I was a book shelver at the town library. I got reprimanded by the Head Librarian for doing more reading than shelving!!

I just finished Anne Hillerman's latest book -- Stargazer, and have a renewed respect for our indigenous peoples.

Love the polka!

Have a good day and stay safe!


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Good morning from central Texas.  It will be a little hotter, but the breeze will help keep it somewhat comfortable.


Indigenous people deserve a day and much more.  There is a lot we can learn from them.  Older DD played in a polka band for several years before Covid.  I got my love of books and reading from my father, and my DDs like to read when they have time.  I too have a kindle for traveling and cruising.


I like the quote and enjoy jigsaw puzzles in the winter.


The drink and the wine sound interesting, but YIKES 😱 on the price of the wine.  The meal looks like something we would enjoy, but I've never heard of using soy sauce in a Mexican dish.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, hope Copeland is doing better and is home soon.

@mamaofami Carol, great that Sam is improving and has graduated to outpatient therapy.

@Seasick Sailor Joy, I too don't understand the reluctance of healthy people to get their shots.  Our county's numbers are going up.


We were in Vladivostok in 2000 on the old Regal Princess, and I'll have to see what pictures we can find as it was a pre-digital camera cruise.  We took a tour in the morning and walked around town in the afternoon.  A lot of young people wanted to talk to us to practice their English.  As it was not raining, we enjoyed the day.  The Trans-Siberia train was in the station, and DH talked his way on it to look around.



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Good morning, all! I love books, not really familiar with the polka. I’m currently auditing a course on Indigenous Canada from the University of Alberta online. It’s a 12 week course, and very enlightening.

The meal sounds good, but I’m planning the Korean Chicken Bowls from yesterday’s recipe. Last night was Taiwanese Radish cakes, a request from DD. I think she’s starting to miss Taiwan. The Pinot Noir sounds good, but definitely past my price point. 
The weatherman says the heat is moving back in in a couple of days. DH is still on the mainland for a doctors appointment tomorrow. Then he’s heading back to the island just before Chilliwack heads into the 90’s.

Happy Monday! The coming heat would be more bearable aboard a BHB!


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Good morning to all and thank you for the Daily , its always great to read the news , look at the beautiful pictures and hear of the adventures of our cruise friends .
Returning to the Koningsdam on Oct 24 , 2019 in Koper , Slovenia from a wonderful tour to Lake Bled and Ljubljana  DW  Martha broke out into a impromptu Polka dance once she heard the accordion the guitars and the Polka music.
As a native from Slovenia and growing up in Canada surrounded by Slovenians she just had to do a solo dance , nothing could stop her ! 
Tony 😄
Edited by sailingdutchy
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2 hours ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. Another hot day expected here. I love books and belong to a book club, but I bought a kindle a few years ago to take cruising and I must admit I love reading on it. You can make the print any size you want, load on as many books as you like, and it’s lighter than a book so makes transporting it easier.

Today is Sam’s last visit from the Visiting Nurse Association. Tomorrow he starts PT as an outpatient at a great facility less than a mile away. We are lucky that our senior center in town provides free rides anywhere in our city, so after tomorrow they will pick him up to go with the aide and I won’t have to worry about getting him there. I’ll bring them home.

Stay safe everyone.


I'm with you Carol.  I went Kindle and never looked back.  Before every cruise I load it with tons of books, I read more than one at a time, and then I choose whatever I'm in the mood for or the environment is suited for, something complex I will only tackle when alone in a room with complete silence.  It fits into any bag is the best part, love it!

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Good morning all!

Great collection of days.  Will pass on the wine but the meal sounds great (I agree with @Quartzsite Cruiserthat it's unusual to see soy sauce in a Mexican recipe, but I'm intrigued!) I never learned the polka.  Funny, I think of Lawrence Welk when I hear polka -- showing my age!


Like many others, we have only been to St. Petersburg -- thank you @StLouisCruisersfor those great photos!  Interesting to know it's the home of Yul Brynner.  After seeing The King and I as a pre-teen, I had a huge crush on him. 😉  


@StLouisCruisers prayers for your neighbor Copeland.  It's scary how this disease can change on a dime. 


Today I will be having lunch with my BFF and enjoying one of the last cool days this week.  It will get up to 90 by Friday, but thankfully won't last long.  Of course I'll be baking pies on Friday, the hottest day, for a family gathering on Saturday. I seem to always be either canning or baking on the hottest days -- how is that??



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14 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:
Good morning to all and thank you for the Daily , its always great to read the news , look at the beautiful pictures and hear of the adventures of our cruise friends .
Returning to the Koningsdam on Oct 24 , 2019 in Koper , Slovenia from a wonderful tour to Lake Bled and Ljubljana  DW  Martha broke out into a impromptu Polka dance once she heard the accordion the guitars and the Polka music.
As a native from Slovenia and growing up in Canada surrounded by Slovenians she just had to do a solo dance , nothing could stop her ! 
Tony 😄

Please  tell  Martha  I  feel  the  same way  when  I  hear  the  accordion. She  looks  like a  woman  who  truly  enjoys  life!

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Ï👍Thank you for The Daily,  Rich @richwmn and to Roy @rafinmd for both the Care and Celebration Lists.😊 Good to hear that the borders are opening in Canada to US Travelers....families being able to finally visit their relatives!

I became aware of both the Māori People and the Aboriginal Australia Communities and their contributions when taking my first long cruise in 2009 (🚢Star Princess SF~Sydney).

We'll be visiting Vladivostok next year on the Noordam and will have to check out possible excursions. 😉Thank you to all posting photos and contributing to this site.

🙏Prayers to all in need and wear those masks!  Katie





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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I haven't heard the discussion of mask types in my area.  I have never completely quit wearing a mask indoors.  It's low hanging fruit that I find it a bit silly not to take advantage of.  My county is still in the low risk category but not so much my ZIP code.



I'm the same way, I advocated them for years after noticing them everywhere in Asia.  In 2019 alone I had 3 or 4 colds, Pneumonia, and Tonsillitis.  Why would I not want to wear a mask?!  Since Covid, I've had nothing, and neither has anyone else according to the news, flu was almost nonexistent last winter in our area.  I think the people behind the unmask lobby are tied to the medicine industry, let's face it, they NEED people to get sick.

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I have always loved reading and so does Mitzi.


Early on in the pandemic, I got myself a Kindle Fire. Mitzi has had one for several years and enjoys it very much. With the lockdowns, I figured it was time for me to join the club. It will be nice to take it on a cruise soon (let's hope...)!


I have mostly been reading classics, partly because many are in the public domain and are free to download, but also a bit of culture isn't going to hurt....


I am just about 95% of the way through the complete works of F. Scott Fitzgerald. As a Saint Paulite, it seemed like an appropriate endeavor. He wrote some amazing stuff and is someone I will want to meet when I perfect my time machine. 

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I am also a Kindle convert.   I was seriously running out of places to store books in my house.  I recycled as many as I could to other readers with the admonition that I did not want them back.  I donated all the rest of them.  Now, I use the Kindle exclusively.  My family gave me my first one back in 2011 as a thank  you for dropping everything and spending two months in Michigan when my dad was sick.  I was there overseeing his recovery and helping my mom.  I just replaced it with a newer version.  It is the Fire HD and is much more versatile as a tablet than the original Kindle Fire.  


I don't tend to read much on vacation.  I'll read on the plane, but on the ship I find way too much to do.  I might read for a short while before bed, but that is it.  Now, at home is a different story.  I can devour a book in one sitting.

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Good morning, all, and thanks for all the info and pictures.  I have to add to the celebrations the fact that NCL got permission (?) from Florida to require vaccinations, and that the wandering Chinese elephants are headed home.




DD seems to be having a good crop of dahlias this year, but she's anxiously awaiting setting up her "Deer Cop" so she can take off the chicken wire cages she built for them.  It is getting complicated, Pat has had to install a GFI socket and DD ordered a special extension cord.  Then Pat will have to make a hole in a vent in the basement to take the cord outside, all properly waterproofed, and then of course, the motion sensor has to be organized.  


DD's crop of garlic is not so hot, and her potatoes, which definitely were eaten by the deer, are the size of dimes!  But she said she took dahlias over to Ruth, next door, and we have our own display.  She is an expert there.





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Good Morning.  Happy Monday!  You all probably know by now how much I LOVE them and it's going to be a busy one, I just can't get to as much as I'd like on weekends, Dear Dad expects me to be able to spend extra time with him, so I squeeze everything in on the weekdays instead.  


@StLouisCruisers sorry to hear about your neighbor, hopefully he will come out of it.  Crazy the way it strikes some hard and not others.  My Mom and her husband had the original covid last spring and for him it was like a mild cold, gone in a week, Mom had lingering symptoms and her smell/taste still aren't back to normal.  


Today marks the beginning of our temperature warmup, but thankfully they've backed away from the 100 degrees business, they think the wildfire smoke will keep it cooler, but still in the 90s.  


As I replied to Carol, I love books, and my Kindle, I also have them on my phone mainly because I never know when I'll have a chance to read, but the interruptions and distractions are a problem, so I try not to read on phones if I can help it. 


I read recently that the average person could have read 200 books in a year if they weren't glued to their phones.


Have a good day everybody!





Edited by atexsix
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Interesting collection of days.  I have always been an avid reader, but since I lost my DH, I just can't get back into reading.  In the early days I started with a Nook, and now have lots of books on my Nook and Kindle apps on my iPad.  Just need to read everything I have downloaded.


We visited Vladivostok in 2011.  It was a dreary, gloomy day, with rain, and we never left the ship.  It was before DH was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis but his breathing was bad that day.  A couple we had met on the ship advised us not to go out as the air was so bad!  It was on the Volendam on the "ill-fated" Japan cruise.  Other than some "popular" ports, I usually can not add any memories of a port of the day.


All I remember was sitting in the Ocean Bar in late afternoon and it was almost dark.  When we looked out there was only 1 light in the entire town that was lighted and it was a stop light.  Just fit with the depressing weather!  I was disappointed to visit Russia and not even get a picture of Lenin!  To me, it almost seems like a city that Moscow had forgotten.


To our friends in the PNW and California--I am so happy for you if you don't have heavy smoke, even with your horrible fires.  All the smoke has settled over our state and the entire state has an air quality alert.  Just praying for containment of all fires.


I have training today for Red Cross, so that will keep me occupied for the afternoon.  We have a mask mandate anytime we are in a Red Cross building!


Have a great day, everyone

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Good morning! Took 30 minutes to log on. Enjoying scenic sailing from the Pinnacle Grill.


Hector from Colombia our concierge told 

us this morning he is the first permanent Concierge as there will no longer be rotating between front desk duties.He is a great concierge. 

Was going to post some pics but internet is snail today.


Thanks for Daily and a mimosa toast!

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