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The Daily for Saturday September 25, 2021


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2 hours ago, summer slope said:
Ingredients: 1 Tbs Lime juice, 4 oz Beer, 4 oz Tomato juice, MORE
Preparation: Mix the beer with tomato juice, freshly squeezed lime juice, and Worcestershire sauce, teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, or hot sauce.


Here are the MORE ingredients (mentioned in Preparations but not amounts)


Dash of Hot sauce
Dash of Soy sauce
Dash of Teriyaki sauce
Dash of Worcestershire sauce

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Good Morning!


Finally we are able to open the house up for a few hours because the temp and humidity are the lowest in months!  Hello Autumn.


Thank you to everyone here who makes this the friendliest place on CC.


We have been to General San Martin (Pisco) twice by ship and once while on a land tour of Peru.


In 2008, we did the land tour of Peru and left from the Pisco area (probably Paracas) for a boat tour to the Ballestas Islands National Reserve.  (This was the day after we did a small plane flight over the Nazca Lines -- DH's dream since high school).








In 2013, we called at General San Martin on the Golden Princess during our LA to Rio South American cruise.  We took a ship's tour out to Tambo Colorado.





In 2018, we were there on the Maasdam Kon Tiki cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Papeete via Easter Island. This time we just took the shuttle into Paracas and had drinks and a walkabout.  I can't top @StLouisCruisers photos of there, so will just show DH's beer and my last Pisco sour in Peru.




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Greetings from the lovely Eurodam!

Everything has been absolutely wonderful and it’s so good to be back on a ship. We had 2 nights in Athens, and our first night onboard last night. I feel like I’m finally over my jet lag. 

We’re having our first Gala night tonight and tomorrow the first of 2 days in Limassol. 

When we boarded yesterday we were greeted with cheers and waves —everyone is happy and excited. Such a sight for sore eyes!





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15 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Greetings from the lovely Eurodam!

Everything has been absolutely wonderful and it’s so good to be back on a ship. We had 2 nights in Athens, and our first night onboard last night. I feel like I’m finally over my jet lag. 

We’re having our first Gala night tonight and tomorrow the first of 2 days in Limassol. 

When we boarded yesterday we were greeted with cheers and waves —everyone is happy and excited. Such a sight for sore eyes!






Looks wonderful!  Wish we were all there with you!

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Good morning from a cool central Texas, but we might reach 90F this afternoon.


When I saw International Rabbit Day, I also wondered why it wasn't the first day of the month.  In honor of rabbits, here is a picture of one of our resident rabbits in Quartzsite.



It has been years since i read a comic book, probably about the sixth grade.  The used book store/book exchange in Waco has a whole secion devoted to comics.  They have really changed since I read them.


I have been fishing when I was younger, but the fish always seemed to go to the other side of the lake when I was there.  I have only been hunting once, and that was during a party.  The people who owned the ranch, divided us into groups of two couples and assigned each a section to hunt.  As far as I and the other girl were concerned, we were glad we did not see a deer.  Toward the end, we took turns shooting at our empty coke cans.  As this was a first date, I made a mistake, and out shot my date with his rifle, which was a lot bigger than the 22s I'd been used to shooting.  😱  It was the only date, but he turned out to be a total jerk, so that was then end of that.


I like the Edison quote.  If he had given up, there are a lot ot things that we would not have had as early as we did.


I'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.  Somehow, I just can't see mixing beer with tomato juice.


@Cruising-along  Glad you had a safe trip and are enjoing the BHB.

@kazu Another great group of memes.

@msmayor  Enjoy your visit with your DS and your day in New Castle, DE.  It''s a neat colonial town.


We have been to General San Martin twice.  In 2001, we were on the Ryndam, and I was still using  a film camera.  That time we flew over the Nazca lines, and that was definitely not a disappointment.  The second stop was in 2015 on Ruby Princesess with @StLouisCruisers Sandi, but we did not meet until we were both on the Daily.  That day, we took the shuttle into Parachas and walked around.  We also hired a taxi to take us to Tambo Colorado and Pisco.


A few more pictures of Parachas.






This pelican hung around the boardwalk, and some of the locals were feeding him.  Later, he was walking on the boardwalk, but when I tried to take his picture, he turned into an attack pelican.  



Tambo Colorado is the remains of an Inca village near the coast.  Until our visit, we had not realized the Incans had lived in the desert.  You can see in the next to last picture what irrigation can do to the desert.







A couple of pictures of Pisco as we drove through the town.




An interesting sight in the desert, but I'm not sure what it is.



Part of the Peru's navy dock behind the ship.  You can see their base on the far right.  There were several tall towers around the base.





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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I like rabbits - we have one or two in our neighbourhood and I always leave vegetables outside in the winter for them.  I don't remember the last time I actually read a comic book; I'm sure it was more than 20 years ago.  Never hunted, but love to go fishing, both summer and winter.  Ice fishing is great if you have the right clothing; it's even more fun if you catch something.


Well last night was fun - we attended the Council on Aging's Grand Old Opry where different musical groups performed and were judged by a local musician - a member of Canada's "Northern Pikes", Jay Semko.  He was very generous with his comments on the various performances, but when the evening came to an end, DH's band won the "Judge's Choice" award.  They were the final act, and they really brought the house down - people were clapping along, some got up and were dancing, others (even the competition) were playing along on spoons if you please!    Here's a pic of the group who were brought back on stage after the majority of them had changed out of their "fancy shirts".  DH is 2nd from left in the jacket and Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt.


This morning we were up and at 'em early, as DH was heading about an hour north of here with a drone film crew where they'll be filming a documentary about the history of the area.  Lunch packed, bear spray packed (yes, there are a ton of bears this year), water onboard, and they were off before 8AM.   Now I have the day to myself, so first on the agenda is taking all the covers off the plants, as frost was predicted for last night - which didn't happen.  I've checked the forecast and we shouldn't have any for at least a week, so I'm a happy camper.


I like today's menu suggestion, but it seems I'll be alone for dinner tonight, so I'll either order pizza or check for something that looks like it's single-serve from the freezer.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for young Jakob; poor little guy!!  Raising the wine glass to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay safe, wear your masks, be well, wash your hands, and hydrate!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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@Sharon in AZ . Sharon, and anyone else who is interested, this is the recipe for the frosting for the German chocolate cate.  I also included the cake recipe for those who like to bake from scratch.  When my mother's caretaker made the cake, it was very good.


I have a slight twist on the cake, since I really like the sides of layer cakes to be frosted, I ice the sides of the German chocolate cakes.  It's not easy to get the icing to stick to the sides, but I've found a few tricks.  


Once the cake (usually two layers) is out of the pans, I put it in the refrigerator until it's cool and the icing is ready to go on the cake.  If the icing is still a little soft or runny, I let it set for a few minutes before putting in on the sides.  Yesterday, since I was getting rid of the last of the pecans and coconut, I put more in than the recipe called for, but it did make the icing stiffer and easier to spread on the sides.


BTW, if you can't find Angelflake coconut, you can use any flaked coconut.  I try not to use the sweetened coconut, as I think there are enough other sweet ingredients.




1 c butter                                                              2½ c flour, sifted

2 c sugar                                                                1 t salt

4 egg yolks                                                            1 c buttermilk

1 pkg. German Sweet Chocolate                       1 t soda

½ c boiling water                                                  1 t vanilla

4 egg whites, beaten


Preheat oven to 350oF.  Lightly grease and flour two cake pans.


Cream butter and sugar.  Add egg yolks.


Add German chocolate to boiling water; then add to butter mixture.  Sift flour with salt.    Set aside ¼ buttermilk mixed with soda.  Add flour mixture alternately with ¾ cup buttermilk; then add the remaining buttermilk.  Add the vanilla.  Fold in the egg whites.


Bake for 30 minutes.






1 c evaporated milk                                             1 t vanilla

1 c sugar                                                                1½ c Angelflake coconut

3 egg yolks                                                            1 c chopped pecans

¼ lb. butter


In a saucepan, combine milk, sugar, egg yolks, butter and vanilla.  Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until thickened, about 12 minutes.


Remove from heat.  Add coconut and pecans.  Beat until cool and of spreading consistency.  Makes 2 2/3 cups or enough for three 9 inch layers.




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6 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I like rabbits - we have one or two in our neighbourhood and I always leave vegetables outside in the winter for them.  I don't remember the last time I actually read a comic book; I'm sure it was more than 20 years ago.  Never hunted, but love to go fishing, both summer and winter.  Ice fishing is great if you have the right clothing; it's even more fun if you catch something.


Well last night was fun - we attended the Council on Aging's Grand Old Opry where different musical groups performed and were judged by a local musician - a member of Canada's "Northern Pikes", Jay Semko.  He was very generous with his comments on the various performances, but when the evening came to an end, DH's band won the "Judge's Choice" award.  They were the final act, and they really brought the house down - people were clapping along, some got up and were dancing, others (even the competition) were playing along on spoons if you please!    Here's a pic of the group who were brought back on stage after the majority of them had changed out of their "fancy shirts".  DH is 2nd from left in the jacket and Hard Rock Cafe t-shirt.


This morning we were up and at 'em early, as DH was heading about an hour north of here with a drone film crew where they'll be filming a documentary about the history of the area.  Lunch packed, bear spray packed (yes, there are a ton of bears this year), water onboard, and they were off before 8AM.   Now I have the day to myself, so first on the agenda is taking all the covers off the plants, as frost was predicted for last night - which didn't happen.  I've checked the forecast and we shouldn't have any for at least a week, so I'm a happy camper.


I like today's menu suggestion, but it seems I'll be alone for dinner tonight, so I'll either order pizza or check for something that looks like it's single-serve from the freezer.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for young Jakob; poor little guy!!  Raising the wine glass to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay safe, wear your masks, be well, wash your hands, and hydrate!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Glad your DH's group won.  

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@Quartzsite CruiserLenda, thanks for your photos today.  I know you and your DH were on the ship with us but we hadn't met yet.  It was a good long cruise, 49 days.  It was our second trip to South America.  


I have another photo of the memorial in the desert you showed.  I put that image into Google image search and up popped "Memorial to Simon Bolivar" and another clear shot of it.  Here's my photo - I was unable to get the one off the internet.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLiTjDhMoZ3A70DdBse3yvH?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1427216785


Thanks for sharing your recipes of German Chocolate cake and frosting.  I do love that type of cake, and it reminds me of my Mom who used to make us that cake.

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2 hours ago, aliaschief said:

No chicken here tonight; DW just told me we are having Cooks Illustrated recipe Cioppino dish and tomorrow’s going to be a favorite, French Onion Soup made from scratch. Another Cooks Illustrated version. 

These cool mornings has brought out a taste for some cooler weather classics.


I love both of those.  When she was living in Strasbourg, France, my sister used to make red onion soup.   I'll have to look for that recipe.

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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning everyone!  We continue with the nice sunny mornings, cool at about 50F but it warms up nicely during the day.  We walked in the dark to the gym and it wasn't as busy today thank goodness.  


Quite an interesting mix of special days to honor.  I love the quote by Edison.  The drumsticks look good.  Prayers to all on the Care list, especially young Jakob.  We hope his breathing issues improve and he is back to normal soon.  Congrats to all celebrating, especially those heading out to their cruises.  


I remember General San Martin, Peru on our 2015 South America Cruise on Ruby Princess.  I've never seen a more dismal docking spot!  We didn't make plans to go to Pisco since DH was suffering from a total body rash due to his allergy to the more exotic mushrooms.  So instead I paid a small fee for a ship shuttle bus to the village of Paracas.  Some new friends I met on the ship went with me.  


Here's the port of General San Martin, left to right.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLjC0DXbkIDIuBu4dk0Zqtt?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1427216761






So unless you plan on staying on the ship all day, you have to plan something away from the port because you can't get off and walk around the town like we love to do.  The bus ride takes maybe 20-25 minutes to reach Paracas.  This is the scenery along the way.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLor8xOoC7LsPbZt9Z-02ak?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1427216778


There's a nice visitor center.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJPcAqAxlHrADwP8vkoX5rx?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1427216800


Once outside you see a lot of fishing boats.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJG_PlSueIRgP_CWFkaVovQ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1427216800


There are plenty of places to eat and drink.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIspldBOl2evizkUw98agp0?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1427216808




Lots of shopping too.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJSKYUsuNLa9f2G_bW3a7Hp?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1427216820




A friendly pelican  Edited to add, in the background you can see the Ruby Princess on the opposite side of the "bay".00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK-BugoOiM9EgW_y8Y_VnZO?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1427216825


Interesting art displays00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLRtsHqvgn2ZfTV5fd1lqfY?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1427216822








Not just the ship passengers here, the locals enjoyed their free time here too.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKN_w8C7JBbV-KyUs2e4Mgn?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1427216847




Driving back to the ship, along the road is the entrance to the Paracas National Reserve,   which protects the desert and marine ecosystems here.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIsRYjPeYsTC5ZjyR5ZgoVk?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1427216866


This was my day in General San Martin.  I'll be interested in seeing pictures from those who visited Piscto.

Where the desert meets the ocean

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1 hour ago, kb4683 said:

Good Morning!


Finally we are able to open the house up for a few hours because the temp and humidity are the lowest in months!  Hello Autumn.


Thank you to everyone here who makes this the friendliest place on CC.


We have been to General San Martin (Pisco) twice by ship and once while on a land tour of Peru.


In 2008, we did the land tour of Peru and left from the Pisco area (probably Paracas) for a boat tour to the Ballestas Islands National Reserve.  (This was the day after we did a small plane flight over the Nazca Lines -- DH's dream since high school).








In 2013, we called at General San Martin on the Golden Princess during our LA to Rio South American cruise.  We took a ship's tour out to Tambo Colorado.





In 2018, we were there on the Maasdam Kon Tiki cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Papeete via Easter Island. This time we just took the shuttle into Paracas and had drinks and a walkabout.  I can't top @StLouisCruisers photos of there, so will just show DH's beer and my last Pisco sour in Peru.






Thanks for your photos today.  Since I'm not a beer drinker I'd probably have the Pisco sour, too.

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Good morning  to all. We see rabbits on occasion  as we are adjacent to a large park.I will save  the recipe for another day as lasagna was requested by the crew.I like the quote and love the port pictures as we have not been there.


I am trying not to freak out but my DS just called and told us DGS  tested positive  for covid.  He and his sister will be 11 in a few weeks.Their school district  has been proactive  with masks and distancing. My son is a n Administrator  in another school district where there is a lot of opposition  to these measures. The rest if the family went to get tested.They live in another state.


Hopefully  DGS's case will be minor.


Thanks for "listening "




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13 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  to all. We see rabbits on occasion  as we are adjacent to a large park.I will save  the recipe for another day as lasagna was requested by the crew.I like the quote and love the port pictures as we have not been there.


I am trying not to freak out but my DS just called and told us DGS  tested positive  for covid.  He and his sister will be 11 in a few weeks.Their school district  has been proactive  with masks and distancing. My son is a n Administrator  in another school district where there is a lot of opposition  to these measures. The rest if the family went to get tested.They live in another state.


Hopefully  DGS's case will be minor.


Thanks for "listening "






I'm very sorry to hear about your DGS testing positive for Covid.  Hopefully the rest of the family will be negative.  I would freak out with that news, too, but I bet he will be fine before long.  Luckily the experts say children aren't as badly affected when positive.  Prayers that holds true for him!

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14 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:


I am trying not to freak out but my DS just called and told us DGS  tested positive  for covid.  He and his sister will be 11 in a few weeks.Their school district  has been proactive  with masks and distancing. My son is a n Administrator  in another school district where there is a lot of opposition  to these measures. The rest if the family went to get tested.They live in another state.


Hopefully  DGS's case will be minor.


Thanks for "listening "






So sorry to hear this.  I hope, too, that it will be just a mild case.   Here the schools are having a bad time of it.  At the beginning of the school year, the decision was made not to notify other parents if a child in their child's class caught it, but they have now reversed that decisions and will make notifications.  

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19 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

I am trying not to freak out but my DS just called and told us DGS  tested positive  for covid


Oh my heavens!  I would be freaking out with that news.  So sorry to hear this 😢. I hope your DGS’s case is very minor and the rest of the family tests negative for covid 🙏🏻 

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🤓 We saw on the news that retired teachers are being asked to come out of retirement and sub in classes...I think I'll take a pass because of Covid cases popping up. Too risky

🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️We spent a week on Peru after getting off the ship in Lima in March 2019. What an experience!

🙏Prayers to all and those who contribute. 👍Many thanks to Rich @richwmn for The Daily and to Roy @rafinmdfor both the Care and Celebration Lists.






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Sending prayers your way @smitty34877.  Statistics are on your side, but such a worry anyway.  Our DGD's school is doing as Ann said, not informing parents and just carrying on.  I know the science can be construed to support this, but it keeps one on pins and needles.  And many home Covid tests, for each and every sniffle.


Prayers for a very quick recovery for DGS and that the family as a whole is over this quickly.



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33 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning  to all. We see rabbits on occasion  as we are adjacent to a large park.I will save  the recipe for another day as lasagna was requested by the crew.I like the quote and love the port pictures as we have not been there.


I am trying not to freak out but my DS just called and told us DGS  tested positive  for covid.  He and his sister will be 11 in a few weeks.Their school district  has been proactive  with masks and distancing. My son is a n Administrator  in another school district where there is a lot of opposition  to these measures. The rest if the family went to get tested.They live in another state.


Hopefully  DGS's case will be minor.


Thanks for "listening "




Sending you our prayers for your DGS.

Hopefully he has little or no discomfort.


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50 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

I am trying not to freak out but my DS just called and told us DGS  tested positive  for covid.  He and his sister will be 11 in a few weeks.Their school district  has been proactive  with masks and distancing. My son is a n Administrator  in another school district where there is a lot of opposition  to these measures. The rest if the family went to get tested.They live in another state.


Hopefully  DGS's case will be minor.


Thanks for "listening "



I'd be freaking out if it were my DGS.  I don't  understand the opposition to masks in schools.   Why do people want to sacrifice the children?


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I just heard from Jakob’s mother that he is off oxygen this morning. He is still in PICU, the doctors wanted to monitor his breathing on his own before moving him to a regular room. She sent a picture to our Ladies group and he looks good but you can tell he’s been ill. 

Many thanks to everyone praying for him and asking about him. Thank you all my Daily family!

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