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The Daily for Monday October 11, 2021


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Good morning Dailyites. Thank you Rich.


Happy Thanksgiving to our northern neighbors. Jacqui I think Jose would like Debbie's 1st turkey chili recipe. It's loaded with peppers.


First thing when our clinic opens is to find a new doctor for us. We got notice that our doctor is leaving Jan 1st. 




I don't know if we have workers coming today or what the next step is. The contractor will text in about an hour and let us know. He told us 2 more weeks for completion. Uh huh..


Last night I made Debbie's chicken and mushroom dish and we both loved it. 


Great to hear from our Daily friends on the BHB's. Really appreciate them sharing their experience. 







Have a blessed day. Prayers and cheers!


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Good morning  to all. Happy Thanksgiving  day to our Canadian  friends.I will salute the Boston marathon and Indigenous  Peoples  Day. Kraken day is interesting as well.


The recipe looks good but I prepared bean and cheese enchiladas  to have with the extended family later.Yesterday DD had everyone to her side of the house and made us  stuffed shells.We were very entertained  by two of her cats who were playing  in the living room.




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Good morning all!  Happy Thanksgiving Day to Canada and happy Columbus, Indigenous and Native American Day to the U.S.  Yes, I'd say having a chili dish with turkey involved was a good choice for our friends serving it today.  Good luck to the runners in the rescheduled Boston Marathon.  I hope the new aide works out well for Sam and Carol.  Very strange that you've heard nothing from the aide in Ghana.  Prayers for our Care list and cheers and toasts to the Celebration folks.  So many of our group on ships right now!  Very exciting news!


The weather is lovely here this week and we  plan to take advantage of it by doing our walking in the morning to the gym.  Today the only creature we ran into was a furry looking caterpillar hanging from a tree branch over our sidewalk.  Luckily we saw it before we ran right into it.  We sidestepped over to the golf cart lane to avoid anymore of his species hanging from other trees.  


The 2018 Grand Africa and Mediterranean cruise on the Prinsendam included a stop in Dakar, Senegal.  Because we had been in Banjul, The Gambia the day before Senegal's stop, we were required to have a Yellow Fever shot (unless your doctor prohibited it due to any health conditions you had).  If the stops had been reversed the shot wouldn't have been required.  But that would have used more fuel to back track so HAL planned it the way they did.


Dakar seemed to have a lot more infrastructure than Banjul, but I can't say we enjoyed it more.  It didn't feel safe to us at all.  There were people tracking us and getting in our personal space as soon as we stepped off the shuttle to a downtown area.  We were afraid someone would distract us while another would try to pickpocket us so we were on guard the entire time.  We walked around a town square and would have headed to a market a couple blocks away if they hadn't been right in our faces trying to sell us "stuff".  Therefore we headed back to the shuttle dropoff/pickup area and got back on the shuttle.  It was quite a disappointment. 


One person on the shuttle had asked to get off on our way to the dropoff spot downtown so he could get transportation to Goree Island all alone.  Several passengers and the driver tried to talk him out of it but he insisted.  😲


This is the dock area in Dakar.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLQL29LWlwke_EKeqY5iB3c?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526126057


The buses for a few tours.  The cars parked above were covered in dirt and filth and looked like they'd been there a while.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJI6RKcjxSxGF-LjPiRkDwN?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526126046


This was on our way to downtown, and right about where the man asked to be let out of the shuttle bus.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJSFtMaX2IxjUoiIXOLwFVK?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526126081






This billboard was about an ex-mayor of Dakar who was imprisoned and the people felt he was unjustly held.  He was later pardoned by the president of Senegal. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKcWP1c_CeoOqFftM1d_a7Y?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526126127


This is the "park" where we were dropped off our shuttle.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIxfQ7fO0HncXOEkq2fdHSQ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526126129




"Salespersons" heading our way with their wares.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLj9rMi10_uq7S9aAX_UA-s?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526083686


If they would have kept their distance we would have been fine.  A foot away is not good!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIIPoqDLRVONmAnkiUguRA3?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526083693


This looked like auto repair going on right on the street next to this gas station.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIvWXzRM8roR3_eyXcuFRBj?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526126157


Heading back to our home for 54 days, the Prinsendam.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVL69ztgXurJykRPOVyPjmf8?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1526126157


If, like us, you don't feel safe with people crowding around you and trying to stop you from proceeding, then I would advise a guided tour in Dakar.  I know I wouldn't try it unaccompanied again.  I'm sure there were some nice things to see and experience there, but not by us that day.  Perhaps someone else who's been there will have something interesting to show us.

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Thank you Rich and Roy.  This is one of the first places I go each morning.


Roy - BIL in much better shape — may be removed from care list.  Thank you.  

Cruising update for me.  “Spur of the Moment” booking - Sunday, 10/17 on Oasis of the Seas.  Last cruise was Feb. 2020.  


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Good morning to all. I am early this morning as it is going to be a very busy day. It is cold this morning.... our first real frost and if I had been using the car early I would have needed to scrape the windshield. High today may limp into the 50's and tonight we are due for our first really hard freeze. I had the sprinklers turned off last week. High tomorrow in the low 40's and snow for the higher elevations.... here it will probably just be a cold rain. Bandit and I are ready.


Have not been to the destination of the day - or much of Africa for that matter. Someday...... Just now I am enjoying the reports by those who are managing to be "all at sea".


On a sad note.... like most animal shelters right now we are experiencing a glut of animals. Seems people are returning their Covid companions. I did sort of expect it but it makes me very sad. In our family when a pet enters your home it is family for life. Looking waaaay back into my childhood, I wonder how my Mom was able to let me keep my dog when we went through a series of moves. I know we boarded the dog for awhile.... and I am not sure how Mom worked that into what was then a very tight budget.


Susan (and a very spoiled Bandit)

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14 minutes ago, Lady Hudson said:

Thank you Rich and Roy.  This is one of the first places I go each morning.


Roy - BIL in much better shape — may be removed from care list.  Thank you.  

Cruising update for me.  “Spur of the Moment” booking - Sunday, 10/17 on Oasis of the Seas.  Last cruise was Feb. 2020.  



Wow!  Only 6 days till you cruise again!  Congratulations on your spur of the moment booking.🚢

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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Hope all the Canadian Dailyites enjoy the holiday today.


Another interesting collection of days.  Hoping for a safe and uneventful Boston Marathon.  I salute Native Americans and Indigenous People.  


Moore's quote is interesting.  Today we'll pass on the meal and the drink.  I'm pretty sure we've had the wine and enjoyed it.


@Lady Hudson  Congratulations on booking your cruise.  Have a wonderful time.

@durangoscots Good to see that Colorado is getting moisture in snow and rain.  I'm sorry to learn that so many pets are being returned to the shelter and other shelters.  It was something I was afraid would happen when so many people were adopting pets early in the lockdown.  I know I'd never be able to return an adopted pet after having them in the family for more than a year.

@rafinmd  Roy, you can take our antivax neighbors off the care list.

@mamaofami  Carol, fingers crossed  ✌️  that the new aide works out and is as good as the one that you really liked.

@aliaschief  Bruce, happy that the cruise is going so well.


In 2009 on the Tahitian Princess, we visited Dakar, Senegal.  Like @StLouisCruisers Sandi, we found the town to be fairly uninviting and were not comfortable walking around.  As soon as the shuttle dropped us off in the park, a "gang" of ladies selling trinkets descended on us.  We did walk up the street about two blocks toward the market, but we felt uncomfortable and turned around.  Just as we headed back to the shuttle dropoff, the Call to Prayer was sounded.  All the men stopped what they were doing, unrolled their rugs on the sidewalk to pray.  We had to walk in the street the rest of the way back to the park, where we again were surrounded by the ladies selling stuff.


We were in town early afternoon, and we learned after many compliants by the passengers, ours was the last shuttle to let people off in town.  The rest of the day, the shuttle was basically an scenic tour of Dakar.


That morning, we took a ships tour to the I'Ile de Goree which we enjoyed, even with its sad history.  The I'Ile de Goree was where the slave traders held the slaves before putting them on a ship to the new world.  Most of the slaves were captured by enemy tribes and sold to the traders.  


These are my pictures of Dakar.  I'll post the ones from the I'Ile de Goree later.


Like Panama City, Dakar looks a lot better from the ship or in our case the boat to the I'Ile de Goree.



The two block walk and the local "merchants' wares"




The view from the park where the shuttle stopped.





Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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The history made the tour to the I'Ile de Goree interesting if somewhat somber.  The rest of the lsland is a residential and tourist area.  It was very hot that day.


Views of the island from our tour boat





Our walk to the slave prison




The slave prison



A couple of the cells.  Of course, there were no electric lights back then.




The cell you did not want to be placed in



The quarters for the prison guards/officials were a little better.



Finally, the sadest part of the prison, the Door of No Return.  The slaves walked through this door onto the ship that would take them to their new life.




Some of the equipment used in the slave trade



The rest of the pictures of the I'Ile de Goree are happier pictures.  This is their local "UPS".



A colonial building



Next we had a much needed and cooling refreshment break along with local entertainment.



These were covering many of the trees on the island, and I don't know or don't remember what they are called.



Our next stop was the Catholic Church built under the French rule.




The medical center run by the Ordre Souverain de Malte au Senegal



Our final stop on the island naturally, was the shopping stop.  We bought a beautiful carved mask that was stained dark brown and black, and is on the wall of our house in Quartzsite.





Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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3 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

The history made the tour to the I'Ile de Goree interesting if somewhat somber.  The rest of the lsland is a residential and tourist area.  It was very hot that day.


Views of the island from our tour boad




Our walk to the slave prison




The slave prison



A couple of the cells.  Of course, there were no electric lights back then.




The cell you did not want to be placed in



The quarters for the prison guards/officials were a little better.



Finally, the sadest part of the prison, the Door of No Return.  The slaves walked through this door onto the ship that would take them to their new life.




Some of the equipment used in the slave trade



The rest of the pictures of the I'Ile de Goree are happier pictures.  This is their local "UPS".



A colonial building



Next we had a much needed rest/refreshment break along with local entertainment.



Our next stop was the Catholic Church built under the French rule.




The medical center run by the Ordre Souverain de Malte au Senegal



Our final stop on the island naturally, was the shopping stop.  We bought a beautiful carved mask that was stained dark brown and black, and is on the wall of our house in Quartzsite.








That looks like a good tour.  And no one harassing you like we encountered downtown.

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4 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


That looks like a good tour.  And no one harassing you like we encountered downtown.


Sandi, it was a good tour, but extremely hot.  Even the sellers in the market area would ask if we wanted to buy something but did not hassle us.



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5 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I wonder if there are any Amazon packages on that cart?  They're everywhere!  Actually we're trying to cut down on Amazon purchases and buying locally.IMG_7440.thumb.JPG.3074c0aa1930f025caa358e00b6e6965.JPG


Sandi, since this was in 2009, I doubt there were any.  Bet there would be some today. 🙂



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2 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

Roy - BIL in much better shape — may be removed from care list.  Thank you.  


That is really good news.  Something to be thankful for 👍 


2 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

Cruising update for me.  “Spur of the Moment” booking - Sunday, 10/17 on Oasis of the Seas.  Last cruise was Feb. 2020.  


Wonderful!!!!!  Hope you have a fantastic time 🤞 

2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

On a sad note.... like most animal shelters right now we are experiencing a glut of animals. Seems people are returning their Covid companions. I did sort of expect it but it makes me very sad. In our family when a pet enters your home it is family for life. Looking waaaay back into my childhood, I wonder how my Mom was able to let me keep my dog when we went through a series of moves.


That is really sad to hear. 😡 those animals weren’t just covid companions - they were deserving of furever homes.  Having been involved with the SPCA for many years, I am disgusted by people who discard animals for the sake of convenience or because they are too lazy to do the work.

There were plenty of cautions on the tv and here about returning to work and how to prepare your fur babies.  All people had to do was a bit of training and work.  GRRRRRR.

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Good morning from the lovely Koningsdam!  What a beautiful ship this is!  

Our sunrise this morning from our verandah:



We are eating breakfast in Club Orange. Mimosas are required, IMO. 


Last night we had a great CC Happy Hour with Linda @lindaler, Jane @lazey1, and Maxine @AncientWandererand her DH. Somehow I forgot to take pictures, I think we were just having too much fun. 

Avalon is our port today and the day is turning into a beautiful day. 

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Happy Thanksgiving.


It is a beautiful sunny autumn day here.  The sunshine is melting the light frost we had last night.  I guess this week I should pull up the annuals.


Tonight will be roast turkey for two with stuffing/dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, Brussel sprouts and carrots.   Dessert will be a pumpkin swirl cheesecake.  The wine is a pinot gris from the Similkameen Valley.  I think we will be eating turkey and cheesecake all week.



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16 minutes ago, Marmot@Sea said:

Happy Thanksgiving.


It is a beautiful sunny autumn day here.  The sunshine is melting the light frost we had last night.  I guess this week I should pull up the annuals.


Tonight will be roast turkey for two with stuffing/dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, Brussel sprouts and carrots.   Dessert will be a pumpkin swirl cheesecake.  The wine is a pinot gris from the Similkameen Valley.  I think we will be eating turkey and cheesecake all week.




Sounds delicious!  🦃

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Sandi, since this was in 2009, I doubt there were any.  Bet there would be some today. 🙂




With a little research I found out the business was started in 1995 as an online bookseller.  It grew rapidly from then on so we could have seen packages being delivered around the world in 2009.  😀

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