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The Daily for Saturday October 23, 2021


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Hopefully we make a difference in people's lives most days - I know everyone here usually makes a difference in mine.  Moles are weird little critters, but thanks Jacqui for the explanation of today.  I haven't watched a TV talk show for a long time - some of the daytime shows deteriorated into nothing more than hour long advertisements.


I'm happy to say we've been to Barcelona 3 times and absolutely love the city and surroundings.  As a matter of fact, 3 years ago today DH and I were on our way to BCN for a week before boarding the Eurodam for another trans-Atlantic.  Like @kazu, we should have been flying out next week to do another TA, but that's not to be this year.  Barcelona has so much to see, but you can also venture a little farther afield and see places like Montserrat, or take a train or private tour to Figueres where the amazing Salvador Dali museum is something to behold.  Of course there's Sagrada Familia, all the Gaudi experiences, Las Ramblas, and sangria !!!! 


The news reports yesterday indicated that our natural gas bills are going to be increasing beginning next month, so I think today we'll head out to pick up the shrinkable plastic to put over all the large windows in the house.  We've done it in the past and it really helps keep the house warmer, so a few dollars and a couple of hours invested will help lower the cost of heating for the winter.  I'm also looking at replacing my phone today - I have an iPhone 8 that is getting slower all the time, so will look at something newer.  I don't want one of the big models, so might go with an SE, as I still like the "home" button on them.  We'll see.


@smitty34877thanks for keeping us updated with beautiful little Camilla photos!

@Horizon chaser 1957 stay safe during the upcoming storm - keep us posted, please!


I like today's menu suggestion, as we both enjoy salmon, but I've got ground beef thawing that will be made into quesadillas for dinner tonight.  And wine.  Not the most creative, but I'm thinking after we get all the windows done, neither of us is going to feel like cooking a big meal.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Clinking the glasses together to toast all on the happy list. Stay safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, and be well.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Happy Saturday.  I hope I make a difference at times.  Will skip Mole day and haven't watched a talk show in a very long time.  Not worth the blood pressure going up with the stupidity.  I so wish more people would follow the Dalai Lama quote.  Will save the meal for DH.  Have not been to Spain.  Would have visited at the end of the month if we kept the cruise we had booked.

Prayers and toasts to our lists.  Thank you Rich and Roy for your dedication to the lists.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Royal Bermuda Cocktail:


60 mL Demerera Rum 2 oz
7.5 mL Orange Curacao ie. Pierre Ferrand) ¼ oz
22.5 mL Fresh Lime Juice ¾ oz
15 ml Falernum ½ oz

Combine all ingredients into your cocktail shaker
Shake with ice
Strain into a chilled coupe glass
Garnish with a lime wheel

At its core, falernum is a soothing mix of baking spices, sugar, nuts (typically almonds) and lime. Its signature heat comes from ginger and there are both boozy and dry versions of the stuff. The former is made with overproof rum, resulting in a roughly 15-20% alcohol by volume liquid perfect for a Mai Tai.  The recipe for this is complicated and has many steps.  Google search for the recipe.

Screen Shot 2021-10-23 at 7.23.16 AM.png





Sounds good but very sweet!

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Good morning everyone. Everyone should try to make a difference every day. If you can do or say something nice to someone, you should do it.

We had a cruise scheduled for Barcelona several years ago and had to cancel, but I can’t remember why. It’s one of the places I really wanted to see .

That picture of Camella is beautiful. Enjoy her, Terry.

Tonight we are going to a show at our clubhouse. Really looking forward to it. We have a table with 10:of our friends. Because of covid, no food is being served and we have to wear masks, but they will pass out snacks to take home.

Stay safe everyone,


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Good Morning everyone from a warm and sunny day at the beach

        Todays quote is a great one. Words we all should try to live by. Have not been to todays port so looking forward to pictures.

         @cat shepard Love your new blouse. It is very unique.

            @smitty34877 Miss Camilla looks healthy and happy.  So good to see her growing.

 Yesterday I received a big box in the mail from my DS. She sent my DD a halloween bag and her Bday and Christmas presents! She said she didnt know how she would be feeling and didnt want her to miss out. My DD is both physically and mentally challenged. DS has never forgotten her for any occasion for her whole life. That is the type of person my DS is, always thinking of someone else. 

          We are going out on our friends boat this afternoon. It is always a great time.


Stay safe and enjoy today

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In 2017 I had a great vacation. It started with a Med cruise from Rome to Barcelona, followed by time in Spain, and Portugal, then a cruise from Montreal to Fort Lauderdale with a group of friends. Rather than try to pick some pictures, here is a link to what I posted about Barcelona at the time



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Good morning Dailyites. Thank you Rich and thanks to all contributors. 


I recall we had this discussion on Barcelona last year. We were in Barcelona for several days prior to sailing on NCL Gem. Allen was robbed in the marketplace the night before. Luckily I had his passport. Unluckily he had several hundred euro in his wallet. 


I'm not a salmon lover ,specially now Debbie saying to cook it properly or you can get tape worms? 🤯


Welcome aboard @LCruiser17. Welcome home @aliaschief


Last night was fun. Listened to a band called Bitterroot then to dinner. A beautiful evening out on the shaded lawn. 


Tonight I'm making tenderloin, mashed potatoes and green beans. No salmon in sight!


Prayers, Cheers and Blessings 



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12 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

@cunnorlSounds like you have a wonderful family.  It's great when people think of others.

 Thank You.  I am very fortunate and do have a wonderful and caring family. Even though I no no longer live near most of them, we have almost daily contact .

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Good morning friends!  Sorry I'm so late.  Keeping busy with laundry, etc. and also taking a long time to read what's posted so far.  Today on the way to the gym we ran across a slow-poke armadillo.  He wouldn't move out of the way until I started hissing at him.  That he didn't like so he waddled off into the woods.  


Thanks for our Daily Rich, and thanks Roy for the lists.  The Care list is getting longer which is a trend we need to reverse.  Prayers to all!  A good variety of celebrations to cheer for.   Thanks for the new photo of Miss Camilla today Terry.  Good news you're getting your car back today.  I hear you about the ransom you have to pay to get it back though.  At least Subarus are known for their longevity and reliability so it could be with you for a long time.  DDIL used to drive Outbacks but this year moved on to a BMW SUV.  Her 16 year old has taken over the latest Outback.  


We have an excellent quote today.  As for mole day, thanks Jacqui for that explanation but the other types of moles are not something I care to celebrate.  Hopefully we all make a difference every day.  Talk show hosts I can take or leave.  The salmon dish I would pass on though DH loves it.  


DH has a call in to our dentist.  That adjacent tooth to the extracted tooth is not doing well.  It had a filling but it's coming apart piece by piece.  He needs to get in and have something done.  There won't be enough left for a crown if he doesn't do something now.  Lots of $$$ will be spent repairing those two teeth.  🦷


We've spent a fair amount of time cruising the Med and I can recall at least 6 visits to Barcelona.  Last time was in summer 2019 with our 50th anniversary family cruise.  The kids and grandkids all enjoyed it tremendously.  Thanks for photos of Barcelona and surrounding areas everyone posts today.  And sorry for those who haven't been able to sail there because of the Covid crisis.  I hope it's in your future plans.


Have a good weekend everyone!

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Good morning all!

What a varied collection of days. Thank you @kazufor explaining mole day!  Of course my first thought was my nemesis the tunneling mole!  😉  Have never watched talk shows except for the rare occasion there was someone of interest to me on the show.  We do like salmon but in moderation -- I guess you could say it isn't my favorite seafood, but I like it once in awhile.  Especially done like Debbie's second recipe. 🙂  Tonight will be leftover beef stew from yesterday.  We've been to Barcelona, but both times were unable to get inside the Sagrada Familia.  Also took a tour up to Montserrat, that was amazing.


Well yesterday we never did get around to unpacking!  At least all the suitcases are upstairs now 😉  DH spent some time on the phone with HAL, there was a mistake on our final bill (OBC refund) from the ship.  There was an excursion (that never happened because of Venice problems) and that one excursion kept getting billed and refunded over and over during the cruise so it took awhile to figure out what they had finally done.  Our OBC refund was close to $300 less than was on our printed out statement just before disembarkation.  Long story short, the gal at HAL agreed that a mistake was made, and now she will take care of it.


My day was taken up by making the stew for dinner and baking cookies to take to the 2 DGS today.  Then I got lost in researching our next cruise, and well, there the day went!  


@smitty34877little Camilla is a beauty!  Thank you for the photos!


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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

I'm not a salmon lover ,specially now Debbie saying to cook it properly or you can get tape worms? 🤯


My sister got a fish tapeworm, most likely from salmon in Alaska.   Even if guaranteed parasite free, they don't test for tapeworms, so they can still be present.  You can easily avoid them by storing and cooking properly.



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👍Thank you for The Daily Rich @richwmn and to Roy @rafinmd for both the Care and Celebration Lists.

Like others, we've been to Barcelona numerous times and always enjoy the city and surroundings.  A few times we used Julia Tours...not sure if it's still operating? 🙃

Our last time was in May of 2019 when we flew from Porto to Barcelona. We extend our time away by 'livin' like locals' and revisiting sites....and I come home with Pikolinos, lol!😉 👟👠.

Prayers for all in need and Happy Weekend...more for us.




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Good morning from a cloudy and breezy Quartzsite.  Yesterday, our high was in the low 90sF, but today and for the near future, we'll be in the lower 80sF.  Maybe, I'll tackle the dead branch in the mesquite tree.  Evidently, it broke over the summer and the place where it broke is fairly high.  The plan is to get as much as possible cut down before getting out the pole chain saw to reach the higher places.


Make a difference day should be everyday, and I try to make a difference for the good.  @kazu Thanks for the explanation of Mole Day.  That I can celebrate, but not the other kinds of moles.  The younger DD would have known what the day was since she was a chemistry majorn.  TV talk shows and their hosts are not what they were "back in the day".  😀


The Dalai Lama's quote is so very true.


I have salmon in the freezer, and it has been deep frozen, but we had fish last night, so the salmon will be saved for another night.  I'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds good.


We have been to Barcelona many times beginning in September 2001, with a pre-cruise stay.  Actually, we stayed in Sitges, but toured Spain and the area around Barcelona.  I'll look for pictures later.


@cat shepard  Glad you were able to adopt the coveted blouse.  Enjoy wearing it.

@aliaschief  After a wonderful cruise, have a safe trip home.

@JAM37  Julia, it's great that your DD and SSIL are doing better.  I bet the DGS enjoyed being spoiled by his grandparents, but will be glad to get back home.  Have a safe trip home tomorrow.

@dfish Sorry your back gave you problems last night, but glad the patch worked.  There are also lotions with lidocaine that should help.

@smitty34877  This picture of Camilla with her big blue eyes is even better than the one last night.  She is really growing and trying to figure out the world.  Glad you're getting your car back today, but sorry about the ransom.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, sorry your DH's tooth is causing so much trouble.  Hope he can get an emergency appointment.

@Horizon chaser 1957  Enjoy your day on the other island, and stay safe during the storm tomorrow.

@mamaofami  Carol, very happy your planned day is so normal.  It's about time.  Enjoy the show.

@cunnorl  What a nice thing for our DS to do for your DD.  👍👋




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In September 2001, we took the train from Sitges into Barcelona and then took the Ho-Ho to see the town.  All these pictures were taken by DH as he had the digital camera, and they show how uncrowded Barcelona was in the two weeks following 9/11.  


A couple of pictures from the Ho-Ho.  The second one is a bocce ball tournament.




We had no trouble getting into La Sagrada Familia then, and pretty much had the place to ourselves, except for the workmen.







Even walking around the Gothic quarter and the Rambles was not a problem.





Our last visits to Barcelona were on the Veendam in 2019, and the same areas were very crowded. 




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We were back in Bacelona in 2002 on the Noordam III.  These are some pictures of Park Guell designed by Antoni Gaudi.  It is named for Gaudi's patron, Eusebi Guell.  In the name, park is in English as Gaudi admired the English city gardens.


The entrance to the park.  The flat area in one pictture is on top of the area above the columns.  As the park followed nature, there are no straight lines in the park.



Gaudi's famous lizaard guarding the entrance steps.



The flat area



Looking down at the city and the buildings flanking the entrance.




Noordam III from a long distance.



We tried to revisit the park  in 2019 when we were on the Veendam.  At the park, we were told all that day's tickets were sold.  We needed to have purchased tickets online at least the day before.  We just looked arund the area near the park then took a city bus back toward town.  


We were glad we had seen Park Guell and La Sagrada Familia on early visits when there were not as many tourists.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good Morning, all!


Thanks to all who contribute here.  Hugs to those on the care list and cheers to those on the celebratory list.


We have embarked, disembarked, "turnarounded", and just plain called upon Barcelona (12 different times).  It is one our favorite cities despite the fact that during our first trip there DH was almost pickpocketed -- the old squirt something on his back and try to wipe it off -- I stepped in and pushed the guy away.  We had read about this tactic and DH had his wallet in his front pocket which was zippered.


Our first time was in December, 2007 - the beginning of a TA on =X= Century and the last time was October, 2019, during our 32 day Holy Land and TA on Rotterdam VI.  Since there are already many pictures posted, I won't repeat.  However, we do have one tradition we must do when in Barcelona -- have a plate of fried Padron peppers and some Jamon Iberico sometimes accompanied by a plate of patatas bravas or  pan con tomate.


First time - peppers and patatas bravas



3rd time - peppers, Jamon Iberico & Manchego cheese 



8th time - Jamon Iberico and pan con tomateIMG_0426.thumb.jpg.698351bc24415c4a24f8c7dd20e97ffd.jpg


Our last time in Barcelona -- Jamon Iberico


Pan con tomateDSCF4142.thumb.jpg.178e243cf2c924b65bf536b6a6379546.jpg

Padron peppers





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1 minute ago, swmissouritravelers said:

Good morning, everyone.

I came across "The Daily" quite by accident.  Love it!  My question is....how do I place it on my "follow" list?  I can "follow" an individual day but haven't figured out how to follow the thread.  Your help is appreciated.  Thank you.


Welcome to the Daily 🙂 


Each day is a different and new  thread so until you select it you can’t follow it, sadly.  (Hope that makes sense).  But, the Daily is always on the first page of the HAL forum and usually near the top as we are all chatting and sharing.  


Just look for Daily - and the date.Rich usually starts it relatively early in the morning. 🙂 

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5 minutes ago, kb4683 said:


We have embarked, disembarked, "turnarounded", and just plain called upon Barcelona (12 different times).  It is one our favorite cities despite the fact that during our first trip there DH was almost pickpocketed -- the old squirt something on his back and try to wipe it off -- I stepped in and pushed the guy away.  We had read about this tactic and DH had his wallet in his front pocket which was zippered.





That same trick was used on us in Huatulco in 2014 and in 2015 in Buenos Aires.  In 2014 we reported it to the ship's security when we returned.  After we sailed, we got a call asking us to come to Guest Services.  We were met by the Security Officer and either the GRM or the HD and asked to make and sign a statement about the attempt.  Later, the captain mentioned the attempt in his noon announcement and warned people to be very careful in port.  We were glad our report was taken seriously.



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5 minutes ago, swmissouritravelers said:

Good morning, everyone.

I came across "The Daily" quite by accident.  Love it!  My question is....how do I place it on my "follow" list?  I can "follow" an individual day but haven't figured out how to follow the thread.  Your help is appreciated.  Thank you.


Welcome to the Daily.  Hope you visit and join the discussion often.  You'll find this the friendliest, most supportive place on CC.



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Odd days. Only making a difference appeals to me.

Great quote!

I will pass on the salmon. The drink and wine sound good. I prefer Roy's meal. Tonight will be leftover chili; it came out tasting great!

I've been to Spain on a land trip, but wasn't in Barcelona. I was to have embarked there on my cancelled 2020 HAL cruise; seeing La Sagrada Familia was/is a bucket list item.


Another cold and damp day. It was 62 in my bedroom this AM, so I caved and turned the heat on just to take the chill off the house. Now they are saying there were 6+ tornadoes around the area on Thursday. 


@rafinmd Sorry to hear about the higher PSA, but I'm glad you're seeing the radiologist sooner.

@cat shepard So sad about the gym instructor's DH. Congrats on getting the beautiful blouse.

@smitty34877 I'm glad you're getting your car back. Miss Camilla looks so sweet.

@aliaschief Welcome home.

@JAM37 I'm glad the family is recovering and I hope it continues. They are so fortunate that you were able to help. Safe travels.

@dfish I'm glad the patch helped you. I had a fitful night too, due to knee and back pain. I haven't been able to do some of my back exercises due to the knee.

@cunnorl So sweet of your DS to always remember DD. 

@StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear about DH's dental situation. My BFF ended up having 2 implants after extractions and I was shocked at the cost. 

@swmissouritravelers Welcome to the Daily!


Prayers for the care list and cheers to the celebration list.

Stay safe everyone.

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Good morning and thanks all!  @kazuthanks for clarifying about mole day, I was scratching my head.  Love the wisdom of the Dalai Lama, I was fortunate to hear him speak in person,. 
DH likes the sound of that drink,  wondering if it’s liked the spiced rum we had in St. Lucia? 

we had salmon last night, now I’m worrying about tape worms, eek! 
@smitty34877 oh miss Camilla gets more beautiful by the day


We’ve been fortunate to visit Barcelona several times.  












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