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The Daily for Sunday 01/30/2022


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Today is National Inane Answering Message Day, Yodel for Your Neighbors Day, and National Escape Day

Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.--Marilyn Monroe

Meal Suggestion for today - strip steak mashed potatoes
Drink of the Day - Makers Mark Mint Julep
Wine of the Day - Ridge 2018 Pagani Ranch Zinfandel (Sonoma Valley)
Destination of the Day - Mgarr (Victoria), Gozo, Malta

Ships With Passengers

At Sea Caribbean Sea


Destination Grand Turk eta 2/1

At Sea Pacific


Destination Ensenada MX eta 2/1

Oranjestad, Aruba Island, Dutch Antilles

Nieuw Statendam  

08:00 - 19:00

San Diego, California


07:00 - 17:00

Willemstad, Curacao Island, Dutch Antilles


08:00 - 23:00


Ships Without Passengers

At Sea Atlantic

Nieuw Amsterdam  

Off Fort Lauderdale

At Sea Mediterranean Sea


Destination Limassol CY eta 2/1

Corfu GR



Freeport BS



Long Beach CA US







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Good morning.  Thanks for the Daily Report.


Well, our really cold weather is over, today it is supposed to warm up to -5c (23f).  But we've got a snow squall warning with 15cm of new snow.  It's windy too.  Bertie will get another short walk this morning.


Interesting days.   We've been stuck at home for so long, I don't think we've had a message on the answering machine for ages.   I'll pass on the yodelling.   Maybe we'll plan a cruise and hope for an escape. 🙂


Interesting quote.


The meal sounds good.  I'll pass on the drink and the wine.

We almost booked a cruise that stopped in Malta, so it's still on my list.  Looking forward to seeing pictures.


Prayers for everyone.


Stay safe.

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Good afternoon.

It is a nice day so after church we escape to the beach to look out at sea and relax.

I rarely leave messages preferring to ring back later to speak with someone.

Funny quote today.

Nice food and drink.

We have been to Valetta many times on the island of Malta but never to its small neighbouring island of Gozo.

I said prayers 🙏 for our care list at church this morning.

I hope everyone stays safe and have a pleasant day.







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Good morning everyone and thanks for the daily report.  Interesting collection of days today I’d love to be escaping to somewhere warm today. The quote is quite true.  Meal suggestion sounds tasty.  I’ll pass on the drink but will take the wine, love zinfandels.  Haven’t been to today’s port and hope to enjoy some nice photos.  Prayers for all on our list.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today.

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Good morning, Friends. Thank you for the Daily, the Lists and the Recipes.


Interesting collection of days. 


Steak and potatoes sound great. I would add a vegetable for myself.


I'm wondering how people multiquote from different pages.? I have tried a few times but once I go to a different page the ones from the previous page disappear.


We did get some snow yesterday morning just before daybreak and it was a very cold day, but the sun came out and melted all the white stuff away. Today it is supposed to get into the low 50's and a mild week is forecasted for us.


The grouting process continues. Of course this afternoon and this evening we will be watching football.


@grapau27Graham, thank you for sharing the sermon.


Have a blessed Sunday.


🙏 and 🎉 for those on our lists.

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Thank you for the Sunday Daily, Rich.  I get so many robocalls that my message is pretty basic and to the point; I no longer answer the phone unless I recognize the caller or someone  starts leaving a message.  I'll pass on the yodeling but still hope to have a getaway February 17-25.  I've been to Malta just once but it was La Valetta.  Interesting Monroe quote.  I won't have the meal suggestion but is something I would enjoy on a ship.  Still very cold and I plan to pretty much hunker down today.


Today’s care list:

Strength for Jacqui, dealing with more than should be on anyone’s shoulders
Saint John Hospital Covid Situation and Jose’s fall and fracture

Welfare of furloughed crews
Mr. Boston awaiting biopsy results
Sharon’s DD with possible covid
StLouisSal with possible covid exposure
ger_77 DH Cardiac issues and cancelled cruise
Numerious dailyite friends and family with covid
From the rotation:
StLouisCruisers Niece DH undergoing throat cancerr chemo
SrLouisCruiser awaiting MOSE 2/21
kakalina with spreading lung cancer in hospice
NextOne  DDIL with mystery illness


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

5 BHB with passengers
Front Line Health Care Workers
Carnival Group  hospital ships Nieuw Amsterdam, Crown Princess, and Queen Victoria
Queen of Da Nile (NS to 2/2) at sea
Cruising single at sea  (Zuiderdam to 2/13)
6 days for Lady Hudson (Enchantment OTS to 2/25)
Garlictown in Hawaii
Jose able to talk to kazu
Tana approvedfor rehab hospital stepup
New grandchild (and photo) for swin26
Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - officially onboard & introduced. - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)



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1 minute ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Sunday Daily, Rich.  I get so many robocalls that my message is pretty basic and to the point; I no longer answer the phone unless I recognize the caller or someone  starts leaving a message.  I'll pass on the yodeling but still hope to have a getaway February 17-25.  I've been to Malta just once but it was La Valetta.  Interesting Monroe quote.  I won't have the meal suggestion but is something I would enjoy on a ship.  Still very cold and I plan to pretty much hunker down today.


Today’s care list:

Strength for Jacqui, dealing with more than should be on anyone’s shoulders
Saint John Hospital Covid Situation and Jose’s fall and fracture

Welfare of furloughed crews
Mr. Boston awaiting biopsy results
Sharon’s DD with possible covid
StLouisSal with possible covid exposure
ger_77 DH Cardiac issues and cancelled cruise
Numerious dailyite friends and family with covid
From the rotation:
StLouisCruisers Niece DH undergoing throat cancerr chemo
SrLouisCruiser awaiting MOSE 2/21
kakalina with spreading lung cancer in hospice
NextOne  DDIL with mystery illness


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

5 BHB with passengers
Front Line Health Care Workers
Carnival Group  hospital ships Nieuw Amsterdam, Crown Princess, and Queen Victoria
Queen of Da Nile (NS to 2/2) at sea
Cruising single at sea  (Zuiderdam to 2/13)
6 days for Lady Hudson (Enchantment OTS to 2/25)
Garlictown in Hawaii
Jose able to talk to kazu
Tana approvedfor rehab hospital stepup
New grandchild (and photo) for swin26
Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - officially onboard & introduced. - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)



Thank you for keeping the lists updated daily Roy.


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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  The most inane answering machine message was on a friend's phone:  "Who are you, what do you want, never mind, I'm not calling you back."   And you couldn't leave a message.  LOL  Yodel for a neighbour?  I don't think so.  We should be escaping on a BHB today, but that plan was thwarted, now to plan the next great escape.


We're sitting at a pleasant -9C (15F) this morning with just a cloudy day ahead.  Tomorrow, however, looks to be a totally different scenario, as we're expecting an "Alberta Clipper" to swing through bringing lots of snow and colder temperatures that will likely last throughout the week.  Better get out there and enjoy some fresh air while it's still nice, because it looks like we'll be hanging around indoors for the better part of the week.   I'm glad we've got the Crocus Co-op people booked for snow removal - I'll bet a lot more folks will be calling them soon.  Sending good vibes to everyone in the path of the Nor'Easter and other storms this weekend.


Marilyn Monroe was an intelligent woman, although she liked to play the dumb blonde role.  It's sad she felt the need to end her life to bring her true happiness.  We have been to Valetta, Malta, but not to Gozo.  From Malta we took the Marsaxlokk fishing village tour which was one of the most picturesque places we'd seen to that point in our travels.



I like today's menu suggestion, but the small beef roast I made yesterday turned out to be not that small!  Guess what we're having for dinner tonight?  Leftovers!  I think I'll add a tossed salad to round it out and that will be it.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for all our Daily-ites and families with health issues. We'll clink our glasses together to cheer on those on the celebration list.  Be safe, get your boosters, wash your hands, wear your masks, stay well, and keep warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




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Good morning from the North Pole, actually SW Florida. We moved to the Sunshine State in 1993 and this morning is the coldest temperatures we have experienced since our move, temp on the lanai thermometer says it's 28 degrees.

We live on the Deep Creek Golf and Country Club 12th hole and I can see frost on the fairway, tee times will be delayed at least 2 hours. Cold again tomorrow morning and then we start warming up, 70s on Tuesday, 80s on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Edited by MISTER 67
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Thanks for our Sunday Daily, Rich.


Interesting collection of days.  No answering machine in the house - voice mail 😉 I won’t be yodelling today but my neighbours might be hearing me scream - there’s no escape.  I’m snow bound until I can dig and get dug out 😔  This WAS Marley’s and my path outside.




I like that Marilyn Munroe quote. Today’s meal sounds good but I have lost my appetite between the snow and Marley.  He came in limping yesterday.




Not much I could do with the storm and being snow bound. 😢  No one could get anywhere yesterday and today is pretty iffy as well. 😔 And more snow to come 😔  if someone is trying to test me to see how much I can take, please stop, I feel helpless enough, thank you.


Hard to sleep last night between the winds howling, the house creaking and worry about Marley and, of course, he wanted out at 2 am & wouldn’t come in so I had to go out & get him 😔 





@JAM37Julia my multi quotes seem to carry throughout the whole thread.  If you click the quote button at the bottom left hand side it should work.  (Screen shot below). Otherwise, I’m at a loss why it’s not for you.




My neighbour and friend who is a very talented artist posted this on Facebook yesterday.  







Gave me a chuckle.  Pretty much summed everything up.  It’s what we were all seeing - white!


Happy to say that Jose answered is phone again 👍 He hasn’t yet figured out calling but I’m pleased that he is answering.


Too cold out so I best get dressed VERY warmly and try to tackle some of the front sidewalk.  Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a good Sunday everyone !!!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 


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Good morning all!


Happy Sunday. Looking forward to online church this AM (thank you @grapau27for your postings, can never have too many good sermons). 

Despite testing negative for Covid, I am still under the weather, continued runny nose, slight nausea and very tired 😢. I may reach out to my doc to see if I can do a telehealth call, although we were planning to drive back home tomorrow. 

I’ll skip the days today. Interesting quote “imperfection is beauty” from a woman whose beauty was her trademark.


I’ll take the meal and wine, skip the drink, not a fan of the mint julep. Haven’t been to the destination, watching fir pictures.


Thank you Rich, Roy, the food and drink department, and everybody that shares here on the Daily. Love the jokes, memes, pictures and talk of everyone’s pets (still missing Fritz the dachshund so much 😢).


Shall pray for all on our cares list this morning at church 🙏 and vicariously celebrate all the happy times (bring on the baby pictures). 

Take care,

St Louis Sal

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17 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  The most inane answering machine message was on a friend's phone:  "Who are you, what do you want, never mind, I'm not calling you back."   And you couldn't leave a message.  LOL  Yodel for a neighbour?  I don't think so.  We should be escaping on a BHB today, but that plan was thwarted, now to plan the next great escape.


We're sitting at a pleasant -9C (15F) this morning with just a cloudy day ahead.  Tomorrow, however, looks to be a totally different scenario, as we're expecting an "Alberta Clipper" to swing through bringing lots of snow and colder temperatures that will likely last throughout the week.  Better get out there and enjoy some fresh air while it's still nice, because it looks like we'll be hanging around indoors for the better part of the week.   I'm glad we've got the Crocus Co-op people booked for snow removal - I'll bet a lot more folks will be calling them soon.  Sending good vibes to everyone in the path of the Nor'Easter and other storms this weekend.


Marilyn Monroe was an intelligent woman, although she liked to play the dumb blonde role.  It's sad she felt the need to end her life to bring her true happiness.  We have been to Valetta, Malta, but not to Gozo.  From Malta we took the Marsaxlokk fishing village tour which was one of the most picturesque places we'd seen to that point in our travels.



I like today's menu suggestion, but the small beef roast I made yesterday turned out to be not that small!  Guess what we're having for dinner tonight?  Leftovers!  I think I'll add a tossed salad to round it out and that will be it.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Extra prayers for all our Daily-ites and families with health issues. We'll clink our glasses together to cheer on those on the celebration list.  Be safe, get your boosters, wash your hands, wear your masks, stay well, and keep warm!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




Marilyn Monroe may have been intelligent but IMHO as an actress she was horrible and even a worse singer though she appeared in some very good movies like Some Like It Hot, Niagara, There's No Business Like Show Business, The 7 Year Itch and Bus Stop.

Edited by MISTER 67
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Thank you for today’s Daily, Rich! A wild combination of days!


Thank you for keeping our lists, Roy! That pizza looked good! Morning Dailyites.

27 here this morning. Just two degrees warmer here than Anchorage. But no wind - yet! The sun is up and it will warm up to the 40s in time for a late morning hike with Bindi in a local state park. Hoping the cool temps keep most folk off the trails. Then later I have the last of this year’s crop of Meyer lemons to juice and zest. No clue what’s for supper. 

The series ends…








Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to all who are celebrating! Stay well everyone!



Ridge 2018 Pagani Ranch Zinfandel
This Sonoma County Zinfandel has excellent - superior ratings and a surprising reasonable price. Numerous online distributors with prices starting at $32.38. You might even find it for less locally. 
Winemaker Notes

The 2018 Ridge Pagani Ranch Zinfandel offers an enticing nose of boysenberry, guava, and vanilla. On the palate, layered briary blackberry and a clean finish with bright acidity. 

Blend: 84% Zinfandel, 9% Alicante Bouschet, 7% Petite Sirah

WE96 Wine Enthusiast

Drenched with ultra rich fruit flavors, this generous, full-bodied and mouth filling wine is an unabashed, fully ripened red that exults in Zinfandel's jammy blackberry and blueberry extravagance. High octane but also supple in texture, this will be a great wine to linger over at the end of a special meal. Best through 2030. 

V95 Vinous

The 2018 Zinfandel Pagani Ranch is superb. A burst of sweet red/purplish fruit, exotic spice, flowers and blood orange fleshes out in a Zinfandel of tremendous class. The Pagani has a level of textural breadth and resonance that separates it from most wines in this range. It also has a bit more new oak than the other wines here, but that should not be an issue in time. Bold, creamy and sensual, the Pagani just hits all the right notes. I wouldn’t touch a bottle anytime soon. Readers who can find it will own a small piece of history, as Pagani is one of the most pedigreed vineyard sites in the United States. The blend is 84% Zinfandel, 9% Alicante Bouschet and 7% Petite Sirah.

WW94 Wilfred Wong of Wine.com
The Ridge Pagani Ranch Zinfandel has often overpowered my palate, and because the Lytton Springs and Geyserville stole my heart earlier, I found it hard to have the same feeling for Pagani. Yet, I always enjoyed the wine. The 2018 vintage is the best Pagani Ranch to date. TASTING NOTES. This wine is generous and elevated on the palate. Enjoy its rush of woodsy notes, powerful berries, and jam with an organic or grass-fed hamburger topped with white cheddar and mild chiles.
CG94 Connoisseurs' Guide

9% Alicante Bouschet; 7% Petite Sirah. Zinfandel drinkers of all stripes are going to love this ripe, sturdy, surprisingly balanced offering whose rich aromas of ripe blackberries, roasted vanilla and quiet layers of spice and bark come wrapped in a sturdy yet slightly supple texture. Its light-medium tannins and underlying acidity assure that this is a wine with a long life, and we would not hesitate to hold it for four to six years in order to let it fully open up. And, it could well age even further, if you, like us, are of a mind to wait on balanced, cellar-worthy Zins until they have achieved full maturity.


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Good morning everyone. It’s 8 degrees here this morning and I would really like to escape to Florida . It’s just too cold and as I look outside I can’t see the main roads, but it’s icy out my garage door so I’m glad I have no where to go today. Tomorrow we both have PT and I’m hoping we get there along with our PT therapists. Yesterday, Sam and I had a long talk about his strokes and how they have effected our lives. It’s so complicated because we have no idea what the future looks like but neither does anyone else. I have to face the fact that control over our lives is an illusion. 
Stay safe everyone,


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Good morning, everyone.


It is a lot warmer here today than yesterday - 12F.   A true heat wave!  I have nothing fun planned, just a 3 hour Zoom meeting this afternoon.  I may end up yodeling before that one is over, not for my neighbors, but to relieve tension and boredom.  I'd also like to escape winter now.  


Today's meal sounds really good but it would necessitate a trip to the store.  I actually did this meal Friday night, but no mashed potatoes.  Lots of broccoli, though.


This first recipe includes horseradish mashed potatoes.  Those sound really good to me.  https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/anne-burrell/new-york-strip-with-maitre-butter-horseradish-mashed-potatoes-and-asparagus-8647406  Just look at that roasted garlic!   Add a little Hollandaise sauce for the asparagus and we're talking!




If horseradish isn't your thing, perhaps truffle butter is.   The green beans look really good in this selection.  https://www.blueapron.com/recipes/ny-strip-steaks-truffle-butter-with-cheddar-mashed-potatoes-sauteed-green-beans




More roasted garlic in this recipe along with asiago cheese potatoes.  Mmmmmm.   https://grillnationbbq.com/2021/09/15/roasted-garlic-ny-strip-steak-with-cheesy-mashed-potatoes/




Prayers for all who need them, especially poor Marley.  And Jacqui.  And all our Dailyite friends who are facing a health situation or some other problem in life.  Cheers to those who are celebrating.  



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Quick post of the drink before I forget.  Unpacking and already missing the ship.

Prayers and toasts to our lists.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.

Makers Mark Mint Julep:

2 parts
Maker's Mark® Bourbon
½ part
Simple Syrup
Fresh Mint Leaves

Add mint leaves and simple syrup into a julep cup and gently muddle. Add ice and top with Maker’s Mark® Bourbon. Stir until glass is chilled. Garnish with a mint sprig.
To make your own simple syrup, combine 1 cup of granulated sugar and 1 cup distilled water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Stir constantly until sugar has dissolved. Set aside to cool.


Screen Shot 2022-01-30 at 8.24.47 AM.png

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Good morning.   A balmy 10 degrees here in SW MI but we will take it, basically no snow in the last 5 days.   Thank you for the Daily @richwmn.   Cut the phone card a long time ago.   Not yodeling.  We are planning our escape for Saturday.   The mint drink no, I could eat strip steak and mashers 4 times a week if I could and I would love to wash it down with the Zinfandel.    I have never been to Malta but I would love to go in the future.   


Today is football and writing up instructions for my neighbor who was volunteered to feed my birds. I have gotten them to start eating off the ground at the front of the house to make it easy for her to spread it out when she feeds once a day.   Today is the last football until the Superbowl when we are all aboard 2/13.   

@kazuI hope that your can get some help with your snow and that your dog stops limping.    Prayers for all on Roy's care list.   Prayers for continued health and safety for all.   🙏


I finally took the time to add an avatar to make it easier for tagging.   For some reason I hot italicize by accident and I couldn't get it to turn off for paragraph 1.  Thankfully it quit P two.   Have a lovely day! 

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Good morning friends!  Wow, it's 27F here today too along with several of my Florida buddies.  Should be sunny and up to 55F later so I'm not complaining.  Thanks Graham @grapau27for posting the sermon, and it looks like a nice day to gaze at the sea.  Jacqui @kazuI 'm sorry there's so much snow to deal with.  If you didn't have to get outside it would be easier on you, but with Marley needing to go out, it's a real problem.  What could he have done to his paw?  Looks like you had to bandage it.  At least Jose can answer the phone now so that must be the bright spot in your day, talking to him.  I hope he can figure out the calling routine next.  No inane answering machine message here - it's a programmed message and the woman's voice is lovely (not my own).  I also don't answer if I don't know the caller number, until they leave a message and I figure it out.  We have Nomorobo programmed to stop 95% of the spam calls after the first ring.  That helps tremendously and it's free! No way will I be yodeling to my neighbors!  I would love to escape somewhere far away on a ship and not have to worry about testing or contracting Covid on the way there or while there.  Seems like a dream instead of this nightmare!  A very unique quote by Marilyn Monroe.  Tell us what you REALLY think @MISTER 67@cat shepardlove the checking for your summer body meme!  Too funny and so true!


Many thanks to Rich @richwmnfor the Daily.  I also appreciate the Care and Celebration lists today Roy @rafinmd.  Seems like the Care list is a little smaller which is a relief.  Hope that trend continues.  Prayers said for all and cheers to those celebrating today.  


Edited to add, the meal looks delicious today Debbie @dfish.  Thanks for the recipes and photos!


Mgarr, Malta was our port of the day July 2 so here is what I posted from our stop there.


We have been in Mgarr, Malta in 2017 on a 22 day Westerdam cruise from Barcelona to Venice.  It was HOT!  We still enjoyed it though.  Here is the view as we approached the island of Gozo.enhance


Everything is so spread out so we decided to take a Hop On-Hop Off bus ride to see some of the sights.  From the top of the double decker bus we saw thisenhance








Homes and businesses along the streets we rode on.  Lots of balcony space.enhance


Decorative lights above the streets in the capital, Victoria.enhance




Along the coastline there is a spot called Fungus Rock where divers like to go. enhance




We had a short stop at Ta Pinu Basilica.  Very pretty.enhance




Some green space in the cityenhance



Heading back to the port, you can see the Westerdam at anchor far off in the distance.enhance


It's an interesting place but I would probably only need to see it once.  The next day was Valletta , and that was an awesome stop along our cruise.  In fact, we docked in Valletta the same evening after leaving Mgarr, and seeing it lit up at night is part of the wonder of the city.


Edited by StLouisCruisers
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Good morning from a frosty Virginia.  Right now we are 9f/-13c and will be warming up to a balmy 32f/0c.  The smart thermostat on our upstairs HVAC system says it has been running for far too long.  Thanks, smart thermostat.  You are so smart.


It has been so long since I’ve left a vmail message on my parents’ answering machine that I was surprised to hear me pick up asking me to leave a message.  I had forgotten I had set that up for them.  Perhaps I should have yodeled something.


@grapau27, thank you for the sermon.  The thing I focused on was Canterbury as I will be there in March.  Very excited!


I have been to Gozo!  I went to Malta with my mother and my two crazy aunts (RIP).  It was one of the best trips, ever, as we laughed our way through the entire holiday.  My Aunt Audrey loved bingo so she insisted we play when we came upon an outdoor game at the waterfront.  We all bought cards and then proceeded to try to translate Maltese into English so we could mark our cards.  Aunt Audrey would guess at what he was calling and insist she was right.  I was laughing so hard I gave her my card and wandered off to see what the fishing boats had brought in.  One night we were in a tavern where they had music and dancing.  My Aunt Dorothy would chase away anyone who would ask me to dance!  I can’t even begin to tell you the laughs we had at the karaoke bar.  I was literally weak from laughter.  Thanks for the reminder of some great memories, @richwmn.

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Good morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report.  And thank you everyone for caring and sharing! Have a Fantastic Sunday!


We are booked to call on Mgarr while aboard the Oosterdam in October of this year. I have always wanted to visit Malta after reading a number of naval history books, including two from the Italian "Regia Marina" point of view. It played such a pivotal role during WWII in the Mediterranean. In Valletta I also would like to find the monument for Maltese-born Joseph Calleia. His performance in Orson Welles's Touch of Evil was outstanding.


Stay safe everyone!


- Jack

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14 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Wow, it's 27F here today too along with several of my Florida buddies.  Should be sunny and up to 55F later so I'm not complaining.  Thanks Graham @grapau27for posting the sermon, and it looks like a nice day to gaze at the sea.  Jacqui @kazuI 'm sorry there's so much snow to deal with.  If you didn't have to get outside it would easier on you, but with Marley needing to go out, it's a real problem.  What could he have done to his paw?  Looks like you had to bandage t.  At least Jose can answer the phone now so that must be the bright spot in your day, talking to him.  I hope he can figure out the calling routine next.  No inane answering machine message here - it's a programmed message and the woman' voice is lovely (not my own).  I also don't answer if I don't know the caller number, until they leave a message and I figure it out.  We have Nomorobo programmed to stop 95% of the spam calls after the first ring.  That helps tremendously and it's free! No way will I be yodeling to my neighbors!  I would love to escape somewhere far away on a ship and not have to worry about testing or contracting Covid on the way there or while there.  Seems like a dream instead of this nightmare!  A very unique quote by Marilyn Monroe.  Tell us what you REALLY think @MISTER 67@cat shepardlove the checking for your summer body meme!  Too funny and so true!


Many thanks to Rich @richwmnfor the Daily.  I also appreciate the Care and Celebration lists today Roy @rafinmd.  Seems like the Care list is a little smaller which is a relief.  Hope that trend continues.  Prayers said for all and cheers to those celebrating today.  


Mgarr, Malta was our port of the day July 2 so here is what I posted from our stop there.


We have been in Mgarr, Malta in 2017 on a 22 day Westerdam cruise from Barcelona to Venice.  It was HOT!  We still enjoyed it though.  Here is the view as we approached the island of Gozo.enhance


Everything is so spread out so we decided to take a Hop On-Hop Off bus ride to see some of the sights.  From the top of the double decker bus we saw thisenhance








Homes and businesses along the streets we rode on.  Lots of balcony space.enhance


Decorative lights above the streets in the capital, Victoria.enhance




Along the coastline there is a spot called Fungus Rock where divers like to go. enhance




We had a short stop at Ta Pinu Basilica.  Very pretty.enhance




Some green space in the cityenhance



Heading back to the port, you can see the Westerdam at anchor far off in the distance.enhance


It's an interesting place but I would probably only need to see it once.  The next day was Valletta , and that was an awesome stop along our cruise.  In fact, we docked in Valletta the same evening after leaving Mgarr, and seeing it lit up at night is part of the wonder of the city.


Maybe I'm a little tough on MM but you should hear what DW has to say about her acting and singing.

Great photos of Malta, always wanted to visit there but won't have the chance anymore as we limit our cruises to the Caribbean as we won't set foot on airplanes anymore.


Edited by MISTER 67
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Good morning. Want to come to Florida? Maybe not as it’s 28 F here this morning! I often wonder who the heck thought up some of these days we are supposed to recognize little less celebrate?😁


Well, We are pumped about our upcoming cruise on the Azamara Quest. We came to realize that two days after our return home from this cruise we were getting back on a plane and flying to Fort Lauderdale for a two week back to back on the Rotterdam.


So we cancelled our flights home and back to Fort Lauderdale and now will hire transportation from Miami to Fort Lauderdale and spend a couple of days at the Renaissance before boarding the Rotterdam. Life is good.


Getting ready for on-line church service. Thanks Rich and Roy and to all who made me laugh this morning with your contributions.

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